I will just sit here drinking my rain water to survive then. fuck you.
I will just sit here drinking my rain water to survive then. fuck you
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I don't care
Fuck puto ricans, I hope you all die so decent people can use your land that you are just wasting right now.
Just send them a couple more hurricanes. 3,000 people recently died from one.
die you shitskin
well really would you like our hormone laced fluoride water?
You've had a multiple chances to be a state, but you kept saying no. Well sorry Stacey, you're old, ugly and wrecked now. Go away.
sorry but you're unproductive people and you're ruining the northeast US
I don't know anything about Puerto Rico but why would you even want statehood? Why not just be your own cool little island nation where rich people evade taxes?
You don't want to be independant? Aren't you worried you'll be oppressed by the ebil white man if you join?
Non-whites were a mistake.
I don't want Puertos to be American ewwwww
Say thanks to your retarded governer for letting supplies rot
Every day i grow to love him more
The Mexico of the Caribbean wants to be a state so that US taxpayers can bail it out. Imagine my shock.
Aw poor commie eating our tax money
I hope everyone on that shit island dies in the most painful and horrific way possible.
it would be better than drinking our brown colored boiled rain water.
It sort of is a "little island nation where rich people evade taxes" but us locals are in the gutter. This is the only place where you can have a bachelors degree from a US accredited university and still be unemployed for life.
I rather be "oppressed by the ebil white man" than have things go on as they are. We have power outages at least twice a week and each one last for 24 hours.
You already have them in Connecticut and New York. If anything less of us will go to the US if we become a state.
Believe me I really want to see him hang from a rusty barb wire for that.
trump good
puerto rico bad
>Communist Diet Mexicans wanting to become 51 when 50 is the ideal states size
You and the DC mongs can both fuck off.
The last time your statehood was put to a vote, you fuckers voted no. Fuck off and die.
JUST VOTE FOR INDEPENDENCE YOU LAZY FUCKING SPICS. No one here gives one fuck about you guys just leave already.
We will leave alright. To Florida,Connecticut and New York :3
>I wanna see him hang
you idiot. there is no such thing as justice except that which you take by your own hands. BY YOUR OWN GOD DAMM HANDS.
p'ricans don't even want statehood, I say release them from their territorial status.
I would do it myself but he leaves like a full 1 hour away and I don't wanna waste the gas. plus his body guards have guns while I just have a rusty machete.
You are oppressed by your own people. Where did the 9 bil$ go to repair the electrical grid?
Grab some of those bottles then dumbass.
Its not Trump's fault that you and your leaders are retarded niggers.
>Doesn't understand that birthright citizenship stops when you become independent.
Have fun explaining to Laquisha why the papers that aren't good anymore should let you in regardless.
There's a field full of bottled water that your government didn't distribute go get some of that.
>I will just sit here drinking my rain water to survive then.
Be glad it's Trump in office and not me.
I'd nuke Puerto Rico without a moment's hesitation.
they eleite want their tax haven, and the poor want their welfare...
If I ever find out someone is Puerto Rican I will do everything in my power to make their life shitty. Hope it’s worth it fag boy
Someone show him the millions of water bottles that are still on the fucking runway because you assholes can't get your politicians and truckers to do shit.
Why the fuck would we want a toilet state when we've got Cali for that position now? You're on your own aqua beaners.
Their own government is throwing away federal aid.
Go get the water you fucking retards left on the tarmac. Fuck ocean beaners, no statehood for subhumans (should retroactively apply to California to be fair)
Why don't you bury ur power lines
it makes no sense
WTF don't even joke around like that. I would hang myself and live stream my death in protest. The US lets in mexicans every day, loosing citizenship will make us lower than mexicans . . . fucking mexicans.
If PR becomes a state we will never elect another republican president. Sorry sofritos :(
>I would hang myself and live stream my death in protest.
God I wish.
>If I ever find out
You won't, my english is on point. you will just think I am a white guy with black hair.
true story: our druggie population has this bad habit of stealing the power cables to sell the copper inside for scrap. they even do it if it means their own place looses power.
ricans are the dirtiest of the spics, subhuman animals, I'm glad maria fucked you up.
sounds like your druggies, not trump, is your problem then.
thats why power lines are usually buried deep and made from aluminum or something.
lol if it's not white it's not right.
oh come on! the druggie problem here is no worse than in any other place. it just so happen that the druggies here are good climbers and car mechanics(for stripping down cars)
Sad but true, your country is desperate to get out of debt and the politicians have made it so that your fellows would sell their soul to escape the inevitable.
digits, Dont know man
Ive heard stories about the exact same pregnant 9 year old hood rat from about three different Puerto Ricans now.
I bet you faggots didn't even have flashlights
>it would be better than drinking our brown colored boiled rain water.
What the fuck? How do you manage to fuck up THE RAIN? You're supposed to drink the water you collect, not wash your ass with it, stupid monkey.
Puerto Rico is whiter than the main land. :(
>I will just sit here drinking my rain water to survive then.
You people were almost a state like 2 years ago, and you said no because it put you in a better tax position. Now you want in for the benefits of being a full fledged state. Maybe if we do, you'll drop out again just whenever - you know, for shits.
okay. Enjoy it!. Your territory has been given every advantage and you faggots have squandered that at every turn. Proof that you and your people are less than human. Eat shit you literal animal
Consider it payback for Despacito.
No one cares. Die quietly please, we're discussing real issues here, bean nigger.
you have to stay there
>brown colored boiled rain water
how is boiled water brown?
We should drive all Puerto Rican’s into the sea and make that shithole of an island into one big beach resort.
Remember in the 90's, before the bubble burst, when everybody had money, the creation of the internet, the dotcom boom, people were taking trips to Puerto Rico and Puerto Rico rejected statehood?
Then remember the idiotic bonds you faggots created? Everyone showed their pride and bought into them....then the piggy bank got robbed because brown people on an island can't ever achieve anything?
The hurricane happens and now you vote overwhelmingly for statehood. You seem like fair-weather friends.
Pro tip: we would not have taken you anyway as we don't care for brown people. The rich people want mexicans here; they work. The rich people know that puerto ricans don't work. We will never accept Puerto Rico as a state.
>JUST VOTE FOR INDEPENDENCE YOU LAZY FUCKING SPICS. No one here gives one fuck about you guys just leave already.
This exactly. How can anyone see that the US doesn't give a shit about puerto rico. Brown people on islands don't interest us unless you have a resource that we can exploit.
Trump just says the truth without giving a fuck.
>it would be better than drinking our brown colored boiled rain water.
HAHAHAHAHAHA - even the sad-ass rain is brown.
K. Keep me posted.
I thought it was 6 gorillion.
Puerto Rico needs to be cut loose ASAP.
>less of us will go to the US if we become a state.
Puerto Rican intellectuals, everyone.
Hey just go down to the main airport, there's millions of bottles of water that your mayor left sitting on the fucking runway.
>the only place where you can have a bachelors degree from a US accredited university and still be unemployed for life
No that's pretty much everywhere
Personally planning to teach English overseas until I do something else desu
But can't they just move to America if they want since it is a territory?
Name a single positive of allowing Puerto Rico to become a state.
I'm with you Puerto Rican user, please become a state
That way Mississippi is no longer at the bottom of the list for nearly everything.
Fine by us.
>I will just sit here drinking my rain water to survive then. fuck you.
Kek. All the rich boomers who are fleeing to your tax haven are all gonna move out (taking their money with them) once you become a state.
Fun fact: Maria blew a bunch of Ricans to Texas and Florida. Florida is probably already blue. Texas might flip.
You only have yourself to blame.
Sorry PR, I visited your island a few years ago. Everyone was super nice to me and patient while my gringo ass tried to speak and ask for shit in broken spanish. Was literally surrounded by natural beauty, iguanas fucking everywhere, and it seemed like every tree was heavy with fruit.
We shouldn't be doing you like this. We literally sterilized your women in the 80's, and now we're acting like you're not still in a crisis situation weeks and weeks after you guys got hit by a hurricane. I don't get how we can send loads of aid to some shithole in mudland 5000 miles away, but we can't send water, food, and other essentials to our bros in the caribbean.
Also Tronky is GOAT. Thank you for introducing me to that.
He isn't filtering out the sediment from the dust particles that come down with the rain and whatever dirt happens to be in the bucket.
Worse scenario: the bucket doesn't directly collect rain water, they scoops the water up from puddles.
>rain water
This exists for the same reason you aren't gaining statehood. You only have your local leaders to blame
Please leave CT. You disgusting subhumans. All crooked.
Fix it, spic
Just die already. Nobody actually cares, nobody wants you. You probably believe that humans are killing the planet anyway. Become worm food.
You will never become a state for one simple reason:
Most Americans don't want to go through the effort of making a new flag.
>From the 30th of May until August, 12 municipalities and other government entities received a total of 732 pallets of water.
>The Government received complaints by the Municipality of Barceloneta and an agency of the Government that indicated the water had a foul odor and had a bad taste.
>Given the complaints, the Government decided not to continue using the water bottles provided by FEMA in order to carry out tests and give it back to the federal government.
Good. Better yet the get your nigger ass off our land and fuck off to Mexico.
>I rather be "oppressed by the ebil white man" than have things go on as they are. We have power outages at least twice a week and each one last for 24 hours.
Yeah, you and all the rest of the shitskins.
You want to have the whites give you all the things we work hard for and then your children will bitch about how terrible it is to live in Amerikkka.
Fuck off and make something of yourself, you fucking discount cuban
puerto rico is a tax haven there are plenty of people who don't want it to be a state
Sorry no you're a valuable tax haven for rich people to dodge their taxes with.
>Haha we're going to invade you just wait :)
See what's why no one likes you.
Lol why was he even there? America don't give a fuck about Eurocucks XD!
>We'll invade Florida!!!!
Go past Miami and I'll personally shoot you dead.
>Trumps send aid
>Government of Puerto Rico doesn't do anything with it
>Complain about Trump
You guys have been moving in droves to NYC for years, that's nothing new.
Good. Now die slave colony.
He's not wrong though, why would any country want to annex a failed state.
Stop electing cunts who leave your aid rotting in trucks and on the airfield while bitching about not getting aid.
Never forget the 4,000.