White women are the biggest threat to Western civilization and refuse to help us fix things.
Is Hapa Futurism the only ideology that will prevent a distopian hellish future? The IQ and obedience of East Asian women combined with the leadership and creativity of White men?
Race mixing is generally bad but I find it interesting that kikes shill hard against white/asian mixing, especially WM/AF. I see tons of articles about how white men fetishize asian women and that's wrong, etc. Makes me wonder sometimes...
I’m mixed from supreme gentleman Japanese father and white woman with mixed European heritage. I’ve dated Hispanics before and I’m sure our kids would be attractive and smart. There’s just something enthralling about Asians to me though. Very sweet and show me respect. White wonen tend to disrespect all men including myself for unknown reasons. I dislike it when people try to manipulate others and white women try to fo it too much. Never had a problem with Koreans. They are just happy being with me and as a military family man that’s all I really care about.
Lucas Barnes
that middle girl is 100% white from a previous marriage. also elliot's expression on the left there speaks for itself
Ayden Butler
then why does she have squinty gook eyes and a cute small nose
Fuck off half breed White women are statistically the most race loyal gender and race even more loyal than white men
Chase James
>no Keanu Reeves shit collage
Juan Hall
Only retards who have never met an Asian person or Asian women buy this meme. They are insect people with no souls and they are every bit as liberal as any other roastie when they live in western society, even moreso, they'll gladly support far left socialism.
Isaac Harris
Any more pics of this semen demon without the kid?
Yeah, there are so many shills even here. All this bs about MUH INSECT PEOPLE, like this one I can smell sweating and raging (((Goldstein))) behind this post. Asian people have rich history, beautiful music and architecture, look some korean doramas, they make me cri evri tim, how can they be soules? It's fucking bullshit.
Only the younger two are hapas, the teenage one isn't.
Sebastian Gutierrez
Oh my God yes, The masculinity and superiority of the White man combined with the femininity and superiority of the Asian woman. Its the perfect combination for humanities way forward. The Alpha race.
Dominic Bailey
are all Finnish people technically Hapas? xD
Juan Hernandez
No we're fine man. Japanese Nationalists and the like should be seen as our allies, not the last hope of the white race. We have to rise up ourselves against zoo. And it only takes a few great men.
Hudson Hernandez
I agree with this. At least the Castizos can pass for really tanned Meds at worst. The hapas are literally el goblinos.
I haven’t, but the Latina look appeals to me more. That girl is one of the hapas who look Latina.
Katya is 0% Japanese.
Isaac Morales
There are about 2 billion orientals and about 700 million whites, the whites would be lost along the way. Mixing is bad when your group isn't the dominating force, and unfortunately for whites, they are the least dominating racial group out there due to their low birth rates.
Oliver Davis
Her mom is nip
Jacob Wright
Katy is not oriental. She's a weeb that uses makeup to make herself look like a gook. It's self hatred. Ironic that you use a white woman as an example of chink beauty.
Nicholas Ortiz
Hapas are like that one race of island chink that are super violent and agressive with kukris. Breed lots of hapas now and raise them to be ubermensch to fight the future race war against jewish controlled mutts
Chase Young
No, no she's not.
Liam Barnes
All this makes me want to do is fuck all of those slant eyed mongoloids and leave them. There is nothing loving about an oriental.
Jason Bell
Fuck off, PillEater. You're not a bad guy, and I don't have anything against you personally, but your ideology is trash and would destroy BOTH Japanese and European cultures.
Tyler Roberts
Why not create a new culture?
Chase Kelly
Michael Morales
Wyatt Thomas
shes a russian at best she maybe has some tatar heritage. You some unusual looking white women from the remote parts of russia.
Chase Cruz
You are fucking nigger. Pick one and plow her and create a family.
Ryan Taylor
You do understand that tatars are asians? So she's half asian ither way, what do you trying to disprove (((memeflag)))?
