
This is fucking hilarious. Haven't watched TV in years, but decided to check this out. WEW the propaganda is STRONG, to the point that it's comical.

Attached: 220px-American_Horror_Story_Season_7.jpg (220x313, 23K)

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>haven't watched TV in years
Well get ready to see the same shit in just about every show you watch. This 1 show isn't unique. It's every show now.

say examples

This one show turns it up to 11
It's so on your face at that point you know the cast has to be in on the joke.

this, cartoons are the only based shows anymore and 90% of them are still left

It's bad man. This one is literally a cult indoctrination video with forced repetition and negative reinforcement. It's scary that people choose to watch these and recommend them to friends. Friends don't let friends indoctrinate each other.

Attached: maniac.jpg (1800x1196, 410K)

the feminist wins

What happens in particular in this show?

I honestly found it entertaining. While yes, the anti-Trump propaganda is strong in this one, the Hillary cunts are also being presented as lunatics.

OSI is working with the Lear Foundation to edit scripts.
OSI is a George Soros op.

> Hollywood, Health & Society (HH&S) is a program of the USC Annenberg Norman Lear Center that provides entertainment industry professionals with accurate and timely information for storylines on health, safety and national security. With generous support from funders, past and present, that include the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, The SCAN Foundation, N Square, the California Health Care Foundation, Open Society Foundations, the Southern California Clinical and Translational Science Institute, The California Endowment, the Barr Foundation, the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the Grantham Foundation, ClimateWorks, Skoll Global Threats Fund and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, HH&S recognizes the profound impact that entertainment media have on individual knowledge and behavior.

> In partnership with our funding agencies, we offer several resources, including quick facts, briefings and consultations with experts, case examples, panel discussions about timely health issues, a quarterly newsletter with health updates called Real to Reel, and an expanding list of tip sheets written specifically for writers and producers. Tip sheets are available here, on the CDC website, and on the NCI website as well. The broad range of topics includes influenza, toxic mold, smallpox, cancer, autism, motor vehicle crashes, obesity, adolescent health issues, antibiotic resistance, clinical trials and much more.

I have work in 30 minutes, does anyone have any comforting words? I do not want to go.

Let's see...
>Opening scenes are literally of Trump winning election
>two lesbian moms are there, one starts freaking out, their son is there and is afraid they'll "stop being married"
>cut to college feminist somewhere else
>literally says "omg what if I get pregnant? how will I get an abortion?"
>original lesbian mom goes to the grocery store, no one's there but her and one cashier
>"where is everyone?"
>oh I guess they're all at home listening to the Trump speech
>"can you believe the shit he's saying?"
>cashier says something like "yeah, we finally have a President who cares about us" and literally puts on a MAGA hat and stares menacingly at lesbian mom

>all of a sudden clowns everywhere, clowns kill the asian couple across the street, clowns chase lesbian mom around grocery store, clowns fuck in the produce aisle (again, LITERALLY) all because Drumpf

>main villain is dude who aforementioned dead asian guy called a "Jow Forums guy" who should embrace being out of his "parents' basement"

I shit you the fuck not

Bring a gun an...
>sees flag

No fucking way lol.

Attached: 1537314096405.jpg (1280x720, 59K)

>amerimutt television
Who the hell watches this shit other than women

We should have threads about how to spot and break down propaganda in television and movies. Start with easy mode shit like the Old Spice commercials just to give people an idea of how it works.

What's wrong with Maniac? I'm just curious. I watched the first episode or so and didn't yet see anything overt, but I might not be making connections.

Hang in there. You’re gonna be alright.

Just listen to the No Agenda Show podcast. It's literally what they do.

American cartoons are shit. Any kind of "nerd" hobby is front and center for the ZOG machine. The only thing left is Jap games and anime and they're even getting to work on that.

BLACKED mirror is also ripe with race mixing propaganda

Shame because it was pretty decent otherwise.

Maniac wasnt that bad. Just finished it yesterday. The ending gave me a warm feeling.

promise, my dude, watch it yourself

It was but lets be honest, the more technologically advanced society gets, the more dystopian it will become.

I didn't think it was so bad, not as good as some other seasons. Freaks was best imo.

Yeah, it absolutely named the snowflake. In the end the trump guy loses but throughout the whole thing he's clearly in the right and snowflakes are shown to be ridiculous.

