This will surely help the Dems in the midterms

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Other urls found in this thread:

TIL Ted Cruz is a fascist.

Midterms? don't you realize Trump's october surprise is mass arrests?

God please my body is ready

the FEMA text message alert was pushed back because Kavanaugh was not confirmed. Once that happens it's fucking go time.

Don't forget to register to vote

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>We believe survivors

What could possibly go wrong?

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Ted Cruz is a cowardly faggot and will end up apologizing to them and demand that they fuck his wife. Screenshot this post.

Attached: Cruz_dildos.png (639x648, 385K)

where do these people get their info really? I don't believe in the cookie cutter answer is CNN indoctrination.
Is it just simply college indoctrination?
How can so many people be so blue pilled and follow their bs ideaology so blindly to the point they yell chants at Ted Cruz eating out with his wife. Absolutely pathetic.

The fat girl said she was a survivor of sexual assault.
This is hard to believe considering she has to move a mountainous mass of blubber to urinate let alone access her vagina.

Sometimes you have to use force to ensure fascists don't gain too much power.

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The entire thing is AstroTurf from the hedge fund kikes.
Make sure to punish them when you vote on Election Day, just a bit over a month away!

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My eyes

Go be a fag somewhere else.

Nah. You're all a pack of street goons for the kike mobsters that rule via organized crime.

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If that actually happens we need to meme the repeal of the 22nd amendment and vote Trump the God Emperor for life.

Oh there's gonna be some big changes. Including removing the 16th amendment. I hope he removes the 22nd as well though.

I'd say this is bait but the fact you have that moronic pic makes me think you're genuinely retarded

Fascists gain power when you use force

Ok, so do you know why they hate Kavannaugh specifically? I've listened to some of the hearings and he seems perfect for the SCOTUS.
I'm pretty sure he even said he won't overturn Roe v. Wade. Im struggling to see what all this is about and i find it hard to believe its a midterm stradegy because it's very likely the dems will get btfo when they clear Kavs name.

Whats the smoking gun thats really behind this? Showing all their cards against kav seems so dumb strategically. its almost suicide really. i dont get it

>fascists genocide political enemies
>commies genocide political enemies, also genocide own people
I know which side I’m on.

Civil war can't come soon enough

I'd love to not pay income tax anymore but I'm not sure how we could fund our government even with massive cuts without it. But hey, I'm willing to try it even if we crash and burn. End the fed, fuck this gay earth, and whatever happens, happens.

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>secure the state for white interests and a future for white children!
>I want to punch this guy in the face
>I can’t tell the difference!
See I can play that game too faggotniggerkike

In reference to sonic healing devices on this list it means that soundwaves can target resonant frequencies of things like a cancer cell and use sound waves to obliterate it.

Just like how a wine glass can shatter from sound.

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Oh, oh my no. Even if Trump does become president for life, that'll set a president so that when the White house does go back to the Dems, we'll have to wait a lot longer than 8 years of their fuckery to get them out. The 22nd amendment should be expanded to include all public office. No more than 2 terms for anyone in Congress. The 16th Amendment (and 17th Amendment) on the other hand, definitely have to go.

>seems so dumb strategically. its almost suicide really
Look at the democrat platform
>Free healthcare and college for everyone!
>Open borders, let everyone in and give them citizenship because no human is illegal!
>Socialism will work when WE do it, because we're smarter than everyone else who tried it! Trust us, we have a degree (gender studies).
>Fuck heterosexual white and asian men! Down with the patriarchy!
Now consider how retarded you have to be to believe this shit.

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Imagine being an Antifa faggot.
You have done more for the right-wing in three years than half of Republican politicians have done in four decades. Kys, or better, keep going. You recruit for us.



Yeah, I remember that but 4.1 trillion dollars in tariffs? I think there at least has to be a tax on luxuries like they used to do for alcohol and tobacco.

I agree on term limits for congress, but if Trump cleans house and drains the swamp then an exemption needs to be made for the greatest president since George Washington

>4.1 trillion
There's gonna be a global monetary reset, debt reset, currency reset as well as a new sytem to take its place. The Federal Govt will downsize heavily because the spending happening right now isn't necessary. It's being used to SIPHON OUR ENERGY.

Labor takes energy which gives you money in return which is sucked up by taxes more and more and more. Adding more useless programs is just another way to take more of our money. After the swamp is drained we won't be spending nearly as much.

If Trump drains the swamp and brings peace and prosperity to the whole world he's the greatest man to have ever lived.

symbol of that group is what the joos use.

You all are letting joos not only run your government, media, and schools, now their chasing down anyone who isnt with them.

Start taking out the joos or start losing your families.

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i agree that dems arent smart, but its more about the fact this is getting way more attnetion than it seemingly needs. Kav should have been confirmed weeks ago. I feel like something big is really behind this besides midterm bs/dems on the senate trying to get a ticket for 2020

I suppose that's correct, but George Washington started the fire. We'd still have fucking feudalism if the US didn't end the rule of monarchs and Washington actually turned it down when they wanted to make him king.
If Trump ends the globalist reign (even temporarily) then yes, he is the greatest.

I can get that. Thanks for actually having an argument. Unfortunately, I gotta disagree. People are imminently corruptible, and while if the swamp gets drained it'll help for a while, authoritarian cucks tend to weasel their way into power again and again. We need checks against that.

They don't hate Kavanaugh specifically. They would be doing the exact same thing to anyone else Trump nominated for the scotus seat. That's the point of the pre-printed signs: they were going to do this no matter who the nominee was.

>Started the fire
Actually the nuclear war between advanced civilizations that ended up in the cataclysm great flood started the fire. The same group has been controlling Earth since after the great flood. A 6000+ year old cult is about to be exposed and defeated.

