Is it that fucking hard for you people to get? Women get the short end of the stick. They get assaulted all the time, and have no reason to lie about it. Just fucking believe them.
Believe woman
That jewess would get the short end of my stick if you catch my drift
Women are given every benefit of every doubt. They are extremely coddled in the west and have a right to 50% or more of a mans hard earned assets in a divorce.They are rewarded for essentially nothing, and have thus become parasitic leeches in society that are destroying it from within and they don’t care
Her ass is absolutely depressing.
I will once even a single shred of solid evidence has been brought forth to support literally any of those claims.
Until then, you can play your little he said she said games very fucking far away from the rest of us, thanks.
Didn't she suckle weinsteins hog?
It used to require male witnesses to a rape for a reason. A woman's word can not be trusted.
That face is what it looks like.
>Women get the short end of the stick
oh please.
try being with a woman. try marrying one. try having children with one. then you'll know what you talk about.
women quite literally run with easy mode enabled.
I've always disliked this cunt, every since I saw her promoting abortion.
Psychology of women.... when a woman gets rejected she feels pain. She feels the man who rejected her caused the pain. Her mental anguish will make her feel physically unwell. Therefore he physically assaulted her.
Having an ugly guy talk to you isn’t assault sweaty
Id give her the short end of my stick
incidentally - when you have children, if you have a decent wife, she'll start seeing things from your son's perspective, should you have one.
and the future my wife sees for my son has made her go raging anti-feminist. she can't believe how stacked society is against men.
Obviously you haven't spent much time around women.
this is just fucking retarded. you can apply the same logic wrt shopping on low funds.
oh the store manager didn't allow me to buy this louis vuitton bag for the £10 i have in my wallet. he's oppressing me, and being violent.
retard central.
I want to fight a pitbull just to get attention from women.
Didn't she suckle Weinsteins hog?
christ, she used to be such a qt..
she looks like shit now and shes not even 40 yet
I’d give her something to survive
Believe no black woman accuses Kavanaugh. This is proof he is innocent.
Believe White Women Lie
Yes, well its the psychology of women.
Another one.... I've fallen for a man. He's always on my mind. Because he's on my mind he's always there and stalking me. (In reality man is casual acquaintance who just happens to be within her sphere on occasion. But again, he must have done something to her. Female psychology. Look for this stuff, its enlightening when you start to see how it manifests.)
this is a shop
this might work
So says Weinsteins fuck toy.
Hey Portkike not everyones parents sold them to some fat old jew as a kiddie cum dumpster.
2018 and people are actually this fucking stupid.
I was thinking about the modern film adaptation of Les Miserables recently. Some catchy tunes and memorable moments in there. Is it a degenerate film?
Leftist Jew. Says leftist jew shit. Harvard educated and still can’t wrap her head around how burden of proof works.
>They have no reason to lie about it
Believe (((Nathalie Portman))) she never lie !
>Believing a gender notorious for being lying manipulative cunts.
Ah yes, who needs evidence when you have a vagina
Lying roasties BTFO
For what it's worth, I'm sorry for your lots user.
White Women Lie
Natalie PortMAN is a jew tranny boy.
Didn't she suckle weinsteins hog?
Not to mention these fake allegations hurt the credibility of women who were ACTUALLY sexually abused and finally mustered up the courage to come forward, since it does happen and is often actually terrible.
I know because it happened to someone in my family.
holy shit checked and based
This is how vapid these people are. Yes believe survivors, if you can actually establish beyond a reasonable doubt that people are survivors. I'm not sure if people using that hashtag are just genuinely thick or are pushing an agenda and don't fucking care that it's obvious to anyone with an IQ above about 90
The Democrats official line is literally FUCK THE LAW on every issue
>Just fucking believe them.
fuck off, you lying cunt.
here I fixed it for you ..
Actors who can't sing shouldn't be in musicals. The only actor who managed to play his role well was Barron Cohen.
And that had more to do with the fact that his role depended on comedic deliverance instead of being able to sing.
Take a random song from the movie and compare it to the same song from a musical performance, preferably the 10 year anniversary cast. The difference is huge.
Also, the girl who played Eponine was way hotter than that bug eyed Cosette. Poor casting.
Stick yourself in your arse, degenerate subhuman goy yankee scum.
They have every reason to lie about it. Claims of abuse are social currency for a woman. The more of a victim a woman is, the more social benefits she can obtain. The more mistakes she can make and blame them on others so society rectifies them for her.
For example. My mother just hit 55 and discovered her boyfriend who's money she was living off had spent all of his savings, which mean they had nothing to live on.
