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Why should anyone be forgiven for a debt? The interest, yes. But the actual amount you borrowed, no.

someone is going to have to pick up the tab
i think it ought to be the borrower but guess im just a stupid lolbertarian

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I am for the forgiveness of all debt. Because it would fuck the banks. Outlaw usury. Anyone who is for the continued usury of the banks and government is 100% a pro-Jewish.

>The lender should bear no risk whatsoever
>The borrower should bear all the risk.

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>already racked up $12,000 debt for degree
>not STEM or math heavy, just marketing degree
>2 more years
Should I just drop it now and enter the workforce, do some construction shit? I don't know if I'll get a decent job with this degree and don't want to waste my time if it'll get me nothing, but I also think I might as well just finish it even if it is useless.

Marketing is objectively a shit degree.

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Non-ironically, yes. Move to an oil rich state and go into construction. Pick up a trade (welding, drywall, electrical, etc..) and get certified. You'll make more with that than with a marketing degree.

switch to computer science

this. abolish usury practices. nothing but parasite faggotry

Pick stupid degrees win stupid prizes.
My buddy got certified for massage therapy and now he's living with his parents paying off debts and working at a call center. THE DREAM.

When was this started?
Seems like a lot of the requirements were easily avoided if you read the outline.
Some have claimed paying over your monthly rate is a disqualification. Same with restructuring or negotiating the loan.

I am nigger tier at math, barely got through the minimum college math
Yeah I've been looking into electrician or flooring shit, but I was pushed into going to college and my parents really want me to do it.
I just did it because I want to just score a generic office job that'll pay something, I don't really care for it but there's some internships available.

The lender already bears the risk of the borrower going into a useless jobless field and not being able to pay back. Stupid fucks should not be given loan forgiveness for a complete lack of foresight.
They really should base all loans off of intended major.

This. How the hell is it responsible lending practice to loan someone 100k to learn gender studies? Makes no sense unless of course the lender incurs no risk.

I had my $10,000 student debt forgiven a couple years ago. Process takes about 6 months to a year. I came away with the education and career and I had all my debt removed. Feels amazing man.

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>Dad was navy for 20 years
>Hated his fucking job and it got him 70% physically disabled
>However all his dependents now covered for full tuition at any public school of their choosing within his original state of enlistment
>tfw in my third year of getting a Mechanical Engineering degree and a Nuclear power minor for free.

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give him a blowjob or clean his car if you must. borrowing on interest is immoral and will spark event called apocalypse in near future. interest beast will soon be bigger than any product and money there is on earth

>I am nigger tier at math, barely got through the minimum college math
University is not the place for people like you. Go do something productive.


>the lender incurs no risk
that's correct, all the risk is on the taxpayers

One major problem is a co-signed is usually a parent, that gives the lender incentive. Teens and adults die with debt and their parents end up responsible for the debt.

Oh god, it's pretty much just a slight step up from communications. Cut your losses mate, none of those courses can really even help with a good degree

>I just did it because I want to just score a generic office job that'll pay something, I don't really care for it but there's some internships available.
Alot of those office jobs are in sales. People who succeed in sales are naturals and they don't need degrees. When I graduated in '09 the finance, accounting and engineering majors had good job offers at graduation.

I just finished paying off my school loan. It took me 10 years. Why should others get special treatment

Boomer parents are stupid as hell and deserve to fall into these traps if they want to ship their child off to school for 50k a year to learn social work

The price of tuition is much higher than it would have been if student loans weren’t the default way to pay for school nowadays. The kikes that run the schools know they can overcharge when the kikes that run the banks are handing out high interest loans like candy. The only real solution is to jail the kikes after a debt jubilee.

Well no, there are consequences for failing to pay off a loan. Your credit rating tanks and you have to go to shadier usurers to get another loan in the future. The Lender needs to have a risk in order for this system to function though. If you lend your money to some one you know can't pay it off, then you deserve to lose that money. If the government steps in and promises to make it better for both of you and pay off the loan, then you can lend as much money as you want to who ever you want and make a profit at the tax payer's expense.

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get a job niggers

the inability to pay only increases the gains of the lender.

The government is supposed to declare a jubilee when the system tanks, it worked for hundreds of years but the greedy kikes no longer allow it

>not going antropology
lol brainlet

how exactly do I request loan forgiveness?

Total NPC response.

>Thinking that 100% of the burden of a loan falls on the borrower.
>Not acknowledging that the lender is entering into a business transaction. That all business transactions have risk. That the lender could protect himself from the costs of default by demanding colateral up front. That the lender is a big boy who knows what he is doing. That the lender is almost always lending OTHER PEOPE'S MONEY via fractional reserve lending.
This is why the world is enslaved with debt. Because NPC slaves like you actually believe that that debt is a sacred cow that must never be slain.

