Cure for Transgender Disorder

TL;DR: Transgender bullshit is caused by having an inner voice of the opposite gender. It's so common in men because they are raised almost exclusively by authoritative female personas (single mothers, teachers, professors and television characters ect.)

So the NPC threads were pretty stupid, but they did manage to help me both understand “transgenderism”, which is a fucking criminal way to describe what is happening to those poor sons of bitches, and how to cure it.
I'm seeing it like this: Imagine you are a fucking retard, or someone with a very weak will or mind. You don't have much of a personality and you just sort of parrot whatever everybody around you says and does, choosing to do only the things which have the lowest social risk and highest social reward. You're a fucking normie.
One day, out of the blue, you start hearing a voice in your head. You think 'Am I crazy?', and then realize that the voice sounds like a woman. Then, because it's been seeded in the public consciousness so fucking thoroughly, you think 'I'm trans! Holy shit, i'm a woman trapped in a mans body!'
You then take a bunch of hormones, grow some nasty tits, chop your dick off, realize you've made a terrible mistake and fucking kill yourself.
Tracking so far? Good. Here's the million dollar question. Why did that stupid normie male hear a female voice in his head?

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Other urls found in this thread:

This was a real noggin scratcher for about a day, then it was obvious; We're raised by women in positions of authority! Single mothers, teachers, professors, television characters all of them. All of them women. It's no wonder their mind, in an attempt to speak to them in a way they will understand and listen, would adopt a female voice.
This doesn't apply to those psychos who abuse their kids and convince them to be trans. That's an entirely different issue. I'm talking about the forty year old homeless guy in a fucking dress. I'm talking about the people who really have this problem. It's an inner voice disorder, you aren't a fucking woman you daft cunt.
It's actually pretty easy to fix too. You've just got to create a new inner voice from scratch with a male's voice.
You're welcome you mentally ill fucks. Don't chop your dicks off.

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Is this why the Catholics make a HUGE deal out of God being male? It makes a lot of sense with your info in mind.

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>centrist cuck
>any better

I'm sure they are literally hearing a male voice of god in their minds.

People have been fucking misinterpreting their inner voice for thousands of years. This trans shit is just the latest in the crazy parade.

are you saying you have a voice in your head, OP? and you're calling other people crazy? LMFAO

One bullet.

I already spoke to myself in a male voice. When the female one emerged at age 20 it claimed to be Mary so I accepted it as such instead of identifying with it.

Take the trap pill and flaunt your boipucci.

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Get a load of this fag. I bet you're uncreative, and have a stiff, inflexible, fixed mindset.

Wait, you don't have a voice in your head?

I'm being completely sincere right now. user, that's a sign of serious developmental disorder.

Can you at least create an inner voice? Can you at least force sound in your mind?

If not, you might be a literal subhuman animal vocalizing things you don't really understand.

Or maybe he isn't an idiot and recognizes that caring about politics in general is bumfuck retarded.

Look around there a bit.

U are incredibly stupid, the whole world is just law interacting and then elites convincing retards like you to Jack off and play overwatch all day, then everything will be ok

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I'm here to tell you that you're very close but wrong on one key issue. There is no voice or "voice".
What's actually happening is completely natural. When anyone is in time of existential crisis, conflict or stress they look outward for answers..."what would X do?"
They aren't voices telling you to be a massive weak willed faggot. It's an inner thought representation of powerful, influential figures in your life. Your mind makes up these "answers" based on what its recalled experiences are.

Now think about that mixed in with the other things in your post about being surrounded by females your whole life. Couple this with how we see constantly everyday something new to "panic" about. Over time the number of "answers" your inner self gives you build up to make you who you are tomorrow. The more of these that are feminine, get the drift.

Thanks for providing a thoughtful bread user. Faith in this place has been diminishing lately

t. self taught oldfag who's been moderately successful in business and family and terrible at meaningless things like youtube and social media because knowing power figures are NOT to be looked up to

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>not caring about politics
Literally how we got to where we are today and the premise of this thread

>faith in this place is diminishing lately

That's justified. This place has always been shit though, hahaha. Jow Forums is basically the gigantic seething homeless encampment of the internet.

Nah, this place has always been a "ward" against unready outsiders but also a place of great information and discussion. The fappening pretty much destroyed the later

Get this CIA poison out of my thread you faggot fucking glowie


yeah, it's not like that at all. do you hear female voices op? outside the kitchen of course

It’s all the same. To have or have not make no difference. People adapt and that’s life. To deny is to deny truth and then youre lying your self and you have made a disadvantage on yourself.
Know the whole picture and act out of honesty and virtue. God is in you and you are god like. So act as a god would.

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Garbage, just garbage.

Stop lying to me faggot.

>when an NPC responds to a player thread


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It's a cross-dressing fetish.

Don't cure these people. I'm trying to fuck them! Don't cockblock OP.

>when I prop myself up as greater than I am by using a category like SJW's...

Nope, not interested. I know this game, already seen it. You're likely a pimple backed lump of fat, or some gook/jew in a computer bunker here to fuck with our population. In any event, you're not "player" you're irrational.

Seriously, how would you know, especially if there is no Gender?

>when the NPC is once again unable to grasp the subtle games of which he is-

Listen, i'm about to throw some gobbly gook at you for the sake of that one user who's from the same kind of mystery cool kids club as me.

Your attempts to activate your yellow ray via social domination will always fail, because nobody is going to buy into your domination complex. Your yellow ray is going to get more and more blocked up, and you are going to become more and more socially repulsive to everyone around you.

To cure this problem you must view everybody and everything around you with the highest degree of respect you are able to muster. This is PARTICULARLY TRUE in the case of those you hate the most.

Otherwise you'll keep running in circles.

>when the NPC has no idea what the fuck the players are talking about.

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