Middle Eastern vs Japanese

>Be Middle Eastern
>Invent every imporant thing to this world : Writing system , Alphabet , Numbers , Mathematic , Medicine , Agriculture , Geometry , Laws , City-states , Empires , Currency , Centralized Government , Astronomy , Sociology , Wheel , Calendar system , Organized religions , , Division Labor , Universities , Glass , Copper ....
>Create great civilizations and influence other great civilizations
>Were behind well-known cultures between 7000-1200 B.C (Neolitic)
>Have one of the greatest generals and conquerors in history
hated by barbarian whites who should be thankful to you because you made them civilized

>be Zapanese
>didn't invent or do anything useful to this world , not beautiful , gay
loved by barbarian whites and being called "high IQ" because you are subhuman to them and can't compete in history like the master race Middle Easterns who made this world great by their civilizations

why whites are so jealouse of the success of others ? think of it , what if the Middle Easter race didn't existed ! would those japanese high IQ benefit te world with anything useful like the master race MENA did ? high IQ my a$$

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Why you gotta diss japs tho?
Japs have sided with Muslims (you) against Jews/Israel from the beginning and even suffered terrorist attacks for supporting Iran.

you sound like the we wuz kangz niggers. it doesn't matter what the fuck you had a thousand years ago, what the fuck are you doing now. stoning people, blowing yourselves up and throwing them off buildings, chopping off heads, boiling people alive, burning them in cages. kill yourself you subhuman mongrel.

is for how honourably they behave and the society they create nothing can be further of subhuman like you
nothing to do with muuu iq not directly at least

those were done by white people some 50 years ago in WW2 , so what's your point ?
those things come and go , and probably will be done by whites again in the next 40 years , but master race and history stay always

japanese faggots hate Islam because what their puppet western media show them
they are retarded wannabe whites who think whites made this world great , so i need to show them that Middle Eastern are the master race who made them to live in what they live today , and not barbarian whites

kek you are a fucking joke and always has been fucked and raped by all europeans power
all you are advancement and achieviment are a joke compared of what aryans has done

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"Middle Eastern are the master race who made them to live in what they live today , and not barbarian whites."
>So you gave them anime and seclusion?
Also you were just as degenerate as babylon. You've fought numerous wars with vast numbers, but still somehow managed to lose.

>be an inbred subhuman pillager
>take advantage of power struggles betwen Greeks and Macedonians to incite civil war
>use your hundreds of thousands of easily available meatshields (created through the power of a self admitted child rapist and his book's doctrines) to easily conquer an already weakened State
>reach Alexandria, the biggest, most resourceful library in the history of humankind since written history
>((((burn)))) it
>decades later come up with scientific, technological "breakthroughs" out of nowhere
>claim it was the will of Allah which enlightened you to miraculously come up with all of this
You're not fooling anyone, goatfucker.

>be north african mulattoid ape
>literal sub saharan rapebaby
>larp as Arab while while squatting in some banlieu and living on welfare like an african dog
>have the nerve to shit on Japanese, whites or Arabs

Muslims didn't burn the Library of Alexandria you subhuman.

look at this retard lol
remove all the Middle Eastern accomplishment , what your barbarian race would do ? no writing , no mathematic , no wheel (which was the most imporant thing for the invention of machines) , no medicine (how many million euopean died in medieval times because they didn't have medicines) , no agriculture , no no no ... nothing
you would just live in the woods like your ancestors before the 15th century
those in the pictures are the accomplishments after the 18th century , inventing somethings by using the middle eastern civilizations and middle eastern-influenced civilizations doesn't make you master race like middle eastern

>raped by european power
yeah yeah go see who conquered more lands than the other
>aryans has done
aryans itself is middle eastern name , you see you low IQ retard ? you are the joke

>so i need to show them that Middle Eastern are the master race who made them to live in what they live today , and not barbarian whites
Then show us through civilized means. We cant live together but we can still hate Israel together, Jow Forums is a nazi board and Muslims were nazis

Show your flag, LARPing nigger.


lmao. japs are the dindus of asia

>be Arab
>steal the work of the Greeks
>the scientific and technological boom that was occurring in their wake sinks to a crawl as Muslims, with the greatest knowledge trove in history manage only a handful of advances
>brag endlessly about this for centuries afterward as though it were an accomplishment and not a travesty
Allahu akbar yourself.

