How do we deal with smartphone Jew?

>Friends call
>''wanna hang out''?
>Go to cafe
>sit down
>they instantly pull out their smartphones and start staring at its screen like fucking retards

I'm so fucking tired Jow Forums. Remember when people actually used to talk to each other and act like human beings. Everyone is staring at their screens every fucking time doesn't matter if they are walking , sitting in bus or talking to you.

Jews sure know how to turn people into mindless retards.

Attached: 1537867383040.jpg (666x716, 138K)

Yep, and its getting worse. in 20 years time these very same assholes will be running nations and industries.
Then we will all be royally fucked

>Implying they will be able to run our nations and industries at all

Maybe your company is just shit

>Jews sure know how to turn people into mindless retards.
The kind of people who stare at their phones all day were already retarded, they just have a new way of expressing it now.

Try not being a boring cunt, talking about politics isn't interesting
Also this

There will probaly be a app for it.

So are all you lot just sat at home behind your computer screens? How is that any better?

How is that the same as just staring at your phone when meeting up with friends you retarded cumskin?

>sitting in bus
As opposed to what?

One time this 9 or 10 year old girl made fun of me because I don't know how Snapchat works.

In that case what do we even need a management class for? Boom, fully automated luxury communism.

With that said. I would unironically want to be friends with most people on this board.

Whoa, cool it with the antisemitism.

Staring at screens makes you operate at a lower IQ.
I screenshot useful information.
At the time it seems like profound Joe Rogan-tier "omg wow dude" revelations. But when I actually write them down in a book it strikes me as just bland common sense not requiring any special note.

You can google the science of screens.
It literally puts you in a state of temporary retardation.
People who read something off paper understand it better, recall it more accurately, and integrate it into their knowledge far better than people who get the exact same text off a screen.

B...but muh social networking...

My best friends girlfriend will literally sit on the couch looking at her phone for hours, sometimes to the point she ignores people when they ask her questions. I no longer bother with her

Leave normie_net
Edit your hosts file all normie services

Ur best friend sounds like a soft cuck.
I bet you she has no respect for a man who tolerates such disrespectful behaviour from her. She's prob texting more alpha chads and ur friend is just a place holder until the most opportunistic time.

I've lived on 3 continents and fucked at least one thot from every continent. And Aussie thots are by far the biggest cunts of all. They despise their own men and are constantly vetting them for weakness. You can never let your guard down around these vulgar cunts and trauma-bonding is the only way to connect with them on a meaningful level. They are ugly business. Even an American LA thot has manners in comparison.

>implying Jews aren't doing this so they're unable to run anything ad kikes take their place

But if you can handle an Aussie cunt you can easily handle any other cunt. Even the most materialistic Chinese or Russian women is s walk in the park after you're a veteran at putting Aussie cunts in their place.

I have seen this pasta