International Mafias have become too strong for the native Italian ones, for many reasons, the most important is because they were supported by politicians from these parties: PD, Partito Democratico, +Europa -Soros Party-, LeU -PD 2.0- and others members of the State, like functionaries of the state like Judges and Bureakrats and Catholic organizations too.
It is not known, at least it is not proven, that those people are supporting them because they are directly founded by Nigerian Mafia or just because their ideologies, they think to be good while they are much more dumb than good.
I quote one leftist intellectual:
>I'm always on the side of minorities
This is the level of their stupidity: they do not reason, they just have to side with an ethnical minority just because (this is how gypsy could build a criminal organization in the last 30 years that they never had in their history here in Italy, but it is another story even if related).
>How it started
With immigration, obviously. Criminal organizations work like a state in the state, where there is no state control they put their fangs. Clandestines to live in Italy had to deal with them, and the Mafias see them as low cost manpower, so they were really happy to use them and to put their hands on public money invested to "hospitality" of those people.
We don't have ICE nor we kick them rightfully has US does, and this is for political reasons.
The biggest waves of clandestines are from 2011, but Nigerian mafia already settle before that period.
Italian mafias used it to do what they considered not really interesting racket, as control of the (black) prostitution and such.
It quickly gained enough power to have the completely control of certain areas, like Castel Volturno (if you saw Gomorrah: the Series you understand what we are talking about), that massacre was in september 2008, ten years ago.
That was a Mafia war, our media shilled that it was a massmurder made by mafiosi just because they were racist.
How Italian Mafias lost to Nigerian Mafia
Other urls found in this thread:
>Italian mafias used it to do what they considered not really interesting racket, as control of the (black) prostitution and such.
Italian fags are into oil drilling?
That was a Mafia war, and Camorra lost it.
Today Castel Volturno is completely, 100% controlled by Nigerian Mafia.
>What is Nigerian mafia
It is born in the Nigerian university that are made copying the Anglosaxon education system. The british tried to settle some masonic lodges and developed brotherhoods for students, the Nigerian Mafia born as one of these brotherhoods, but they built a cult around it.
It mixed the masonic system with their traditional believes, vodoo and other esoteric sorcery thing.
Today it has the monopoly of the control of Heroin traffic from Liberia to South Africa.
>How could they win against Italian Mafias
Many reasons, the most important two are:
>Untouched by justice system
>Untouched by justice system and support of the Left wing media, politicians and functionaries
As I already stated those mafia wars were shutted in the political debate with the "racism" label, nobody could talk about them or it was a racist.
Those information were totally banned, nobody could talk about Nigerian Mafia. An example on how the Italian media shut down people:
It is not related with Nigerian mafia, that this is their method. Here this woman, a doctor that now is a Fantasy writer, Silvana De Mari, is asked about verbal violence, and she answered that yes it is a tragedy that she was attacked online and brought in tribunal to have reported to the public that there is a lgbt organization named Mario Mieli, a guy that was a pedophilia apologist, that recieve money from the state. She was shutted down and could not talk for the last 20 minutes of the show.
They are going to make a movie about (((Mario Mieli))), financed by RAI and regione Emilia Romagna.
Still about media and this case:
Pamela was a girl tortured, raped, murdered and cut to piece. Part of her body, has her hearth, were eaten.
One of the many initiation ritual of Nigerian Mafia (it depends in wich brotherhoo we are talking about) is about killing a woman and eat her hearth.
This is the first case known, but how many girls were already killed in those initiation rituals? We have no idea. Those guys were discovered just because they were really stupid, maybe it is because they betrayed each other, the guy who had to take the body (it was put in a bag) left it in the middle of a road.
Well, the media and leftists tried in all the ways to shut this episode down, they said that the poor girl was just a whore and that she died of overdose and the poor migrant was scared, so he cut her down, just because he was a poor oppressed guy that didn't want to deal with fascist police.
Well, that the guy in the pic went crazy, took his gun and searched for the pushers in his town, totally ruled by Nigerian Mafia. He didn't hit only pusher, in fact he asked sorry for the people he hit by mistake.
