White man BTFO again

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Damn thats some Waterworld shiiet

Inspired by his name, he should write an autobiography, including the experiences of those forty-nine days.

He should also translate it to aldi languages

literally deserves a fucking medal

>when heavy winds snapped its moorings
Why didn't he just swim back?

I think it was at night
>The teenager was employed to light the rompong’s lamps, designed to attract the fish, and according to his father had done the job since he was sixteen.

This doesn't b anyone tfo, but it's awesome. He was probably well trained for such a situation by just working the job.

You left out the part where he had the Bible, kike

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Did he have a tiger with him?

Piscine Patel?

Lol, I beat you to it.

yeah but you're a fucking nigger though

Did he eat the Bible or something? Was it bound in leather? Very inspiring!

So he died after 50 days?

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comment from fox
>He sits on the raft for up to 6 months at sea, around 100 miles off of the coast and lights a lamp every night to draw in the fish. The owner of the fish trap that he's moored to, visits once a week with enough food and water for him to survive another week.

Drinking sea water will just dehydrate you making your death swifter due to it containing like 3 % salt and your kidney only being able to process 2 %. Meaning that if you drink sea water you will just get dehydrated.

No I'm not :,,(

>it containing like 3 % salt and your kidney only being able to process 2 %
what did GOD mean by this?

If you squeeze fish the "juice" that comes out is near enough to fresh to survive.

He clearly hated mankind by marooning them in locales where only freshwater is accessible

You have to go back

God is here to toy with us nothing more. He's a prankster. Think about it. He gives man instincts. He gives you this extraordinary gift, and then what does He do, I swear for His own amusement, his own private, cosmic gag reel, He sets the rules in opposition. It's the goof of all time. Look but don't touch. Touch, but don't taste. Taste, don't swallow. Ahaha. And while you're jumpin' from one foot to the next, what is he doing? He's laughin' His sick, fuckin' ass off. He's a tight-ass. He's a sadist. He's an absentee landlord. Worship that? Never.
You can survive quite far if you got tools to catch fish indeed.

Apparently he was drinking it through his clothes to halfass filter some of the salt out

Oh so he ate the Bible to survive? Cool.

Back to your moms house?
Nah she's had her fill of my jizz for 1 night.

You don't miss what you never had. The dude just thought he was on vacation.

stupid fuck cant tie a knot

So basically a poor attempt of solar desalination.

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I think it's the fish

>Fish and other vertebrates have a unique and common characteristic. The salt content of their blood is almost identical. Vertebrate blood has a salinity of approximately 9 g/l (a 0.9% salt solution)


I'm calling bs it says he drank seawater filtering it through his clothes. For a month? Island nigger please

Ha look who has egg on his face. You must feel pretty retarded about now.

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Perhaps mix of these?

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Agreed. What actually happened is he was snatched up by a Jewish/pedo and then replaced with an ideal replica. He is getting his asshole pounded out by small kike cock right now

U.S. special olympics- most painfully retarded reply- gold medalist 2018