NEW statement from Kavanaugh's college roommate

NEW statement from Kavanaugh's college roommate.

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BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. This actually looks like more bullshit than the Gang Rapes

>Puerto Rican woman

Haha dirty shitskin mad her shithole got btfo. Not enough paper towels?

sounds like it was written by a onions [drink] boy.
I know an alcoholic who is aggressive when drunk, but it doesn't make him a rapist

>I never saw him do anything
>No one ever claimed he did anything
>He probably did the thing
Tell me more mister Roche.

>I totally knew them in the 1980s and I never actually witnessed anything and I can't confirm if it happened but guys, it TOTALLY could have happened because Debbie is soooo honest and Brett drank a lot
Guess who else seemed honest and trustworthy? Every actor who got #MeToo'd. Spacey? Seemed like a good guy. Nope, he's a pedo. Because basing a few years of experience with Debbie totally clears her of any falsehoods, right?
Fuck this is dumb.

no source - fake and gay
even if there was a source i'd say fake and gay

Isn't Roche pronounced the same as "roach" in English?

>omg Kav did keg-stands at uni
Literally WTF... if this note is real it's hella ghay

>I have been asked for more detail and additional stories, but this is all that I am comfortable sharing. If I could contribute more first-hand information, I would, but I will not be granting any more interviews or answering any more questions at this time.

Is this the new strategy? To make drive by accusations and then act really put upon when people inevitably ask you to elaborate on your accusations? To act like its really rude and 'inconvenient' when people inquire further into your defaming take?

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>We didn't socialize for more than a few days
>But based on my time with Brett I have an opinion

I beleive! halleluyah.

I believe is only good enough in faith...

These people are so disgusting.

Another faggot jealous Brett "Supreme Virgin" Kavanaugh being incorruptible in the face of roasty temptation.

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His elliot rodgers roommate who says he saw and heard nothing, but his chad roomate would come home drunk

This is how the "opinions are like assholes" saying entered the lexicon.

To Whom it May Concern

We never hung out, we spoke infrequently, he drank a lot by some standard that is completely subjective and incapable of defining. I think he did this for no other reason but that he rejected my friendship.

Super evidence


What a load of shit.
Anyone else feel like things are about to crumble in America?

>I didn't see anything
>But I listened and believed her
>By the way he drank a lot!
What the fuck is this shit? Seriously what? This is what counts as evidence now?
Shit like this makes me want to stay at home for the rest of my life. Society is going insane.

why are drumpfies so mad about Kavanaugh being over? What good was he going to do you?

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This wise latina's story sounds even more implausible and reads even more like Deranged Psych Major Catlady fanfic than Ford's.

> What good was he going to do you?
We're livid at your dishonest and awful tactics you employ to win over your enemies as the ends always justify the means with you people.
You'd do amazing evil to try and do a little good.
And we are fucking sick of you.

it sounds like dialogue from a detective 'whodunnit' movie or video game.

Being republican instead of democrat is good enough. Why do I car if he did or didn't rape someone? It's not like there are hot college girls in the supreme court that would make him rape 'again'.

I don't care about him. I care about these types of shoddy lies being shot down and discouraged for eternity. And I want the people that facilitated and sheltered them for their own gain round up and punish for wasting everyone's time.

>as a Puerto Rican woman
>less privileged
>Yale was very rich
>I'm not a political person
>no probing my story pls

top kek

>I do not consider myself to be a political person or have a political agenda.

Yeah, sure (((Roche))).

That is the most obviously fake thing I've seen all day. Did a teenager write that for weed money?


Repubs started this with their unconstitutional refusal to even have hearings on Obama's nominee. The wailing over Dem stall tactics now is pretty rich.

>I do not believe myself to be a political person
>in 2018

Least believable statement in that letter

Omg, they will never believe this, the big bad republicans! You know how Trump hated the Puerto Ricans, he lied about killing 3000 of them. Rigged!

This is how they think.

>raises hand

Are you implying that Obama’s nominee would have been confirmed by a Republican senate? Why?

