Female sex worker applies for Australian Army, fails, has a shitfit on instrgam

So in case you guys haven't heard
>female professional slut, in an open polygamous, BDSM relationship applied to join the Australian Armoured Corps as an Officer(LMAO)
>Got to final stage of Officer Selection Board
>Informed that they googled her name and found her escorting page
>Tell her shes not suitable
>She fails to com[prhened why
>Has a shit fit on instagram
>Complains sexism, double standards, literally doesnt understand why having sex for money makes her unsuitable for army service
>Uses the 'the boys do it!' excuse.
>Sex workers and feminists all over social media literally defending her saying tyhat her private life is no on elses business when its plastered all over google
>Doesnt even cover her face on her escorting page
>One of her wives starts a petition directed at the defence minister
>Mentions the name of the Female LtCol who personally told her she wasnt suitable(ROFL)



Original video



>I out performed the guys on all the tests!

Jesus christ.

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>want to be in respected leadership position
>used to suck cocks for a living

What the fuck does she think would happen? If a guy used to be some disgusting whore for pay than the same thing will happen. She could probably get enlisted but since the chimp out she won't even be able to get a response back.

>She could probably get enlisted but since the chimp out she won't even be able to get a response back.

Shes already been rejected, The problem is the impending chimp oit and ADFs reputation on back flipping on policies and bowing down to leftist, she will probably get reinstated, put on a course and graduate as top cadet then get promoted straight to captain.

Then youll have every sex worker and stripper lining up to the join and the ones in uniform who keep it secret will be able to come out and express their identities free of ridicule.

Is a bdsm thing really "sex work" though? because that woman that i pay to slap the dirty dégutante incel white boy out of me doesn't really suck my dong

This won't happen calm down


>183 cm
holy shit what a nice gal

She has sex with people, it's not just light spanking

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I hope the whores don't go on strike.

No joke. They're unionised labour.

The Australian defence force couldn't defend Tasmania for 20 minutes.

>think you're better than you are
>get btfo by a hooker
>cry about muh oppression on Jow Forums

>literal whore makes it to officer selection
How do you think she got there? You should've sucked more cock

>professional comfort woman wants to join army
>reject her




>muh degree
>thinking speaking multiple languages makes you special


>watch instagram video of her crying
>"they saw my shit online, and whats worse is it was infront of like 5 people"
>posts this publicly on the internet

>charges 1k for an hour
so why would she want to join the army anyway?

I didn't know they still had to call them escorts in straya.
I though hooking was legal.

its a seemingly common effect with these people (pretty much 100% of the npc population) that they don't seem to realise that everyone sees what they do
I wonder if this actress lady that had these nudes uploaded here on 4 chins is really concious that EVERYONE that sees her and is under 50 years old has seen the pictures

>Dominatrix Experience --- $600 p/hr
>Have you dreamt of a powerfully stunning girl, standing over you with her crop or cane? YOU, at the whim of her every desire. I want to tease and torture you, forfiling every hidden desire - the ones you're unable to tell your wife.. This is a true professional experience with a trained, teen dominant - a one of a lifetime experience, and something that you could never find in a dungeon.

>A Game for Three --- $1200 p/h
>Share my deliciously dirty girlfriend Charlotte or Sara with me, as we take the hassle out of arranging an elusive threesome. Being both genuinely bisexual and a lover of pleasuring one another with other men, we know exactly how to make you tingle from the tip of your head, to the ends of your toes.. Add $500 p/h for a naughty PSE experience with us.

This instagram shitfit is the best marketing exercise I've ever seen

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You'd be surprised user. I just finished basic at Kapooka and we had a female cadet in our platoon (choccos). She didn't pass one unit except for parade which is basically "turn left, March, look right, March, halt"

Women in the military were a mistake

>I out performed the guys on all the tests!
Is that true? If so that's cause for concern.

Ofcourse its not true. Girls are not allowed to fail training here in Australia.
Shutup nigger. The government ordered recruiting to turn away all male applicants. A literal female retard can get in now over a more qualified man.

As someone with friends and family who are officers in the ADF, there is no fucking way she was ever going to approved.

The culture there is still somewhere back in the 1960s - the reason why armies tend to support right wing dictators is because army officers are consistently a very conservative demographic. It's the kind of job that attracts and fosters that kind of person, rightly or wrongly.

>doesn't even do watersports
her slutfu is weak af

yeah she received the longest list from her std tests

more like hunter downie

to expand her customer base, obv.

>waaah us white bois have it so hard
Cry me a river cumskin

>Want to be an officer
>Cries histerically in a video and post in online
How can they be so retard?
How can a soldier die for an histerical slut?

absolutely this, hooker upset she couldnt get access to a captive market, nothing more to see here.

Nah Im think Im gona crack a VB, put on my flag then go enjoy Australia day on the 26th of Jan every year. You petrol sniffing shitskin lol.