The media shilled about him, they did not say that he wanted to kill the mafia guys, but that he was a just racist that killed (he didn't kill anybody at the end of the day because he suck with the gun, even if it was his intention, or maybe he didn't want to kill anybody and wanted just scare the pushers or push a reaction from the locals).
>Untouched by justice system
It's hard to win a war when law enforcement is fighting your enemy and not touching your side.
>The biggest waves of clandestines are from 2011, but Nigerian mafia already settle before that period.
Before the migrant crisis the Nigerian "mafia" smuggled more hard drugs into Europe than the (((Russian mafia))) and Italian Mafia combined. They move more drugs, control most of the street level prostitution, are more willing to commit violence and outnumber other criminal organisations by quite a degree. You're fucked mate if you don't do what needs to be done
The stuff are really crazy here in Italy
Our Ministro degli Interni was inquired for "kidnapping" while he was doing his job, maybe you all know this fact.
What you don't know is that leftists judged do this thing by a lot of time, but the media don't talk about it.
There is a case of 7 policeman inquired and accused for kidnapping because they stopped some clandestine, and the judge wanted to give them 20 years of prison.
If you only knew how bad things are here in Italy.
Actually the local Mafias never lost a "battle" against Nigerian criminals, but at every exchange of fire they were just decimated by the police.
Nigerian brotherhoods don't have a family member core system of power, they have a cultist one and can change their bosses in a really fast way. They use a lot of people that are not totally affiliated with them that comes from all Africa, they are just zerging.
The time a local Mafia needs to "train" and "hire" a new soldier (they have to check their loyalty, teach him the basic skill and how to not go full retard) is a lot, and of course just a tiny minotiry of Italian people want to deal with Mafia.
The clandestines instead have do to with Nigerian mafia everyday. They went here in Italy with contracts made with them, they own them money, they are easily manipulated with vodoo and sorcery, they are in desperate need of money and basic services. They all works, in a way or another, for Nigerian mafia.
Local mafias cannot kill them all, they know that, and this is way they know that they already lost. They are being zerged, those guys just flow in a territory and in that way local Mafias have to retreat, they just control their bastions, for the rest they have to make deals with the Nigerian bosses.
The heroin here is almost all under Nigerian control.
Well nobody is interested in this thread, I stop typing stuff.
Very informative thread. So much for all the anons that were saying the based mafiosa were going to stop the migrants. The migrants need to be physically removed and the Nigerians forcibly stopped, your country is lost if you don't, you have nothing to lose at this point. What's happening in my country is your future, you need to save your people
I can't believe this shit.
We are in another level of foolishness.
Informative thread, maybe it's just bad timing, try make the thread again later today. Bump for good info
Keep going, I'm reading. The problem is most people won't have much to add to a conversation they have nothing to contribute to.
I'll type later when other Italians are online and can contribuite.
t. larper
>There is a case of 7 policeman inquired and accused for kidnapping because they stopped some clandestine, and the judge wanted to give them 20 years of prison.
They can only push so far, sooner or later the justice is taken to the streets and then you have Italian mobsters, disgruntled police and the Italians fighting against the elites (judges, politicians, journalists) and foreign invaders (Nigslimes).
Arm yourself in advance and stock up on ammo. There may be a short supply in a few years.
Sweden is lagging about 15-20 years.
Please continue, it is very interesting
It's all bullshut Sven, this guy simply don't know what he is talking about.
t. expert in mafias (real mafias not gangs)
>The heroin here is almost all under Nigerian control.
LMAO 90% of heroin in Italy is imported from the Ndrangheta, the niggers selling it are only the pushers
Post some data instead of talking about things you don't know, and correct me where I mispoken.
He's a shill guys.
Best of luck Italianon, purtroppo ci sono dei motivi per cui ho emigrato. Mi dispiace vedere le condizioni del Sud in particolare, ma d'altra parte se convince la gente a votare Lega...