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greek civilization itself have middle eastern origin you dumb mexican nigger

OMG why am i responding to a mutt nigger like you , sorry -_-

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You didn't invent 75% of the things you stated. Fuck off. You and you're people aren't shit and you know it.

Most Arab countries are shitholes. And when Saudi Arabia, Qatar etc will run put of oil they'll turn to shitholes too!

>>steal the work of the Greeks
Autism. Keep saying this over and over like a parrot, subhuman.

U pakis didn't invent anything of what u mentioned , the Greeks did , once again whites did all the job while u were banging goats

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U idiotic paki , Greeks have nothing to do with u

Also they invented everything u said

prove that we didn't
haha what a dumb
should i believe high IQ historians or a retard like you ?

>doesn't make difference between Arab civilization 700-1200 and Middle Eastern cultures and civilizations 7000 B.C to 300
how can you be this dumb
by the way even Greek civilization have middle eastern origin

>>be north african mulattoid ape
Lol no

The last study revealed that Arabs are rapebabies, their veins are full of Armenians', Iranians' and Berbers' semen. The last study also revealed that true percentage of negroid genes among North African is around 0 to 3% while Arabs are still around 10% Negroid which is not suprising since Ethiopian buttfucked this lowly race for centuries.

>We document major population turnover in the Near East after the time of Dzudzuana, showing that the highly differentiated Holocene populations of the region were formed by 'Ancient North Eurasian' admixture into the Caucasus and Iran and North African admixture into the Natufians of the Levant. We finally show that the Dzudzuana population contributed the majority of the ancestry of post-Ice Age people in the Near East, North Africa, and even parts of Europe, thereby becoming the largest single contributor of ancestry of all present-day West Eurasians.

Yamnaya_Samara 6.65
>Yoruba 3.85

aryan is a sintasta and andronovo derived name is from from the steppe that is a genetically european language and name you sandnigger
the first wheel was developed in Cucuteni–Trypillia culture(it was in europe) that aryans conquered and then spread all over the middle east and the steppe

Go fuck a goat u uncivilized paki


>Greeks have nothing to do with u
ok then prove wrong what is written in the picture
what a retard

Alexander the great himself conquered middle east and made babylone his capital and build his greatest library in Egypt and converted to Middle Eastern origins and was Brown like shown in Mosaic and doesn't know anything about the rest of Europe
before greek civilization , there were neolitic period in greece which came from Levant
dumb retard

>blaming Arabs
Idiots, op is a north african mulattoid living in Molenbeek and on welfare like the true negroid rat he is. You don't even have many Arabs in Europe, and most Arabs there are rich tourists. Stop associating us with north african apes

I really respect the accomplishments of the Semitic people... but let's be honest you guys flushed it all away with Islamic inbreeding.

arabs are white dummy

That was war. You guys re doing jack shit right now but fueling my 4runner.

Mesopotamians and Sumerians aren't modern day middle easterners.
It's the same shit with Egypt, just because niggers live in a house doesn't mean they built it.
Genetically those groups have been found to be more similar to modern day Europeans and high caste Indians.

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Spot the north african vermin larping as Arab while his sister fucks a black man that isn't even religious. You apes are the lowest lifeform I ever had the displeasure of meeting and make low class Indian serfs look like saints. Your negroid blood also shows in your features: you look no different from mulatto president Obama. Us Arabs look like we always did, even 2000 years ago.
No go back to panhandling in Marseille, you absolute filth of a mongrelized race

U motherfucking illiterate allahu Akbar goat fucker shit skinned trash , Alexander the great starting concurring the East and at least taught u some things by force , he enlightened u by giving so some of the wests knowledge , if the Greeks haven't attacked u , u would be still living in caves

>calling others subhuman
You pedo prophet worshipping goatfucker inbred knuckle dragging trough sand kike,you stole from greeks,you stole the accomplisments of the hindu,everything you do is
>force someone to submit to us
>look now your accomplishments are ours
only good thing you ever did was castrating the nigs you enslaved,you and jews are all the same

>Middle eastern
>Adopting writings of a thieving pedophile sharlatan that takes you back hundreds of years

all the thing you are actually listed are from anatolian farmers whose most closest descendants live in souther europe specially in sardinia
the invention of agriculture ,the domestication of animals.....they were done in anatolia

and middle easteners only have around 20%of it only south european are mayority ancestral farmers

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>You've fought numerous wars with vast numbers, but still somehow managed to lose.