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>be leftist
>believe everyone is equal
>therefore, only difference is college education
>everyone should get college education
>"government, please make so everyone gets college education"
>government makes loan program and prints money to lower college loan interest rates specifically
>everyone start going to college
>quality of college decreases
>price of college increases
>number of loans being paid start to decrease
>interest rate of college loan starts to increase despite the government printing money to lower it
This happened in Brazil, US, Canada, and literally all countries that took the same measures. But governments are so dumb and inefficient it will take 500 years for them to learn.

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brainlet detected
as a lender, what do you do with an asset that you didn't want in the first place and ends up in your books?

>Anything other than stem

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If the borrower is able to pay eventually or there is a program to pay the lender should the borrower be unable to pay.
If neither of these happens, then the lender eats the cost and learns not to give money to people that look like they wont be able to pay it back. They can keep hounding the borrower and tell others to not lend money to them (Credit score downgrades), but that's about it. that's how it all should be

For the tiny amount of money needed to fund the student loans the US treasury should create funds on demand at no interest to pay for the education. This amount is subtracted from any monetary policy creation calculation. Now we have interest free loans so people can judge if they feel the loan is worth it or not.

No loan is forgiven or avoidable. For the few that die before they can pay it back the state will simply account it as currency created without need to be paid back and ignore it.

It would work if the country wasn't filled with non-whites monkey faggot

>Even less useful sociology
lmaoo famallama

if you can be forgiven interest why ever pay back the principal?

dude, just learn a trade. Plumbers are loaded with cash.

>I don't want to work for "the man"

make your own business and be self employed.

>if you can be forgiven interest why ever pay back the principal?
Because it's taken from your estate and you might want to give that to someone or something you care about.

>Slavery shouldn't be abolished because I served on the plantation for 10 years.

>The lender already bears the risk of the borrower going into a useless jobless field and not being able to pay back.
>Stupid fucks should not be given loan forgiveness for a complete lack of foresight.
These are contradictory. If the borrower is required to pay in all circumstances, then the lender does not bear any risk at all. Donald Trump defaulted on $900,000,000 - everyone should be allowed to default on any debt. If the lenders want to recover their principal in the event of a default then they need to demand COLLATERAL before the loan is made.

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No it wouldn't you retard. When you artificially increase the amount of people that go to college, the average college student IQ drops, even within the white population. If you reduce the requirements, you dilute the quality.

Price increase as well, it's pure supply and demand, more people, same number of colleges. It's nearly impossible to create new colleges in the hyper regulated modern world. You won't see prestigious medical schools popping from day to night in the industry controlled by a mafia-like doctors union that has monarchic rights to decide what should and shouldn't be done.

This. Lots of NPCs arguing in favor of their own slavery ITT.

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There are some very predatory practices but without credit life as you know would not be possible.

you fucking idiot
nobody is forcing anybody to take on debt to waste 4+ years on bullshit

It would work fine in majority white nations sorry m8. White people can make anything work niggers cannot not monkey.

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Don't acquire the asset in the first place. Did you ever think of that possibility?

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Some of you fags are too young or weren't born yet. But this all started in 1992 when Bill Clinton said "everyone should go to college". He was involved in starting the college scam together with (((banks))) to increase student loan debt. Increased student loans also caused rapid rise in tuition costs. Reality is that about 65-70% of kids in college don't belong there. They should learn a trade, get work experience, etc.

Don't waste your time or money in college if you don't want to do it. Look for a JC that teaches something you want to do or for an apprenticeship. You will be much happier.

Anyone against lending is a nigger.

You fucking NPC heard animal.

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Not paying interest is the same as stealing from the lender. Why would they lend without getting a return?


The cure is to not give any government bailouts and let the market set the interest rates. That will cut down on new student loan debt immediately. Those whose education and earning potential can justify the debt will be more likely to borrow and pay back.

>defaulting = forgiveness
brainlet alert. There are consequences for defaulting on a debt. Some can eat those consequences better than others, but they still exist. Straight up forgiveness has no such consequences and gives you a clean slate for wasting people's cash on getting a C average on your communications degree

>I was forced to use 80k to get a master's degree in african sociology!

>Not paying interest is the same as stealing from the lender. Why would they lend without getting a return?
Because they are smart big boys who chose to make a loan without demanding collateral. Boo hoo! Waaaa! Me! Me! Me!

Imagine if all those liberal arts majors were in jail or doing forced labour as a result of defaulting on loans.

