This is literally the only life guidance, religious and scientific book that you will ever need...

This is literally the only life guidance, religious and scientific book that you will ever need. When people say that Bible has an answer to everything, they aren't kidding.

Attached: Bible_Cover.jpg (400x300, 12K)

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*thump* *thump*



Sauce? You know the clergy has....

You are correct.

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New Babylon here I come!

Thank you based jews for telling me what to love and YES, I LOVE the Southern Cult of the Mother! Hail the Moon and the planets!

FUCK the Sun and the Stars! Fuck my Hyperborean Northern Traditions. Fuck Virility! All men should cuck to their wives and we should all continue to work as cogs in the machine!

God bless

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corinthinans 11:14 "Does not nature itself teach you that if a man wears long hair it is a disgrace for him, "

SO, why does your 4th century jesus not follow the word of god and have short hair? Funking amateurs never read their bible.

I was an atheist most of my life. I liked reading philosophy so that I could form my own ideas about the meaning of life and how to live.

I came to a point where my life was falling apart despite my best efforts. I never believed in the claims of the Bible, but I had no doubt that Christians lived better happier lives believing what they believed. I thought I could at least attempt it. It has totally transformed me. I am a believer now.

I spent a long time being an atheist that wanted to believe but just couldn't. I prayed and pursued Christ, and eventually I found him. For those of you who are like I was, keep pursuing Christ.

Based and redpilled. Amen.

Go away you worthless religious faggot.

Numbers 6:5
"All the days of his vow of separation no razor shall pass over his head. He shall be holy until the days are fulfilled for which he separated himself to the LORD; he shall let the locks of hair on his head grow long."

The Nazarite vow was made to God making long hair lawful to Nazarene men.

Well how intelligent was it for your god to contradict himself? Not very omniscient. Only a non existant god can contradict himself.

why are LBGT using the rainbow symbol. I don't think God wants them to have it after He called homosexuality an abomination.

The Bible was written by simple humans, showing that we don't need supernatural guidance.

(((They))) push this in our faces when the rainbow as a sign from God and covenant to Noah.

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Everyone watch.

that's common knownleadge by now
they are telling him
>remember the pact you did, we can be as degenerate as we want and you cant wipe the world again

We can't let our fallen homosexual brothers do this. We need to stand up to this degeneracy.

Can the Bible explain how to clean the windshield of my car without leaving any streaks?

Jow Forums is not a religious board. please go to here for religious discussion:

always type "sage" into the options field when replying to religion/anti-religion threads on Jow Forums so it does not bump them

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>Thinking I'm gonna listen to some tl;dr scholastic fuck protestant.


i dont really care about them
i cant kill em, they dont want to lear, im letting God judge, things are going to get worse so better get used to it

It probably has an answer to that too

any page from the bible and some vinegar should work miracles...

Psalm 51:7
>Purify me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.
Mint leaves and water my dude.

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Just read the pauline epistles lmao
Everything else is a waste of time

when I was younger, Christian homophobia used to hurt my feelings. It made me think there was something wrong with me. I used to appeal to your compassion by saying I didn't choose to be like this, there's no reason why I would, etc., coming from a position of weakness.

Now I see Christianity as more of a niche LARP thing that forms a subculture of the reactionary right. We obviously have the same enemies, but your dogma is still a burden on you and on society. You are referencing ancient legend when talking about a group whose brain abnormalities have been documented by science. Now, I see you as the group that needs saving. God, if real, is necessarily a hypocrite and malevolent. If God created the neurological and psychological conditions to produce homosexuality, and then stigmatizes the inherent desire and condemns the soul to damnation, then he is both hypocritical and malevolent. Please let me save you from your evil god.

You have zero sense of nuance or capacity for understanding in your current state, but let me break it down for you in a form more suited to one of such sensibilities:
>Nature forces men to wear short hair for survival benefit, or suffer the disgrace of having it pulled in combat
>Nazarene vow is a vow to God that sets spiritually enlightened men apart and physically marks their holy state with long hair
>Vow = voluntary
>Nature = involuntary

How based can one poster be?

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being a fag is a choice, dont blame God for choosing poorly

Either your book is coherent, or it is not. If it is not, then it is flawed. If it is the word of god and flawed, then god is flawed. Your god is a hoax, and the book proves it.

he can't wipe it out with water. he will wipe it out with fire.

Cool story bro, now go be a faggot somewhere else

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Not a scientific book. But not incompatible with the study and understanding of God's creation. Read Saint Thomas of Aquinas.

How to prove God Exists:

Step 1: God Created The Devil
Step 2: If the Devil exists, then God Exists
Step 3: Find the Devil

there is only one god, and one day Islam and Christianity will settle the differences and fags will be purified from the Earth.

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we need the original. the church has been corrupted by (((them))). it will reveal itself in due time.

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which version?

We are all sinners user, pray and ask guidance from God and repent. God's mercy has no boundaries for He is for everyone who seeks for Him.

It is coherent, but you are deaf. Just because it does not read the way tvat you believe it ought to read does not mean it is incoherent. Long hair is a disgrace to men BY NATURE. However, it is a trancendent social symbol by HUMNAN CUSTOM (Nazarene vow). Try not to be so dense.

Islam and Christianity are posted by fundamental principles. Only religion Islam can agree with is talmudism.

Oh fuck off. Sure the bible is full of wisdom, but it's also one of the most complex bodies of work in all of history. 99% of 'muh bible'-fags have no idea what they're blabbing about.

Opposed by*

All religious texts are designed to strike a balance between answers and questions. NPCs eat this shit up.

Bible knew about round earth floating in space, dinosaurs, atoms etc. thousands of years before science

>It is coherent,
Really? THen why in one part does it say long hair is no good on men? Then in another it is ok? THat is not coherent.

They obviously agree that Israel is the Holiest city, and the dome of the rock is the Holiest Site on the planet. One day the temple will be rebuilt.

>the Bible

Most "biblefags" here are protestant aka noahides. They're "virtuous gentiles" as kikes call them.

>lets use words the kikes use

>If I can't understand something it must be wrong
>My own ignorance can't possibly be to blame
Me thinks there is a fallacy in here.

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Your oversimplifying the text. You will not be able to understand because it is your will not to understand.

the muslim endtime myth has jesus defeating the devil and then going to dome of the rock to pray and when he gets there jesus will pray behind someone who will be the messiah.
the jews will join the devil and be destroyed.

I'm calling you by the name your masters give you.

it's always
>i dont get it so you are wrong
like wtf dude

>Jesus is not the messiah
hmm sounds jewish to me

Jerusalem. Israel isn't even a place, is supposed to be a people...

Good job user, keep it up!

Their hearts have been hardened. Best to take pity and pray they can come around.

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become straight or kys

whens is says tuh reads dis word literally. yous needs tuh reads it literally. Den, whin it suits me, I will tells you to read it metaphorically.

If your god was real, and omniscient, he would have made all his words agree with themselves. That the bible is rife with contradictions is proof that the word is flawed. f the word is flawed then so is the god. A flawed god cannot exist.

Case in point. In the first 30 versus of genesis, the god creates light three times. Sorry, once light is created, you do not need to do it again. Not intelligent. Not omniscient. THerefore not existant.

The Bible is manmade. So is the Quran. But Muslims believe the Quran is the verbatim word of God, so they can justify committing all sorts of atrocities in His name. But Christians acknowledge that the bible was compiled by numerous human sources over a long period more than a century after the death of Christ. So it is necessarily imperfect and of human origin.

It's literally tall tales. There are many devout Christians who will concede that the earth is not 6 thousand years old and jesus did not walk on water.

The thing that we can all agree with is that morality is absolute. We just haven't integrated our law into society like Islam has. Even politics will bend the knee to perfect law.

I'm intrigued, what exactly are Noahides?

And I thought Israel was a state of mind, as in 'struggle with God'.

It has good advice but it's not the ONLY book you'll ever need

Bible is a compilation made by men. Qu'run is supposed to have been dictated by "allah" "like honey pouring from his mouth".

It's late, look what noahides is. To be short, it'the laws of Noah virtuous gentiles are supposed to follow. Protestant, a corrupted form of Christianity, is, and other heresies are too.

Israel is a people, the descendants of Jacob (son of also named Israel), son of isaac (son of Abraham).

It still provides anyone who reads it with, especially children with good moral lessons like don't steal, murder, rape, have sex with animals, sacred male/female, and so much more. Along with ancient history lessons that are fun and easy to learn.

I précise : according to the Talmud, not my own belief (Christianity).

Non-responses. You have chosen to be ignorant

>We are all sinners user, pray and ask guidance from God and repent. God's mercy has no boundaries for He is for everyone who seeks for Him.
This feigned compassion is what causes me to despise you rather than tolerate you.

so how about the clergy, that are always reading it, yet unable to resist depositing their cum down the throats of choir boys?

They are paid to do that since catholics hate protestants so much.

I agree but the Old testament sould be removed.

It also possible that protestant secretly work their ways up into catholic priesthood and molest boys in order to create controversy. Secret society against secret society. I doubt Catholics pay tell their priests to molest kids.

I booted my computer to post this image I made weeks ago. Good night, buddy.

Old covenant is irrelevant, true, but it is useful to know about it and why God sent Jesus.

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wow, you really do love a story do you not.

Catholics, real one not bergolio's cryptomarxists, don't like Satan, his childrens (the jews) and their servants (noahides, which includes protestants).

Now go serve your masters.

what if I'm proud to be straight?

But it's flawed. And like any religious text, it proclaims itself to be evaluated uncritically. Believing it is a requirement. That's what makes it harmful.

>what if I'm proud to be straight?
Good for you, go live your life to its fullest and be happy.

Ignore all of the Pagancucks and Fedoratippers in the bread

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Kill your enemies and don't let a single one live, exterminate even their women, children, and cattle. For if just one survives, they will come back for revenge.

Idk man organized religion is corruptable

wtf is noahides

truth is knowable and self evident. If the bible contains truths then is is inspired by God. If it not true for you then whoopty who gives a fuck, go find truth elsewhere.

That's because Paul was a dick and no one listens to him anyway except for when he rails on the gays

what a great thing to have such a contradictory book.

Certainly, but it never hurts to supplement your knowledge with man-made texts. The bible, for instance, does not tell you how to drive a car, nor how to build one. So while it may be the only scientific text that you NEED, reading about how God blessed other men with the talent to produce such machines, and learning from it is also a good thing.

Is there an option to bump it even more? Jow Forums is definitely a Christian board.

Most of the white Christian men I know are married to Filipina sluts. Explain that.

France is a degenerate nation of whores.

If you pray and read the Bible cover to cover and you aren't a total degenerate, you won't have to actively try to believe. Jesus will open your eyes and belief will come effortlessly. And then the Bible will be to you as an endless fount of profound wisdom and guidance and knowledge.

Name one scientific invention we all use invented entirely by the bible. Also the bible has terrible morals , if you were to actually live by the bible you would be arrested and jailed or just live horribly. Religion is evil. The bible is evil.

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>Bible has an answer to everything,
Except for the cultural misinterpretations and translation errors, the bible is perfect.

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The good news is that Jesus loves all of us, Jew and Gentile alike. To all who ask, he will grant the great gift of salvation and the Holy Spirit which will begin to mend our degenerate ways.