>There's gonna be a global monetary reset, debt reset, currency reset as well as a new system to take its place
DO IT. It'll be rough for a while but I feel like I'm going insane every time I see the mockingbird media excreting their bullshit and everyone around me wallowing in their lies.

Wow. More retardation. What a fuckin surprise.

This seems like a fitting picture for this.

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my only thought is maybe they're panicking about the fisa stuff that trump threatened to release which also implicates two (((foreign))) countries. its possible this is just a smoke screen?

All they can do is chant like a cult.

>I feel like something big is really behind this besides midterm bs
I'm under the impression that they're running out of bullshit they can throw at the republicans and they're on their last legs. I hope that's the case but what do I know. I do know that the fucking RINO's in the republican party need to get arrested/thrown out on their ass just as much as the corrupt dems.

? How could an advanced civilization from just 6000 years ago not have left a mountain of evidence of their existence?

We should flag that channel for promoting violence and harassment.


>"Martial law has been declared stay armed and protect yourselves at all times"

They did!

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I'm going to start referencing the book now.

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TIL being a judicial committee to do hearings for a SC justice being accused of 40 year old sexual assault which there is no proof of and everyone around it denies everything about it fascism

>Jow Forums gets an actual happening and collectively loses it's shit.
I wonder if Jow Forums would be going insane or if it would be dead quiet here with us not knowing how to react in an actual happening and all the shills executed/curled up in the fetal position.

being on*


>that one lady that gets super triggered when Cruz said "god bless"


God damn I hate these fucking people. Please RWDS save us from these fucking pieces of shit.

>advanced civilization with nuclear weapons
>lives in stone houses

fascists are not gaining power (unfortunately)

Those aren't houses. Those are resonating chambers with completely flat surfaces.

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>I feel like something big is really behind this besides midterm bs
They want to leave the Supreme Court in a tie state for the next session, or if possible the one after that. The cases on the upcoming dockets won't go well for them if the court is weighted against their desired outcome.

democrats are dumber than shit...and I'm won of them.

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I'm open minded. I think that's crap but if I'm proven wrong I wouldn't be too surprised.

>when the White house does go back to the Dems


You don't get it. The Democratic Party is going to cease to exist very soon.

>being so advanced the easiest thing to do is to cut stone to an almost perfect degree of precision
jajajajaj these beaners so funny siempre

That seems reasonable. But if thats true, how could we have a functioning senate that's so transparent in their desire to put politics before justice?
Im not from the US so i dont actually hear much about the US legal system, but i would think theirs rules that would have people like Fienstien and that bald black dude fired for using their positions in the senate for power rather than law.

I dont know who you are but I'm pretty sure I've seen many of your posts today.

Kind of bad when there is finally one non-faggot leaf and hes easily identifiable.

Good on ya

That's a disturbingly lifelike severed arm for an obviously mentally ill person to be holding.

This is what irks me most about leftist rape rhetoric.

i dont know why i changed my flag lol

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If only the world was that sane.

>This will surely help the Dems in the midterms
it will, ted cruz wont be likely to show his face 'round those parts again


Funny these jooish groups are allowed to spam twitter yet anyone who names them or goes after them is shut down.... hmmmmmmm....

If that is the case we need to take back government for allowing these groups to destroy our country.

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>Ok, so do you know why they hate Kavannaugh specifically?

Nothing, thats why they had all of the pre printed signs out. It literally doesnt matter who trump chooses, they are trying to stall and slow down everything he does. In that way his presidency will have the least impact on any (((plans))). Then when they can get the people they want, into positions they want, they can go back to business as usual.

Feinstein had an actual chicom spy work for her for a couple decades and no democrat gives a shit.
Same with the fucking paki spies who worked IT for the dems and had access to all their emails.
Dems are a fucking joke when it comes to the law.

They're literal NPC's, it's not just some dumb meme, look at shit like this, do you have a better explanation?
This is what they're programmed to do; TV, social media, (((the news))), movies, music, etc. these are their quest givers
This is something beyond brainwashing

Isn't Cruz Texan? What a bitch.

Based. This guy knows.

you are right, it's turning into a monster. I hope you are prepared.

I can't wait to see how these people react when Ford leaves her testimony early and in tears because they immediately called her on her obvious bullshit. Preferably begging they don't throw the book at her for perjury and/or libel on Kav's end.

My erection would make the Burj Khalifa look like a god damn hole in the ground

>Creep kavanaugh

Right needs to get on the lefts playing level and give kavanaugh sainthood. Fuck these scoundrels besmirching an honorable man's life.

No one wants to screenshot your post you faggot


has kav shown that he will toe a party line while in the supreme court? I'm pretty sure hes a strong constitutionalist.
The dems should probably double down and let him through. he might even make decisions that fuck trump since he might not see eye to eye with reps.

Theyre showing their cards and when they actually need it, i thin theyre fucked because centrists will be able to see through the lies

fienstien should be thrown in prison

lol the righteous defending another degenerate

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>People are corruptible
I agree, that's why term limits for everyone except Trump. I said a special exemption just for him, just for being the first man in a century to drain the swamp.
That's if he drains the swamp, of course. The fucking swamp has assassinated or hamstrung every other man who's tried.

a lot of it is college indoctrination
or hollywood/ media indoctrination
few of them watch actual "news" sources
few of them read anything beyond headlines

Boomer pls go.
Inb4 q predicted this
Neck yourself

These people and their behavior are creating fascists, I used to consider myself fairly moderate and level headed, but recently I've had real vivid fantasies where I'm actively looking these things.
They all need to die.
Wipe them all out, their children too.
Exterminate the useless eaters and create a thousand year republic.

literally this.