Nobody that went to Yale writes THAT badly, and in reddit-paragraphing

>a Jew from Yale that uses the word privilege unironically is apolitical


So this guy was the only one in the original New Yorker article that was corroborating her story, right?

>she felt less privileged
>in 1983
lol this cultural marxist bullshit mindset didn't even exist yet


Except in this case Kavanaugh is both the Chad virgin AND the incel rapist

Just a matter of time

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>3 months before an election
>2 years before an election

I mean it's terrible precedent regardless but let's not act like this is the same situation at all.

sounds like he gave this faggot a swirly lmfao

That's not even a corroboration, that's simply a character statement, which holds exactly ZERO weight and is NOT evidence. If you had a dozen of these without a dozen that are contradictory, then you would have circumstantial hearsay, which still isn't evidence and would only hold up in civil court or family court like in divorce proceedings or something.

This whole thing is a circus.

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The white knight strikes again

>as a Puerto rican woman from a less privileged background blah blah blah

Confirmed lying faggot.


Stop using PNG my data plan is melting

You're right that it's retarded, but where are you getting 2 years from? Scalia's seat became vacant early 2016 in the same year as the election.

I also can't say I have a lot of sympathy for Dems. They might have fought harder to get Garland confirmed if they weren't so pompous and sure that they were going to win in 2016. Not the first time their hubris has bit them, and won't be the last I'm sure.

Don't know your history eh? Maby you should ask Schumer about that one or about the nuclear option.

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The dems shot themselves in the dick over Garland. It was the dumbest political move since the Iraq war. They can piss off with their bitching.


>>Fuck this is dumb.
>> Spacey? Seemed like a good guy.
Go actor seemed like a good guy.

pic unrelated

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Lrn2stego faggit. How do you think I get all me cp

I’m more upset about the Russia investigation and #metoo destroying centuries old concepts of legal proceedings and justice.

That’s fine if this is how it’s going to be then we will kill all of you. I don’t know why you would prod the right in such a way, we play for keeps.

You really think you’ll survive a world where the burden of proof falls on the accused. Will you regret it as your own extreme communist wing lines you up against a wall and blows your brains out?

Will you regret it?

That isn’t unconstitutional you dipshit

Half of Congress is belligerent drunk pedos with Alzheimer’s. And the people publicly speculating about Kavanaugh’s character 30 years ago surely have no room to talk.

I bet anything this guy lost his virginity to the Puerto Rican woman, who surely thinks Trump handled the Hurricane perfectly.

> Still angry that Kav ate the >leftovers his mom sent and >left to many unflus
hed dumps >in the toilet.

Holy shit. Phonefagging

>I believe this person because they seem to be honest
>I believe this person because they just wouldnt do that
what is the point of all this? why are random people saying random stuff with no inherent meaning?

Seems like somebody wanted and still wants to be in this Debbie girls knickers at the expense of a honest and just man

So did he see the sexual abuse or not?
The only thing he said here is that Kav is a bad drunk-- nothing about the fucking sexual abuse allegation. Fucking libshits getting desperate

These people have no qualms about destroying him and his family with honest to God bullshit claims. Disturbing.

mess with the bull-prepper, ya get the horns

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>Brett and I did not socialize beyond the first few days of freshman year.

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Captain save-a-ho has spoken.

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This reeks of desperation. The idea here is to throw out a flurry of accusations to build a media shitstorm. The trouble is that the initial allegation by Ford was full of holes you could sail a Nimitz class supercarrier through. It also helps that Kavenaugh categorically denies anything happened and that all the witnesses Ford named say she's full of shit. Add to the fact that the Senate Republicans have bent over backwards to allow her to tell her side of the story and she has refused multiple times for "reasons," and the eye of the media shitstorm simply won't form. Instead of a category five shitstorm that levels all in it's path, we've got an annoying drizzle of lukewarm piss that simply serves to piss off those affected by it. And if that weren't bad enough, publicity hound Micheal Avenati has invited himself into the fray, bringing a level of greasy insincerity the Democrats can't afford right now.

they are trolls and pretending to be hopping mad about kavanaugh's derailed confirmation is the new Jow Forums meme. there are dozens of kav-klones waiting in the wings to take his place.