Nathaniel Howard
Fuck off and read YUKIO MISHIMA, "Sun and Steel" about how the (((Allied))) occupation in 1945-1951 tried to ERADICATE Japanese Masculinity since it threatened them, and replace it with Japanese femininity... hence we have the 'grass-eater' men and death of the 'Bushido' spirit in Japan today. This. If we can form a WORLDWIDE FASCIST AXIS, that would be great though. National Socialist Japanese Arbeiter (Worker) Party / NSJAP of KAZUNARI YAMADA is legit
Matthew Reed
Have you tried beating them?
Matthew Gray
Hapas are interesting, some of them come out sort of hispanic looking, others look pretty much asian, and a few actually look kinda european.
Tatars are Turkic who vary in appearance, not at all the same thing as a half East Asian. Furthermore it’s such a mixed area there’s no telling what her percentage might be. It could be less than 10% for all we know. If one is trying to make a point about that mix, why not use one of the millions of actual examples of that background?
Colton Cooper
but not japanese idiot and a lot of people with tatar ancestry look like blue eyed blond white people. Get the fuck out idiot.
Why can't I plow several, get them pregnant and leave them? Some fucking gook nerd would marry them anyway if they're pretty. Also, my offspring would be stronger, taller, smarter, and better looking than his oriental competition. Not to mention that the gook woman's love for me would be transferred to our bastard son, as he's the only remnant that she has of the western man that made her feel so good for that night.
Tyler Miller
are you implying asians have cute small noses? asians have nigger noses
Nolan Fisher
>why not destroy and all importance in heritage Gee, user, I don't know.
I think the the thing with little asian noses is they have flatter noses so typically they have a pretty fleshy nose its big but not pointy. But if an asian woman happens to have a small nose the combination of little nose and flat nose makes it look very small. Samething occurs in whites.
Dylan Scott
Because I respect and honor my ancestors. Multiculturalism is from Jews. Does Israel want to create a new culture? Multi-culturalism for thee but not for me, goyim.
Samuel Murphy
You such a fucking nigger. Do you know countries like Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and others? At least fucking google them. That's how tatars look like because they are descendants of nomadic mongols who lived there. They are fucking asains.
Colton Morales
it's like all the basedboys flock to this thread. hapaboys unite! nice optics you have there
But it isn't multiculturalism. You are forming something new. When Proto-Indo-Europeans were traveling around, they merged their cultures with the ones they came across, creating many of the cultures we know today. If 1,000,000 white men moved to Korea, the culture would not be multicultural, but instead change to a one that absorbed the white culture of the new men.
Aiden Scott
Basedboys don't support Little, but based Asians against racemixing might. Get it right.
You're a faggot. If you aren't religious, what is stopping you from getting as many women pregnant?
Blake Reyes
They’re all varied in appearance. I can tell the difference between a general Central Asian and a Japanese. Trying to group them into the ambiguous umbrella of ‘Asian’ doesn’t fool anyone.
Brayden Cruz
Patrick is a retard with stroke mouth.
Evan Taylor
Dude, you're literally saying that the traditional culture of Asians and Europeans isn't good the way it is, and needs to be 'changed' or 'mixed' to create something 'better'. WHY NOT BY THE SAME LOGIC SAY THAT THE JEWISH INFILTRATION AND MIXING OF EUROPEAN CHRISTIAN VALUES WITH 'JUDEO-CHRISTIAN' ONES WAS GOOD? Why isn't Feminism and Freudian Psychology and Pornography good too, then? (You really ARE PillEater, aren't you? Ha ha!)
Gavin Gonzalez
I'm not trying to fool you. But they ARE asians, or at least mongoloid both nips and, say, uzbeks.
Asher Nelson
And you're a soi boi cuck who will get put on a LIST of ENEMIES OF THE WHITE RACE. We're taking over, faggot. Pat Little has inspired HUNDREDS of us to rise up against ZOG and take power by any means necessary. THE FIRE RISES...
Tyler Phillips
You should care for you child, It's your blood. Only a fucking dumb ass nigger don't take care of his offspring. You are fucking degenerate I spit on you.
