"Animators have been forced to re-draw Disney's first black princess after anti-racism campaigners claimed she had been 'whitewashed' with lighter skin and straighter hair for her latest role.
Princess Tiana was the first black Disney princess, created for the film 'The Princess and The Frog' in 2009. She has been re-animated for the new film 'Wreck It Ralph 2', in which all the princesses have a sleepover. When the trailer was released in May, fans noticed she looked considerably different - her skin was lighter and her corkscrew curls had been tamed to gentle waves.
Color of Change, an anti-racism charity that set up a petition to tell Disney to "stop whitewashing" their black characters, said it had been in conversation with Disney, which agreed to restore the princess to her "original depiction".
Color of Change's original petition said: "Princess Tiana looks nothing like her original character. She is shown here with Eurocentric features; a slimmer nose, loose curly hair and a significantly lighter skin tone than her previous depictions.
"This is unacceptable. Yet again, Disney made the choice to whitewash an image that represents us. They’ve totally removed and replaced Princess Tiana’s full lips, dark skin and kinky hair. By doing so, they are showing us that they don’t care about reflecting the diversity of the Black community. "
Following further criticism from fans, the animation company released a new image, featuring a markedly different looking princess, with darker skin and tighter curls.
Brandi Collins-Dexter, Color of Change's senior campaign director, said in a statement: "Disney’s decision to restore Princess Tiana’s image to that of an unapologetically Black princess with full lips, dark skin and dark hair ... is a victory for Color Of Change members, Black children and their parents, and Black audiences who want to see the variety of shades, shapes and sizes of Black characters accurately represented in the arts."
She added: "By redrawing Princess Tiana — Disney’s first and only Black princess — in 'Ralph Breaks the Internet' as she was in 'Princess and the Frog', Disney has shown its commitment to addressing the concerns of Color Of Change members and the Black community.
Angel Cook
Hair is too long and straight still, should be short and nappy like a real african, lips could be bigger.
so they get mad when we depict them as 'full lips, kinky hair and dark skin' but then also get mad when we dont give them full lips, kinky hair and dark skin. what a time to be alive
Eli Rodriguez
Trying to pass off mulattos as genuine blacks is kike shill tier
Joshua Sullivan
And after. There's no point for this outrage over her skin tone because light-skinned niggers exist.
Walt Disney was white, why should he be forcd to make black cartoon characters? why don't black people make their own?
Cooper Bailey
That picture is fucking creepy. I hate Disney. I hate this life. This timeline is hell. We're in hell. Please make it stop.
Dominic Miller
They really did a number on Jasmine
Parker Rivera
Thats just one of many things they got wrong with the designs though. They samefaced them all and grossly exagerated certain features of some. I dont know why I even care, just wish they'd care more about the big picture than fine details when it comes to quality control. Unless the princesses turn out to be the twist villains this movie is an easy skip for me.
Luis James
He died in 1966, the current chairman is a person of Jewish origin. And I think the people under him design the characters.
Jose Powell
Exactly, even the jew bakshi's crows are more true to african features. Mother of fuck disney is shit.
Why are niggers called black when they are actually brown? Is it because of association to shit?
Hunter Gutierrez
It's just a perfect situation for them all around And to imagine, they an unproductive fraction of the population, only get away with it because society is cucked beyond imagination
Why the hell can't mixed people have princesses? As a mutt, I'm outraged that these black supremacists keep black washing my people. Blacks have plenty of role models to look up to. Urkel's uncle, Mr. T, the old spice man, the list goes on. But who do mulattos have? This pure blood supremacism is sickening and belongs in the past.
They want to have white be structure and black skin. Blacks honestly think people hate them for their skin colour. They don't. They hate them for their ugly features and shitty personality
Gavin Martin
She wasn't even that dark in The Princess and the Frog.
I think you're giving them far too much credit. That would also require more work than to be an angry black woman blogger. not too much more work being a black father than an internet blogger, but still. Seriously though, the fragility here is incredible. >Skin tone a few sade too light Das raycis kraka
Adrian Wright
Luis Hughes
Biggest thing wrong with that part is it doesn't show him getting paid by the CIA afterwards
Grayson Lewis
Looks darker on the right, just her hair isn't a fucking mess.
Luke Lee
Look at all these Instagram whores
Ryan Sanchez
People hate them because they're fucking niggers.
They smell bad. They look bad. They sound bad. They act bad.
She also knew her father in the film (who had a job), yet you don't hear the dindus complaining about that false depiction.
Wyatt Parker
It honestly makes me sad that we'll never have movies and TV shows with an all white cast again. There will ALWAYS be niggers complaining and jews scheming
Lmao. The funny thing is that most negros in the US have some sort of European blood in them. There’s a very small chance that any of them are full-blooded African still — the little mulatto mutts hate that truth haha
Gabriel Hall
Niggers know nothing about animation, 3D or otherwise
Matthew Nguyen
I jerk off to pictures of Elsa and Anna every night, and if you're a white man you should too
Do you have a link to the full film at that level of clarity?
I've never seen a cel from it so sharp - every version I've ever seen has been no better than 3rd gen VHS.
That trumpet solo at the end - glorious.
Caleb Carter
Civilization started in Asia, show some respect Swedish Mongrel Rape baby.
Kevin Perry
It's fucking rotoscoped so barely counts as animation
Daniel Collins
>race is a social construct >but apparently it’s 100% linked to phenotypical physical traits What disappoints me is how the mainstream is so dumbed down that they don’t red flag this shit for themselves.
Justin Green
>Princess Tiana looks nothing like her original character. She is shown here with Eurocentric features BECAUSE THE FUCKING FAIRY TALE IS EUROPEAN