No empathy for you goyim

How does this make you feel?

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Jeez that's almost as edgy as a tweet. I should react to this.


>serial killers
>not straight white men

I smell a thoughtcrime.

Feels good. I'm not white btw.

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it makes me want to gas them all

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Empathy from such limited chicks is for losers, I prefer their fear.


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well, people empathize with the ones they have most in common with


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Well, obviously. Modern liberalism is based on a foundation of anti-whiteness (with a special (((exception))) for our Levantine friends, of course...)

>Thats becuase those are the only people you empathize with.

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This (((anti-white family))) ideology is straight out of 1984/Brave New World dystopia.


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Why are we responsible for the “evils” of men that came before us?


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Makes me want to be as straight and as white and as male as I possibly can.


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How can you empathize with a sociopath? They are fucking putty that can fit themselves into any mold necessary. That woman is fucking melodramatic and not very bright.

For all the gas the miles bullshit that people here push, there is more empathy here than with progressives. Progressives are amoral, empty revenants who think they are nuanced, soulful, and capable of fair play. Though people here talk a big fight, there is a weird love that shines through it and you see for many (though not all, a few of you fuckers are genuine sociopaths) are just pissed the fuck off.

With most progressives you cannot convince them of fundamental errors. They don't see any problems because any problems can be done away with by redefining them. The creepiest part of it all is they see their quest in an almost holy light, and feel the ends justify the means in attaining their goals

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Oh no, a narssasistic psychopath doesnt like me

kek. Cumskins btfo


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It's a rebranding of Original Sin into White Sin.


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Can’t spell vagina with out Gina.

Gotta Jew so hard!

It's nice to see that she's conscious of it at least. I feel the same about people who hold moronic ideology.

Well isn't she awfully racist? What makes her any different from people blaming niggers and kikes? Oh that's right - everyone's racist, especially these leftist retards.

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> "How can you empathize with a sociopath?"
Jews can easily do that, since they are sociopathic themselves.
> "They are fucking putty that can fit themselves into any mold necessary."
That describes the Jew.

in the rest of your post... replace progressive with jew:

> "There is more empathy here than with Jews. Jews are amoral, empty revenants who think they are nuanced, soulful, and capable of fair play."

> "With most Jews you cannot convince them of fundamental errors. They don't see any problems because any problems can be done away with by redefining them. The creepiest part of it all is they see their quest in an almost holy light, and feel the ends justify the means in attaining their goals

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Giving normal people a good reason to hate ethnic jews and not just the religious ones.

>Christine Hoff Summers
She's good.

Slide thread
Turned to a redpill thread. Nice user



>What kind of quotes can we send in? Are there any set rules?

>As long as they aren't homophobic, racist, ableist

"ableist" LOL!

Maybe you guys should submit some redpills there.

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It doesn't make me feel at all. Me and this person have a bit in common.
Main difference.
>he needs a reason.
>puts blame on other people
>wishes for empathy
>bleak outlook
>probably beaten as a child
>still a virgin
>dislike humans for simple fact they are human
>wishes another plague would break out
>prays for civil war to watch people die and experience taking human life
>disinterest in women, they are too easy to bed
>cast aside empathy in favor of solitude
>only amused by violence or death
>him:7+3int bonus
>me:6+5int+7chartrait bonus
>cast shitpost: nat20
OP must dawn maga hat, slit wrists and fap one more time before bleed out.

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Let's go user.

As soon as the witch burnings start again, this shit will stop.

Submitted mine, it's quite subtle and about the Kalergi plan.

I doubt this person knows that empathy =/= sympathy. You can't empathise with fictional beings.

oy vey fellow white people


Doesn't make me feel anything.
t. no empathy at all.

We should curse ourselves for being the best. Are these people retarded? What do they think would have happened if the Asians, Muslims or, in the fantasy world, blacks had become the dominant power in the world? I think history would have been more cruel and unjust. She ought to be glad it was whites.

yeah no shit

Imagine a World without Jews.

Progessives with power would be more cruel than any other group in history.

It's like i almost realizes that it's being psychologically conditioned. It's almost there.It only has to take a few more steps to realize how much it has been subverted. But it refuses to make them.

Maybe straight white men should become sociopaths, then she'd finally understand them.

And yet I bet she craves white cock. These twitter activists are all the same

this is why they invented the theory of white privilege. the whole point is to erode empathy for white males so you can justify expropriating their resources. nobody has empathy for the privileged.

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They think theyre white, thats cute
>looks at middle eastern stastistics
If only they knew

In 1800s America there was debate over 'jewish privilege'

Its not even a unique concept, theyve just borrowed the intellect of 110+ year old anti jewish white men

>serial killers, demons and monsters are okay
>but it's the white males that are the problem
Do these people ever think about what they are saying? Do they ever do any sort of introspection? If you're on the side of serial killers and demons, maybe you're the problem? The group that abolished slavery, gave minorities their rights, gave women their rights, gave homosexuals their rights, the only group who fought for equal rights is somehow bad.

The feeling is mutual

[citation needed] because it could be useful.

"Quick question are you Jewish" should be the answer to every "We white people..." posting.

you empathize with what you identify as.

>I empathize with sociopaths
>I hate straight white guys

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Of course "she" empathizes with demons, she is one.

The problem with these charts is that north africans, middle easterners, jews and a lot of hispanics are counted as white. The actual crime rate of whites should be much lower.

>empathize with gods and demons
>being this conceited
>but still can't comprehend WHITE MALES
>we're literally meaner than monsters, more arcane than demons, greater than gods

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This is what jealousy looks like. Jews are a most twisted type of devil. They are clever enough to run all the banks for the last three thousand years but still wish they looked like nordics. Their lust and jealousy is what undoes them time and again.

Mythology and stockholm syndrome are easier pills to swallow than personal accountability.

I don't think this woman understood the implications of what she's saying. "I understand lunatic murderers and gods better than I do with the majority of normal, American males." It kinda signals that you have the same sort of inner rot and lunacy that a serial killer might.

Elminster was less of a self-insert and more of an autobiography.

Shut the fuck up you stupid retarded moron go brush your teeth you fucking cancer “survivor”

She hates Mormons. The white family worship is greatest there.

I'll see you in the trenches brother

WE, THE FIRST PRESIDENCY and the Council of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, solemnly proclaim that marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God and that the family is central to the Creator’s plan for the eternal destiny of His children.

ALL HUMAN BEINGS—male and female—are created in the image of God. Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents, and, as such, each has a divine nature and destiny. Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose.