The left is radicalizing regular republican voters

Every republicuck I know is now saying they would have 0 problem fighting a civil war against the left at this point.

Normie republican voters are radicalizing. Their rhetoric is going further right, and they're accepting more radical solutions. Violence is truly not far away.

People are sick of seeing the absolute disrespect from the left. Thinking they can self-righteously silence and bully random people, attack politicians in restaurants, and now interrupt fair nominations with dirty tricks and nominations.

Even complete cucks and idiots can see that the left is completely out of control and that our institutions are not keeping them in check. I unironically believe that republicans will be willing to vote for someone much further to the right of Trump in 2024.

People are tired of this bullshit. They want results, and they want the left to shut the fuck up. Even boomer-tards are now openly admitting this.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah we're itching to physically remove some commies, feminists, anti-whites, elites, bankers, and liberal yuppies

I’m actually a democrat but I see your point. A lot of our younger voters are just upset with no way to vent. Republicans do it too though, and not all of them are young.

leave if for the intelligent men only no need for little brainlets user

The left are retarded.
They are creating the conditions that led to the rise of Hitler in Germany.

Confirmed and happening.

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Remember to rename images when saving them to stop tracking by Glow niggers.

That bitch looks like she dont wipe her ass after a big shit

This is a natural consequence.

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At some point we will no longer be complacent.
At some point things will either breakdown or erupt.
I voted for Trump, mainly because of my long standing hatred of Hillary Clinton.
I would like to be a centrist maybe in some ways I still am but, seeing what the Democrats have done I simply can't stand by and let this happen.

I want to lose my virginity to her. I love her but we never even met each other. I know fate will bring us together. I'll ask her to go out with me during her next live stream

Good. The civil war is the only way now. Embrace the chaos.

She doesn't want a mutt, she wants a successful white man to take care of her, but successful white men don't want her.

This Kavanaugh thing is redpilling a lot of retards and republican normies

I'm hearing many regular people completely flustered by all of this. Like the average republican who voted for Trump and then stopped paying attention is starting to say "What the hell is going on here exactly? Why won't they fund the wall? Why is our government tolerating all of this weird bullshit from the left?"

People are getting mad. Retarded normies are getting mad. BOOMERS are getting mad.

When normies get mad, they don't look like when the left gets mad. The left are now a bunch of dirty feral animals who just need to be removed. No more debating or any of that trash, they just need to be silenced.

Normies will just talk to each other, and wait for a viable solution. They don't go out and go protest in the streets or some shit. That's for weirdos. Normies just wait for a candidate to say they'll fix it if you just vote, or possibly another solution if it arises.

Ironically, the left is doing more to radicalize right wingers than right-wing "intellectuals" have tried doing. I suppose that's why we're called "reactionaries", which is unfortunate, but it is what it is.

She is probably an insufferable bitch to date but she is hot af, I wouldn't really mind

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I often wonder what a Eurasian (me) and eighth mixed black children would look like. Probably Filipino desu

marry brittany venti, have an eighth black son, name him carl benjamin. do it for the lulz

That's a good one.

>Every republicuck I know is now saying they would have 0 problem fighting a civil war against the left at this point.

Even though the will and the weapons are there, the coordination and communication is not.

this pandering to low-ball, low I.Q., low testosterone, forever-virgin incels has got to stop

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>Normie republican voters are radicalizing.


>Be the left

>Be not the left
>I'd defend myself


>little brainlets
>describes himself to a tee

what did he mean by this?

Heavy bosom

Shut up OP you fucking fag.

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Time to play "spot the fed"

>Normie republican voters are radicalizing. Their rhetoric is going further right
Is it really though? Most right wingers I know have the same beliefs they always have held on things like immigration, gay marriage, abortion, 2nd amendment and a host of other issues. To me it seems like the left has shifted so hard to, well, the left, that we seem radicalized even though we’ve not changed.

Perhaps that's true, but nothing he's said is wrong in any way, and there are no calls for violence. So if it is fed it is not typical fed, so I doubt it is. It's just someone who understands the actual dynamics of CURRENT YEAR

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>Why is our government tolerating all of this weird bullshit from the left?
Such as?

Asking this is similar to going to a mechanic and asking them "how do I change my car's engine?" If you have to ask, the response won't be of any use to you.

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You Americans are idiots and will lose. The Dems will steal the election. So just shut up and say MADAM SPEAKER

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This. We need some American Freikorps.

