What's the hardest red pill you've had to swallow?

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That OP is a faggot

That Trump is /ourguy/ and he is just playing 4D chess.

I finally realized it now.
If you don't support Trump, you against white nationalism.

Niggers will never be exterminated and America and Western Europe will just experience white flight and degenerate into Brazil

i'm confused

Trump can't be /ourguy/ and /yourguy/ at the same time

That even if I get to witness the greatest habbening imaginable, my life will still be a mess afterwards if I don't fix it and face the things I have to face


@10:00 minutes, bare in mind the trump dossier

that the australian nation no longer exists. all that's left is a legal framework for foreigners, oligarchs and their kleptocrat cronies to exploit to the point of collapse

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That both my grandparents died in the Holocaust when they were only children

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Literally everything that has been taught and presented as fact, historically speaking, is in fact a brutally bastardized and warped version of the truth....

except that OP is a faggot

you just desribed all western countries

The current state of the world is because we allowed it to be so.
All the kikes and NWO conspiracies are simply the result of our complacency.

WE are to blame.
(((They))) simply used what already existed.

That white people aren't suffering the way Jow Forums says they are.
That Jow Forumstards are mainly bottom of the barrel men who are complaining that their fellow whites (including women) are oppressing them.

The necessity of religion.

get fucked kike

That we're under control of globalist kikes that rule the world and want to enslave goyim to their benefit.

women don't love men like men love women. That and we must go to other planets if we want to save Earth

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So you mean trump is /YOURGOYIM/ ?

kek, good one.

that OP is always a faggot

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hey rabbi watcha doin?

bidets are infinitely superior to toilet paper in every way possible
>no itchy ass
>clean as fuck nigger
>you don't give money to the paper jew
>water is basically free you retard
>literally nothing you dumb faggot
take the bidet pill lads

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Not gonna lie, it is pretty nice

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Age of consent. Back, before 1900 and women's vote, age of consent was normally below 12

Mad b/c it's true? Face it faggot. Neck yourself and stop creating hapa babies just because you want to stick your dick in something

y is it spelt b-i-d-e-t if its pronounced like there's a y in it?

what kind of vaggotry iz zis!?

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That I'm never really going to be able to change anything.

That the NWO is in place and already controlling 90% of worlds political, financial and educational institutions and all religions are lies

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that's ignorance is bliss.
there is a lot of sick shit going around the world but the absolute majority of people doesn't give a single fuck about anything beside going to work and gaining as much pleasure as possible in the off time.
the blackpill got no benefits you see the truth for what it is but you are still stuck and completely powerless in their world.

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Western civilization has already collapsed. And it collapsed the moment governments accepted non Europeans could "become" Europeans.

that it's white people who are the fucking problem. we only have ourselves to blame.


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>lol dumb niggers blame us high IQ whites for all their problems
also you:
>damn high IQ joos i need gibs WE WUZ KANGS

that's the hardest pill to swallow

Hitler did nothing wrong and might have been our last chance to escape a zogged and pozzed world where whites are exterminated.

And to add, the collapse is happening extremely quickly. Not even Rome collapsed this fast and total demographic replacement was never on the cards.

Disturbing. Yet chillingly true in reality

But we'll never get there because Africanization is the earth's great filter.

That I will never reach peak human potential due to race. Whites are the main character while you are the sub race goblin that solely exists for the luls.

and you got their outfits and they fit you?

Jesus, holy, fuck...

did ur people rly declare sovereignty just so u can express how depressed u r to the world/Universe/evry1

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ah, nihilism. that's original.

There are no heros left in man

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That this world is an actual simulation (nothing to do with computers),
our physical dimension is like the first stage - an elementary school.
There are certain universal* laws that we must learn while in this dimension
and if we don't, we will always reincarnate back to this dimension
til we learn our lesson and ascend to other dimensions.

So that’s your end goal huh? I’m on to you, jew.

>NWO is in place and already controlling 90% of worlds political, financial and educational institutions
>Madman President elected
Pick one

America is actually fucking garbage and is likely beyond redemption.

Nog detected.

So Africanization also brings newspeak.... sigh.

Whenever anyone goes to Japan, the first thing that they talk about on their return isn't the always-on-time trains or the freshness of the sushi; more often than not, you'll find yourself being told about the world's most amazing toilets. At first, it won't sound that fascinating, but the more that you hear about them, the more you'll realise that you really want to use one.

Europeans are familiar with the bidet. A Japanese style toilet seat is like a bidet but without the need for you to find extra space in your bathroom.

The first thing that you'll notice is the heated seat with an adjustable setting - perfect for those cold mornings. After you've sat down you'll notice the control panel with its easy to use buttons, one of which is the front and rear cleanse mode - the most hygienic way to clean and also very environmentally friendly as well. The pressure, position and temperature of the water can be fully adjusted. Once you've finished cleaning, there is an air dryer and again, the temperature of this can be adjusted. There is also a deodoriser to keep your bathroom constantly smelling fresh.