Even the PM agrees its on that day. Fuck you and your dreamtime.

Women trying real hard to lose the vote all over the world.

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Dude I got out of the ADF recently, the current state of it is not good. Chicks flooding into combat units, acting like rampant sluts and getting away with it, no offensive iconography, trannies.

Are you high cumskin? Try and make sense before you @ me cunt

she's ugly as fuck famalam
also are you that one albo that lives in luxembourg

Imagine the Chinese invading and facing trannies, whores and various brands of degenerates.
They would piss themselves laughing, while tranny officers would kill themselves.

What a fucking freak show.

no thats probably another one, i'm full on burgish, you have a problem with that?
>buys your country

>Implying all the actual good diggers wouldn't just form militias under the command of SASR cunts and go out bush and commence a massive guerilla war

i remember talking to an albonigger from luxembourg a couple of years ago on here
he was most likely dealing heroin so he's your problem now lad

Maybe next time she should try the navy

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>get bombed in to a pile of meat and ash

If the military goes it's basically over. When I was in BCT around 2010 it was still very much a boys club and the women were ridiculed to hell and back if they couldn't make it. Now in 2018, only a few years later here in the US they allow trannies in, have special cards that they can flash to drill sergeants to leave them alone if they get too stressed and allow everyone to have cellphones+internet acces when they aren't out and about in training.
It's completely absurd. Social media already makes people fucking cracked in the head, imagine combining that with your average boot camp reprogramming.

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>captive market
I never realized this, but if music festivals wanted to make even more money, they should offer brothels too.

People do realize militaries are created specifically to murder shitloads of foreigners, right? It's not exactly a good place to set up representatives of social justice or distract with vapid feel good nonsense.

yeah its fucking awful just how FAST all this went

I'm genuinely amazed the Australian Army said no to her, considering how pozzed it's become.

t. Former Grunt

what was kapooka like as a reservist?
i just got signed off for medical crap, need to organise a date for my PFA. Recruiting is moving to Rhodes so idkwtf is going on. I'm eager to progress with it so I can use it to get the fuck away from Sydney for a bit.

Anecdotally, I was talking to a chick who'd been trying to get in for years. She originally failed the medical because her BMI was above 33, she lost 50kg, failed the PFA because shed lost all her strength from losing weight then was attempting the PFA again that day. pretty admirable but she'd be an outlier.

Fuck me, she does way more than the average Hooker.

Without air superiority, America would get it's ass kicked in a hot war.

>@ me
you're glowing, dude.

do you really think a BDSM whore belongs in the army?

>you're glowing
I know, black don't crack, unlike your cumskin

wow. i think they want you back over at twitter, brosef.

I know you won't believe me but they are most often the pretty intelligent ones (if we're talking about that "branch" of "workers") and they know how to punch and be direct

Ofcourse that doesn't mean that i think women should actually be footsoldiers

Yeah, it's pretty fun once you get over the rampant favouritism that the Corps and sgts employ. No explosives though which sucks. Tbh, the reserves are going through a massive admin change right now. I'd wait 6 months- a year before going for it, the admin sucks you around a bit

Is it even worth joining the reserve or is it completely pozzed?

I was never there in the first place you retarded cumskin

>>One of her wives

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I'm reading more and more "jokes" about how female vote was a mistake.
we need to push and meme it harder.

>disabled clients

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Don't let/pol/ fool ya. Its reasonably pozzed but not 100%. Same as civvie life. I'd recommend it

It's pretty fucking pozzed. I mean you expect a university to be, but when you're in the Army and there's a tranny giving you a lecture on the importance of "diversity" you start to get pretty beat down.

>have every disease
>why can't I join a profession where I'm epected to stop the bleeding of my coworkers in extreme conditions using only a basic medkit?
One of the reasons I never became EMT was because of disease ridden niggers.

sure you're not. i believe you.

OK so it's 80% pozzed and increasing...
But then so are universities, corporations, etc.

> One of her wives

You know what? Fuck the ADF. Here is my anecdote

> Be 18-19 yr old me in 2005 or 2006 , still living at home, apply for the Army-combat engineer.
>Pass aptitude, additional testing and all that, get told by assessors I am doing well.
>Get to medical and because I truthfully declared that I had asthma as a child, I need to spend my own money to see a respiratory specilist to confirm...that my lungs function? >Great I think only one hurdle
>Medical officer sees that I am wearing glasses (not hard to notice since I am myopic)
>Oh gee, you had better go see an opthomologist to confirm...that I am myopic and have astigmatism?
>Never got booked for my formal interview because after that I didn't bother.
>Next time 2009 in Hobart, apply for medic I think. Pass all the aptitude and all that. Turn up for my formal interview.
>Because I was hella poor at the time, could not afford 3 piece suit.
>About 2 hours into my 4 hour day, get told there are no longer ANY medic positions left. >So I have to choose something else. Despite the fact I had spent the past 12 weeks learning all I could about that role and what the job entailed.
>Get called into the formal interview with an officer. Struggle through because I had literally an hour to look up another job I was suitable for and research. My interview could not have gone worse. I did not answer many questions correctly which was no surprise. Then the officer said I should have dressed better for my interview.
>I said goodbye.


