At what age did you realize there was something wrong with the world?

At what age did you realize there was something wrong with the world?

When did you figure out that history was written by the victors?

What guided you here, to Jow Forums?

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>>What guided you here, to Jow Forums?

A post on It told me all about Jow Forums.

BTW- Mods are gay.


I always knew. It simply took decades, God and Jow Forums to realize that there is nothing I can do about it.

>Giving up

Pathetic Weakling

2 or 3 and some faggot that wanted to fuck me and did

Nothing's wrong with the world. These are just normal cycles. Like waves in the ocean.

I always knew, but I didn't understand the true nature of the (((problem))) much later in life

There's plenty of nihilism in this world user. Keep sitting on your hands and of course nothing will change.

I just visited and stayed because I was anti-Israeli apartheid. Then I realized that Isreali apartheid doesn't mean that a grand jew conspiracy exists and that most of Jow Forums is either trolls, scrapegoaters, and nut jobs.

>When did you figure out that history was written by the victors?
Learned about that in grade 9 history class and also on Reddit.

It literally says in the bible that Jesus will return when it gets bad and will rid all evil. So what the fuck is the point of even doing anything since he will come anyway? Hes supposed to return right? What the FUCK is the point in us being here if God knows what is gonna happen already? It's almost cruel to let bad shit happen around the world when you're the most fucking powerful being ever.

Maybe man has to be his own savior.

Oh so thanks for fucking putting us on this world to fix a problem HE created. LMAO. gayest shit ever. Fuck this place I couldn't care less what happens here since it is clear he doesnt either

>something wrong with the world?
Boomer here.
I have memories of new years eve 1969, and being absolutely convinced we'd all be dead in 10 years.

Deep thoughts for a 12 year old.

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It started here when I was 19:

...and the train doesn't stop.

I was about 12 when my friend starting going off about the "patriot act"
I researched it and figured out our government is full of shit
since then every couple years something would happen that made me hate the government more and more
went through a degenerate hippy phase and snapped out of it and realized humanity is about achievement, virtues, and being strong
about 6 months after I quit smoking weed I found this place and stated lurking regularly
there's a lot of good information here you just have to look for it and 1 thread might be the best thing I've read all month

>At what age did you realize there was something wrong with the world?

Probably around 14 was when I started to realize our society was a bit fucked (I'm 18 now) via the music industry, politics, and empirical evidence of race realism. I remember being in school and ranting at lunch about how blacks have low iq on average and that darker skin is not as attractive as pale white skin and spreading National Socialist Ideology and the JQ, I was sorta looked down upon by my friends and family, social pressure kicked in and I denied any talk of politics for years, thought it was pointless shit. Then I got new group of friends, all redpilled and started talking to me about the JQ again. Deep inside I knew I was not alone, found Jow Forums and been shitposting ever since.

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I don't know the answers to our very being, but all we can do is life our lives the best way we can. Yes, things are getting bad, but living a life in perpetual misery isn't much of a life at all, isn't it?
If you live in or near a city, get out. Get to the country side, go enjoy some nature.
A generic response, yes, but you have to see some good in this world sometimes to know that there's something worth saving.

holy shit, I went through the hippy phase too!
>was a zen buddhist
>now a christian

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>A generic response, yes, but you have to see some good in this world sometimes to know that there's something worth saving

But the Bible itself says the world will end and Jesus will return. It doesnt matter if we "save" the world. We only prolong our suffering. Allow slaughtering of children, sexual abuse, murder etc. to go on longer. Why wont He just fix it?

War. War never changes. Since the dawn of human kind, when our ancestors first discovered the killing power of rock and bone, blood has been spilled in the name of everything: from God to justice to simple, psychotic rage.

In the year 2077, after millennia of armed conflict, the destructive nature of man could sustain itself no longer. The world was plunged into an abyss of nuclear fire and radiation.

