Are things just going to keep getting worse, or is there a chance we'll get good high paying jobs with pension plans again like back in the 50s?
Are things just going to keep getting worse...
No unless we are willing to build a socialist party in America which will work great for about 30 years and then we will be where France/Spain is now.
This will get worse if you participate in the modern world. The only fulfillment you can find is to accelerate things to the end and hope you survive the final conflict.
Otherwise you can seek shelter from the modern world
Or Perish within it with all the rest.
I already have one, NEET.
Palestine is not a country folks.It was given a UN Observer state in 2012, הowever, to be honest, if Palestine was a real country, Israel wouldn't be destroying homes and bombing Gaza.
Accelerstionism is the most pleb COPE of all time philosophically speaking
Get a trade license user
No one gives a fuck about you brad
I don't think you understand accelerationalism.
No, they are going to have them work from a cage on wheels? No no no, that has never been done before
Yeah neither does Nick Land. That is the point of being an obscurantist charlatan. His fan base is mostly stunted 20 somethings.
The physical world is shit. Hence why only idiots breed.
I have a CS degree, but I feel that, since I went to a shit school, I'm probably part of the 40% of CS graduates who are doomed to work outside of their field. Thought I would be earning the big bucks, but I'm probably just too mediocre.
How about you get some actual fucking skills? Learn how to code. Pays out the ass. I don't have a college degree and I pull down 80k/y. Get fucked you lazy, stupid, entitled peons.
It's a fact no one has done it before, that's the whole point of them having a patent for it. Fork lifts aren't the same thing.
no. you killed the soviet union now suffer
I hope people are nicer to you when you're sadposting on Jow Forums after losing your job to more cost effective H1B visa holders like when Disney forced their entire US domestic IT department to train their foreign replacements as a condition to receiving their severance money.
t. Peter Zapffe's Swedish cousin
>Are things just going to keep getting worse
yes, to beat the jew you have to become the jew
adopt their practices and principals for a leg up
they loan each other money, get each other jobs, write each other recommendation letters, etc, etc
they really look out for each other. be more like them, you do have to work your ass off though, as parasitic as they can be, nobody can question that they are extremely hard working people on average
Anything can happen
Wagie wagie get in cagie!
>tfw job with pension
you can willingly enter and exit a forklift whenever
I FUCKING hate forklifts and i REALLY fucking hate cardboard
Yeah, that's the fundamental difference. It sounds like Amazon's more about micromanaging and enforcing what employees can do e.g. they also had that device they wear that vibrates when they move in a direction away from where they're supposed to be working.
Why are "high paying jobs" the watermark? Why not being an entrepreneur? Or not working at all and surviving on your own land? Or on the ocean in your own ship? Or in space in your clan's craft?
It's not arbitrary, the TV has most people well trained to think like you're asking. Are these fair questions?
>surviving on your own land
Subsistence hunting is literally illegal in every state except Alaska. And it's illegal in Alaska too unless you have a history of being a resident for a year or something like that.
yes, after disease x wipes 90% of the population out
Just safety features. I was forklift licensed for a year and it had no doors. Just a seat belt lol. They're easy to operate but of course they have to be idiot-proofed to save the company from paying out millions to some dumb fuck nigger who wants to show off for his IG account and get hurt.
>Are things just going to keep getting worse, or is there a chance
I'll die before I live like pic
>get good high paying jobs
>with pension plans again like back in the 50s?
>*Amazon Echo Limbic Reader detects negative emotional response and rectally administers 800mg of quetiapine*
> הowever
you faggot ass kike. eat shit and die
Why would the capitalists try to appease you now that the threat of socialism has been stamped out?
Its back to the company stores wagie.
I'm not Jewish
Nothing can be fixed. The world is cycles and we are in the cycle of decline.
>I will now describe some of the features of this age found in an ancient Hindu text, the Visnu Purana. I will put in brackets what I consider to be the contemporary applications.
>Outcastes and barbarians will be masters of the banks of the Indus, Darvika, the Chandrabhaga and Kashmir. These will all be contemporary rulers [of this age] reigning over the earth: kings [rulers] of violent temper ... They will seize upon the property of their subjects; they will be of limited power and will for the most part rapidly rise and fall; their lives will be short, their desires insatiable, and they will display but little piety. The people of various countries intermingling with them will follow their example ... The prevailing caste will be the Shudra ... Vaisyas will abandon agriculture and commerce and gain a livelihood by servitude or the exercise of mechanical arts [proletarization and industrialization] ... Kshyatrias instead of protecting will plunder their subjects: and under the pretext of levying customs will rob merchants of their property [crisis of capitalism and of private property; socialization, nationalization, and communism] ... Wealth [inner] and piety [following one's dharma] will decrease day by day until the whole world will be wholly depraved. Then property alone will confer rank [the quantity of dollars - economic classes]; wealth [material] will be the only source of devotion; passion will be the sole bond of union between the sexes; falsehood will be the only means of success in litigation....
>Earth will be venerated but for its mineral treasures [unscrupulous exploitation of the soil, demise of the cult of the earth] ...
>Brahmanical clothes will constitute a Brahman ... weakness will be the cause of dependence [cowardice, death of fides and honor in the modern political forms] ... simple ablution [devoid of the power of the true rite] will be purification [can there really be anything more in the alleged salvation procured in the Christian sacraments?] ...
>In the Kali age men corrupted by unbelievers ... will say: "Of what authority are the Vedas? What are gods or Brahmans? ..."
