>sjw community manager joins CA
>introduces forced patch with female generals
>not historically accurate so loyal gamers call out CA
>SJW tells gamers to take a hike if they dont like it
>sjw community manager joins CA
>introduces forced patch with female generals
>not historically accurate so loyal gamers call out CA
>SJW tells gamers to take a hike if they dont like it
Other urls found in this thread:
>historically authentic, not historically accurate
Video games (outside a small number of a select few with artistic/aesthetic/intellectual value) are a waste of time.
fuck off normie
Yeah this shits happening more and more.
Theres too many god damn trannies and pozzed cancer in games now under mining games.
An example
>play an asian online game
>one of the tranny localization writers starts claiming the female only fantasy race is trans
>literally states they approached the asian devs to push this idea, the devs told him to fuck off
>despite acknowledging the devs told him to fuck off the localization writer proudly declares the female only fantasy race is male and female.
>literally going behind the back of the devs.
This is pretty much how censorship in games has worked for years. Any reason they give you for censoring or changing something is bullshit.
its all prog political opinions.
Quit wasting your time and grow the fuck up.
just part of the overarching cultural war
>caring about vidya games
fucking loser, get a life
Major publishing corporations fell for the "more than half of all (((gamers))) are women" meme. That half is based on statistics that measure free to play or very cheap phone/facebook games. In reality, women don't buy $60 videogames or pay $20 every two months for faction DLC. Consumers have tolerated this shit for years, but the quality of the product is starting to drop. When they start hemorrhaging money maybe they'll figure out what went wrong. Or maybe the middle market development studios will inherit the industry. Either way, doesn't matter.
>Total War games are historically authentic, not historically accurate
So this is what Orwell meant about language, then, is it?
you already posted this thread man at least change the text
i see the sjws are coming here from leddit
They think they're super adult while posting on a japanese anime website.
No. I'm probably more a geneticist/European exceptionalist/reactionary than you will ever be.
What does that even mean
They were never accurate.
>is this totally obvious thing happening
Kill yourself you fucking retard
>if this upsets you, you can either mod them out or just not play
I'll take the second option.
No they dis not. Video game developers want to degenerate the masses of players as much as anyone. The video game developers job is to entice humans to stare at glowing rectangles, literary twiddling their fucking thumbs, for the majority of the time they are not paying of debt or sleeping. If there was any /sig/ vidja people would stop playing and self improve, generally.
Fucking kek, what does that even mean
that they will use history to sell games but then shit on history when they have narrative to push
In order of preference:
>emulated games up to GameCube
>f2p so you aren't out any money if it gets SJW'd to hell
You faggot manbabies whining about your pwecious vidya makes me more hopeless for the future of the west than the kike-iest Bolshevik nonsense on tumblr.
Don’t get me wrong, I play video games every once in awhile. But it’s a F U C K I N G pass-time, OP. It’s not even worth calling the shit a ‘hobby’. There’s so fucking much you could be doing with your time, yet you fat fucks just ‘game’, and you ‘game’ so much that you make it the central pillar of your identities. (Because, you know, ‘greasy’ isn’t really something people generally say about themselves). You think it makes you, I dunno, something. But it’s just fucking media and you’re just consuming it. No more, no less. At the end of a marathon sesh, you don’t even have as much to show for it as if you’d just jerked your little peen.
Meanwhile, all you’re doing is mindlessly providing differing inputs to some code and squealing as that code produces different outputs. Woopty fucking shit. It’s a fucking Skinner box. It’s fucking digital methodone. And wouldn’t you know it? You’re just as nice and docile and compliant as you please, so long as the big bad sjw doesn’t take your precious vidya.
So, I guess the answer to your question is, who gives a shit? Or, put another way, what kind of self-respecting man would be whining about this fucking shit?
>It's just propaganda, since when has that ever mattered.
you're a short sighted faggot with balls in your eyes
>So, I guess the answer to your question is, who gives a shit? Or, put another way, what kind of self-respecting man would be whining about this fucking shit?
Just let the leftists win the culture war, what are you a big baby?
>"if it upsets you that much..."
nasty cunt
if it upsets your customers that much they will not buy it - or much more likely - they will pirate it
>>sjw community manager joins CA
>>introduces forced patch with female generals
Since when did community managers make games/patches?
yeah the OP has it backwards a bit, the patch was introduced then they unleashed their hound to enforce goodthink.
It would seem it's the whole studio
>Major publishing corporations fell for the "more than half of all (((gamers))) are women" meme.
