What happens if we get a No deal Brexit guys?
I'm too brainlet to understand
What happens if we get a No deal Brexit guys?
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I hate lefties with a passion, but I think we should probably stay in the EU.
It's better for our economy. It makes us part of a superpower, one of the most powerful superpowers in the world, capable of going toe-to-toe with the US and China.
Don't you want to be part of a superpower? Only a cuck would want to remain a tiny insignificant little country with no influence whatsoever.
No strings attached freedom to sink or swim on our own merits.
>capable of going toe-to-toe with the US and China.
US or China, your little "union" wouldn't last 3 days against both.
stfu bong faggot poof
Why the fuck would you team up with China? And why would you fight the EU? Christ you're a fucking idiot. Are all Americans this stupid?
I dont think you know what cuck means
>doesn't have an argument
Thanks for revealing your stupidity.
What an intelligent post.
I think YOU don't know what cuck means.
Being a small, insignificant little country NECESSARILY MEANS that you are bullied around by bigger countries, and you basically have to toe the line of whichever big country is providing your protection.
Small countries are cucks. That's why Britain should seek to be part of the EU, which is a big powerful bloc.
>What happens if we get a No deal Brexit guys?
eu will declare war on your ass xD
It is. There is literally no way that the US and China would ever team up to fight the EU. The US and the EU are strong allies.
You're an idiot.
sure is an argument. Only a little faggot from a faggot poof nation has to be so pathetic as to want to be some nigger cum dump for the EU
Entente cordial, nigger. We're tied to France no matter what. Portugal is our ally too, as is the USA and the commonwealth nations.
The EU is the most ineffective form of democracy I've seen in recent years. Basically, whenever there is a crisis everyone runs to Germany because they control the purse strings. How is that good representation? It's like if there was a major didaster in the US and every other state went begging to California and because California gave so much they got to decide how the money was spent. The EU should go full federalisation or be simply a trading block. Having it both ways doesn't seem to work.
Also, an "EU army"? They probably couldn't even organise a training exercise nevermind fight Russia or China.
This must be the British equivalent of "Hey goy... I mean guys... Israel is our greatest ally."
The other guy was right you don't know what being a cuck means.
stupid abo
Australia is getting cucked by the likes of China and will be further cucked by India and the US in the future because you're a tiny little insignificant country with no power.
Enjoy being cucked, cuckold.
Dumb brits
but you cunts didn't do that. You voted on article 50 (literally set up for the EU to fuck you over) like a good goy and now you're fucked
WOW. PORTUGAL. SUCH A POWERFUL COUNTRY. You're right. We're clearly a massive superpower due to having PORTUGAL on our side.
>that picture
So you unironically side with Russia and China instead of your own country and its allies? Christ that's the most cucked thing I've ever seen.
I didn't say anything about Israel. But enjoy being cucked by them into eternity, nigger. Gotta pay dem shekels!
Pot, meet kettle
France, Portugal, Canada, India, Australia, South Africa etc. Regardless of our known allies, you can guarantee that Europe would come together quickly if there was a pressing military threat from Russia or China, ineffective political union or not.
I don't support Russia or China but that picture is how I reckon they see us from their perspective. We're the ones being aggressive towards them and their interests not the other way round.
The heavenly chorus shall sound across the land. For Britain will be blessed with tea and crumpets for all. The land will flow with milk and honey, evil will be banished peace and justice will prevail. Generations to come will remember and bless those who brought honour and glory upon the nation.
>France, Portugal, Canada, India, Australia, South Africa etc. Regardless of our known allies, you can guarantee that Europe would come together quickly if there was a pressing military threat from Russia or China, ineffective political union or not.
I'm sure our allies would still help us in a military situation, yes. But you have to think about the economic ramifications if we leave the EU. We will be cut off from the world. Our wealth is likely to decline.
And our influence will decline, too. No one is going to listen to us. We'll have to fall behind whatever the EU or the US want. Instead of being at the table, and equal to France and Germany, setting the agenda of the superpower that is the EU.
>I don't support Russia or China but that picture is how I reckon they see us from their perspective. We're the ones being aggressive towards them and their interests not the other way round.