It is entertaining, like I said in OP. The predictability and paranoia is sort of amazing from a redpilled standpoint.
Apparently the lesbian mom who didn't freak out on election night is mad at the other lesbian mom because she "voted for Jill fucking Stein instead of Hillary Clinton."
And crazy lesbo mom just whoopsed and shot a mexican who was bringing her supplies to her doorstep and now she is, quote, "lesbian Zimmerman."

Again, I shit you the fuck not.

this is why i don't watch tv, or most original netflix series.

Good luck Bongbro.

AHS is literally created and written by pozzed kike faggets you can't make this up.


Attached: hollywood bingo.jpg (825x1003, 246K)

To be honest, I didn't find it to be very subversive. There was no race-mixing in it. Emma Stone and Jonah Hill were fake married in a computerized simulation but let's be honest, the average goy watching this is going to view Jonah Hill as white. It's not like it was explicit race mixing. The show wasn't over-sexualized, there was some pretty graphic violence in one single episode but that aside, the show wasn't that Jewy. Some people might think it was glorifying violence but it definitely wasn't 13 Reasons Why tier

He's serious. I don't watch the show anymore but I've seen the a webm of it a few times. Also there's a scene (no idea which episode of the season) where Evan Peters' character (he plays some basement dweller MAGA guy) slaps the shit out of some girl being a cunt.

AHS is really leftist, I did watch a few of the seasons. The one prior I planned to watch until I got two minutes into the first episode and the WFBM couple (dude was a doctor) are walking down the street in LA and a gang of (white) kids come up behind him playing the Knockout Game. At that point I knew the kikery would be too much and just deleted the episode off my hard drive and said "Fuck it" to that season.

Its fucking horrifyingly full of propaganda I can't even express the cringe.


Jesus Christ. At least we get some more leftist tears via the characters.

Was that the Roanoke one?
Because that shit ended up being hilarious. All the black people were basically horrible racists, and the main black guy kept shitting on the police the whole time for being racist even though they were bending over backwards to help him.

It was so leftist it came across as satire.

I was hoping for a Lovecraft run next, but it's not.

Attached: 1509413751543.jpg (500x500, 92K)

Yeah, that's the one. Funny that it ended up like that. I just expected it to be a season of BLM shit with a Get Out setting.

american horror story is literally the worst show I have ever watched in all senses, no seasons are worthy of anyone's time.

>retard chanting USA

AHS is pretty shit liberal in many regards but I respect it for taking the piss out of literally everyone. Later half of that season is them shit talking Hillary voters. Real main villain ends up being a feminist.


The show takes pride in being incredibly over the top ridiculous.

I think it was making fun of both sides pretty much the same.
Although the female character "wins" in the end, she is shown in a twist to have joined another cult. I don't think the point in the end was that she had an happy ever after, but that she became the female version of Kai Anderson

Thanks man. Have a (You).


Also to correct myself, I meant glorifying mental illness, not violence

>honey don't get so worked up


anyone who can't see the obvious satire in this is a absolute brainlet

Attached: 30yoboomergetsmadstrange.png (1032x1242, 303K)

>trusting Rachel Maddow
satire confirmed

Media is so pozzed and the left lacks self-awareness so severely that we're at the point where it's impossible to tell if it's OTT for the sake of satire or because they genuinely think they're portraying the "horror" of Trump's election.

I just binge watched this shit on Netflix.

It’s comical. But they do portray the typical lefties comically, but not nearly as bad as anti-trump shit.

I Cringed hard for most the season. But I still binge watched it all. It’s tolerable.

Yeah nah it's overtly one sided.

This was the season they did it for teh lulz.
>mfw they try to convince you that "le Zodiac' was an angry femanist. TopLeL.

in the morning!

Yea it's a little pathetic, all the incels that graduated in writing are all of course brainwashed liberal faggots. Or maybe that's the only kind that get hired. Any shows that star or even lean right wing are often canceled or protested until canceled.

you missed out

Attached: cult22f.jpg (750x438, 31K)

Jewish propaganda is a good thing to miss out on. Congratulations on giving the enemy your money goy.

Most of that, and the first few episodes, were mocking the leftist shrieking and paranoia over Trump's election. But it's certainly true that it later abandoned that line of satire to just focus on Jow Forums-types and also push the creators' usual gay Jewish degeneracy, the latter of which they do every season.

Attached: AHS Cult.jpg (600x530, 45K)

ITM, Gents!