>Americans have no culture
Americans have no culture
this era is long dead
maybe it still exists in wyoming and kansas or something
the "west" is romanticized fake news tho. it didnt happen
Take me back to the 1880s
that era is gone, this is the only culture we have
Not true : Americans have cowboy culture, redneck culture,
pop-music culture, movie culture, and car/truck culture.
Other than that ... well, no.
>pew pew 24/7
>drinking 24/7
>Mexican bandits 24/7
>killing local redskins 24/7
>wooden shacks in the middle of dirty nowhere
How will rest of the world ever recover?
I'm joking I'm joking, I guess it was pretty comfy most of the times.
All of it based on consumption of media. It's all the same "culture"
The whole "Americans have no culture" is because we're fucking brow beaten into thinking that displaying any form of national identity is a call to fascism and should be purged.
I wanna see somebody tell a New York Italian they have no culture. Just once.
Still more culture than you Mohammed.
Or maybe if you closely think about it American “culture” has pretty much settled in the rest of the world that’s why people think you guys have no culture, because your culture got assimilated across the world
Thread theme
One thing that I envy about USA culture is the free guns
>pew pew 24/7
>drinking 24/7
>Mexican bandits 24/7
>killing local redskins 24/7
>wooden shacks in the middle of dirty nowhere
sounds like modern day america
ummm but this is mexican culture
You are a very young nation, you're writing your history now as the worlds unipolar superpower.
>Perpetual war for saudi arabia & israel
>cultural marxism
>judge dredd style street executions
> managed to re niggerfy they blacks after they nearly made it in the 60's
>regime changes for cheap bananas
Not looking very good chaps.
>muh cultural marxism
Kill yourself, neoliberal.
Comfy as fuck
>wooden structures in the desert
This is essentially it. Americans themselves live in such a huge kettle of different cultures that they can't quite make out a significant culture of their own, and when they do, Hollywood imports it to every other avenue of the world, effectively nullifying whatever culture they had and making it a blanket globalized culture.
> Identical trash cans up and down the street.
What is this anachronistic bullshit? Is this Disney?
Great meme fren.
Probably a Comercialized Ghost Town, they probably re-enact gun fights there.
Fuck that.
Here's some Appalachian Spring instead: m.youtube.com
>they probably re-enact gun fights there
let's hope they also do that with lynching.
Well there are much less redskins to kill these days.
You should come here sometime and visit a ghost town.
I enjoyed my time in Disney land
>Americans have no culture
Okay buddy.
This is such a fucking meme. White Americans have a distinct culture form from the assimilation of immigrants that arrived a century ago. The only reason anyone thinks we 'don't have our own culture' is kikes. Your theory is fucking trash.
Here's an example
And if the rest of the world didn't love our shit then you wouldn't keep eating it.
I love when europoors try to make fun of us on the way to their dilapidated theatres to watch the latest hollywood production.
They think they are "cultured" yet they lack the basic self awareness to see how retarded they are acting.
America used to have a culture but they got kiked pretty early one
I truly wish you eurofriends could experience the absolute serenity of driving across the Oklahoman panhandle in the fall. Nice cool bite to the air, warm sun on your face. There's no finer place on earth than the west.
Movies aren't culture. Culture is are the repetitive rituals we perform in our daily lives and the traditions we continue or adopt. There is culture, but it's being destroyed by infinite immigration and population churn, which severs our ties to place.
Mama mia
But England made America so therefore it's all your fault.
>imagine driving in a fucking desert
White people are not genetically disposed to live in fucking sand-nigger landscapes tho.
Ill take the silence of a mountainrange full of snow any day over this arab shit.
Driving across it next month on our way to the grand canyon, thanks for the happy reminder user, i look forward to it
And on Red Dead Redemption
I love early American culture.
> Genocide
> Conquest
> Wealth
> Freedom
> No degeneracy
> Slaves
> Christian (Traditional Christianity)
It literally seems like paradise.
>protestant heretics
No, your weak genes can't handle the dessert.
Your culture has been so isolated--so inbred--that you and your people refuse to do any conquering at all.
It's sad seeing a once proud nation of warriors turned into frail nation of eunuchs who can't defend themselves from an incoming horde with their frail little arms.
sometimes in order for a country to survive, that nation has to kill a lot of people. dont think america is any different. this has happened with every single nation in history.
>no degeneracy
Holy fuckin' shit! Good one!
reminder everything ameritards think about the wild west is hollywood bullshit
e.g. there were 6 bank robberies total in a 150 year period in the area, white men and natives rarely fought and actual cowboys were just farm hands
You mean the actual settlement of the west where
-the entire things was primarily government subsidised
-practically all towns (many of which where founded by prostitutes and which cropped up around brothels, btw.) had strict "no guns within city-limits" policies
-cowboys (a life-style which white people adopted from mexican vaqueros) were quite a mixed bunch of whites, blacks and latinos
-who drove massive cattle-herds up to chinese immigrant-built government financed railways
-built on land which was once populated by mind-bogglingly massive bison-herds which are almost extinct at this point
-to be slaughtered and sent to feed the ever-growing immigrant-swelled cities further east.
Or the mythologised version of events eg. cowboys vs. engines which
-Was invented by things such as Bufallo Bill's circus-show
-Was white-washed by Hollywood making movies for racist white people
-Was distorted as a shoot 'em up gunslinger free-for-all by italians making spaghetti-westerns in italy who wanted to tell badass stories with little regard for historical accuracy