Va detto che quando ero in """Italia"""" (Bologna) TUTTI gli spacciatori alla Montagnola erano Nigeriani. Mi ricordo che ogni tanto in discoteca (Capannina in particolare) c'era un Nigeriano vagante che ti chiedeva due euro. Se non glieli davi ti spaccava gli specchietti del motorino/auto. Chiaramente organizzati, chiaramente con inclinazioni mafiose, dato che quando c'era la pula in giro questi scompaiono nel nulla. Spero davvero che la situazione migliori. Buona fortuna.
this is bullshit for example >like Castel Volturno (if you saw Gomorrah: the Series you understand what we are talking about), that massacre was in september 2008, ten years ago.
>That was a Mafia war
That wasn't a mafia war dumbass, that retard of Setola of the Casalesi Clan decided to kill random niggers because some blacks were selling drugs in the area without paying the protection money to them..
t. born and raised in Casapesenna
And that is what a Mafia war is, you fucking idiot. Today they are still there, they expanded and are 100% indipendent.
Here the classic dumb faggot that is proud of "his" mafia.
Then one ask himself why Naples is a shithole. I hope that city will free itself from the idiots like you.
Tristemente Bologna è persa, ma anche nei dintorni da lì al Nord-Est la situazione è pessima. Ma è anche il motivo principale per cui la Lega sta avendo un così grande successo.
Under the new secretary, Matteo Salvini, Lega Nord switched from a communitarian anti-state party with strong focus on legalism to a italian nationalist party with socialist policies (nationalization of important industry, citizenship pay, regulation of multi nationals).
I shall never, ever, ever again vote for the cursed Lega Nord party.
I now vote for venetian separatist parties, and generally follow the current shadow venetian government that was insituted after our illegal indipendence referendum about a year ago.
Lega Nord is turning us into the italians of europe. Before southern italians would go all gibsmemonys because they said that it was northeners' fault that their region is so backwards, only because at one point in the 1800s they had a french king that built a railroad.
Now Salvini with the new Lega Nord is turning us into them: oh it's Angela Merkel's fault! It's Germany's fault!
It's not. Let's not blame the first of the class, let's learn from them instead.
Italy was shit before the EU, it will be shit in it and if it exits.
those of Nigerians/Gypsies/Albanians are usually only gangs and are not classifiable as mafias, the only real foreign mafias present in Italy (and in almost all of Europe) are Russian and Chinese.
>And that is what a Mafia war is, you fucking idiot.
LMAO you are a retard, this is a mafia war:
>Here the classic dumb faggot that is proud of "his" mafia.
Nigga what, I hate all the mafias, they are pure shit. Unfortunately the Casalesi Clan is still the most powerful in the territory, there is no economic activity that isn't harassed by them, even the Nigerians/Pakistani/Chinese who open shops pay protection money to them.. You simply don't know what are you talking about polentone.
Hans pls, just cross the Alps and go to live in Austria where you belong and don't shill.
>this is a mafia war
We are not in the 80thies, it is still a war:
>Do a terrorist act to intimidate the Nigerian mafiosi that you cannot locate because YOU LOST THE CONTROL OF THE TERRITORY
>kill 7 random guys
>lose 107 people in maxi-arrest
Those are numbers of a Mafia war. Still nobody talk about what really happened those days and the background of that stuff.
>Reddit spacing
Go where the you belong
>Nigerians are usually only gangs and are not classifiable as mafia
You are a joke, read something, inform yourself before type one char.
To all the other people that are reading:
This is the type of shilling that leftists do
>The Nigerian mafia doesn't exist
and they keep repeating it
>Pamela was not killed, she died of overdose
>Her hearth was not eaten, it was just lost
>That wasn't a ritual killing, it was an accident
>She was not cutted to pieces by an expert in butchering human being, some knifes fell on her many and many times
>We are not in the 80thies, it is still a war
No it isn't retard, it was a demonstrative act of the boss Setola that in those days has killed many Italians apart from the 7 niggers.
>Those are numbers of a Mafia war.
You don't know what are you talking about idiota, during what is known as the Scampia feud in 2004-2005 there were over 100 people killed despite the hundreds of people arrested and the territory continuously controlled by the military, that was a mafia war.
>Reddit spacing
Keep doing it shill.
This is not the first time Shitalians got beat by niggers.
The funniest thing is that you are not contraddicting me, neither you posted something that could do it.
You just said
>if don't die hundred of people it is not a mafia war!
