Political women

Tess said "right wingers are fat shaming incels"
Eugenia said "i love nazis too"
Which one is /ourgirl/

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Political women
a.k.a. mentally ill LAND WHALES



is there a third actually attractive option?

I would say we are just truth tellers.

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When did this become the world? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills for fucks sake.

Eugenia is right wing and sexy u faggot nigger lover

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Both of them make me uncomfortable I'm sorry

The sticc get the dicc

Both are crap, left needs to eat less and right needs to eat more.

Both of them are unhealthy, why are people so fucking stupid.

didnt she 'accidentally' show her vag in a video?

mhm, that little pinkie

Fat ass fat ass look at the fucking fat ass

Attached: Clitslip.webm (1920x1080, 1.93M)

I want to fuck this skeleton

I watch her twitch stream every night just to make sure she's still alive. I just want to feed her protein and make her my wife if you know what I mean.

Ur fat

Attached: DnPcVrMUcAAh1Io.jpg (564x680, 51K)

Christ you can literally see the bones of her butt

Imagine the pain she feels just from sitting down

Something is seriously wrong here

She needs to stop dressing like a MySpace emo kid straight out of 2007.

But in all seriousness, Ms. Cooney is going to die very soon unless she treats her condition ASAP. Watch her older videos and you'll see she looked much healthier AND could form coherent sentences without saying "it's like..." or "basically..." a hundred times. Starving yourself KILLS your brain and the damage is irreversible.

I'm in love.

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I want her to sit in my bone.

Someone make a eugenia bobblehead

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Muthafucking checked, digits confirm it was on purpose

Literally the first time I've seen a name attributed to her besides Ms. Skeltal

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i want to copulate with this skeletal roastie

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Not even going to look at either one


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More like her entire pussy slip.

Is her vag pierced?

This bitch got N/A kneecaps

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So hot.

>mixed mutt

I'd want a threesome with both.

She’s literally going bald due to lack of nutrition. Bet her pussy stinks

Tess would chew on Eugenia's bones. I'd say she'd "eat" her but Eugenia has zero muscle.

No. What part of "clitslip" did you not understand?

Everyone in this thread needs to take the fat pill.

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Okay. I don't know what a clit is supposed to look like.

literally looks like the back of her legs

Attached: 1435537564238.png (214x225, 76K)

dude PLEASE fix your webm player

chrome://flags/#enable-modern-media-controls ------> disable
thank me later

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are these real?

My inclination is to treat her: let her lie on the couch and make her some food or whatever. Wtf


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She needs to develop muscles along with bodyfat,so she needs to lift bags of potato chips or something

the solution would probably be impregnating her causing her hormones to force to her to eat if she's one of those freaks that thinks everyone is fat

btw who is this woman and why is she on Jow Forums

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you think she's still a virgin

OH FUCK. How have her legs not snapped yet?

>Eugenia said "i love nazis too"
I want to FUCK her bones


The hungry skeleton walks the earth! Beware it's boney apendages!

I would way rather fuck the skeleton girl than a fatass. Sorry. I've tried fat. Can't go back. Fats smell bad, make weird noises, you have to make it thru their fat when you fuck them, they are severely limited in available sexual positions, they cost more to feed, and fatness tends to come along with mental and health issues

legitimately feel bad for her

this woman can cosplay corpse bride like no other

She has a death wish and demands attention. I think she's a full-blown narcissist. She knows she's knocking on death's door, the only reason she refuses to get help is because she wants to make videos for shock.

clearly no hymen

Too soon

What drives a female to do this to herself?

Both have terrible mental dissorders...orbit another

1. Death wish.

2. Making videos for the sake of shocking the audience.

>you think she's still a virgin
If you have to ask, the answer is no


Too soon bro

Pic related just got elected DA in my county

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just like Jow Forums

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hey back off. healthy at any size goes both ways, shitlord.

You call that spooky, I'll show you a spooky skeleton.

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>How people do this?
Is she literaly that stupid?

All of her fat goes to her meat flaps.

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Is that a man?

Fuck yeah put teeth marks into them big pussy lips.

No its a female skeleton.

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thanks mr skeltal

My sister used to be severely underweight, not as bad as Eugenia but pretty bad. She wasn't psychologically fucked like most women with ED are, she was just a naturally skinny chick who didn't want to eat much. She lost 30 lbs within a month and was fairly skeletal. Not only that but her hair fell out in clumps all over the house and she looked pale as fuck. Definitely not "healthy at any size." THANK GOD our mom noticed and began force-feeding her meatballs, pasta, yogurt, eggs, peanuts, and a bunch of other shit to make her gain all the weight back.

Asians stop at 16.0 ( white women go down to 14.0 to 12.0 range )

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That is so obviously undergarments and not her pussy

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Shit one of my coworkers is 6 ft and 113 pounds, she's a total cutie but way too skinny.

Also wanted to mention she had severe vitamin D and iron deficiency which she's still recovering from to this day.

Yeah my sis is also about 6ft. She weighed something like 95-100lbs at her worst (or so she told me).

If you combine them, then split it into 3 sections you'd have 3 normal women.

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I don't know which is which, why should I care ?

Way fucking worse than eugenia. Eugenia still has a normal looking face with the bones she has. I dont know if this thing is sporting expensive materials, but I'm assuming so. Where does it get the will and strength to work? If it does work, I'm assuming the money it would spend on food goes to these expensive trinkets.

yea man, she showed her pussy on a youtube video "by accident", which she knew would be watched by millions of people. thats something a virgin would do

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She could be asking for a fucking.

She'll die during child birth

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I want to bone Eugenia so fucking bad guys what do I do???


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I was amazed her arms didn't snap off while trying to dribble the ball.

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She does. She eats pretty normal, actually, but she has that disease where she can't gain body fat.

What disease is that?

mental illness

The media only offers extremes, you can either have a land whale with a measurable gravitational field or a twig that needs to stand up twice to make a shadow.

it is almost like they don't want people to have a positive self-image.

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Fucking nice.

People have said she has Marfan syndrome. I don't believe it. The frontman of Deerhunter has Marfan syndrome and he looks healthy as a horse. Eugenia looks like she's about to drop dead any second.

i like girls who don't have a chance of dying sooner than normal thank you

Is Ashley still alive

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