This question always comes up, but I never see a good answer. What can be done to combat jewish influence? Other than raising a family and red pilling my kids at the appropriate age, how do you fight an entire banking/media/everything else empire that is affecting society all around you constantly?

Attached: jew_basic.jpg (600x600, 38K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Are Charles Murray and Richard Herrnstein Jews?

Maximize your earning potential, and invest your earnings at a growth rate higher than it is being degraded by inflation.


The first one was you, so how do you have a question about it?

Are they jews?

Why do I care? If you can explain the relevance of their jewry to my question, I'd be happy to answer.

They wrote the Bell Curve.

Stop all infant genital mutilation.
this will take care of jews and muzzies.
I hope you're not a brain damaged retard that support infant genital mutilation

awareness at the fact half of congress are dual citizens and the ones that arent suck jew dick anyway. and then forcing a realization that we really shouldnt give a flying fuck about what happens over there and we need to stop sending our money to them and letting them steal our tech and data

The infection has spread too much. Only attacking the source will work. Don't worry the US, Russia and a few others have your back. Pieces moving into place

Believe me, I hate genital mutilation. I feel like jews have made the US buy into this so women will not be repulsed by their disgusting dicks. It is abhorrent that this is the norm in my country.

How will the awareness help? I have been fully aware for such a long time. My awareness seems to have no effect on that problem.

>death by a thousand cuts
There’s no magic wand to wave.

awareness as a whole society obviously
when normalfags notice shit like
is going on, and they manage to break away from the jew programming on tv, itll sort itself out

So the answer truly is just live my life with as little of their influence as possible and red pill people on my end if they are open to it? That will be my contribution to the "thousand cuts?"

just ban circumcision

get the true warriors together , go in the woods, and discuss plans for implementing new legislation and militant actions against these criminals. create a culture of anti-zionism

Stop feeding the beast. Research where your money goes when you spend it, and act accordingly.

>Maximize your earning potential

Yes Goy, work from nine to five so we can tax you.

>and invest your earnings at a growth rate higher than it is being degraded by inflation.

Good Goy, work as hard as you can to keep up with inflation. Enjoy your sleepless nights and full-time job and late retirement. Oh did I say retirement? You'll die before that from stress and depression.

Wouldn't that be amazing? They really would all just flee. Well, those not willing to do underground mutilation. Everyone is on the "ban female genital mutilation" train. How can one go about getting them all on the "absolutely no male or female genital mutilation" train?

You must rid your country of (((democracy))) and the reason why is very simple.

Attached: gentile folly_final chapter.png (1007x1561, 502K)

>a 2000 years old tribe
Yep. Don’t feel bad. Hitler fell short too.

Or just live off gibs from the gubermint

Attached: 29934D4D-C218-4FBB-A6C7-4A171ED9916C.jpg (501x585, 38K)

>Wouldn't that be amazing?
it would
>They really would all just flee.
I hope so but they'd most likely kvetch like hell before
>How can one go about getting them all on the "absolutely no male or female genital mutilation" train?
get this to go viral
should be Jow Forums top priority imo

>What can be done to combat jewish influence?
Don't try to fight the monster's many appendages; go for its neck.

The jew is only able to rule over society because his influence is invisible and his presence is regarded as benign. Overthrowing the jew begins with debunking his carefully-managed reputation. Once mainstream society realizes that jews are the great villains of history and the enemies of humanity, the culture will correct itself in 1-2 generations.

Stop giving them your money and best efforts, don't vote for them or their peons.

You cannot defeat jews. Only God can defeat jews.

Disown Israel and let the Muslims and the Jews kill each other freely without our influence. They only do it because we let them, Israel is the size of a football field and relies entirely on foreign influence to stay alive, all it would take it’s everyone withdrawing support for 1 week and leaving them to defend a back yard by themselves to get them to stop.

>Stop giving them your money
they print the money though

So, do what? Advocate for my representatives to stop funding Israel?

I don’t know man I’m saying what we’d have to do not what we will do. Israel is a major ally and they give us a footing in the region. We’ll continue to benefit them because of that.

Obviously they profit more of it but I think that’s the problem. Eventually they start to take more and more, they need to be reminded that we’re the big dog and if we don’t want to we just won’t help them. No one wants to do that though because they’ll turn the media against the country since they literally control it. It will take the average person waking up and just shutting off the tv for that to happen.


Next question

How can you make mainstream society realize this? What can I do?

I am looking for actionable things.

>What can I do?
I've been posting pics of real gaschamber doors next to the ones from Awushwitz irl
idk if it's been effective at all but at least it might plant some seeds

Alternatives? NS wont be widely accepted anytime soon, monarchism might be the only way

The beer was dinner the pizza was breakfast. Thoughts?

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I really wish I understood this reference