Suddenly she developed Autism. I kid you not. She suddenly decided she'd always been on the spectrum and as a result had to have state assistance with her boyfriend being classified as her carer. So she got a free home, and now lives on benefits while her boyfriend also sponges because he's classified as her carer.
She used to go out with me at least once a fortnight to have a catch up in our local shopping center and we'd go to the local cinema too to watch a film, but now she can't handle the noise because of her sensory overload due to her Autism apparently. She suddenly became agorophobic and suicidal too.
All of it is lies of course. She just doesn't want to have to downgrade her quality of life. She wants to retain it by any means necessary. Just like all women do.
nope, its as real as israel:
ohh.. its right there in the surname! the whole time, STARING US IN THE FACE!
it's a tranny
Why was Bill Clinton framed by (((Lewinsky)))? Aren't they on the same team?
There’s high functioning autists, then there’s LOW functioning autists. You’re the latter.
Just like that highschool black kid athlete who got accused of rape and spent over a year in jail before being released then having his accuser contact him and confess she lied about the whole thing?
She really needs to go back in time and beat the hell out of her mom for nixing the sex scene in Leon
And I see this dynamic play out with almost all women at some point. When a sudden change occurs in their life that means they have to make sacrifices, they self-victimise so someone, usually a male or the state, swoops in to compensate for the change. So they still retain their current quality of life and in the long-term have more of a safety net. They all know this instinctively, they all know being a victim has value, so they capitalise on that. The reason why white men are so demonised by people with this mindset, women and "minorities" too is because white men have the most value so they have the most to give to those self-proclaimed victims.
>all women lie
Due process
Fuck off
jesus christ
her inner kike overshadows her outer beauty
I base my opinions on proof and not belief, because I'm not a woman.
Too little too late .. the tool can suk my uncut D
this, women BTFO
Women's rights were a mistake, you retards have gotten out of control. It'll be a sad day in history when you are reduced to mere slaves, again. Give someone an inch, and they take a fucking mile. What a disappointment, humanity needs to end.
No, she goes for high status males, something your own being is radically opposed to.
Hey OP? Heil Feminism amirite?
Correction to my above post: He spent 5 years in jail
digits confirm
It used to require a man for pretty much everything besides marrying a man.
America, what have you done?
Didn't she suckle weinsteins hog?
The only things I want from a woman is
1 sex
3. look after my kids
4. be pretty
5. be a great mum
6. be trad (long hair , being feminine, wearing girls clothers like a real woman, decent manners)
7. doesn't crossdress
8. Know how to talk and act like a female
9. was born a girl
10. has vargoo and boobs
11. like me
12. isn't a yucky smelly gross feminst
13. Is a Christian (practising) no LARP
that's it
if even one thing is missing on here
MY wife is all of these and she';s a damn jew.
and a good one.
Jow Forums is racist and gay.
I'm racist and anti-feminist Pro trad male with a yucky yellow fever fetish (surpressed).
And i'm not a sissy pants beta like most of Jow Forums
I think i could fuck her into submission. I could turn her into a nice housewife
natalie portman raped me
.. check mate
10/10 trap.
I refuse
And anyone who looks to professional trained deceivers for moral direction should be gassed
raising your children as devout christian right wing anti-jew intellectuals
Such bullshit - lying is in a woman's nature - why would people believe whatever they say? Fucking democratic party propaganda
>and have no reason to lie about it
Kill yourself cuck
The rats are seething right now and I love it.
Really, you obviously must do better than that
The Ultimate Female Guidebook written by OP:
1. Identify as a Woman
2. Accuse a successful man of rape
3. Have SJWs, MSM and Whiteknights back you up
4. Win in court
5. Lay back and enjoy the benefits as you revert back to identifying as a male
Before #metoo when rapists were fun to hang out with
Isn't she an Israeli national?
Should make this woman the face of #believeallwomen.
This is a great point. Woman having boys turns them conservative and anti feminist, I've seen it countless times.
Well it was a nigger, probably saved future white girl from actually being raped
Nothing of value was lost.
I had Kavanaugh's rape baby and I can prove it with a DNA test
Maybe so, but just need to do this to fuck with their little movement.
"Let it burn, let it all burn." Gandhi
>women get the short end of the stick
Speak for yourself. I always give them my all.
i was under the impression she suckled it like a mule.
That's not enough.
Didn't she suckle on weinsteins hog?
Jesus Christ; don't give them fucking ideas.
>He shop raped me!!!
>Also, the girl who played Eponine was way hotter than that bug eyed Cosette. Poor casting.
when ever i wear my black fedora the guys at the bus station dressed all in black like a ska band keep asking if i 'm a jew
Didn't she suckle on weinsteins hog?
Innocent until proven guilty. Just keep repeating it. Any legitimized attack on due process will be the lid and not a nail in our coffin.