Still, another criminal organization achieved the control of territory taken from Camorra.
>Casalesi control everything!
They do not control Castel Volturno, and they are losing territory day by day.
>Nigeria mafia doesn't exists!
And this is a complete lie. It is recognised as a mafia by all the institutions. This show how you are not intellectually honest, you just want to spin the argument.
>T-they are just gangs
Quite a stupid argument.
Everybody in a lot part of Italy can see them everyday how they are controlling the territory. You may lie how much you want, this thing is too big to be hidden anymore.
if there's anyone out there that actually thinks drug and weapon flow is EVER relegated to some niggers, then L M A O
Guys, don't fight about semantics.
It is informative, but try to stay on point.
What is the plan to reverse the police only arresting Italian criminals, and how are you going to end the African infestation of Italy?
Dude, he's spinning the discorse to hide the information I gave. It's what leftists do to pollute the debate, they cannot admit the existence of a Nigerian mafia.
We? By vote, quite simple. This is way the Lega votes (at least in the survey) exploded and arrived at 30+% whiile at the election it had only 17%. Most people thought it was just the same masquerade, but instead the first steps were made.
With a "Safety Decree" made by the govern things could change a lot. The clandestine will be expelled or confined, in that way the manpower of the Nigerian mafia will be annihilated.
The first thing after vote that a civilian have to do is breaking the conspiracy of silence made by the left/center-left talking about the existence of this threat.
Most people are still indoctrinate with the idea that they are "good fellows that have to do crimes because they are oppressed".
>>if don't die hundred of people it is not a mafia war!
>Still, another criminal organization achieved the control of territory taken from Camorra.
>>Casalesi control everything!
>They do not control Castel Volturno, and they are losing territory day by day
Castel Volturno have 25000 Italians and circa 15000 nigger rapefugees, there is some sort of apartheid in the city, in the centre you will never see any niggers. The nigerians have settled in the suburbs in abandoned homes where they actually prostitute their women and sell drugs, I'm not saying the opposite. The Casalesi Clan is still the most powerful mafia in the area despite the arrests, the gangs of nigger are no competition for them. What I'm trying to say is that blacks are not smart enough to create a real mafia, no matter how violent their organizations are they will always be small gangs without a future, they are not able to infiltrate the world of entrepreneurship or politics..
Still they are powerless against them. Castel Volturno is interesting just because it has born in the middle of a Camorra's fortress, but in the north east, a much bigger square for money, they have much more power, while Camorra has none. Sure, there is some Ndrangheta that do deals with them, DEALS, but they don't rule over them. Nigerian mafia controls all the distribuition in Marche and Veneto, big influence in Umbria, Tuscany and Lombardy.
>Castel Volturno
CASTEL VOLTURNO – I carabinieri della Stazione di Castel Volturno, in via Lucci a Napoli, nei pressi del terminal Bus, hanno proceduto all’arresto del pregiudicato Massimo Laudato, 37enne, residente a Castel Volturno, resosi responsabile di detenzione di sostanze stupefacenti. I militari dell’Arma, a seguito di uno specifico servizio, volto ad frenare lo spaccio di stupefacenti sul territorio, hanno bloccato il pregiudicato appena giunto in quel terminal a bordo di un autobus proveniente da Bergamo.
A seguito della perquisizione personale l’uomo è stato trovato in possesso di 3,200 KG di eroina, contenuta in involucro di plastica e ben occultata nel sottofondo di una borsa trolley.
Quanto rinvenuto è stato sottoposto a sequestro.
Laudato è stato accompagnato presso la casa circondariale Napoli Poggioreale, a disposizione della competente Autorità Giudiziaria.
I carabinieri di Castel Volturno hanno tratto in arresto a Pinetamare, e condotto in carcere, Giovanni Gabriele, 40enne del posto. Nonostante fosse sottoposto a sorveglianza speciale, consistente in un obbligo di soggiorno di due anni, emessa dal Tribunale di Santa Maria Capua Vetere, l’uomo minacciava e aggrediva con un’asta metallica apri-tenda un vicino di casa, il quale riportava lesioni guaribili in undici giorni.
