Something worries me. People in the West seem to be itching for a war. It's like the 20th century taught them nothing...

Something worries me. People in the West seem to be itching for a war. It's like the 20th century taught them nothing. These pampered fools know nothing about the reality of war. You have extremists like Alex Jones agitating the public with lies and disinfo. I'm scared.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>extremists like Alex Jones
Alex Jones is my favorite musician

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>People in the west
No, it's mostly Americans who get spoonfed propaganda by corporate media, funded by the military industrial complex who want war. Most of the rest of the civilized world is vehemently anti-war.

I think a war could be good. I don't think I could be drafted since I already did some time in the military environment but got a mental discharge. Regardless, we need to cull degeneracy. The cost of that is obviously white people dying which is no good. I wish we could expel/cook all jews and then wage war on Asia and Africa. Oh well. Maybe I'll get to be a Jody

Donald Trump is going to fabricate a war and use it as an excuse for greater power and to be president (dictator) longer I learn it in the new Michael Moore doc

>These pampered fools know nothing about the reality of war

lol. do tell oh wise reddit faggot.

>W-War is hell...just like they say in Call of Duty...

I suspect the next war will be waged against entire continents, Africa and Asia are the obvious targets

IRL 1984 yippee

Isn't the opportunity to kill chad with no repercussions what we long for?

World War III is already happening. It's a war of information, not a war of nukes. Global superpowers are constantly vying for your attention so that they can push their own narrative and brainwash people on a massive scale rather than killing the dissenters. The Russian annexation of Crimea is one example of modern information warfare, but of course the most powerful tool chests rest with the USA.

The censorship and dumbing down of language aspect of nineteen eighty four is already happening, those are the parts that should scare you the most.

another war would unironically be quite based and would probably turn most Jow Forums incels into chads when they get drafted

>tool chests rest with the USA
asbsolutely yes usa storng

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Show me the Russian tools that are in massive criminal botnets, dumbass.

because we really do need a war. Society is degenerate, hedonistic, and needs to be reset. Whichever path led humanity here was a fucking mistake. Someone launch the nukes

The logical conclusion to informational warfare is hackers gaining control of military equipment without being traced.

Wait, so you want a civil war against vaguely defined "degeneracy" that will involve nuclear weapons?

War breeds strong men who create peace that breeds weak men that cause wars etc. We're long overdue for a war and men are weaker than ever.

There are numerous wars going on right now, what the hell are you talking about? The United States is literally in 8 wars right now.

People overrate war since only idiots die in it. If you're careful you can survive

Yeah, and not committed to any. Afghanistan has been going on how long, and we've only lost like 50k people? That's a fucking joke. A real war involves casualties in the millions, multiple parties, and actual, meaningful territorial changes. The closest we had recently was Vietnam, but ironically it wasn't legally a war

When all is said and done the middle Eastern conflicts will cost well over 12 trillion dollars. That sounds like commitment to me. Your children's children will be paying it off.

>People in the West seem to be itching for a war.
I sure as hell am.
I've got no reason to be depressed (I'm successful, good with girls, make a damn decent wage, drive a porsche) but fuck, life just seems so empty, shallow, pointless. If I had the opportunity to burn this whole stinking society down and fight for something I could believe in them, I'd do it without a seconds hesitation.

A war against the Jews and their leftists pets and the nigger pets of said leftists is the only thing that can save mankind.

So you want to kill your political opponents, who are unarmed civilians, for the purposes of furthering your own political agenda? Are you aware that is the literal definition of terrorism?

>unarmed civilians
user please read the OP before commenting.

It's going to be an economic war, a war to the bottom.

More like fascism and he's aware of that.

There no culture in the world with so many catastrophic themes in media as west,
(excpet countries where natural disasters are common thing)
no other current culture on the planet has such strong concept of apocalypse
west is culturally preprogrammed to it by bible and christianity

USA, EU and Russia wipe out each other and China will unite what remains of the world. After few hundred years of space colonisation we get what we can see in gundam and gits but without giant robots. That's the future.

This is such a brainlet post, why do you feel this way? You stupid fucking idiot

Why are you trying so hard to defend kikes and their white genocide

>user please read the OP before commenting.
How does it change anything?
Slaughtering anti-war lefties is terrorism

>Dumb NPC's that didn't develop a personality and try to find "glory" in fighting for corporate interests
Honestly the biggest cuck move

If you can't beat the likes in a battle of ideas then you deserve to lose. Killing people who you disagree with makes you a fucking savage, as we learned in world war two. Or some of us did, anyway.

Yes, because its our fault that niggers and sandniggers can't stop breeding for 5 seconds while we have actual morals, right? And its our fault the jews at the top are importing them en masse, right?