This. Persians and Ottomans were BTFO almost every time they invaded anywhere, and even when they were successful it was against forces that were under equipped. Darius led a 100,000 strong army only to be absolutely shitstomped by the Greeks and could've been held indefinitely by Leonidas if not for some bugger betraying them.

Muslims invented none of that

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The Middle-Eastern that created those things (Sumerians, Akkadians, Phoenicians, Egyptians) are long dead while Japanese tradional culture is still alive even after American occupation.

We never had anything against you, and we don't hate you: we just don't like it when some of you immigrate to our country and start demanding religious privileges. We never had a problem with Zoroastrian Persians refugees in the 7th century.

Besides, people who fall for (((western))) propaganda are too normalfaggy to care for global politics.

>whites made the world great
That's complete nonsense. There are hundreds of thousands of Japanese soldiers who died trying to liberate colored people from European Imperialism. Maybe you should visit their graves, but oh no that's Haram because it's a Pagan shrine, isn't it?

Seeing the result of it, I honestly think that the men of the Japanese empire were wrong to try and Liberate Asia. We shouldn't have ever given a shit about European Racism.

To sheep other sheep probably look different too.

To me, you're all subhuman sand niggers.

>be arab
>literally destroy everything your ancestors created before, because some pedophile told you to copy the kikes and cut of your dick, just like them
sunni-muslim arabs are literal subhumans in every measurable aspect, shia's are a bit better, at least they dont throw away garbage everywhere like complete degenerates and some of them take care of their homes; unlike 100% of sunnis.

I feel so sad for the Christians living in parallell villages to these subhumans; and the difference in standards, in esthetics, in hospitality and valuing the world around them; are astronomical.

the only good thing sunnis can do is die to kill kikes, but thats the exact opposite of what their fighters do; nobody has done more to make the kikes life easier.

Nippons are honorary Aryans; their culture is rich and deep (unlike mudfilth), Honor is deeply rooted in their society and they fought together with Europe against kikes of the usa and russia-kikes.

Id welcome a japanese in my home any day and i know that i would be treated with respect by the japanese; invite a muslim in and you know your 6 year old girl will be looked at in a sexual manner, you know he will be rude and demand to know how the food was made because muh halal, he will start talking shit about your religion (why you believe in jesus as son of god, he was just a man) and its impossible to get rid of you muslim invaders. you are worse than vampires

stay based anti-jewish allies

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>invented empires
Europeans are the masters of empires. Europeans come from a tiny a continent and are the minority of the worlds population, yet STILL conquered the world

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fuck off, you're no better than jews


t. dirty arab mulattoe

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the richest dude in Mexico and Mexican history is Syrian (Slim or something like that) although Middle Easterns represent less than 1% of total populations
and you worship a guy like Me , why should i take you seriously ? you are a rat to me , a subhuman

we wuz middle eastern an shiet
you are barbarians dude , get over with it

i won't respond to a rat like you until you show your flag , and we will talk again

brazil nigger seriously ?
you worship a middle eastern person like me , why should i take you seriously ? you are a rat to me
by the way how many arab president Brazil had ? althoug they represent very few percentage of total population, you are subhumans to us ffs -_-

you call yourself a high IQ by those arguments ? xD

Persians weren't muslims so 90% of those aren't your inventions.


t. weeb

t. Dirty north african mulattoid ape

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Based Hajji


japs only care about themselves, they couldn't care less about anyone else. what you perceive to be (((honor))) is just fakery

Even if middle easterners invented any of those things (they didn't), current day middle easterners are extremely inbred. This is recognized by modern islamic organizations as well.

You basically have shitty genes. Your bodies and brains are broken from countless mutations. You are rotting corpses.

Nope. The nigg on the right is of pure hillali mulattoe blood.

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"i won't respond to a rat like you until you show your flag , and we will talk again".

Here's my flag fool

>(they didn't)
how they didn't ? ok go ahead , google every word from those things and tell me who invented them , typical retard talk with no sources
even inbreed , inbreed means direct decendants of those who invented it , and not a mutt or mixed race
give me one scandinavian or danish civilization , you don't have

The problem stems from dirty north african mulattoids streaming into your continent. The ones stealing, raping, beating people up, leeching welfare like nigger are not Arabs. The few Arabs in Europe are mostly rich tourists or exchange students. Your problem stems from north african dogs larping as Arab because they have no culture of their own aside from getting buttfucked and conquered by foreign powers

Didn't i already tell you persians weren't muslim mate.