Legally my mom will dwarf me in "gaming time" because she plays mindjolt games on zuckbook constantly but I'm the one that has a gaming pc and actually pays money for games yet I play way way less.
I cant believe they actually fell for this meme. I think they just wanted it to be real really bad so they could just forced feed dumb women instead of having to please us. The realization they have to please us is going to to continue to destroy them mentally.
excellent example of postmodernism
To be honest I've been a lot happier since I replaced gaming with better hobbies. The guy saying they're a waste of time has a point.
Just mod the TW games so that all female leaders give huge negative stats, traits, and auras. Then it's historically accurate.
This right fucking here. Before my Grandma died at the age of 94 last year, she was playing Bejeweled for years. By all accounts she was a "gamer" as well which is absolute bullshit.
Fuck off boomer.
>In reality, women don't buy $60 videogames or pay $20 every two months for faction DLC. Consumers have tolerated this shit for years, but the quality of the product is starting to drop
Don't kid yourself, the quality of videogames has been deteriorating for about a decade or so. I haven't bought a game at $60 in ages and most of my new games are acquired through large sales or humble bundle nowadays.
>paying $20 for faction DLC
Jewy practices like this is one of the cancers of the modern game industry.
it all went to shit due to console ports
>oh no goyim, its pure coincidence that we designed this PC game so you can only use 8 buttons
XBOX live then the release of the 360 started the decline.
once they realized catering to the fast growing dumb console faggots ( who didn't know how to install a game on a pc and apply update patches) was far more profitable than pc elitests they started the change to make games appeal to the average gamers with no or little skill.
The writting was on the wall when EA launched bf2 for pc. fuck random bullet divination. (notice who always cries about perceived unbalanced weapons) then they launch bad company on console and put up 50k prize money for bad company xbox comp.
They never did that for pc.
>the quality of videogames has been deteriorating for about a decade or so
Right around the time Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare came out. That's when it all started going to shit.
Infiltration implies there is any attempt to disguise or hide the attempt. They are blatantly breaking down the front door with their immense girth and demanding that video games cater to their fringe interests.
what game?
>still playing fedora person shooters
I'm strictly ARPG these days which are quite comfy on controller at 60 fps.
Capcom and Squeenix are starting to port more PC stuff over, as long as they are around and Total War I'm good for years. CD Projekt, Larian too. I can avoid major SJW taint until I'm too old to play I think.
Good let these companies burn. Find another company or create your own and do better than these pozzed retards. Just don't make the same mistakes they did.
Which TW game(s) is this? I've never heard of this before.
Look into indie games user. Try to find other places that are making games you like.
I'm soooo looking forward to inevitable video game market crash, when only cheap RPG Maker hentai games survive.
If I had to guess I'd say it's about Celtic Shieldmaidens in Britannia.
It probably won't be as violent as a crash as the 80s. Financially it'll be a shitstorm and a lot of intellectual properties will be sold to people who probably shouldn't have them for large sums of money.
Rome 2, AKA the worst fucking one that nobody plays anyway.
>buying video games and paying for media
Who does this? Read a book instead you dummies.
Noo.... not CA fuuuck me..
Yes pay off debt goy, be useful so we can tax you up the ass goy.
So is coming to this place, now get out.
i work in games and they have long since infiltrated
>historically authentic not historically accurate
Everyday I get closer and closer to snapping.
Only for the last several years.
What did you weak ass nerds let this happen?
You were fuckups in middle school and you're still fucking up everything, fuck you nerd
I remember playing Fallout NV as a Female character and finding out the Legion won't let you fight in the arena because you're a dainty little child-bearer. Entire aspect of game content just, locked away. Thought it was a pretty nice touch
I'm so sick of these retards destroying language.
I'm so sick of them existing
Normies play vidya
Was that XIV?
We are taught to believe that nerds were wrongly bullied and that Chad is an asshole.
However the truth is nerds are just as bad as Chad except they lack the strength. Maybe even worse since at least Chad is confident in himself so he doesn't have a huge chip on his shoulder
There isn't one aspect of the peoples lives they aren't trying to gain control of. It's literally all they do
This game is double plus good.
what was this?
The biggest devs are more or less insulated from the really stupid shit, but midrange devs are going to be fucked over if they follow this bland SJW trend too much. I think we'll see more Eastern Euro devs rising as a result as well.
they've now infiltrated khronos group... OpenGL / Vulkan.
these code of conducts will pour over onto you the end user. you'll be bared from using any software or internet.