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Fake and gay

Most humans cannot be saved

And? Earth has thrown gravity, the black death, hurricanes, volcanoes, and earthquakes and we are doing just fine. We can defy the Earth once again if we could get the Jews out of the way

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I for one will welcome our new Chinese overlords.

fuck the secular ashkenazis dude


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This is true, depending what side you're on...

lmao that's just some faggot shit
what happened to not being a bitch and just using a bidet with cold water
what's next? having a robot press the button to start the bidet so your tiny little gook hands don't have to be overworked?

there is unironically no god

Kill yourself kike

that nu/pol/ is a bunch of blue pilled retards

>not cleaning your ass with your hands
fucking babies all of you hah fucking fagoots.
actually real men clean their ass with rocks not all this soft faggots shit paper and water fucking homos.

when the time is right

well you had Ra, Allah, God, Jupiter, make a fucking choice

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The only red pill I had to swallow. I’m black and the fact that all the black people around me will most likely never succeed in life and will probably end up on welfare or in jail. And that the black community shuns any intelligence and alienated people who think differently of them and calls them “white” for doing so. I’m just trying my hardest to succeed so I don’t have to live amongst these people anymore

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Good picture.

That every war has been triggered on purpose and then artificially extended by sabotage and corruption to cause the maximum amount of death and suffering.

false equivalence my faggot friend
cleaning your pooper with hands isn't hygienic at all and will spread diseases
cleaning your dirt star with a bidet is utilitarian
cleaning your black hole with a fusion powered robot bidet is decadent degeneracy

The orthodox ones are much worse, friend.

She dude, I most kaffers, but I ha e a serious soft spot for the blacks that actually out the fucking work in and break their backs to prove they are different to the stereotype. Keep pushing along user.

That white people are probably doomed by their own decency and we likely wont be able to summon up whats needed to survive in time.

We are gonna go the way of the elves.

I find the language interesting. A lot of 'we's and 'you's for what is claiming to be a prehistoric force. You'd think such a tall presence wouldn't concern itself with the lowly squabbles it claims to have transcended.

That communists and sjws are the bad guys.
For decades I think the opposite. It have only been in the last two years that I now understand how wrong I was.

>cleaning your black hole with a fusion powered robot bidet is decadent degeneracy
can you logically explain why?

It's not a 'god', it's more like a set of rules to live an abide by. As well as an
all connecting energy form that regulates the process of dimension
creation and reincarnation.

honestly made me feel. grats u non-nigger fuck; im praying 4 u, if that means anything

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>thinks whites won't murder if needed ones there's nothing materially worth fighting for
Just you wait dude... Once all the comfy shit is gone, blood will fill the gutters

men are disposable and everyone sees them as such

haha nigger

That this world is a prison and since I don't know what sin/crime I committed before I came here, I can't atone for it.

I can understand why a Jew love Trump. He is Israel's little bitch

Wasn't. Nazi propaganda.

>Getting philosophy from Hollywood
Not red pilled.

This is the hardest red pill. The stuff of nightmares!

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As a South African, you of all people should know better than to expect anything.
This is also true, both in biological fact and practice. We have never not had wars/lifestyles that didn't necessitate huge natural culling of males until recently, and the lack of this weeding out of the weak and feeble is partially causing the nu-male phenomena. Perhaps all the trannyism and gayness is nature's way of trying to correct the male surplus.

because it's the funneling of an exorbitant amount of resources for the whole purpose of not being able to stand a little bit of cold water

You only take the red pill once and the truth is what follows.

The red pill is the primary truth which shatters through your indoctrination and life long conditioning so violently that all other lies forced down your throat slowly fall away.

I hate niggers but I respect blacks like you, I'll respect you even more if you stick to your own women and are against race-mixing. I'll spare blacks like you

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that your vote is meaningless

no, its immensely smug with proper merit; & its funny because its true, but still unbelievable & silly

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damn, good on you nog-chan

fair enough but that's capitalism in a nut shell.
and by the way heating water and plastic is not that resource heavy.

Bless anons. I always try to repill close friends and family on this too because I want the best for them, but I know I can’t push too hard because I’ll seem racist sadly.

Can’t tel if your flag is a real county or a memeflag, either way I hope your irrelevant country kills you in an ethnic cleansing faggot

Marriage is not for men. It’s a social construct that puts women in a position of leverage over a man.

I was a kid with a simple worldview until i got a book about pirates. The truth about how the world actually is came in that book.

Over half of all people existing today could (and should) be culled, and humanity would be better off for it.

Well, it's atheist Jews who are/were spoiling and destroying the west throughout the history. They are despised by orthodox Jews themselves.

You dumb faggot. Marriage (traditional) was the only institution that gave men a biological advantage over women and a close enough ration to allow most of them to reproduce.

Without marriage you get only 20% of men reproducing or even having a woman (harem style).