Dylan Wright
Josiah Torres
Stop stealing white DNA!! You're as bad as the kikes!!
I never said that they aren't good, I was just saying that creating a new culture also isn't bad or impossible like multiculturalism is. Feminism, Freudian Psychology, and Pornography are bad because they exploit carnal weaknesses that we have and try to replace the Spirit with materialism. I don't understand why you're so upset and making assumptions.
James Adams
patrick little is an idiot with no conception of proper optics, and you're an idiot for not realizing this.
The thing they dont want you to know is Europeans and Asians share common ancestry. For example most asian cultures were probably founded by Europeanish people and similarly Europe would have had a similar ancestral founding. That is to say the origins of both civilisations have the same source in north central asia.
Womder why someone would want to cover up this fascinating fact?
Henry Wilson
Are people getting paid to shill like this? These kinds of posts are consistently everyday. Or are these just depraved people imagining they are fighting "hate" etc?
Brody Adams
if you need a friendly reminder, then here you go:
do not believe the "people" trying to get you riled up against half the population
kill the satanist elites, that's all that matters
Ryder Foster
Jow Forums is a mass-psychosis tool be it race-baiting, women-hating, etc, the sole purpose here is demoralization and shifting the blame of the real culprits - zionists
Adrian Garcia
Yes, but Uzbeks are not Mongoloid to the same extent as Japs. Some of them have predominantly Caucasoid phenotypes, and many (most?) are mixed including those who are called mongoloid, but only called such because the mongoloid phenotype is dominant. Many of them a ‘hapa’ sorts themselves.
Charles Stewart
Hapa daughters are superior to Castiza daughters but Castizo sons are superior to hapa sons Since you won't be fucking your daughter you gotta go with Castiza wife over chink wife
Jaxson James
Can't argue with you there. Abandoning a child is not good. But let's look at the larger picture. Do we have a duty as a strong, tall, smart, and handsome men to spread our genes as far and wide as possible? Our progeny is a gift to the world.
John Foster
>everything is ok but wmaf >this hurts me! Why do you,people get so butthurt over this? You even lie and pretend to be nazis to,persuade whites to not mix, as if whites actually gave a shit what nazi larpers think lmao.
Anthony Roberts
I agree. I always wonder who is behind these kinds of posts. A single entity? or multiple factions? Are they competing or are they all on the same side? How much money is being put into this. I wonder if there is a way to find out?
Ryan Williams
White men are going to plow asian girls. Deal with it.
Xavier Butler
Woman-hating is credible. They need to be beaten into submission, same with minorities.
Luke Turner
another strawman. Are you one of those asians that i hear about with a small penis and burning hate that comes here to shill?
Eli Ross
castizos are hapas, you retard. where do you think injuns came from? all women are pests by definition
Noah Cooper
Well you can read up on organizations like ShareBlue and extrapolate if you're interested Personally, I don't really care other than to remind people to not get demoralized because of some cheap kike-psychological tricks
Joshua Perez
mean for
David Morales
>cant even fucking reply and it accuses others of being a shill This is rich. fuck off back to r/aznpride
Brody Taylor
You sound like an insecure little boy. Who hurt you?
Robert Gonzalez
leftists hate wmaf. As if they are going to be shilling for it.
Wyatt Sanders
Injuns came from a direct ancestor of the proto-indo-europeans in Eurasia. The PIE moved west, down into the steppe, while the injuns traveled east, through the bering strait, and settled the Americas. They had little to zero contact with East Asians. This is why Nords, who are over 90% PIE, are so genetically similar to Native Americans. To the point that the closest genetic ancestor of Natives are people from Sweden.
Luis James
I know about shareblue but I doubt this level of psyops is just them. THere must be a lot more money behind this. I'm guessing groups like adl and splc might have somethign to do with it. Maybe even some government agencies as well. There is definitely a sustained effort that can only be done with good money. This board went to complete shit over the last few years because of all this.