La vittima querelava il 40enne e le relative accuse venivano avvalorate sia dalla certificazione medica che dalle dichiarazioni di persone presenti ai fatti.
>Still they are powerless against them.
They don't give a shit about them, they are so poor that they do not even have water or electricity at home, they buy drugs from the Camorra clans and sell it to their countrymen because no sane Italian would go to buy in their houses..
You all sound like fucking Khajiits.
No wonder Italians mostly follow the "Cat" Holic Church.
CASTEL VOLTURNO (tp) – Questa mattina si è svolta la direttissima per due 45enni di Castel Volturno accusati di furto di merce al centro commerciale Leroy Merlin di Roma. Si tratta di Pietro Tarquini e di Mariano Lambroglia. Toglievano i codici a barre del taccheggio e mettevano in borsa la merce. I due fermati mentre salivano in auto già carica di altro materiale derubato ad altri negozi. Tarquini e Lambroglia difesi dall’avvocato Enzo Domenico Spina sono stati rimessi in libertà dopo la celebrazione del rito ma con divieto di dimora su Roma.
And those were the first three results on google but keep larping about muh niggers.
Vedi che glie tocca fare a sti poveri Casalesi per competere con i Nigeriani.
Crimini non di mafia.
cough jesuit front men cough
>Italian Mafias lost to Nigerian Mafia
You should provide some proofs to sustain this assertion, I wish local mafias could be won so easily, also you can't compare camorra with the other 2 brands.
Mafia's army are the hopeless of society, and sadly they have been consistently in large supplies in the south, and there's no sight of shortage in the foreseeable future, they own the territory.
If you make a quick YT search of nomad camps being set on fire in Italy, they mostly happened in campania of all palces
I highly doubt the Nigerian mafia can get amount to anything aside low level shit, let alone take the italian mafia.
What do you mean retard? that filthy niggers do not commit crimes in Castel Volturno?
>Una minorenne giunta dalla Nigeria in Italia è finita nel vortice della prostituzione e in incubo fatto di continue minacce e violenze, ma è riuscita a venirne fuori denunciando e facendo arrestare i suoi sfruttatori. È accaduto a Castel Volturno, dove i carabinieri hanno fermato su ordine della Dda di Napoli un uomo ed una donna suoi connazionali con l'accusa di riduzione in schiavitù in concorso.
How is this a bad thing? The mafia losing the drug trade I mean? They were selling it to native Italians anyway, they have zero loyalty to Italy. At least with the Nigerians you can deport them, with the Italian mafia its a festering poison in Italian society for a century.
Listen you Italian fuck. You do not let the arabs or niggers dominate you black economy. You start fighting now or else you will become like sweden. I really did not expect this....
You need to save whats left of your networks and start importing weapons and disconect from the jews
>Vedi che glie tocca fare a sti poveri Casalesi per competere con i Nigeriani.
LMAO ma allora sei scemo, i casalesi si spartiscono i milioni degli appalti e delle estorsioni mentre quei quattro scemi nigeriani prostituiscono le loro mogli in strada..
>Italian fags are into oil drilling?
>Italian Mafias lost to Nigerian Mafia
Maybe it is an exageration, but it took territory from all of them. In Palermo happened stuff like the Castel Volturno one, the thing I called "the zerging".
They arrive, ignores the Mafia threats, they kill a couple of them, police arrest some mafioso, Nigerian mafia keep doing what it want ignoring the local criminal power and get the territory.
The local mafia stop the fight to not lose man without having gains.
Per adesso. Sei tu che hai qualche problema di comprendonio.
Italian mafia groups do not give an absolute shit about the Italian people, as long as they are in charge of the government and get into the military
Listen its time to start killing politicians and journalists while you can.
You still have the guns. Lack of manpower... how there is 30 000 000 italian men in italy, most of them unemployed
>nigerians get rid of italian mafia
>mussolini the 2nd kills/deports all niggers
and italia became great again
Personally I blame the american media.
For giving the mafia an image of caretakers of their own people?
Hollywood is to blame, yes
Sei tu che non capisci che sono dei fottuti negri, non hanno il cervello per accedere alle cariche politiche o prendere il controllo delle imprese, non diventeranno mai una vera mafia semplicemente perche' sono troppo stupidi.