Brittany is queen

Thank you. I couldn’t work out what the left was doing by driving voters away. Now I know they need a civil war so badly that the bait will get more and more obvious. They need to keep up the facade that regular democrats support this crap

You should fucking PRAY the Dems win. Your idiot PM Justin is going to royally assfuck you idiots, as your entire economy depends on the US and with a few exceptions, the US doesn't give two fucks about you. Trump is going to assfuck you morons. You had a chance to get concessions, but you wasted the opportunity on virtue signaling, and you have now personally insulted the very person that is going to repossess your entire "auto industry" which is really just assembling Chinese parts to circumvent the spirit of NAFTA, which is now effectively dead. You faggots are going to feel the heat and it will be glorious.


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yeah, things will get more and more polarizing over the coming months and years. there will be no deescalation. and white identity and consciousness will awaken.

>They are creating the conditions that led to the rise of Hitler in Germany.
oh no that sucks

Did that black cunts milkers ever really leak or were they fake?

We cannot share a country with people who oppose the 1st and 2nd amendment, want to abandon due process, and think feelings matter more than facts.

ALL partisans should be killed. Suck corporate party cock -> suck the curb.

Really, the most beautiful thing about it all is that Canada tried to take the "we're going to protect poor Mexico" angle to try to form a wedge against the US and Mexico told you faggots to eat a dick and did a bilateral deal with the US without you! Not only that, but US jacked up the MX auto jobs wage to $16 USD equivalent minimum wage, which every single greasy fucking Mexican knows Canada would NEVER have done for them. Almost done to spite Canada, really.

Now the CAD is worth dogshit and 1 CAD buys .77 USD. Because you're hypocritical faggots and tariff the shit out of many US industries, you're going to get hit right the fuck back with tariffs and this will further cuck your already cucked currency. Not only will the tariffs hurt, but for many industries they'll be fatal, because those industries will just move south of the border.

Enjoy what you deserve, you virtue signaling faggots! HAHAHA You will be begging for $16 USD minimum jobs by the time this is done, and Mexico was smart enough to not be insulting faggots and take the money.

They are pushing people further and further, even normal people.
They are basically doing our job.

Pretty sure this will be how the left will win. Push the righties into a frenzy and when the right is berserking enough to have madness in their eyes then the leftie will back up into a centrist position saying they dindu nuffin. It was fun while it's lasted, but it's over.

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After this Kavanaugh business, I'm seeing that now yes. Even normies I know, see this as the whole government and legal system essentially being shut down because one woman cried rape 30 years later. They were disgusted with many things for a long time already, but now they're starting to get angry I'm noticing.

The sad thing is this is all going to get Trudeau re-elected since the normies in Canada like the idea of us standing up to the USA and we won't really feel the effects of this till after our next election.

Oh no.

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It is standard Rothschild play executed by their lieutenant Soros. Remember (((their))) primary tactic is Hegelian dialectic used to force synthesis towards (((their))) goals. You think Hitler rose to power by chance?

Where the fuck are you from? I've never felt more tension in society in my life here. I can genuinely feel the civil war bordering. I don't know what the trigger point was, but something's happened in the last year that has encited the primal instinct of white Albertans. If Trudeau gets another term there will be literal riots and killings here

bullshit, I know absolutely no one that would vote for Trudie, our problem right now is the conservative split vote, milk mafia establishment globalist cuck or Based Frenchman with no media coverage?

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If you had to pick between a dog and a canadian toddler, which would you eat first?

bumpin for truth

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Every single time.

Only throughout the west.

CA bros, I hope you can turn this around. You are headed off a fucking cliff and honestly I fear for and pray for the good Canadians that apparently still exist out there.

There will be no CA-USA deal in the near term. Things are going to get bad. Hope reasonable CA fags will prevail in the end.

At least this time we wont make the same mistakes.

turbocuck John McCain once ran for President as Republican, the idea of that nowadays is absurd.

it's why no one takes Nikki Haley seriously, she might have been something in the Bush era but right now no Republicans would ever vote for her, she's sub-jeb.

Its just normal God fearing people getting pushed around continuously by an army of communists weaponized by the NWO.

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I hope so too my friend. I hope in ten years we are able to reconcile and fix our societies but I'm afraid that we are going to see very violent next few years, which I know for a fact myself and others who think like me are willing to endure

That's okay, we'll gladly wipe it for her.

Oy vey

Oh no they're critiquing racists and want to build up a proper safety net in a brutal capitalis society.

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I won't be able to participate in the civil war. I have to stay home and protect my wife and kids. I don't care which side you are on. If you get too close to our house we are going to shoot. Cheers

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Please stop with this meme. The US is not Weirmar Germany.

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Brittany Venti reminds me of Sargon, once they both started interacting with other people the flaws in their personality were exposed and they are just unlikable jerks now.

hello Juden I saw you in the Ted Cruz thread too

And the drama with her boyfriend who dumped her for being a psycho showed even more. she wanted her bf back but then she found out he banged a tinder thot a few eeks after breaking up with her triggered her and she started spreading lies

her boyfriend exposed her for being a dirty skank who doesn't clean her house and her cat litter box to the point that the cats shit in her bed, so it's not that hard to believe she also doesn't wipe her ass properly

Thanks, I didn't know about this but I am no surprised. I lost interest in her ages ago.

Just saying... If you look around theres alot of people who would argue that these circumstances mirror the rise to power of a certain Bohemian Corporal.

>We as a race didn't learn shit from that whole era except how to finally wipe out the entire planet in one move.
>My body is ready and i'm comin Harambe
Damn you all.

It's happening

It's weird how they seem to always create their own enemies

I'm convinced that the left is actually suicidal and want someone to end their misery, so they provoke violence on purpose

Based and redpilled

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>We cannot share a country with people who oppose the 1st and 2nd amendment, want to abandon due process, and think feelings matter more than facts.

This. Democrats are truly not Americans by definition.

yeah whatever. The "Right" will never do anything.

Why do you think the liberals are removing every outspoken person who opposes them from the internet? Disrupting our communication channels to prevent us from organzing.


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Like you wouldn't keep her chained in your basement as a sex slave you fucking faggot. There are pictures floating around of her titties, they're pretty nice.

>Every republicuck I know is now saying they would have 0 problem fighting a civil war against the left at this point.
That's what it will eventually come to, that or let Antifa thugs take over and turn the US into a Commie slaughterhouse, like they did to Russia.

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fuck no.

>Like you wouldn't keep her chained in your basement as a sex slave
that's a pretty low bar desu

Well just on something topical, mitch mcconnel cucking himself and the entire republican party for a lazy democrat smear job over the past two weeks
I will say one thing, it's definitely galvanizing republican voters, but at the same time I think people want this cuck doormat's head on a pike along with the rest of the obstructionist RINO's.

These idiots are packing their bags even if they win the midterms.

>This will get trudeau re-elected
Are you fucking kidding me? My liberal college professors are openly saying in class how much they hate Trudeau. I work part-time at concerts and we had a comedian cracking jokes and making fun of Trudeau in front of 6,000 people to raucous applause. The mere MENTION of Trudeau's name got resounding BOOO's from the audience.

I thought maybe it was a meme that Canadians are sick of cuckdeau, but I'm actually struggling to find ANYONE who likes the fucker. Nobody in my family, not even the left-leaning people. My own mother tells me she's thinking of voting for a different party than the liberals for the first time in her life and asked me who I think she should vote for.

I'm not some kind of savant nostradamus here, but if I were going to bet on this upcoming election it wouldn't be on the Liberals' horse.

Based frenchman's biggest mistake wasn't running his own party, but doing it way too fucking late in the game. You don't go and announce your new party a fucking month out from the start of the election and expect to get elected.

The fact that bernier didn't pull this stunt 2-3 months ago rather than now is the biggest thing making me think he's an intentional spoiler candidate paid by the liberals to split conservatives and try to salvage something out of Trudeau's absolute mess.

R. for Republican
R. for rapist
R. for Russia
R. retarded rednecks

Normie here.

gas the kikes race war now.

I actually saw her before but I didn't say anything.

Those mobs didn’t form overnight. Maybe it’s new for them but not for their base. They’ve been attacking their base for years while watching their politicians go along with it. The demoralization has already set in.

the milk ogre

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> moving right
I think the right has gained a better understanding of how destructive multiculturalism is.

The globalist, “tower of Babel” republicans (like McCain and Jeb!) are finished.

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fuck that whore she promised tits for voting for her in Jow Forums fun game and idnt NOT PROVIDE!


> Tower of Babel Republicans
Can we meme this to radicalize Christ cucks?

And that’s a good thing!

Guilty until proven innocent and still guilty to some even then. Calling it harassment when it happens to one of their own; cheering it when it happens to one of ours. Racist when x happens to a black person; not racist when x happens to a white person. Minority says x, still hire them; white person says x, demand they fire them. That's how they treat you when they don't have power. How will they treat you when they do?

Oh, no. How horrible. Communist degeneracy leading to a nationalist uprising. God save us all.

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>virtue signaling
*moral aggrandizing

Even Ben Shapiro is becoming alt right, and hes your standard neocon jewish shill who probably just cared about israel at first

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