Jow Forums what's your opinion on guns and the NRA?
Gun Contol
Weapons against kikes
Fully automatic and suppressed.
And fuck the NRA.
They've bent over backwards to capitulate, only to buttfucked by the screeching left.
Join the 2nd Amendment Foundation or the Gun Owners of America.
NRA is pointless
There is no question in my mind that we need a final solution to the JQ.
The NRA cares about remington, mossberg, Winchester and all the other manufacturers who line their pockets. They dont care about you or your gun rights. When slick willy was shutting down imports from russia, china and everywhere else, the NRA didnt say a word because a $200 akm is tough for american gun manufatures to compete with.
The NRA has always been for the best interest of gun makers and marketers. Not the buyers. They pushed for tighter restrictions on FFLs in the 90s and for the AWB too. Magazine limits were their work as well
Oy vey I hate Trump now!
fuck off.
Sssault weapons should be banned
The NRA is as evil as aipac
>inb4 12 year old edgelord rage
I fucking WISH they had the political power the left seems to think they have
take my guns and I will take your life
On the other hand, they are an excellent hate magnet/sacrifical anode for liberals anger. They can focus on what is effectively a toothless giant while RKBA gains are made elsewhere.
GOA all the way
Any thoughts on JPFO?
should all be banned. I want to be like the socialist paradise venezuela where my family is gunned down with my own guns re-distributed to loyalists where all I have to hold my ground is watered down poop molotovs fueled by pure fascist rage and seagull livers.
There is nothing more important then a well armed population.
>this is a super serious issue guys
>makes childish joke about issue
Lifetime member here. Don't discount the fact that the power is in the members. Checkers, not chess.
You seem to understand
The ability to resist your government is the difference between a citizen and a subject.
The NRA is a terrorist
You people always ignore the great gains the NRA has contributed to when it comes to conceal carry rights across the country in the last decade or so.
I'm pretty sure the Jow Forums stance is fuck the NRA because it endangers Americans by capitulating at all on gun rights instead of wanting ancap fantasy levels of gun ownership. That's mine at least.
Join all of them if you have the money.
> African Eliminator
hahaha, holy shit. now I want one.
yes, please
the last stand of implicit white identity
It's true. The NRA killed my mother, and raped my father. Said he was a big caliber, for me. :^)
No, homosexuality is. Richard Spencer said so!
I know, lets try meme magic!
Wtf I love Paul Ryan now
The NRA is an important group, and has done much for the 2nd amendment, but unfortunately they fucked us all with the assault weapons ban in 1986, that was mostly their fault because evidently having suppressors and shit is more important than full-auto fire.
Before I go to bed, the Harry Potter megamix
>the assault weapons ban in 1986
it was in 1994 and you're thinking of the Hughes Amendment that banned all full auto weapons from civilian purchase after May 19, 1986
They cuck when they’re weak and advance too cautiously when they’re strong. Gun Owners of America is a better organization to donate to if you have it to spare. They need the money far more anyway. NRA is well funded. They spend so much on mailing you shit and on firearms training seminars and such that it’s really clear they have plenty.
Put it this way. The Castle’s fuckin’ fine. Stop spending money building a fifth fuckin’ lawyer-tower because King NRA wants to stay perpetually comfy, and fund the arming of the GOA cavalry to go out and stomp some enemy ass and win the damn war. There’s no reason interaate reciprocity of permits shouldn’t be a federal law other than King NRA-cuck is pissing at the thought he might rouse the barbarian brigands a little from raiding them some. We need more offense.
everything should be legal and the NRA are cucks with their hearts in the right direction. Fuck leftists
Guns are great but the NRA is an obnoxious bunch of self-serving cock jugglers. Signed up for a firearms enthusiast magazine and got fucking bombarded by NRA bullshit. Literally filling my mailbox up with those goddamned solicitation letters designed to trick dumb, old republicans into sending them money.
Guns are great. The NRA are shady and I don't support them.
Do they ever. They’re going to send you a “plz gib” for every single little facet, project, operation, lobby attempt and candidate. Then spend out of their war chest to send you some keychain or something. Because they have plenty, and those older republicans mentioned aren’t going to stop keeping them fed.
The NRA has frickin’ endowments like a college, man. They have land and facilities ffs. They aren’t going to dry up and disappear. All that begging while they send you a t-shirt from some raffle raffly romper room party is tiresome.
Thus why I feel so strongly about putting money elsewhere. GOA is a pup, next to a great dane steak fed lapdog compared the NRA, far as means go, but that dog will actually jumps up and bites.
Feed it. NRA can spare losing some kibble and cutting some fat.