Well it has begun..The fall of Net Neutrality.
Sagely reminder that pricing plans have nothing to do with net neutrality.
>$12 per gig
$12 per gigabyte? lmao wtf that is expensive as fuck for a mobile network. I pay $40/month for 25GB
>$12 per gigabyte
Wtf why would anyone pay that much?
Just a friendly reminder:
People here said nothing would change and everything will improve were wrong.
The downfall for Net neutrality made sites slower and the incidents where people get their Internet throttled exploded.
It's dumb because Xfinity mobile comes included with their service and it doesn't cost anything extra. All it is a separate WiFi AP on their modem routers
Hmm, I don't know, maybe because WE'RE FORCED TO! Now that NN has been repealed, we have no choice.
Who cares, all I do is waste time on the internet. I would be far better off with much less of it.
its almost... as if... the free market... will sort... this... out...
Xfinity Mobile comes with your Comcast TV/internet. That's what you pay to use Verizon towers when you aren't connected to a Xfinity WiFi hotspot.
My monthly data usage is under 1gb. My phone is telling me from September 8 - 15 my total usage was 126kb.
Why do people spend money on data?
NN would do nothing to stop a pricing plan like that though.
You're about to suck this niggers cock.
>free market
>only a handful of corps with monopolies and heavy regulations to prevent competition
until we start busting trusts and actually deregulate don't talk to me about the fucking free market, r-tard
I can't wait for niggers and women to get kicked off the internet again! Celebrate you fuckers! The more expensive it is to be on the internet, the more of a secret club it will become, just like in the good ol days.
Finally, we can live like it's 2003 again! We can live like when you needed an actual $1,800 computer and $90/month internet to just be on the internet! Shitposting here is only a few MB of data an hour, and all the normie horseshit is GB and TB of shitty cat videos and transsexual propaganda.
This is what we want to take back the tide.
Why are there no operators that have a monthly fee? One could easily compete against these kikes.
Mine is around 17 gigs per month.
You buy coffee and steak by the pound.
You buy water and apple juice by the gallon.
You buy property by the acre or sqft.
Everything has a metered price tag.
Nah, public utilities should be provided by strictly regulated companies or municipalities.
Kill yourself, neoliberal.
>thinking that's expensive
Try $20-30. I hate this cucked country so much
Do you just not go outside? People are glued to their phones constantly browsing social media
I have that plan. I pay $12 for data, because I have never used more than a gig, and another $20 or so for international calls to Germany. Domestic calls are free: if I didn't call Germany sll the time, I'd just be paying $12/month.
what for?
when i got this phone i specifically ask for no data, said i needed some data, so i got the lowest amount available at that time.
phone posting is complete bullshit by the way, i hate texting in general. like nigga pick up the god damn phone. nigga, i want to hear you fucking voice. whisper sweet nothings in my ear, nigga
>TFW NPCs cannot differentiate the concept of Net Neutrality from the recently repealed rules bearing the same name which did not accomplish the goal they claim to seek
what mobile network does it use? verizon?
Thats awesome, 12$ a month for your phone.
>corporations should be allowed to strictly control what information I have access to
genius. this isn't sewage, retard, it's the fate of humanity.
Yep, people are fucking retarded. Just slap a positive name on anything and they'll eat it up.
"Patriot" Act
"Affordable" Care Act
I'd be curious to hear an actual rebuttal to my argument, if you are capable of such critical thinking. I believe you are not capable of rational thought. Prove me wrong.
git rekt. I pay 40$ for unlimited net access.
It reads "Xfinity" on my phone, but they are just buying and reselling service from Verizon and others. All the MVNOs do that. They're all cheaper than brand-name Verizon or AT&T.
For a good deal, check out The People's Operator
I leave my phone inside my vehicle if I go outside and I go outside frequently because the outdoors is nice here.
Not for long LEAF, Fall has just begun.
>what for?