Why would there be a need to fight non-combatants, you idiot? They would just be removed from the ethnostate. If they refuse and resort to violence they are combatants.

Just to make sure you're clear on this:
>A war against the Jews and their leftists pets and the nigger pets of said leftists is the only thing that can save mankind.
Is going to to be done through nonviolent means with zero civilian casualties?

I guess mass genocide is the only answer, user.

Here's one way it could happen:
>jews import 68 billion niggers to a country
>a portion of the country dislikes it
>obviously disenfranchised politically because the left imports voters (you somehow think this is legitimate???)
>instead the group decides to secede because they want their own country where they actually have a say
>either this is accepted, or it is opposed through peaceful means, or if they truly oppose it it leads to war and a fight for independence
>no civilians were harmed in the making of this paradise, only combatants
Now, I think this is extremely unlikely, especially considering that the left has already initiated terrorist tactics against us, and I think escalation of that is far more likely and it will devolve into civil war. We don't need to terrorize or attack anyone, we only need to keep accelerating, instigating, and escalating. Combatants come out of the woodworks.

lmao you are worried? I live in Israel man,2 nukes and we are done for

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No shit it is. There's no way they'll agree to go back to their shitlands they never bothered building up likes whites did, so we need to cull them like the invaders they are.

lmao stop browsing Jow Forums for a second and realize you're not as smart as you think you are

Being a white nationalist must be so tiring. You're just in this bubble where context and global politics mean nothing. It's honestly the lowest IQ ideology there is

>win a battle of ideas
>against a horde of subhumans that outnumber you 10:1 and who dont understand what an idea even IS
Uhhh no user you are not going to be able to convince those Africans that invading Europe is not a good idea, no amount of peaceful talking will help with that, sorry

You are politically alligned with Neo-Nazis, the kkk, sovereign citizens, various gun toting southerners and many other groups of similar thinking. All of these groups, known for inviting violence are not going to stop being violent extremists to save face in a errr.. revolution. Can you please fill me in on which left wing groups, save for those lunatics in antifa engage in violence for political gains? Most lefties are anti-violence on principal.

I'll level with you man I have no problem with executing non-white civilians.

Closing borders to immigration reform doesn't require violence. Just win a few elections by swaging hearts and minds and getting g majority support and implement your ideas.

Nice one, try making an actual argument

Which is numerically impossible when they have imported political enemies that outnumber is, as you well know.

Hahaha. Well at least you're honest about that.

>closing borders will magically get rid of the thousands of sandniggers

I must admit, im not familiar with European voting laws, doesn't it require many years of being a European citizen to vote in an election?

Deporting sand dwellers doesn't require a bloody civil war. Or genocide.

No, only 4 years in my country, which means that the millions of """refugees""" taken in in 2015 will be able to vote in the next election, effectively ensuring leftist control for the rest of eternity, and thus ensuring the extinction of my country's culture. I promise you that there is no way we are going to let that happen and we are not opposed to using any means necessary.

Cause Americans have never been in real modern war on theyr soil. Its easy to start a war when you send the poor to fight your wars over seas.

Even if it were the case that it required 30+ years of citizenship, that wouldn't matter, since shitskin culture revolves around shitting out hundreds of low quality babies who all get to vote too. The only "peaceful" "political" way of combating that would be to do the same, but that results in the death of my culture as well, so what is the point?

Just not gonna happen, man.

>not talking about the ever creeping presence of automation

nothing can be done until the eu no longer exists
the eu is slowly strangeling democracy in europe
the eu wants an army and will eventually get one

you cannot vote the eu out once they have an army, you as a person have 0 way to influence the eu's decisions.
the only way is for them to completely colapse which most likely will require war, because the general public will not wake up at any point before they have their army

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Yikes. I'm pretty left wing here, and I'd have a major issue with giving voting rights to thousands of people from another country. That seems fucked up, but you can raise this issue in a political way and probably get support from natural born citizen about the concerns of giving people who are essentially foreigners voting rights.

>That seems fucked up, but you can raise this issue in a political way and probably get support from natural born citizen about the concerns of giving people who are essentially foreigners voting rights.
Are you living in the fucking '90s? It's already too late. It's over. Democracy is completely dead and buried in Europe and we are well on our way to caliphates.

It's going to be either civil war and victory, or the end of civilization.

>racial slurs and unsubstantiated claims are arguments now
The amount of hate in your post is already enough to know where your intentions lie

If it's brown, flush it down.

If someone had been a citizen of my country for 18 years, I'd have no problem with giving them voting rights, regardless of where they are from. Also, people who live in first world countries have lower birth rates than people in shit tier third world countries. It probably has to do with education.