>want an important career
>posts personal life for all to see on social media
>this lifestyle is pretty fucked up and can interfere with day-to-day life
Wahhhh why won’t they hire me??!

>Be me in 2010. No full-time job, still pretty directionless and lacking in a career.
>Try the army again, I can't recall what position this time.
>I had spent that past 3 months getting physically ready and making sure I had memorised everything about the job I wanted

>Have my YOU session. All going fine, past aptitude, lied on my medical (never told them about childhood asthma).

>Get called into see interviewing officer.
>Asks if I have a job.
>I state jovially that I am working casually and don't make much money.
>So the military was my attempt to better myself and learn some useful skills.
>Get told 'oh gee well you see you need a full-time job, even if it was with McDonalds"
>I say well I came to you for a job, I wanted a career.
>Tells me to get a job and come back and get some friends and other trivial garbage.
>Fuck the modern ADF, if your a green haired, peg legged, hook for hands lesbian, they will take you in a shot.
>24 yr old fit, white male, don't bother.
>I hate what this country has become.
>Both my parents were in during the 70's and 80's.

This is outrageous! Totally unacceptable.
To maintain combat capability, the most important team members are sex workers. This is principal ZERO, applies to every military force.
Sex workers should be made mandatory to military force, better to have a quota and male escorts to catch the trend.


I had a very similar experience.
Going in and out of interviews trying to meet all this arbitrary bullshit.
"ur not the right personality fit for this job."
"u haven't spent enough time living out of home"
"u have a gf, u'll prob miss her too much."
Such utter shit.
I waited 2 years trying to get into the infantry before I realized they were actively discriminating against men.
Then you realize a woman, faggot, or tranny gets expedited into an officer role just coz muh diversity and I think "why do I even try?"

I remember when I was a wee tyke and I applied for an officer position.

Passed all the requirements but was told flat out "no way" in the interview, ostensibly because I didn't have enough leadership experience, but looking back the reality of it was that nobody was going to take a 5'8" manlet teenager seriously as an officer without some serious bullshit to back that up.

Lol my friend got rejected by state police after he said on the polygraph he had a foot fetish. This cunt can go to hell.

>tfw no slut officer that will give you a morale boost after combat

One of the biggest hits to my life. Still pains me to this day. I don;t know if any other anons have to screen cap of another bloke talking about how his mate was failed from officer entry because he would tell his squad to attack an enemy force. The correct answer is to surrender apparently.

Its pretty astounding to me that we as men are denied the opportunity to fight for our country.

It's all about supply and demand, I applied 2007 and from the time I made the first phone call to recruiting to having a start date for Kapooka was about 5 weeks.

But in 2007 the economy was doing really well, and the ADF was having a hard time recruiting people. But 18 months later, after the GFC, lots more people were looking for work and you were competing with dozens of other people for every position.

It wasn't you user, or the ADF, you just had poor timing.

I don't see how being a prostitute is going to hurt affect her abilities in the armed forces. Can someone explain the logic please?

I would think she would be tougher, more capable than a christian house wife

damn, I'm typing like I'm drunk lately. I need more sleep.

She's applying for a leadership position in a still kinda 'macho' occupation. If she isn't super exceptional nobody is gonna listen to a professional cock polisher.

interesting input, user. i think you are correct, i dont think she can lose here.

She'd be really good for morale.
She could hang around the field hospital and give infinite blowjobs to all the wounded and PTSDed grunts.

Kinda hard to exert authority over people if they know you're a literal whore.

If you join an Anglo army, you're required by law to surrender - see cucks in Singapore during the WW2.
Asians will fight until last man, see how Japs fought pussy mutts in Pacific and gooks in Korea war. It's a culture thing.
And, DO NOT join any military force during the peace era.

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I would have failed them for simply having more than family/friends on an instagram account.

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I don't understand how. It's the military, not a middle school. If they don't respect your authority the military has ways to put them in check.

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that dude had an advantage, he didn't have an arm so he weighs less!

Based Straya

>I don't understand how.
You might be retarded then.

Let's be real. Soldiers are far worse than whores. They literally get paid to fucking murder whoever they're told to. Being paid for sex is like 1/100th as pathetic as immoral as that.

The French army used to have official "Bordels Mobiles de Campagne" (mobile military brothels). staffed by local girls but controlled by the army, wherever they fought.
Apparently the French foreign legion still has them.


there's no "might" about that, I definitely am a retard. I don't see how that is relative to the subject at hand though or how it is constructive to our conversation.