Can anyone give me a quick rundown on this girl?

Her photo is here every day but every damn thread turns into a stupid corn fest. What's the deal?

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Other urls found in this thread:

She was an anti-white whore who was killed by an illegal spic while out jogging in Iowa. Her dad said it was worth it because Mexicans have good food

the deal is CORN

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Lmao!!!! Good riddance

Basically this

Also people like to say she got sodomized by a corn cob, but this originated from a shit post that didnt even have digits.

I have friends who live in the area. They confirm the corn in the ass and the rape are common knowledge in town. Media shut up about it after pleas to spare the family.

I recognize her. That’s

Captain “CornHole” Mollie Tibbetts

“Corny Tips” Tibbetts

Mollie “slob on my knob like corn on the cob” Tibbetts

Mollie “stocks are up” Tibbetts

Mollie “The real ending to Signs” Tibbetts

Mollie “greener pastures” Tibbetts

Mollie “creamed corn” Tibbetts

Mollie “Daddy’s cornball” Tibbetts

Mollie “I guess it was my imagination” Tibbetts

Mollie “Candy Corn” Tibbetts

Mollie “Fertilizer” Tibbetts

Mollie “corn syrup? I thought you said rape” Tibbetts

Mollie “Do you ever wonder what’s up there John?” Tibbetts

Mollie “Cornered” Tibbetts

Mollie “Harvest Surprise on a Sunrise” Tibbetts


Her dad really likes tacos.

she is RETARD. look at the demon.

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you literally summed it all up


White girl who has leftist parents gets kidnapped, raped and brutally murdered after meeting illegal alien for sex.

Turns out she:
>Was racist (Hated white people)
>Was a brainwashed leftist retard
>Wasn't really loved or wanted by her parents, who aggressively defended her murderer and "Tacos."

I hate to say she had it coming, but her life was only ever going to end one way...

so she died from corn in anus? didn't south park have an episode like that

no this just proves donald j. trumpo is a mentally ill faggot that needs to keep priorities straighth on not listening to ZOG
>a true conservative give valor in people's work ethics but this president

Poor girl. To die with a corn cob in your ass. Shhhesh. What a way to go.

Her sacrifice will not be forgotten. She died so we could all enjoy delicious tacos.

Thx Molly, love ya girl

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They won't let him plea so this will all come out at the trial. Will be a real shit show.

And the corn tortillas that come with it

Dis nigga on point

Please place a semi-transparent ear of corn in this image.

was the cob inserted while she was alive or after?
also wtf is up with her soulless black eyes?

Sup niggers

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Yeh from the pictures we saw initially it was forced in and there was blood pooling meaning she was alive when it went in. Also her eyes are just a thousand cob stare

>t. not retard mistakes cannot happen

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what pics? post em if you got em
>tfw spic shucked a corn cob just to rape her with it
did it go in the front or back?

Was your head under a rock for the past month? I mean a single google of her name would tell you.

Basically it was a typical american girl that got kidnapped, raped, and murdered by an illegal. The moment the media found this out they buried it to never be mentioned again. The unfortunate part is that this girl was brainwashed with leftist propaganda (no doubt from her parents) so the beliefs she had of open borders and a mockery of her own race led to an ironic death. Also her father is a piece of utter shit but alas he too is a brainwashed liberal.

Also you're going to have a bunch of supreme gentlemen claiming she deserved when in fact she was a victim of upbringing as well as being young and naive.

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It went up her ass and I don’t have pics. The photos were after it was removed and her pants were pulled back up but you could still see blood on the side of the ground next to her ass. There were from what I can remember corn bits all around her


yes. shit gets fucky real quick when one's own parents don't love them. most usually end up twisted in some way. if her own flesh and blood didn't love her (if they did, would her father really go and speak before the public and basically say, 'it's ok, we got tacos out of it XDDDD'?) why would she love her people on top of all the brainwashing?

the story was that the man was more conservative than the woman kek



hope it was worth those killer tacos Rob.

If the man was a liberal, then how can we be certain she was even his daughter?

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Yeesh. Le 56% Face! No great loss.

She loved corn on the cob to death.

people laugh but things like this give me great fear for the future of the united states. people here always wanted to believe that when things get so bad and they realize all the violence that's being done to them they're rise up but this man is indicative of the growing problem of people justifying it by believing they deserve it so much to the point of literally sacrificing their own children on the altar of progressivism/"tolerance". the greatest wartime victory of the left isn't coming and seizing your guns, it's making you believe you were never right in the first place

I'm sure they "loved her" but in a very twisted and warped way that does not supercede their ideology. Liberals are like this. This mentality that forgiving a murderer for the death of their child "for the greater good" is nothing new unfortunately.


with tan skin, black? eyes and dark brown hair I think she's got some spic and/or jew mixed in there
>loser father outs himself as a cuck
>white hating "white" girl gets sodomized by a corn cob and raped to death
>illegal spic gets caught and served justice
all around good show

Pic Related > OP Pic

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>but this originated from a shit post that didnt even have digits.

It's good that you've learned to correctly identify which posts should betaken seriously

I made a fajita a few days ago. Apparently if Mexicans are gone I'll immediately forget how to cook one and all the ingredients such as tomatos, corn, cheese, sour cream ect will magically vanish.

Kek. Am I an unironically bad person for laughing at this dumb girl?

that, or they really didn't love her regardless of politics and she was just a purposefully created person who still somehow wasn't truly wanted (unless it's just to have something to take one's frustrations out on). a lot of people/women just want a cute little babby and when it grows up they lost interest or become abusive.

whites like Tibbet's family will continue to die by inches. whites who aren't mentally insane won't.

no. she was honestly stupid, on top of being unloved and raised by liberal morons and the current progressive mores of this time. what woman goes out running at night in just socks, sneakers, shorts and a sports bra without a weapon? one that's reckless.