But it was not, as some had predicted, the end of the world. Instead, the apocalypse was simply the prologue to another bloody chapter of human history. For man had succeeded in destroying the world - but war, war never changes.

In the early days, thousands were spared the horrors of the holocaust by taking refuge in enormous underground shelters, known as vaults. But when they emerged, they had only the hell of the wastes to greet them - all except those in Vault 101. For on that fateful day, when fire rained from the sky, the giant steel door of Vault 101 slid closed... and never reopened. It was here you were born. It is here you will die.

Because, in Vault 101: no one ever enters, and no one ever leaves.

>Get to the country side, go enjoy some nature.
Exactly, of course things are shitty, but the last thing we should do is lose our hope for the world. Don't be a doomer, be a bloomer :D

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I'm sure lots of people here have.

Esoteric Christianity is the noble path, never allowing nihilism to creep in.

Aquinas, Augustine, Boethius, Dionysus Areopagite, Bacon.

the hippy culture made me sick
it was faker than regular society
I still eat loads of mushrooms but my goal is about enjoying my existence in progression/advancing my skills and attributes and not hedonistic degeneracy

I was a stupid kid and thought I knew how things worked until I started experiencing them
I saw kids being irresponsible at bonnaroo a kid getting killed by running onto the highway on acid, 30+ year old fucks with no redeeming qualities trying to tell me about life
weak pretentious humans

All my friends from the hippy phase either stabbed me in the back/ripped me off or stopped talking to me altogether, it's a sick culture at least the mainstream parts of it
I don't know the answer but I'm trying to figure it out

When the housing market collapsed and parents lost the house. Made me realize that you cant really move up in this world and wagekeking simply isnt worth the stress.

I was 12. Been redpilled since puberty. Being stuck in this circus with you retarded clowns is absolute torture. You're all so fucking dumb. Nothing but inane, insane, retarded bullshit 24/7, and then I have to pay taxes. Hate you all.

As they say,
>know when to fold them.

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>know when to kick over the table and shoot the dealer

Me too brother, me too.

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>know when the rest of the casino will report you to law enforcement and either get shot down or arrested
>tfw the only way to win is not to play.

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Amen brother.

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Early-mid teens I always thought the world was a bad place, but I thought it was just a bunch of bad people out to hurt others. Later in life I started to see it's a combination of that and a bunch of (((rats))) gnawing at the foundation of civilization that promote divisive behavior.

I came to Jow Forums because I can't have any real political conversations/thoughts in the real world that doesn't turn into personal attacks and Hitler references.

For instance a guy who bragged about how good Obongo was with border control and deportation three years later calls anyone who has any opinion other than completely open borders a racist. If you ask him about his change in heart it just starts the racist loop with no real motive or reasoning behind the change of decision. Talking politics IRL is like arguing with a brick wall.

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YTMND led me here in 2006. I've wasted 12 years of my life lurking Jow Forums. I don't remember a world where my worldview wasn't shaped by autistic shut ins.

I used to think people were bad as well, but I realized most of the bad people just rationalize their actions to advance selfishly and aren't trying to be purely malicious
I think we're so disconnected as a society a lot of these people get away with this crap, but deep down if they knew the pain they caused they wouldn't do it

although there are purely malicious people out there and they're usually jews or blacks

When i saw people being obsessed with dick.

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When Ned Stark died

>literally told by history teacher in high school that the history books are written by the victors
>me: "hell yeah cuz we're always the vicotors"
>me now pic related

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when I played CoD mw2 where that whole "history is written by the victors" meme launched into the mainstream.

Aren't you supposed to be proud of being a winner? On the right side of history? :^)

>2.5k years of Western civilization, city building, literature, architecture, the arts
>Tyrone comes along MUH DICK BITCH
That's when the Saxon began to hate.

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There's nothing wrong with the world. Everything balances out, and nature is still lord and master. As God intended.