>Robert Bork
>Clarence Thomas
>y-y-you started it

Not even that
> says he is a notably heavy drinker
Subjective opinion with no further description, to a Muslim or mormon having 5 beers a month probably makes you a heavy drinker

> became aggressive and belligerent when he was VERY drunk

Again subjective how often was he very drunk? In what way was he belligerent/ aggressive? Does this faggot not understand how the nectar of the gods works ? And also being aggressive and belligerent does not make you a rapist

I think its to drive the left into a state of absolute madness. They hope someone will get violent again.

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so a virgin chad was a degenerate just like the liberal roasties accusing him? I don't believe it.

It's like everyone in the country forgot what actual evidence is.

>"I barely knew him but yeah i believe it."

A lot pronounce it as "Rosh" as well.

They say this because they’re trying to build up the story that he gets blackout drunk and rapes women. It’s character assassination. Also, that he seems nice sober, but he’s a monster with drunk.

Last parts pretty sweet.
Creepy Porn Lawyer.

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"Based on my time with Debbie"????

How the fuck are these fucks able to remember shit like this? I can barely remember the 90s and half my friends names let alone who I fucked or invited over and tried to fuck.

Calling bullshit on this cuck.

No, they shot themselves on the dick when they voted to enact the "Nuclear Option" and make judicial appointments not subject to the filibuster to get Obama's appointments through the Senate. But there was never going to be another Republican president, so it didn't matter.

Has anyone provided a source for this yet or have you all just taken the bait?

>She's an honest person who wouldn't make shit up
This is total bs, by their own admission liberals think Trump is the next Hitler. That gives them a free pass to lie about anything.

>i have no information on anything
ok... great, thx

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No! Bret ftw! We are not making the left have a hissy-fit wasting all their political capital on this.

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When do these people get the guillotine?
>oh he was a heavy drinker so its possible he raped someone.
Your fucking tongue should be cut out and your fingers chopped off.

Anyone else hope that if Kavanaugh ends up getting borked that a bunch of democrats end up getting murdered?

By the way any post I make on this website is satirical. I'd never make a serious post on this site and anyone taking my posts seriously is an idiot.

I wonder how many women he slept with that convinced him to spew this bullshit. And then blackmailed him like they do everyone else. Say what i tell you to or ill call you a rapist. Leftists shouldnt be allowed to live.

You're right. I bet Reid is glad he retired.

People who are so quick to mock the cellibate acting like rape isnt their fetish.

CNN is actively looking for dirt on Kavanaugh. Get in here, niggers.

incel cuck trying to get back at chad, nothing more nothing less

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can you r/thedonald faggots masturbate to kav somewhere else? he's not losing any sleep over the fact that you didn't get promoted to assistant manager at pep boys so why do you care he's not getting a promotion?

We need a civil war. Keep pushing you retards. Youre a fucking fool if you think gods on your side. Youll get slaughtered here on earth and slaughtered again in hell. And i wont shed one fucking tear.

Literally google his name and click news. Not hard.

divide and conquer shill alert. get a load of this transparent little faggot.

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This just proves Kavanaugh was smart not to be friends with this faggot. Good judgment.

>as a Puerto Rican woman from a less privileged background
of course

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It's over. It's all fucking over.

Isn't just making shit up about people illegal? Especially when they're going to be a Supreme Court Justice?

They're ready to die on this hill, there are no rules now except the ones we impose on ourselves
How this goes can potentially win the midterms for the dems, they'll gamble everything and everyone

It is if you do it under oath. I don't believe she will ever testify.

The law of defamation varies from state to state, but there are some generally accepted rules. If you believe you are have been "defamed," to prove it you usually have to show there's been a statement that is all of the following:


Check, check, and king me. I just do not get how anybody thinks making shit up about a supreme Court Justice is feasible.