You'll have to shitpost in a stealth van on the go looking for open wifi hotspots.
Yeah, but you’re a literal short-sighted faggot because you’re spending the balance of your life in a dark basement, staring at a glowing fucking box. If you had a shred of dignity or self-respect, these ‘issues’ would be beneath you. Grow the fuck up.
DirectX master race
" you’re spending the balance of your life in a dark basement, staring at a glowing fucking box. "
>He furiously typed on Jow Forums as he enjoyed dopamine fueled rage.
microsoft is no better.
You wanna win the culture war? Man the fuck up, make something of yourself, provide for and raise a family, and live virtuously.
You wanna be an absolute laughing stock? Treat video games like a serious topic, bloviate about how this or that Assassin’s Creed game is propaganda, and how that means the end of western civilization. You’re a grown man whining about toys, made for children. And the more you try to wrap this pathetic whining up in fancy-sounding terminology, the sillier you sound. It’s a perfect way to ensure no serious person ever listens to a word out of your mouth.
Pathetic, do-nothing men like you are the biggest cancer on the west. There’s your real red pill. The kikes and the globalists and the Illuminati and whoever the hell else couldn’t do shit if men like you weren’t willing to sell out your own manhood for le epic gameage.
God dammit, not Creative Assembly. Fuck everything. Genuinely hope there's never an Alien Isolation sequel now, I couldn't take it if that got pozzed.
The barbaric tribes had women in leadership positions
But the problem here isn't a matter of historical accuracy but the growing prominence of agenda-pushers in the video game industry
They're insisting their world view on other people
Marry me, Anonymous
...I mean, yeah, you got me. Manbabies like you fill me with utter disgust. Doesn’t change the fact that tomorrow, bright and early, im headed into my high-paying job. By the end of day tomorrow, I’ll be even further ahead of you in life than I am now.
But yeah, totes nailed me on shitposting on Jow Forums...
I quit playing video games over this SJW video game bullshit, started going to the gym with a friend who did the same and we are started to get built. now we go shooting at the range instead on top of it
GJ liberals lmao
You got it, (hopefully female) Britbong
Ah, but I also have a high paying job. One that I don't even "head into".
I'm not judging anyone particularly on how they waste their time, as a proponent of time wasting.
>Lol but Cleopatra
Okay but what about the 99% of other male leaders?
They do the same with women in WW2
Yes there were like 2 soviet snipers.
So what?
Keep on working, wagie. If you get more wages than him then you'll have earned more Success Points (tm) than him and thereby been a better person.
Yeah, some are. Some are smart though and dont give them an inch, like Soul Calibur 6. SJWs gave up around Talim's reveal because no one was giving them the time of day and they kept owned by the fans with hypocrisy whenever they did try anything. Compare that to Dead or Alive and you'll see a perfect example of what happens when you do start budging.
Spoken like an unemployed teenager who just, like, toootally figured it all out, man
The sheer fact the interent exists means that a crash like the one in 83 cant happen.
But its entirely possible big companies like EA, Activison and Ubisoft could go under.
And frankly, good riddance.
>go to /vg/ total war general
>they mad
This is forced on them by a patch after they already bought a product.
>/threading your own reply
you don't belong here
What the fuck is that lol.
Immaturity is not to believe that money does not equate to being a good person. What you're thinking of is maturity. I reiterate my point: Go back to your job, go use up all of your time doing something for someone else, and then console yourself with the few hours you have left with the thought that you're better off than someone who does literally nothing all day. If that's what you want for yourself, then go ahead and piss your whole life away like that. Just try not to think about the fact that there are hundreds of thousands of people out there who have ten times as much as you and spent a tenth of the time getting it.
Ugh, I can’t do the work from home thing. Respect, but that shit ain’t for me.
But here’s the thing, duderino: you say ‘wasting time’. I’m fine with that. By my own admission, I play video games from time to time, as part of a large panoply of activities I enjoy. But it’s just media to be consumed. And, as for media you could be consuming, read Shakespeare and Plato. Learn history, or how to play the guitar. Anything but sitting around getting ass-blasted over toys. Cuz, brother, it’s fucking cringeworthy as fuck listening to you faggots cry your eyes out over this trivial bullshit
Realism goy.
he's saying being in debt is bad you fucking retard
Dotr soon
Except that they have actual historical battles in the menus. What a fucking joke.
>Are SJW's Infiltrating and Ruining Video Games?
Have you been living under a goddamn rock?
Video games can tell stories
You are so dead inside and a grown up faggot you forgot that, normie