>What guided you here, to Jow Forums?
I started out on /a/ and /l/, moved to /b/, started posting in A.Wyatt Mann threads, moved to /n/, then to plus4chan /n/, then to /new/, then to chon /new/, and finally back here. Political boards have the best comedy and troll potential.

Overall though, I prefer /vr/.

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not when you realize the jews are the real victors sipping manischewitz laughing at the pawns that are patting themselves on the back thinking they did something noble

>and then I have to pay taxes. Hate you all.
Become a NEET.

Golly. I was first on /b/ back in the mid 00's using ion cannons. I cant even remember exactly desu. My parents found my first meme folder and freaked out to the pope with a caption reading "nigger please". Never gonna forget that one. Very disapointed but my father admitted it was the very lind of thing young boys would probably share online. "Fuck yeah, seaking" with hitler was probably the first Hitler meme I knew. Hitler was always funny growing up. Everytime, he was always a punchline. Wow, how things have changed.

Honestly, I was here back during Obama days. He pissed me off and my buddy was like, come to Jow Forums you'd fit in. and Yeah I realized a lot since I've been here.

started to click at 18

really REALLY kicked in when I was 20 because that was the 2012 election.

Was fully redpilled in the wake of gamergate, started browsing Jow Forums, never looked back.

Seeking out extremes to understand such ideas at their most basic and instinctual level.

I was originally was on /b/ like most people who ever visit Jow Forums I would guess. Then I turned 16 (I am 23 now) and began getting interested in politics and social issues and a few funny memes made me curious enough to come to Jow Forums
Been here ever since, lurking at least 2 or 3 times a week even if only briefly during those time do to time constraints and life
I have not browsed /b/ in years now lol

Funny, I was 19 at the time and felt like I stopped being retarded around then. Interesting how you decided to go full steam ahed.

Grew up a total shitlib. In college, on Something Awful's videogame shitposting board YCS, I found a reference to an obscure gay racist bodybuilding forum. I was instantly offended but something drew me in. It was the humor. The racists were hilarious. That was my entry point to this strange hell we all occupy.

lived in a poor ghetto black neighborhood and a poor backwoods white neighborhood when i was a kid. literally just living around black people is enough to redpill you.

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Grew up in a 98% white state, can confirm the opposite happens. Unreasonably humanistic expectations of minorities.

Same. Grew up in 95%+ white Canada. Other races must be exactly like it and we need to prop them up so we can all be equal.

15 years later the country is 70% white at best. Every city is a brown pozzed shithole and the shitskin hordes are gradually spreading to ruin every small town while whites just rationalize away the destruction caused by these invasive parasites.

I honestly fluctuated a lot in my preteens and teens from Communist to Traditional Catholic etc.

White genocide hit me like a ton of bricks though when I did a postgraduate year abroad in London. This was 2011, and I saw more women in burqas there than I had seen when I went to Syria and Lebanon.

More or less accurate.

i was like 17 and there was a party being held at the end of the last day of a summer job, we watched a movie or something and then someone mentioned that we could watch a movie or a documentary from youtube, someone don't know who put a 2 hour 9-11 documentary running. And i was never the same again after that.

I want to kill all no whites

>Johnny Walker Black

doomtards we ride

Be a lot cooler if you did

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>At what age did you realize there was something wrong with the world?
6 I guess, depends on what aspect of the world you're referring to.
>When did you figure out that history was written by the victors?
11; My 5th grade social studies teacher asked the class how you knew which side was the good side in regards to war, and it all clicked then.
>What guided you here, to Jow Forums?
Reddit during 2016 election primaries. Prior to The_Donald becoming compromised, it was relatively common to hear T_D referred to as a Jow Forums operation. Having browsed /b/ a few times many years ago, under the direction of a few of my stranger friends, I ventured back onto Jow Forums and found Jow Forums
>inb4 yougottagoback.jpg
Blow me.

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At 18 when I step into university where they kept shoving PC multicultural agenda garbage down my throat. Noped the fuck out of there