1. Russia illegally annexes Crimea
2. Russia shoots down civilian flight MH17, killing 298 innocent people
3. Russia carries out extrajudicial state-sponsored assassinations on British soil (Alexander Litvinenko) and attempted assassinations (Sergei Skripal)
4. China aggressively colonises the South China Sea, territory which they have no legitimate claim to
But you say WE'RE the ones being aggressive, not them? Are you insane?
The EU is encroaching on Russian soil and has been since the rapid expansion of membership into the East. The Crimean invasion was a direct consequence of an EU backed student revolt to unseat a democratically elected government.
America will defend and trade with you faggots no matter what happens, you don't need a faggot eu.
>The EU is encroaching on Russian soil
The EU has literally NEVER encroached on Russian soil.
>and has been since the rapid expansion of membership into the East
The Baltic countries are not "Russian soil" you total fucking moron.
>The Crimean invasion
The Crimean invasion was an illegal annexation of Ukraine's sovereign territory. It's an illegal military occupation.
The pound will drop in value compared both to the euro and the dollar.
You will need a visa to cross the Channel and be forced to learn French or German or both of them if you want to get shit done.
You will still need to pay the money you owe in the 2019 and 2020 EU budget.
Most large corporations will leave the UK.
Trump's mutual tax deal is with the EU not the UK. You might get either a shit deal from him or agree to turn your country into a tax haven for the US elite.
You will still have a bunch of niggers and muslims but now your economy is in shambles so they will just kick out Theresa May, elect the socialist gramps who will double your taxes on everything.
The UK will attract all the degenerate Russian businessman now who will do money laundering.
The commoners having the only value in their homes will raise rent and property prices by 200% in the next 5 years.
Despite not being EU member you will still be subject to the EU laws should you want send even a fucking email to someone here.
>we wuz British
you cant go against nether plus eu.
england is so fuckt germans are on your soil protecting it.
fuck you cant even keep russians out killing your citizens.
We do FAR more trade with the EU than we do with the US. So the EU market is much more important to us.
We import 6x as much from the EU as we do from the US.
We export 3x as much to the EU as we do to the US.
2015 stats:
UK imports from the EU: £220,149,955,910
UK imports from the US: £35,290,616,559
UK exports to the EU: £133,831,907,353
UK exports to the US: £45,277,510,216
yes be a us slave.
hard exitmeabs you will fully dependant on only the us and you cant be used as jump board to eu countrys any more.
I'm sorry but what is the country to the left of Germany?
then you're gonna have to start trading with us instead, the economic restructuring that would come from reduced UK-EU trade would probably cause a recession for you guys but you'd recover and be fine in like two years, a small price to pay for freedom (and fewer muds).
we are the much better option, you may get dragged into our wars for israel but we won't make you take in any shitskins.
dont worry you will get it. question is how much will it cost for you political power and cash.
the small price of being bougth out by us.
never mind we also will cut all land lines that go throu england to the us and make your aurora spy programm usless.
mi5 will shit bricks as they will get trippel cucked by cia and nsa. only filterd or false information will reach you.
all trafick will go throu denmark.
ukip realy is fucking england trippel.
Ok Deutschland come back when you kick out the mudskins
yes you do as you send themtowards us.
you cause all that shit.
my advise sell all uk stock as they usless now.
Niggers stay but your economy takes a hit. Possibly just a temporary hit but it'll hurt at least for a few months.
In return you get the option to close the borders from future niggers.
you mean all the pakis they still taking in?
>america forces the EU to take in shitskins
we may be the reason they are fleeing but you don't have to take them in
40 year old nasty thot feet.
They love Pakis too much so they'll keep taking them in. But they might decide to stop accepting economic tourists who came from Africa and middle-east for German gibs but walked past Germany because it was too Arabic for them.
Freedom. Fuck the EU.
It's time to kick them out.
I wanna suck on those feet so much. It's damn near impossible to find a girlfriend who's into that stuff. I lost two good relationships because every time I brought it up to try it, they thought I was weird. I just want to lay on a couch as she sits on the opposite end with her thighs near my crotch, and her feet in my mouth. I wanna massage her smooth legs as I munch on her toes.
They're fucking gone. It will sink even lower than it was at the 2008 crisis. The worst is yet to come for them.
Go on the same deal as everyone who doesn’t have a trade deal with EU ie most of the fucking world, who we can make easy trade deals with as we don’t have to contend with a bunch of countries protecting their own interests and stopping any deals. Stop buying into this media pushed horseshit about the apocalypse British owned companies will do great multinational rapists are the ones shitting themselves.
There are two results really beyond some kind of economic crash in the world.
The first is that the UK could easily become overwhelmed by outside economic forces if they keep their economy open.
The second is if the UK adopts a far more populist approach and takes a protectionist attitude in trade, you guys will be fine, you'll limp along for a bit and eventually recover and adapt to the economic changes.
If you go with the second I think it'll be good in the long run. But you have to stop importing niggers.
Go look at any immigration board pakis and bindis want to go Germany as they see it as an easier option to get into. The UK made it harder for them. sucks for you, shekelberg
Based and redpilled
The EU is already dead on arrival. You've got 50 years under extremely generous estimations. America and China will still be there in 50 years. You won't.
I will probably be dead in like 15 years max lol.
>I lost two good relationships because every time I brought it up to try it, they thought I was weird
they werent good relationships then. if your girl is actually into you she will do anything for you. you wouldnt believe how many chicks would drink your piss if you just use the right words
Revert to WTO rules.
He shouldn’t even be giving a woman who talks politics a second of the day. Women have no place in politics they’ve been a consistent disaster.
Literally none of that makes sense and none of it will come true.
I love her Adidas outfit. It makes it more erotic. Her pants look tighter here. I just wanna grab her legs. I'm giving myself an erection as I talk about this but I can't even have a quick wank because I'm in a nofap streak.
I guess you're right. That's really the only kink I have other than role play of some sort. I just assumed it was normal for guys to get turned on by every part of a female.
>In return you get the option to close the borders from future niggers.
We won't do this though.
Every girlfriend I had was either a liberal or just too stupid to know who Hitler was. Politics was never an issue
Second Referendum: remain or hard brexit. It's been ((their)) since 'leave' won.
The EU is a good idea. Setting minimum human rights standards for residents in exchange for membership is fine. Saying "refugees welcome" and causing a massive increase in migration, then saying other member states must accept immigrants or else, is anti-democracy, which is rich coming from people calling Orban and Salvini authoritarian.
At least all the new tanned Europeans won't be able to freely come to Benefit-Britain with their EU passports.
Meanwhile Arabs already on the inside outbreed you inbred impotent bongistani potatoes with 5 to 1 ratio under a generation.
I'd like to see which EU country has given more EU passports to niggers and pakis... UK must be number 1 or 2 in the list lmao
It's not about being animals and challenging the arab animals at their own game. It's about showing what one is superior at, which is being human with a brain, what UK most do is cull em en masse just like how you cull overpopulated animals destroying ecosystems.
delet this, I don't want my morning to be filled with rage and bloodlust
>You'll have a recession but who cares!
I care you stupid twat.
maybe you should have actually tried producing shit?
How will Brexit materially benefit us in any way whatsoever?
Also you do realise the EU is a *club* - it's something we're MEMBERS of, along with the other European countries. Do you not like your European brothers and sisters?
>You've got 50 years under extremely generous estimations
HAHAHA, estimations by who? Your ass?
You don't have to worry about that since you get yours delivered fresh straight from the source.
>we can make easy trade deals
1) It will take us fucking years to negotiate new trade deals.
2) If we sign trade deals with developing economies like India, then they will demand that we let in more of their people as part of the deal. Is that what you want? More foreigners?
Dude... be your own super power. Just bomb the rest of EVROPA and start colonizing again.
That will just make trade harder. Everything will be more expensive. Productivity in the UK will be strangled. Our economy will suffer and we will all get poorer.
There is literally no point. It's just shooting yourself in the foot for no reason whatsoever.
Source: your anus. Isn't it funny how you Brexit dogmatists invent whatever claims you want out of thin air and you have literally no corroborating evidence for these claims?
