Romania Distributes $10m to Holocaust Survivors After Years of Foot-dragging
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And this is a good thing. Those holocaust survivors went through more than anyone on here ever will and received nothing from the same country that stood by and did nothing.
hmm, i should go after Europe for Irish famine.
Yeah, think of those poor people traumatized by the masturbation machines.
A little too late for my grandparents
t. Ashkenazi
Stop lying, you kikes. You're not fooling anyone
You can say that but a huge portion of the world's jews were affected directly by the nazis. Most living jews are one or two degrees of separation from a holocaust victim.
And just like niggers and slavery; you arent entitled to shit.
How about I give you all the money in my wallet as well? Would that honor your dead Jews?
>people were affected by a world wide war
fuck everyone throw all of your money at the jews quick!!!
Bullshit. You're a big liar. There was no holocaust. The entire thing is nothing but a jew scam to make money and everybody knows it.
I know holocaust survivors idiot, of course it happened.
No other peoples were subject to genocide and the same cruel humiliation the jews were.
>implying your behavior didnt warrant the response the germans had
They should have actually murdered your people in camps. They went too easy desu
So my relatives made up their stories of the concentration camps and all documents I have are fake?
>No other peoples were subject to genocide and the same cruel humiliation the jews were.
Rubbish. Absolute rubbish. The war wasn't about you, you stupid kike.
I bet those "holocaust survivors" you know spent the war stuffing themselves full of candy at auschwitz in between fucking whores at the camp brothel
>No other peoples were subject to genocide
>what is the history of mankind
no wonder the jews were kicked out of the majority of countries on earth you fags are insufferable.
>be prisoner of war as any other ethnicity
>oh veyyy concentration camps
Stop lying, you Jew. You're not fooling anyone
Based I hope we will pay you more and get more refugees and non European immigrants, I mean its our destiny to do so.
hahaha they only gonna get muh dik
we are broke af
So you're going to ignore every witness testimonial, scientific evidence and historian because it was da joos who faked it all? Makes all the sense. My grandmother was in a concentration camp and she personally attests to the mistreatment and systematic murder. Go make some more shitty infographics.
WWII was your peoples fault, so i don't care.
Rubbish. You're a LIAR and a THIEF. There was no holocaust and there is literally no evidence of a "holocaust"
Keep on lying you dumb kike, and watch what happens next
a romanian concentration camp?
Oi vey I'm suddenly feeling like I was gassed at least twice. Where's my money?
history is written by the winners. i would say the ameri-jews won, for all of jew-kind. you see it every day, now. impossible to miss. they are scurrying around trying to keep the global focus off the fact that they proverbially pricegouged the world for ww2. typical jews.
My grand grandmother had her parents and lot of her brothers and sisters and many other relatives deported to Siberia.
She was around 15 when that happened, she remained an orphan girl with about 3 brothers younger than her.
Her future husband was also orphan of father, with a sick mother that died soon after my grand grandparents married.
And this is just only one story of my ancestors.
Thing is I lived/live better than anyone on my blood line (my parents included)
>You guys should ask for yearly reperations as payment for the trauma you have endured and still endure since it has been passed on from generation to generation.
Poor Palestinians will never see a shekel from Israel for depriving them of their country.
Just nuke us already.
That would be too obvious. You guys need a Holocaust 2.0 with a Holocaust 2.0 leader.
The mountains have eyes just as the ground has legs.
Can confirm it works
We are killing ourselves quickly as it is no need to pollute the land even more.
>Ashke nazi
>ash ke nazi
more like nazi-made-ash lmao
Acceptable alternative.
Dr. Shekelberg will take your foreskin as a form of repatriation.
>No other peoples were subject to genocide and the same cruel humiliation the jews were.
Tell that to the 100K+ murdered by mostly Jewish commissars after the USSR invaded the Baltic states in 1940, long before any "holocaust" had begun.
I'm guessing that Romania will actually pay with $10 million worth of Gypsies
Kek (pula/pulă means dick, puli is the plural)
>ash keK nazi
>millions of people allegedly died in the gas chambers
>not one photo showing people being gassed or bodies in the gas chambers
Really makes you think
gommondor :DD
Good riddance, the only thing Palestinians deserve is volleys of white phosphorous launched on top of them.
I cannot wait till the new Roman Empire arises and obliterates the Jews again
And there's the admission of guilt, more demands incoming.
>cumskins giving money to the devils
Nothing new here.
Come on now , do u really believe what u r saying?Gas chambers existed
i know Transylvanians with the family name Pulay (basically meaning "de Pula" as if Pula was the name of a region)
>The most retarded human race to ever exist insulting anyone
Go back to being slaves tyrone its all you are good for.
>how you doin, fellow Holocaust deniers?
Did your grandparents also die in the camps when they were just 12?
Not even refugees and non-European immigrants want to move to your shithole, so don't worry.
Romanians aren't even cumskins, they're shitskins.
Gypsy cumskin probably posting from a stolen laptop
Oh. Look,its that one serbian poster that rants all day long about romanians.
If anything serbcuck. We are whiter then your kebab looking asses. I seen gypsies whiter then some serbs.
They do actually we have 7k refugees and we still take them from Greece and Germany to get our quota and non Europeans are increasing in numbers each year here.
The Germans killed millions more Russians than they did Jews.
The Japanese killed millions more Chinese in WW2 than the Germans did Jews.
But we only ever hear about Jews dying in WW2. Jews and blacks always believe they are the only people who have ever suffered. It’s getting tiresome.