Games, Youtube videos, cloud services, browsing, sometimes sharing a hotspot to a laptop, the usual. Yesterday had my laptop hooked up and had 4 gig of traffic in a single day. Costs something like 6€/month, unlimited bandwidth.
>tfw Veronica Rodriguez gets to vote and her vote is equal to yours
Jesus christ man, put down the technology for a day.
Shadilay, fellow MAGApedes! Based Ajit Pai btfo's libshit Net Neutrality posters!
>he thinks strict control is always positive and transitive
The post office somehow manages to not worry themselves about every little piece of content that passes through their hands. Shouldn't you kill yourself for being stupid?
Is your condescending, babby-tier argument that everything is metered and non-perishable, therefore, everything should be metered and non-perishable? Yet, it is not at all hard to conceive of methods of resource allocation that do not involve a single coinbox or a single jew. You should get out of the US more.
liberals are triggered ahahahaha. someone start a leddit salt mining thread
I should but I have nothing else to do. Maybe I'll pick up a film camera and go shoot some fall photos.
I don't. I don't pay for data on my phone because they price gouge like crazy.
Fuck I only get the occasional phonecall, text, I talk less than 20 minutes a month on my phone, and I still have to pay $35 a month for it. It's fucking highway robbery.
I pay somewhere between 50 USD to 80 USD (depending if I have used my phone to pay for bus fares) a month for 6GB.
You can't really compare pricing in Norway, Luxembourg and Switzerland to the rest of the West.
>prism doesn't exist
the internet isn't a public utility, you glow-in-the-dark cunt, it's an abstract concept more than anything. it's just a bunch of machines networked together governed by self-enforced and pre-agreed upon protocols. if somebody networks a bunch of computers that doesn't magically give feds the right to crawl up it's ass, and the feds shouldn't have the right to stomp out any network that competes with "Dat Inderned".
>implying prism doesn't exist precisely because of the private (((social networks)))
There is a public Internet just as there is a public telephone network. If someone sets up Asterisk in their home that doesn't magically give the feds the right to crawl up their ass either.
That's some 7/10 autism, though.
Adding, bandwidth unused is bandwidth wasted. Rebut.
Good idea.
>social networks are computer networks
you argue like a jew
So if I, a private citizen, start a private company that exists to network computers as per various agreements with various private entities the feds shouldn't have a right to eviscerate it into oblivion by abusing regulations. glad we agree.
This isn't about net neutrality. You have a data cap plan.
>social networks are computer networks
The (((social networks))) happen to be concentration and distribution points for user traffic, and they just happen to be running on computers. No judaism there, just the facts of the matter. Were those concentration points owned by a government, they would be subject to the protections of the 1A and so on.
Randian brain-damage located
>start a private company that exists to network computers as per various agreements with various private entities the feds shouldn't have a right to eviscerate it into oblivion by abusing regulations
Sure, there's no reason you can't make your own SWIFT or EDI or other niche network using the same Internet protocols developed with public dollars over leased lines, but
- you're also not entitled to not have the government competing with you on quality and price of service
- the value-add of your network derives entirely from its exclusivity
so it may not be such an "earner" for you.
you're that same retard who wanted to argue about an AI controlled eugenics program, aren't you?
Afraid not.
>Is your condescending, babby-tier argument that everything is metered and non-perishable, therefore, everything should be metered and non-perishable?
I see your problem. You have strawman'd my argument in your mind and responded to claims I did not make. I used these examples to attack the improper outrage against metered Internet by demonstrating that many things are already metered, and that this system does function. I never claimed that this SHOULD be so, simply because it IS. That's another argument entirely.
>Yet, it is not at all hard to conceive of methods of resource allocation that do not involve a single coinbox or a single jew. You should get out of the US more.
You use fancy "newspeak" words like "resource allocation" in what I believe is an attempt to suggest that some things (perhaps everything) should be "free" for everyone. I believe thisnis born from cognitivebdissonance, and is an attempt to dodge admitting the fact that work must be done by someone, even if such work is not directly done by the end user himself.