Our lives would be so much better today

I don’t think you understand how the world works

The market demands lending for commerce, and lending won't happen without interest being paid. In a free(r) market the lender would bear the full risk of the loans and the interest rates would be reflected accordingly.

or a muslim

>then the lender eats the cost
they sell the debt to another debtor for varying amounts and the debtor will begin trying to collect the debt

On the large scale, credit lending is risk-free because those poor with money management will have family or loved ones save them. In places with welfare or social assistance they are guaranteed income and therefore you are guaranteed monthly minimums for decades DIRECTLY from tax payers. (also more indirectly when any sort of benefits are given to them, housing, food, etc)

>The lender already bears the risk of the borrower going into a useless jobless field and not being able to pay back
But that's the problem in merica, the lender doesn't bear the risk for many loans because the government guarantees them.

this, i pray to god every night

>heard animal
i am guessing you are not from the country

You're not allowed to default on stdent debt in the US. Therefore student loan forgiveness is nothing more than allowing borrowers to default. Billionaires are allowed to default and they do so all the time. But if thousandaires were allowed to default then it would be so terrible and the entire word would end. I can hear your chains rattling.

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Then tell us all how it works genius!

LMAO my Ex wife had an anthropology degree something they don't tell you about that degree is there is like 10 jobs per state for a forensic anthropologist.

Disbelieve, if in merica and you aren't permanently disabled.

Oops. I misspelled a word.

>Not going to college is a meaningful and sensible choice in the modern job market

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i made it better

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You forgot the part where having a degree means less than having job experience these days.

>the inability to pay only increases the gains of the lender.
Only if repayment of the principal is guaranteed by someone else that can pay it (such as a government).

I hope Trumps ends it.

I'm not paying that shit anyhow. I'll take a Forged DNA test just to find the tiny bit of Jew genetics, just to get free money.

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It always amazes me how leftists, especially white leftists can talk about the "student debt crisis," but ignore the fact that the loan companies haven't really changed their rates over the years; in fact they're much more regulated now, than when let's say gen X, or the boomers were in college, but the various fees colleges charge have gone up dramatically. Meanwhile, if you go on the normal US college campus, you'll see hordes of students from foreign countries, and half the people you talk to are on some form of special grant. It's amazing how people who are supposed to be intelligent, can't draw any conclusions, from such a simple observation. How many other nation's colleges can you go to, and hear other languages much more often, than that nation's local language?

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what kind of man says "oops"
you are painting a picture in these last couple posts
i see that you are very weak and insecure. you might even be a homosexual. seriously, what kind of man says "oops"??


That's not how it works, why imprison goyim when you can force them to work? That would require too much overhead and administration plus it would scare cattle away from taking loans. Kikes will never allow debt forgiveness because a large number of people not repaying their debts would cause (((banks))) to fail. Debt is there to ensure you continue working and producing for the your true masters.

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A man who's not afraid of the language police or the debt slavery police.

You are looking a bit insane. Whoopsy daisy

Projecting much? I guess NPC's can't into google searching. Only scripted responses. I cet you can't even load a save. You can default on student loans, but that has major consequences much like defaulting on a car payment, mortgage, or any other debt.
Again, billionares can of course eat these costs much easier than the common folk unless they borrow an amount much larger than their assets (imagine a $200 credit card debt VS a mortgage payment, but on a much larger scale. If you NPCs can imagine of course).

wow what a beast

Nothing on that list is actually that bad aside from the presupposition that everyone is equal. If you gave everyone with an IQ above 120 free college, for example, that’s going to be a really good investment.

As long as you don’t resist you should have no reason to fear the police putting you in prison.

>You can default on student loans

Literally not what I am saying. I am in grad school right now for fucks sake.
Not going to college is a much better choice than going into debt for a degree that leaves you in the exact same place in the job market as you were out of high school. Be smart about your college choices and student debt becomes an annoyance rather than a realization that you completely fucked yourself for 4+ years.

Even experience is worth less than social connections.

>making stupid decisions with thousands of dollars of not-your-money should be forgiven
Nah fuck them all. Let them wallow in squalor.

I don't give a fuck if the banks built a house of cards by making uncollateralized loans to people who they knew couldn't pay. Let it fall.

And several more of you have no idea how student loans work. The federal government guarantees nearly all of them. If the student doesn't pay, taxpayers foot the bill. The bank is guaranteed their money in exchange for giving guaranteed loans to nogs, muds, and soon-to-be brainwashed roasties.

Pretty much. I was a victim of the social engineering. Born '93

>take a loan
Why would you?(this is a general question, addressed not only to Americans)

Checked and shhhhh
don't let the liberal kids learn - they may question other things...

Defending the corrupt status quo the enslaves and impoverishes the Western world... like a REAL man!

Too big to fail, remember?