Oi. At least we where able to build some sort off a civilization. Meanwhile in 2018 your people are still living in huts in africa and refuse to admit that their people have literarely NEVER achived anything in all their history but try to backride on other peoples achivments "We wuz kangs and shet" am I rite?
Ooga Booga back to ur cave , go eat some bananas
Next time you reply to me state facts and not propaganda that you disgusting cumskins created to try and make yourselves feel better about how inferior you are
oh no
You mean using you as human catle?And practicaly beating you in everysingle war we ever had? With european civlization thirving while you guys have to leech off the american's good will to support your monkey tier IQ lvls that are unable to live in a proper society? Sure had me there. We wuz white devilz and shit.But then again,we sure as fuck are better then you fuckers. YOU HAVE LITERARELY not done a single thing in history worth anytthing. NONE,nada. Zero.
The lefists giving you any spotlight are our mentaly ill children. But even they pale in comparation with the retardation that has been plaguing the niggers since the dawn of time.
Jó napot, Shlomó úr. Milyen az idő a Dob utcában?
Kek well I searched for the etymology and in Latin pulus means "For the people" or pullum that means "chicken".
And this city:
>Pula (Croatian pronunciation: [pǔːla] (About this sound listen); Italian and Istro-Romanian: Pola) is the largest city in Istria County, Croatia and the eighth largest city in the country, situated at the southern tip of the Istria peninsula, with a population of 57,460 in 2011. It is known for its multitude of ancient Roman buildings, the most famous of which is the Pula Arena, one of the best preserved Roman amphitheaters, and its beautiful sea.
Oh hey, the victim olympics are back!
Who brought popcorn? Gotta have pop corn for the fight.
t. Gypsy
Why so much hate towards Romanians?
Another cumskin trying to claim the achievements of brown people.
If you are going to change the romanian picture with that of an indian. You should go ahead and change yours aswell with that of a genghis out of mongolia.
Now go back to asia bozgor.
Another nigger being a nigger "Muh dick"
Back to being human waste with you.
What achievements have u done u autistic shit skinned filthy pavement ape?
i dont understand this
romanians are basically jews
and why do they need the money?
surely 70+ years is enough for any human being to work to a decent lifestyle
and why money
if money can buy forgiveness then i can go round fucking everyones day up and just drop lumps of cash on them to balance it out
its the same shit here with the aboriginals
they're either stuck in shit communities which act like complete fuckin niggers and teach their kids the same or are decent human beings in society
either way, money is not the answer
the fuck is wrong with polticians
maybe its because they're just that, politicians and not leaders
>Romanians are basicaly jews
Nigger nani the fuck?
Also in all reality we likley won't give them shit. Its just a LARP to atract some western atention and investors. We barely give shit to eachother yet alone to a bunch off jews.
it never stops at foreskins
look at america
sigh we are taking migrants as well
this is fair 10m of the 20m we owe to shekelberg
its not like we needed those 30m anyway
what were we going to do with those 40m?
You're at the very bottom of the cumskin totem pole, I understand why you have so many insecurities. Go steal something, you love doing that and you'll feel better
Brown people were the creators of all the most important things in this world. An alphabet, mathematics, civilization.
>politicians and not leaders
What is sad?
>You're at the very bottom of the cumskin totem pole
Even so. We have still achived more thru our history then you niggers ever have or will. Enjoy being forever the retarded unevolved child of humanity.Trully born to be slaves from day one.
Are you really this dumb and cant realize you are arguing with another larping romanian?
But you haven't you delusional cumskin. It's okay I'll let you live in your fantasy world
Nigger.I mean..I don't know if he's romanian or not but I do know he's larping
Is shitposting arguing nowdays newfriend?
>taking bait from meme flags
user what are you doing?
50m for our crimes is fair user
for killing 50 milion jews
its a bargain really
one dollar paid for each of the 100m jews we killed
Seething about negros when I never even mentioned them and writing out blocks of text, but you were just shitposting. Okay pal lmao stay mad
A fucking leaf.
I was right. You might aswell be a nigger.
You are a nigger
The holocaust never happened.
Jews worship Satan -> Satan is lying all the time -> The Jews are lying all the time.
No need to use a proxy mate we both know no jew will say that and we do deserve it for sending jews in train wagons to camps in Poland.
lejárt a cigiszünet, takarodj vissza gíroszt vagdalni ahmet
és ne feledd, ha kérdezik görög vagy
>Cucks of the western world calling me a gypsy.
You know what..Maybe its better to be a gypo then a fucking leaf.
i dont know
id rather deal with niggers
gypsies have all their qualities with the kicker that the cunts are fuckin crafty
they're crafty niggers
wow $40 per death they caused by themselves without German help.
wow. so much.
the diference is they don't fucking kill eachother or others as often tough. Better to be robbed then murdered just cuz "Muh dick"
I'd rather keep mein gypsises then have any niggers nearby.
Bullshit what about the Ukrainian Holocaust, about 80 million people died by Stalin trying to install communism, yours as disastrous as it is it's nothing compared to that one jfc
fair point
that was supposed to be at Auschwitz, not Romania. Also that was in a novel in 2004 written by a non jew who had nevr beent o Europe, who had mental health issues, adn who also said in teh novel that the children escaped adn were fed by wolves, so lived happily ever after.
not really an historical document, and nothing to do with the actual holocaust. but thanks for your utterly ignorant adn stupid contribution.