Why are you surprised? Americans are all overgrown children. I feel bad for the actual sane people there who are stuck between literal retards and adult babies.

>It probably has to do with education.
You don't think it has anything to do with their ass backwards shit culture of having 15 wives and fucking their own cousins and sisters? It's a race of literal inbred retards, education isn't going to fix them.

More like quality of life and propaganda that is pushed against the first world citizens.

The UK succeeded (kind of) from the EU, so it's not like you can't achieve anything via politics. You haven't even really tried to get your ideas into the public forum.

>Jow Forumstard ideology
You are part of the problem
t. homofaggot who is shitting his pants he'll have to stop sucking cocks one day and actually be a man. Kys

Black people in North America have much lower birth rates than ones in Africa. It would probably take a few generations, but education would erode their backwards cultures.

>but education would erode their backwards cultures.
No, it wouldn't, they don't integrate at all and they live in Islamic ghettos and will continue to do so until they are the majority and then continue afterwards too.

not an argument at all. I'm not gay but I honestly don't care about consenting adults having sex with each other. You're just a brainlet who can only argue with "muh feels"

war makes $$$, my man.
and men make war.
welcome to Earth.

Who would nuke Isreal?
How do you deport legal citizens?
The general public wants an union, it directly benefits them. How do you convince such an audience that the EU will harm them?
It's possible to get out of this situation without war, but no one is willing to pay the price. It's just not going to happen, there are too many different interests.

There was no argument made by you in the first place, i wasn't trying to make an argument. You're very clearly a homosexual and i don't understand why you'd lie about it.

>Alex Jones is the problem and not corporate monopolies deplatforming him off the entire fucking internet
Kill yourself but unironically.

>How do you deport legal citizens?
I wouldnt, but the person im replying to would probably not take issue with creating a task force within law enforcement or immigration control to arrest them and them and throw them out of the country. illegal and distasteful and deeply authoritarian, but still a preferable alternative to genocide.

They're private companies, they don't have an obligation to platform anyone. You can't argue for personal freedom and rights when it suits you but then flip flop on it when it doesn't suit you

who wouldn't desu.Just look at Jow Forums and find me 1 post without "nuke israel" or any kind of ridiculous jew conspiracy.also half the world if not more is anti-israel / anti-semetic

>These pampered fools know nothing about the reality of war.
lol holy shit get a better writer

Social media platforms should be regulated as public utilities to avoid censorship by silicon valley oligarchs. I fucking despise Alex Jones and I still don't think he should have been deplatformed.

>Trying this hard to back me into a corner
Pretty pathetic dude

>Some nutcase bothering the parents of kids who were killed in a school shooting
Alex Jones deserves death

I love Alex Jones

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OP is a raging faggot, prove me wrong
Protip:You can't

Right so when it suits you government regulation is ok but when it doesn't it's communist bullshit.

You don't have a right to post on privately owned social media outlets just like how you don't have the right to enter someone elses house or a privately owned building without permission. Using the government to force a privately owned company to platform you is like forcing someone to allow you to enter their house or their business establishment.

Why would i want to do that? You think i'm your enemy or something. I don't hate homosexuals really, but i do dislike people like you who screech and whine whenever their hedonistic lifestyle is threatened. And those people are almost always homosexuals. So suck it, faggot (but not literally).

we need war so fucking bad

after it ends, SJWs and trans(mentally ill) will be completely irrelevant again

we need this reform of our society and only war can set our priorities the right way again..

lol, do you think any of them will fight? The government will coddle them and probably give them administration/POG jobs while people like you will be on the frontlines. All that a war will do is weaken society even further. Remember the current culture of hedonism and selfishness arose after the WW2 when all the strong men had died and all that was left were soiboys and women.


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No more brother wars.

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Just make sure to not let yourself get exploited by a Jewish agenda, like for example white nationalism. Don't be fooled, if we got what Jow Forums wanted nothing would really change, we'd still be stuck with the current sick society we have except we'd be controlled by a different flavour of Jew. Be cautious, be critical of everything and always think for yourself. Groupthink is a death sentence.

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> war is bad

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Hello dipshit. There's absolutely no future for humanity until communism is destroyed. There cannot not be a war.

Go fight in a war then if you like it so much.

>t. never served a day in his life "intellectual" lecturing about war

What? There is no communism anymore. Even China and Cuba are basically capitalist now

>meme flag

Fuck off shill.

Doesn't that apply more to peope who are calling for war from their comfortable chairs in their bedrooms? Everyone who has actually been to war is against it while everyone who is sitting comfy in their houses are calling for it.

Yes, it's inevidable

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>(((People in the West)))
according to the media

Maybe stop trying to flood our countries with useless shitbags and communists and just maybe we won’t want to kill you?