If a worker provides a service, they must be compensated for their work, else they are a slave. The most direct method of compensation is for the end user to pay the worker for their work at a per-unit rate. This cannot be avoided by complicating the process in funneling such payments through bureaucracy (whether public or private), though there is an argument to be had about whether public or private bureaucracy is a necessary evil in this process (aiding/hindering efficiency).
I do tend to favor eliminating as many "middle men" as possible (both public AND private) to minimize the amount of payment being siphoned by bureaucrats of all kinds, allowing the worker to most directly and completely reap the full benefit of their own labor. That being said, some (small!) amount of bureaucracy can tend to maximize this worker benefit by facilitating the process of transferring goods in return for compensation. This logistical specialization can play a useful and beneficial role, and the only argument seems to be in how, exactly, to apply this principle in practice.
That plan in the OP is $12/gig or $45/unlimited.
That is certainly an inefficiency. It seems a floating rate, based on a ratio of bandwidth used vs bandwidth available, may be in order.
>pic related
regardless yes there is, because as you good and god damn well know under the Ajit "Run the FCC to slide into those DMs so EZZ" "Life of Pi" governance pro-trust regulatory actions have been taken against small-market ISPs that barely clung to life during the Obama admin. Stop pretending that the government and corps aren't salivating at the idea of turning this shit into a public utility to completely crush any free-market. You want Australian-teir internet? Turn it into a public utility and the union-bureau incest will make us lucky if we get a packet a month.
But how. I pay around 20eur a month for unlimited 4g data.
That being said, maintaining a "spillway" of unused bandwidth for sudden "overflow" of traffic (in brief spikes) may be a good idea, to prevent the (entirely likely) occurrence of periods where many people suddenly use more than their avg (to prevent episodes of data congestion).
>does function
For whom? Once again, all the utilities and products you mentioned are non-perishable and can be stored. Data is akin to time. It cannot be stored. There is a fundamental difference that you are ignoring.
>he thinks resource allocation is "newspeak"
It's computing jargon. If you didn't know that, maybe you should shut the fuck up and stop being jewish.
>muh hard work
How much work, EXACTLY, does it require to send a megabyte over an established channel?
>muh compensation
Kek, no. You made that up.
>worker for their work at a per-unit rate
We aren't paying workers. We're paying rentiers, which are the opposite of workers (regardless of whether they may wear the other hat from time to time).
>This cannot be avoided
How much work, EXACTLY, does it require to send a megabyte over an established channel?
>to minimize the amount of payment being siphoned by bureaucrats of all kinds
Yet, the private owner is essential and immovable?
You seem to be far more worried about having other people pay people to serve your psychological need for individual accounting, than to dispense with the accountants and have the benefits available to all.
That's jewish. Stop being jewish.
Why not just take the jews you had to hire to count those beans out back and shoot them, and simply round-robin packets for everyone?
>idea of turning this shit into a public utility to completely crush any free-market
Why would they do that when it stops them from jewing?
Chattanooga. Checkmate, jew.
Which, of course, isn't even a real spillway because it exists only in the metering system? If you don't know about computer networking, maybe it really is time for you to shut the fuck up permanently.
t.doing this professionally for 20 years, scrub
wtf are you niggers doing. I pay 30 leafbux a month for unlimited calling and internet
Unlimited 4G data on phones is not allowed in Norway because of Telenor.
wtf i hate saving money
24 euros for unlimited phone/internet and mobile at 24mbp/s
I feel like I am being robbed.
And we don't live in the EU, which banned memes due to their net neutrality laws
Because you only want 1gb and you have wifi? Bam, phone contract for $12 a month. You fucking kids and your data
>unlimited and fast phone internet AND cable internet with 200mbp/s
still being robbed, there are way cheaper tariffs but in my location others don't cover that well and signal sucks a bit