Near a corn field. I think it was a meetup. Lacks evidence though

why was she out there? just to get a solitary run in? I could see that... but why the fuck is some spic just hanging out by a cornfield? doesn't make sense he simply happened to be out there and saw his chance.
>any woman ever going for a jog
>happens to stumble across a strange man
no woman would stick around to chat, they would bolt. unless it's a meetup or Mollie's danger sensing was completely and utterly broken.

>all the ingredients such as tomatos, corn, cheese, sour cream ect will magically vanish.
whose going to invent those ingredients if not for Meheecans?

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Boomers don't love their children. They love various ethnic food though!

"I once kissed my daughter and wished she was a taco"- Liberal Victim's Father

>They love various ethnic food though!
and their little, cuck dogs

here ya go fa.m

Attached: i love my daughter mollie tibbets but i love tacos more.png (1027x820, 178K)

GTAB bich

i mean... women are trash and all, but justifying your daughters murder because a tortilla tastes good? That's either the best tortilla ever made by man or that absolute worst daughter imaginable. Either way, with a father like that she probably got the easy way out a little late because clearly he didn't give a solitary shit about her

>heckin woofer doggos do a big licc
People who use any words like these or treat dogs like people need to be gassed. They can be useful but they're lesser life forms and people are using them in steed of people.

I’m disturbed reading this. What the fuck?

Yes you are, that or you're still a teenager going through his edgy phase. She was still young, dumb, and naive and completely brainwashed by her parents. It's a shame she wasn't able to escape and maybe then she would've seen the errors of her ways.

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school does a pretty thorough job at trying to beat that danger sense out of whites. wouldn't want to be racist, now would we. hell, i would know. i relaxed around blacks once and got a busted face and glasses for it

for my parents, I wouldn't put it past them to say shit like this too. sure my parents lean more to being liberals but that's not what causes this, at least not every time.
in my case it's more
>I had kids and had to go out of my way to create and keep them
>yet, somehow I despise them even though neither of us was against contraceptives, abortion or adoption
>time to spend their entire upbringing phoning in parenting and abusing them then act shocked when they disappear at 18
it's the lack of compassion/love that creates opinions or thoughts like that, not the other way around (although liberalism does seem to be a contagious literal mental disorder to a degree of course).

Women lack the same fear capacity men do. That’s why women should never participate in politics. Men are the ones who defend the tribe and who plan for worst case scenarios. Millennials and especially zoomers are full on retarded.

>treat dogs like people need to be gassed
yeah, i mean what's the point of having a dog if you can't mutilate him now and again

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yikes, talk about being redpilled in the suppository method. would you greentext your tale?

Good basic Gestalt

>be me
>daughter raped and killed
>media asks for comment
>defend daughter's murderers ethnic/religous group
>take a shot at my ethnicitie's cooking

I have 100 hats not a single baseball hat and no fake trilby that kids call a fedora. I do have 10 + vintage real fedora and 2 real felt trilby's that i only wear with the black dinner suit with the thin tie

Did he really say “I love my daughter but I love tacos more.” I don’t believe it.

>I swear I'm not racist!
was the most important thing on his mind when he spoke. Not the dead daughter bit.

They're tools to be used. You shouldn't abuse a tool.

>You shouldn't abuse a tool
shouldn't but sometimes you just got club something to death. i mean how else do stop the demons in your head when the meth wears off.

here's what I don't understand, don't women fixate on their fear in a way?
>men are out to get me, need to look behind me so no guy is sneaking up on me
>I could get raped anytime
etc. and yet there is this sort of fearlessness, not out of bravery, but out of stupidity.

Cheese and sour cream are dairy products. Sour cream originating from Eastern Europe. Tomatoes while cultivated in South America since 700ad, were not commericially cultivated until the mid 19th century in England. The modern Tomato you see are the decedents of those cultivations. And with corn, it was primarily in North America and in a more wildish state upon settlers arriving over 500 years ago.

I know you're just being sarcastic, but unfortunately this mentality of being plain ignorant is so wide spread in this day and age. It's just like dumb niggers believe biscuits, mash potatoes, and other southern food came from them.

>Thot paid her toll
>Paco is justified in everyway to walk free.

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Uh no it was Mexicans bigot

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It's a photoshop edit. I can't find this article anywhere. The only results I get are Jow Forums threads. Seriously you dumb niggers try and use search engines if you're ever in doubt.
No it's fake, the thing is that most anons are too gullible to realize it. Here's what he really said though.
>To knowingly foment discord among races is a disgrace to our flag. It incites fear in innocent communities and lends legitimacy to the darkest, most hate-filled corners of the American soul. It is the opposite of leadership. It is the opposite of humanity. It is heartless. It is despicable. It is shameful.

i think autism is a bigger threat to your existence than Mexicans

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she was beaner bait

>it was worth it because Mexicans have good food.

I guess Dad Tibbetts didn't know his kid was busy sowing racial discord and hatred all on her own.
>wowie kablowie!

quickrundown: Quisling libshit offspring who is also a pro open borders quisling libshit got killed by one of her pets.....and thats a good thing.

Nigga stop making shit up.

>Having knowledge of these things means you have autism

Yeah I apologize for not being a retarded illiterate American such as yourself. Maybe one day you'll also find out that ketchup isn't a vegetable either.

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>Yeah I apologize for not being a retarded illiterate American such as yourself.
>such as yourself
then what kind of retarded illiterate American are you?

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Sometimes a meme says what the person was really to afraid of SJW to say