Did Germans truly believe they're more Aryan and Nordic than Slavs and Balts?

Did Germans truly believe they're more Aryan and Nordic than Slavs and Balts?

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Slavs and Balts aren’t Aryan, dumbfuck.

Retarded mohammad why not discuss ethnicities of somalians and nigerians which you belong to


Considering history and movement its literally impossible that the Germanics/Slavs were the people we refer to as the Aryans, although they're related to some degree just like all Indo-Europeans are.

History and movements is exactly the domain of genociders and jews.

You control history, information, ideas and the dialect then you control society.

All history is propaganda and false if I dont have 10000001% evidence and saucem

Every historian, geneticist and such is a political agent serving the current dialect and political goals.

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They are closer to Aryans than Germans.

You're wrong. Slavs and Balts are the closest to original Aryan.

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Jewish propaganda.

Maybe so. But how do you define an Aryan. Believing in an Aryan race has been pseudoscience since even the very early 1900’s, and I’m someone who is a very strong race realist. The thing about Modern Europeans is there is no pure European ethnicity anymore. Ever since the glacier Maximus, all native populuons in Europe intermixed. The largest population was the Indio Europeans, and they intermixed and more or less absorbed the WHG, and sometime after they mixed again with Mesolithic farmers. Anthropologic records proved this long before we could see this we genetic sequencing and look at haplogroups. I guess if you want to call the WHG the Nordic strand, then Germans would be more Aryan. Although at this point there’s no pure Aryan

Germans are a mutt of Danes, French and Poles.

Don't get so twisted about your 1/64 german heritage, Bobby Muttsson

Balts are not white. if you don't speak a Germanic, Slavic, or Celtic language, or French, you're not white.

Aryans came from Sintashta and Andronovo cultures, both Corded Ware derived.

See Pajeets, Pakis and Iranians only had Balto-Slavic elite that diluted themselves over time with Australoids and Iranian HGs, so they no longer look like East Euros and shit in the streets.

Real "Aryans" were Andronovo/Sintashta, they are closest genetically to Poles and North Swedes.

Fake "Aryans" was just some bullshit made up about how Germans were "dah mustard race".


lol retard Balts come from the same language branch as Slavs and are closely related genetically

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My ancestors :)

Thats fucking retarded

Germans don't exist on PCAs.