>killing politicians
why should we kill the politicians now that the right wing is governing? we don't want lefty martyrs
Over there theyre in everything. Make so much money if you get sent to prison they'll give your spouse a stipend starting at 70k a year and the more years you get the more money they get.
Please continue based ginny! God damn nigerians!
E questa è una grandissima stronzata.
Sono i leader dello scamming online, e i loro boss mediamente hanno una istruzione superiore al boss camorrista medio. Frequentassi un'università ne troveresti diversi di trentenni/quarantenni nigeriani che frequentano le nostre università.
>muh negri
Semplicemente al momento non sono integrati, ma sono decisamente più organizzati e intelligenti dei camorristi, che sono dei noti ritardati mentali al contrario degli ndranghetisti o dei mafiosi.
>most of them unemployed
Wtf dude
>Frequentassi un'università ne troveresti diversi di trentenni/quarantenni nigeriani che frequentano le nostre università.
Frequento l'università e ne conosco a centinaia di negri di merda coglione, il più intelligente ha il qi di un procione..
>Semplicemente al momento non sono integrati, ma sono decisamente più organizzati e intelligenti dei camorristi
ma che cazzo dici, gente come Di Lauro o Schiavone ha creato veri e propri imperi economici dal nulla, ma se non conosci l'argomento almeno taci.
>ignoring the local criminal power and get the territory.
My point is: what's their home base?
At some point they'll need guns, and where do they store these? They'll need a stronghold, and even if that's the case that'ill be a stronghold under siege unless they can work out agreements with other local clans, thus returning at square one.
Gipsy could take Rome since there there wasn't a local mafia ruling everything, unacceptable for former the local criminals bosses, also in that regard camorra is it's own thing, since any past attempt to common code / unify it failed.
If a local nigerian community can take over -say- a small town, in that case they could wage a war eventually, if they're still confined in ghettos / shantytowns they'll still need connections around them to run their businness.
Maybe in Campania this happened already, surely not in Sicily nor Calabria AFAIK.
>fiero dei suoi camorristi
>spaziatura di reddit
Va bene, la mafia nigeriana non esiste e non controlla la rete distributiva del traffico di droga in buona parte d'Italia.
Adesso ti lascio studiare che domani c'hai lezione da te, lì a scienze delle merendine, così smetti di insozzare il thread.
Bump because I want to see more pizzas contribute
Ma fiero di che niggerlover? i negri sono mediamente molto più stupidi dei bianchi e questo è un dato di fatto, punto. Il traffico di droga è quasi interamente nelle mani degli ndranghetisti, pensa che quasi tutta la cocaina che entra in europa passa da loro..
The Italian mafia, inside Italy has been cucked and pushed aside by Somali lip smacking, crotch grabbing invaders.
Jesus Italy is fucking pathetic.
They don't have guns, they don't attack directly the other mafia, their killing involves usually themselves, to settle some internal conflicts.
They just use white weapons for now.
As I already stated they just do some meatwalls, local Mafias kill some of them and police get arrest the local Mafias members.
This is their strategy for now.
Gypsy could set in Rome because they are not touched by the justice system, and that stuff happened just in the last 30 years. Local mafias exist in Rome but they were never influencial as in South Italy and were of a totally different nature.
BTW they are making a lot of money in NORTH-NORTH EAST and CENTER Italy, were actually THERE ARE MUCH MORE MONEY THAN IN SOUTH ITALY.
>No access to public money, they are not a real mafia
>They have no political contacts
Daisy's Dad blocks your path
No, Somali have 0 power.
Why don't CasaPound go toe to toe with the darkies? They have Mafia allies.
Nice digits pasta fag
Kill yourself
There are some parallels here in the USA.
The government spends an inordinate amount of resources targeting biker gangs and other organized white/home grown groups (Irish, Italian, Jewish, etc) with racketeering cases. I presume they do so because they view these organized groups as a big threat. Meanwhile we have instances in the last decade, such as Fast and Furious under Obama, where guns were literally given to cartel groups across the border and we know for a fact that various federal agencies have elected to support particular cartels against others.