>Observance of caste, order and institutes [traditional] will not prevail in the Kali age. Marriages in this age will not be conformable to the ritual, nor will the rules that connect the spiritual preceptor and his disciple be in force. ... A regenerated man will be initiated in any way whatever [democracy applied to the spiritual plane] and such acts of penance as may be performed will be unattended by any results [this refers to a "humanistic" and conformist religion] ... all orders of life will be common alike to all persons. ...
>He who gives away much money will be the master of men and family descent will no longer be a title of supremacy [the end of traditional nobility, advent of bourgeoisie, plutocracy]. ...
>Men will fix their desires upon riches, even though dishonestly acquired. ... Men of all degrees will conceit themselves to be equal with Brahmans [the prevarication and presumption of the intellectuals and modern culture]. ... The people will be almost always in dread of dearth and apprehensive of scarcity; and will hence ever be watching the appearances of the sky [the meaning of the religious and superstitious residues typical of modern masses]. ...
>The women will pay no attention to the commands of their husbands or parents.... They will be selfish, abject and slatternly; they will be scolds and liars; they will be indecent and immoral in their conduct and will ever attach themselves to dissolute men....
>Men having deviated into heresy, iniquity will flourish, and the duration of life will therefore decrease. *
>Nevertheless, in the Visnu Purana there are also references to elements of the primordial or "Manu's" race that have been preserved in this Dark Age in order to be the seed of new generations; what appears again is the well-known idea of a new and final epiphany "from above":
>When the practices taught by the Vedas and the institutes of law shall nearly have ceased, and the close of the Kali age shall be nigh, a portion of that divine being who exists of his own spiritual nature in the character of Brahma, and who is the beginning and the end, and who comprehends all things, shall descend upon the earth. ... He will then reestablish righteousness upon earth; and the minds of those who live at the end of the Kali age shall be awakened, and shall be as pellucid as crystal. The men who are thus changed by virtue of that peculiar time shall be as the seeds of [new] human beings, and shall give birth to a race who shall follow the laws of the Krita age, or age of purity [primordial age].
>In the same text and chapter it is said that the stock from which this divine principal will be born lives in the village of Shambhala; Shambhala - as I previously suggested - refers to the metaphysics of the "center" and the "pole," to the Hyperborean mystery and the forces of primordial tradition.
get in the FUCKING cage wage cuck
I think he thought he was cleverly catching you accidentally slipping a hebrew letter in, as opposed to reading your post the normal way where you were making fun of Trump for being a pro-Israel cuck.
>The only fulfillment you can find is to accelerate things
How would one accelerate things?
things will only get worse, there’s nobody to save us and nowhere left to run, sharpen your blades and brace for impact.
Be a member of society and go with the currents of it while adhering to that central pole within you and not letting your inner self get carried away by those currents, but letting yourself participate in the physical activities that bring about the full development of the Kali Yuga. Understand that all of it is a folly and with or without your actions it will still come about, but you can be that silent part of society that will stand by and let it all crumble just so you can take its reigns again once there is no one left standing. Accelerationalism is the hardest one to achieve in my personal opinion.
Most people who are still held up by honour and guilt cant make themselves do this kind of stuff and would probably abandon society altogether innawoods, but to be an accelerationalist requires a strength of resolve and an honour so expansive and strong that you are willing to stare into the abyss, confident that you will not get lost in it. Some WILL get lost in this trying it (like most boomers), others will end up being able to arrive at the endpoint of it all, and they will be the men among the ruins that can rebirth the new civilizations. Those innawoods will later join these men who are the new leaders.
You may think they wont because in the eyes of the innawooders the accelerationalists were compliant with the destruction of society, but those that understand the cyclic nature of society understand it cannot be stopped. They also understand the sight of true transcedental power, and the true accelerationalist will wield it and those innawooders WILL succumb to their god-like spiritual powers.
This is attested in many retellings of people who had an audience with the great pharaohs of the old dynasty. One account tells of how a man would simply faint in the presence of the pharaoh or would not even be able to say a word. Others would feel as if god were in front of them and would instantly kneel and bow to them even if it was not demanded.
>cagecucks, why even live?
>cagecucks, why even live?
Probably because Amazon will buy the rights to gene editing technology and involuntarily mod you so you can't kill yourself until you produce 300 years of goal meeting labor.
>Wagie, wagie, get in cagie,
>Boss needs help! Don't be lazy!
>Zero breaks will make you crazy?
>I'll tell the guards to get their tazie.
>Need to get those new iPhones,
>Gotta pay those student loans.
>Work your fingers to the bones,
>Bosses need vacation homes.
>Don't trust unions, vote in pairs,
>Buy all of boss's consumer wares.
>We'll stay seated in our chairs,
>And make our bosses millionaires.
>Love your work! Love the pain!
>Feel the life drain from your brain.
>Think of all you have to gain,
>As your dreams go down the drain.
>Come on wagie, join the crew,
>Don't you want your wages too?
>And if the bossman makes you blue,
>You deserve it. You're a screw.
>Weekend comes round after ages,
>You can come collect your wages.
>Throw your parties! Have your rages!
>Then get back into your cages.
have fun in your cage wagies ;)
i was reading a thread on latestagecapitalism where someone was complaining about only making $100k in california and they couldn't even afford an average lifestyle
these are the cucks whining about capitalism lmao
Grow something, but what does it matter, who's gonna gather your shit and analyze it?
California bay Aryan. This is true. I make 100k but will never be able to afford a house here. Someone always makes hundreds of thousands more for just working on ad platforms.
Now I have to deal with the faggot dreamforce 2018 shit or as those fucking 30 yearold boomers call it "techs burning man"