What happens is rich people will screech because they can't employ 16 year old Italian/Spanish/Portuguese kids for £4 an hour to wait at their London restaurants/businesses, after forcing them to this because their countries are bankrupt. £7.83 is far too much to pay staff when food is charged at £50 a portion. And they will screech because they can't make tons of money off of poor countries selling them food at rock bottom prices so they can make huge profits. And Germany will screech because they can't prioritise profits on their shit cars like they have been used to
So they will try to punish us, with threats and bills and trying to halt UK trade if they can, and they'll get those cunts in Scotland to screech and whine as well
Remainers are all the elite, people that have been fucking you over all your life. They detest Brexit and that's why you should be for it regardless of how they try and punish us. The race to the bottom economics won't last forever, the populace will stop standing for it. "Cheap" goods have a hefty price in the end
We do produce stuff. Take cars as an example: our largest single export category (picture related). We're the second largest car exporter in Europe (after Germany - ahead of France, Italy, everyone else), and the fifth largest car exporter in the world.
But the thing is, our car industry depends on just-in-time supply chains which source parts from the EU. If we leave the EU, these supply chains will be fucked up by tariffs. Making cars in the UK will become more expensive, so our car industry will decline.
I see no way in which Brexit will help our manufacturing sector. It will only harm it.
What about the gypsy's strident claims? I didn't hear any calls for him to quote his sources. Fuck off, remoaner twat. Can't wait for you idiots to get your second referendum and the resulting shitshow.
Why does Jow Forums always fantasise about things which will literally never happen? You really think the UK is going to start bombing Europe and that we're going to try and restart our colonial empire?
He provided a reasoned argument, and used facts to support that argument (e.g. "you will still need to pay the money you owe in the 2019 and 2020 EU budget").
You didn't provide any argument, or any facts to support an argument.
We don't need to pay shit if the EU offers no useful deal after Brexit. They are not interested which is why we should no deal
You have now shown your ass faggot, be gone.
The EU has been used as a proxy to carve away territory and influence from Russia, you total moron.
This was the EUs fatal mistake, should have stayed a trading block, but they got cocky.
He really didn't. There's no obligation to pay anything. what is the EU going to do? Invade us for non-payment? You globalist shills are fucking pathetic.
>Britain will have to pay EU divorce bill ‘no matter what’
>UK legally bound to pay £39bn Brexit 'divorce bill' before EU trade deal agreed, admits minister
>Britain will be forced to pay its £39 billion Brexit divorce bill even if it leaves the EU without a deal
>UK liable for 'divorce bill' even with no Brexit trade deal – NAO chief
Brexit will happen
It will become harder for Europeans to immigrate there
So to maintain population growth and immigration numbers your country will just up the paki and African immigration to make up for the difference
Russia is our enemy so anything that undermines their influence is good. But like I say, the EU has never "[encroached] on Russian soil", you fucking idiot.
See this, you fucking moron:
Nice balanced sources with no agenda there at all, m8.
>Russia is our enemy
KEK. I better throw myself in with a bunch of satanists then and have my daughter gangraped by niggers to save myself from Russia.
we'll become even bigger chavs than we are now
does it even matter? your gov wont let you have your way. just stop bothering with it.
I think Germany and France want kick UK out of the EU because Britain is the American agent inside the EU and London is devaluing Paris and Frankfurt as Finance Capitals
This reply Just proves you know Im right
>London is devaluing Paris and Frankfurt as Finance Capitals
lol they did it to themselves, Paris and Frankfurt are not majority white anymore
Pick one...
>have my daughter gangraped by niggers
If you believe that immigration will fall as a result of Brexit then you're deluded. The government has repeatedly said they want immigration to continue after Brexit. And the "niggers" that you're so concerned about don't come from the EU, they come from outside of it. If anything, non-EU migration will probably increase after Brexit, as we try and sign trade deals with developing countries, the terms of which will compel us to relax immigration rules with these countries.
And yes, Russia is our enemy. They try and undermine and influence our elections, they shoot down civilian planes containing Western passengers, and they have carried out state-sponsored extrajudicial murders on our soil (Alexander Litvinenko) and attempted murders too (Sergei Skripal).
>Up to 300 million African migrants are supposed to settle in Europe and the US in the upcoming years.
captain sweden like super power
> EU has never "[encroached] on Russian soil"
I bet you’re the kinda guy that like to correct spelling mistakes on the internet.
Explain pls how all these former Russian states so quickly became part of the EU, was it because of their turbo economies? Lol
What about Ukraine? Are you seriously going to deny that EU membership is used as a tool to aid territories to break away and be “independent”?
Or are you gonna play semantics my “EU never directly encroached” gay friend?