Hey faggots I’m a brain cancer survivor living in NYC. I’ve had 2 surgeries...

Hey faggots I’m a brain cancer survivor living in NYC. I’ve had 2 surgeries, one in Europe where they almost killed me and the latest one in NYC. This is how much I paid for it. Get fucked!

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do you really think we're annoyed by that?
bro this is Jow Forums, this aint some normie right-wing website
most of us here wouldn't mind socialized medicine

was the euro doctor the same hue as poop or pee?

good work muhammed

Alright see you in two years,oh wait

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You'd think a brain cancer survivor would be a little nicer...

Also, I hear a lot of people in New York are on Medicaid anyway, and don't pay shit for medical care...

It’s been 5 years since I’ve had the last seurgery dumbfuck Canadian. There were 2 other Cancucks doing chemo with me while I was down there. They would fly out every 3 weeks to do it because Canadian healthcare sucks dick.

I pay for my healthcare benefits.

Hopefully you die. 3rd times the charm.

Yeah let me know how you feel after a doctor almost kills you.

What's your point? That healthcare doesn't suck in the US?

That’s not what your mom said after I shot a load in her mouth.

>where they almost killed me
no you know why you should not have universal healtcare in a big way like europe because then only shit doctors remain and the good ones leave.

No, but it is what they said in Europe when they fucked your shit up.

I guess I'd still be alive and not have any medical debt...

No, just a pretentious euro s-oyboi

Just prolonging the inevitable. Nature will win.


Yeah no shit Sherlock. You think you’ll live forever?

>lying kike


>High taxes and mediocrity = free

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No, but longer than you will.

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I never had cancer and never will, beat that faggot.

Glad to see you made it through your rectal cancer shit head.

no free lunch op

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This. Anything is better than what we have now.

>implying you’ll live, love and enjoy life more than a cancer survivor

Oh boy I got news for you. Knowing fully that tomorrow might be your last day truly makes you feel more alive than any normie could ever be.

you still are cancer tho