Kek you are a muttroccan? Literally the most negrified of all north african subhumans

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>we wuz arabz dawg!

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Omg a fucking greek nigger calling me a sandnigger and shitskin
i'm done with this board seriously -_-

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Arabs didn't invent shit, nor did "middle easterners" just like with algebra they take credit for something they didn't do.
And your list of "things invented by middle westerners" is comical, you really took the bait hard eh?

>pure Berber blood, mha nigga

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who talk about Islam ? are you dumb ?
i'm talking about race , the period from 7000 B.C until now

amerimutt , go ahead and give me who invented all those things
take 5 minutes from your life , google them and give me the answer

Both arabs and north africans are inbred. Also, my country is not filled with immigrants. I went to all-white schools without a single muslim in them.

Well you middle easterners (Egyptians, Phoenicians, Sumerians, Greeks, Romans) were relevant 5000 years ago, but in the present, western and asian countries steal the spotlight. Sorry bud.

Reminder that this is what dirty north african mulattoid apes actually believe
>we wuz arabz and gud muzlimz mang!

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Do the immigrants you have look like pic related?

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Even so mate...
>You invented counting not mathematics
>You invented looking at the stars and giving constelations names not navigating by them and so on
>You invented agriculture but rudimentary

Besides Iranians/Persians that you like to larp as weren't muslims nor arabs they are Indo-European.
Besides Arabs only invented counting,looking at the stars and coffee(the drink)

If you are a Arab at least be truthful it will help you/your kids way more in the long run than lying.

Checked and THIS

Greek nigger?Hahahahahahah , go back to ur cave while we keep inventing ways so that u keep existing

Fucking PAKI

Romans and Greeks weren't middle easters u illiterate antifag

Also to clarify Middle Eastern is a term used by the Brits/French/Arabs back not so long ago.
Brits drew your map and called you Middle Easterners,remember that.

whatever you say Turan
if i didn't know you , i would say you are white , too bad i know everyone of you
and i'm not a paki , i'm whiter than any greek i saw in my life

Their ancestors were neolithic farmers who migrated to europe from the middle east, so yes, they are middle-eastern.

OP thinks Indians and Persians are middle eastern and he thinks "Arabic" umerals were invented by middle easterners just because Europeans mistakenly thought Arabs invented them. "Arabic" numerals are more and more correctly being called Hindu numerals.

Sure u r

Reverse you may say the Indo-European migration came from Europe to India and the "Middle East".
But you keep believing your lies.
Search "Graecopithecus freybergi" and learn something other than WE WUZ KANGZ.

>be amerimutt
>doesn't make difference between Middle Eastern and Arab
>think that Middle Eastern history started with Islam in 600 A.D
>doesn't know Egypt and Mesopotamia and Anatolia and Persia and others + Neolitic period are Middle Eastern civilizations and cultures

More like
>Be Arab
>Fuck goat
>Rape kids
>Alallalalalalalallalalalalahu akhabar

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It's true genographic.nationalgeographic.com/human-journey/

Like border jumpers in America claiming they went to the moon.

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Middle Eastern was a term invented by the British Empire you idiot,do some research you idiot.
Ancient persians,egyptian,turks and arabs aren't related.
You started fucking each other not so long ago.

Arabs need to get over their inferiority complex before they can claim masterrace.

There’s a difference between heroic and spazzy.

The Arab’s closest relative is ironically the American. Both of you have been misled by certain things and are also crippled by psychological issues that make you boast incoherently nonstop about things that aren’t true but you believe to be true, all the while ignoring the actual real things that make you great (again, due to those psychological problems whatever they may be).

what about to learn the Yamna culture which was the origin of Indo-Europeans , and was done by a European-Middle Eastern mix ?
and indo-europeans didn't migrated from Europe to others , they started from Central Asia , Europe is everything after Ukraine

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How can you prove that when the oldest human fossil today is from Bulgaria and the 2nd oldest is from Greece?
Your point is moot.

Arabs are indigenous of western asia, so they are closely related to egyptians.

No, greeks and romans came from the middle east, look at my link and you'll see the migration route from the fertile cresent to the mediterranean penninsula.

Same point i made in 2 comments already.
This proves you idiot,that the Indo-European/Iranian migration CAME FROM EUROPE.