Explain yourselves!

Explain yourselves!

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Other urls found in this thread:


None of that has happened, she has however made over fifty grand in "donations" in a single day. Prove it and post her details.

That's what i thought, yet this is going around soc med all the same. Pretty good bait though if it's a troll

Ever since kavanaugh raped me I haven't been able to stop, it's a side effect of the trauma.

>going out without male supervision

Slut got what she deserved

>Christine Blasey Ford's address, home phone, & cell phone.
where they at nigga

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Who has them?!

>someone has already
the fake address in palo alto

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It was the liberal media outlets that doxxed her and posted her name lmao.

They dragged her into all of this. All because they wanted to #resist Trump and keep the Supreme Court blue.

citation needed

>Explain yourselves!
You're right, she hasn't killed herself yet, out efforts have proven fruitless.
We'll do better next time, for sure.

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Bullshit. We would've seen the info on here by now. Bitch can't stop lying

They should expect that their fraudulent accusions, meant to delay and deny Kav his appointment to serve in the upcoming session, are met with heated controversy. They should never have implied that the burden of proof is on the accused. Pic related must express itself again to save the country from its worthless, traitorous, scum bureaucrats

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why cant you just accept "someone" out there released all the information & all the people on twitter saying someone released all the information is TRUE!!1

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Feelings > facts!

I found her account on a website where professors share shit.. but that's as close as I've been. Just a hint if anyone wants to go digging... she sometimes goes by "Christine M Blasey".

>Trolls are still tweeting out Christine Blasey Ford’s address, and Twitter hasn’t stopped it.

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Before I believe her I want to see her porn vids. No blacks, of course.

Clearly, that kind of behavior is not helpful and should not continue. All it does in embolden her allies, and she should not have any for making up allegations about someone she politically disagrees with. The best option is to take the high(er) road by mocking her and her allies publicly. Actually attacking her on a personal basis (sending things to her home and posting personal information) is not super helpful. But mocking her on her social media accounts ceaselessly is the best option.

ya you know, accusing someone after 35 years ....
He's been a judge for years upon years. But now when it may affect the democrats is when she comes out with it, with no evidence at all.

Hey every male on the planet, you know that loose girl you slept with in 1980? ya she is suing you now with no evidence, she's also wrecking your family life and costing you your job. She says you may have felt her tit at a party when she was inviting all the guys to do it.

Lol. So what? she turned on the internet for more than five seconds?

Get over yoursefl faggot.

>30 years and not a fucking peep
>kavanaugh to be appointed to the supreme court
how suddenly convenient

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>gen x boomer sloots in charge of op sec

>And men still wonder why women are scared to come forward?
I'm sure her address and cell phone number would've been posted to twitter had she reported the rape when it allegedly happened.

she does, all kinds of research has been done on her, her yearbook shows she was the school whore during those years, she was proud of it, openly would brag about how many guys she sleeps with.
She is also heavily invested in the day after pill. if abortion is outlawed or has restrictions put on it she and her family stand to lose millions.

All I've seen is people asking for any form of actual evidence that any of this happened.
So, make with the fucking evidence motherfucker.
Medical records not from 30 years after the fact
Something. Make with the evidence.
You don't put on a condom, unless you're gonna fuck.

>implying the someone who posted Ford's details wasn't Ford herself who did it so she can exaggerate her false victimhood

>she was proud of it, openly would brag about
and where is all this bragging?

The worst part is you can show this to any braindead lib and they'll believe it without a second thought. A picture on Facebook is enough proof for them despite it being completely made up. It's gotten this bad.

Bullshit. I still don't believe she's even a real person.

No one posted her details. They don't exist.

I love how they'll make posts like this, and then at the same time demand that other people do stuff about the rape culture problem that "exists". If there's a rape culture, do everything you can to stop rapists from raping. That means stepping up to call them out DESPITE THE CONSEQUENCES,

Women seem to prefer ease of comfort over stopping rape culture. I say fuck 'em, since that's what they prefer.

Someone said it. So it's as provable as her accusations.

At this point they can say anything and the left will blindly believe it. It doesn't matter to these people, they're lost

>"And men still wonder why women are scared to come forward?"
Wonder? I don't want them to come forward.

>No one posted her details.
Perhaps one should. The fear of being found out will do the rest.

Repeal the 19th amendment.

Did she have her three male witnesses?

Then she is guilty in the eyes of Allah

Did kavanaugh have his 3 female witnesses?

Then he is guilty in the eyes of Satan.

If someone had dox the media would be at her front door.

Bitch probably doesn't even exist.

>why wont you let me destroy society in peace!!!! Reeeeee!!!!!

She wanted to be the vanguard of a revolution.

Turn off your meme flag. This is verifiably false. If the info was anywhere on the internet, Jow Forums would know about it and it would have been put in this thread

>reroutes to a fucking glow in the dark number
you know it

No one you dummy, this is the first fucking place they would be posted.

For all the brains you think a Professor should have, She made a really stupid move by making baseless accusation at a supreme court nominee, by basically saying she was a teenager once who drank, and partied and get herself into trouble a few time, if its even true and she is not just a clinton/soros funded shill

she deserves everything that comes her way

literally happens on this board every single day

in her yearbook, this will come out if/when she testifies. A ausi retard wouldn't know how to research it, it's probably blocked in his country.
The underacted version is being held to bombshell.

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Where is this information?

what the fuck do you care nazifaggot?

>None of that has happened


if that cunt's info was posted then it would have been posted all over this place. so i doubt it

based and redpilled

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Do you honestly expect the people saying that a man needs to have his life ruined because a woman said she was ALMOST raped by him 30 years ago despite not being able to recall a time, date, location, or any witnesses that haven't already dismissed the claim to back up their claims with evidence?

There's nothing special about rape. If you accused someone of robbery 30 years after the fact without any proof and having never reported it, people would call you a dumb bitch too.