It's estimated now that the cartels more or less completely control the flow of drugs into cities like Chicago and Philadelphia that were traditionally under the thumb of American mobs and mafia.
>Gypsy could set in Rome
tell me about gypsies? they are also some sort of mafia?
Why don't the mafiosos ethnically cleanse then? Surely not moral reasons.
Yes. Still almost beggars, but justice system don't do anything about them, and they are free to do the shit they want.
They are set expecially in Rome and Pescara (Abruzzo) but the powerful are not "Rom" or "Roma" as they are called by some retards this days, but "Italian Sinti", they are actually here for centuries. They are sadly 100% italians.
Question though: Didn't the Mafia help a bunch of illegals get into the country for money? Sort of their own fault really.
You could read.
Police arrest them, Nigerians (clandestines) are untouchable for the laws, at least until these days, due Left wing policies.
Yes, they shooted in their leg. Still its not that they are annihilated, but they are like the jews that wanted to bring in their country arabs.
They were shooting in their legs without calculating the long run.
The title of the thread is maybe a bit statement for today, but it will be like that if things don't change today.
Do you not run the prisons? Is Italy lacking in stupid or brave men? The Khans killed entire cities in a day, surely the death of a few hundred is within your ability.
You're playing my the old rules. Write new ones until you start winning again.
>Do you not run the prisons?
Don't understand what it means.
Higher-tier mafiosos groups brought nigs for
>Immediate wealth, money from scafisti (human traffickers)
>Opened up a new oil route with ISIS and black market
>New drug routes
>Gave competition to less organized, minor mafia groups
>Political interest, controlling both oppositions
>They just use white weapons for now.
>This is their strategy for now.
In order to set up a profitable narco biz you need a proper logistic and supply chain in place, you need proper territorial control which they have not, also
>>They have no political contacts
Daisy's Dad blocks your path
I don't know if you noticed, in the last few months, how much political traction have the tolerant positions towards immigrants (hint: very little), the left is dead already and law enforcement is all with salvini, so no, they don't have many political friends right now.
And they're dumb enough to think this won't end poorly?
Exactly, we are in the verge of destroying them, but the cospiracy of the silence HAVE TO BE BROKE NOW, or they still will have the possibility of settle down,
They have the logistic AND the manpower, they don't have the weapons that other groups have, but they DON'T NEED them right now. They win wars WITHOUT FIGHTING THEM. They just throw some meat shield, police win those wars for them.
>In 2014 in Italy there are 71,158 regular immigrants from Nigeria. In 2006 there were 37,733.
literally .1% of your population
talk about being cucked
They already killed many people, we know their method of hide the bodies due interception, we don't know how many people they have killed.
They just use white weapons (usually they kill indoors) butcher the body and eat it. Some of the tiniest part are thrown in the bathroom.
>a stipend
No, they don't give a shit as they are already inside the institutions
I reckon once they get most of the military or something big like USA pulling out of NATO happens, they'll proceed with ethnic cleansing
I've got your point, still OP assumption they're taking over the other mafias i find unsubstantiated, our country swerved to the right already and ain't going to revert anytime soon
Enjoy another thousand years of arab occupation. Sold out by your own people and too cowardly to stop them.
They are actually doing it, thing may change, right now I think is exactly as I stated.
>Sold out by your own people and too cowardly to stop them
Rich coming from a burger
The problem is that we live in a post "mafia won" Italy
There is no reverting back unless we unironically go full dictatorship, but it won't probably happen in our lifetimes
You claim that they are dumb apes uncapable of doing anything, I think it is exactly the opposite. They can change strategy now that things change for them, that doesn't mean they are not a treat.
They are.
>Invades Italy
>Set Mafia in power to control territory
>Wants to build a mafia state in Sicily
>Change idea after a while
>Mafia is still there and become a huge problem for decades
>Muh Italians sell their own people
We've always been a bastard people. We don't have people. It's why we like westerns, one man against the world.
Why are the italians incapable of popular revolt? Have you had the lust for freedom so thoroughly crushed out of you?
wouldn't have happened without you pastaniggers doing to us what the nigerniggers are doing to you now.