To what degree is nationalism acceptable before it goes full retard?

To what degree is nationalism acceptable before it goes full retard?

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kek, gooks are the biggest we wuz ever. I guess its not unusual to have a massive inferiority complex when your neighbours are china and japan.


When they start segregating and killing people. Even if segregation is the best answer, the government would have to be tyrannical to instill it and it would step on personal freedoms, and it wouldn't be a far shot from genocide at that point. I just want fucking boarders, and for every single civilian to pay taxes. That's all I want.

Then when our population is low again, we can open it back up to the "market of the world" and accept the best applicants who want to immigrate here. This is how it should be.


>blocks your conquest

Attached: Keisarillisen Suomen.jpg (283x178, 9K)

How can "nationalism" alone ever go full retard? The Sentinelese aren't bothering anyone, and they're the most extreme degree possible.

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Hardly nationalists, just waste of space primitives that should be wiped out

>Hardly nationalists
Literally 10/10 nationalists you retard.

Pretty sure there's more to nationalism than just irrational levels of hostility towards foreigners. They do it to the extent that it harms their own stagnant excuse for a society and in any other non-cucked period of history; they'd be destroyed. Hardly a good example of nationalists.

1. it's not harming their society at all;
2. it's not harming other societies at all.

Nothing you've said makes any sense in the context of nationalism. In fact, you have a bizarrely ironic concept of nationalism where what you're actually talking about involves globalism, not nationalism.

t. chang

This. Extreme authoritarian nationalists for example create a ideal, and those whom dont Reach it or have ambitions resembling them, often end up abused or outcasted, further reducing the strenght of a nation. For instance, most muslims tend to view knowledge with contempt, and those whom seek truth without political bias, are considered traitors and/or retards. Further retarding the nation.

>Extreme authoritarian nationalists
Authoritarianism is an unrelated concept.

Everything you wrote is literally garbage, because you lack the basic intelligence to describe one idea without conflating it with other extraneous ideas.

noun: authoritarianism
the enforcement or advocacy of strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom.
lack of concern for the wishes or opinions of others.

nationalism is anti-individualistic and altruistic. No nationalism is acceptable, socialist.

Same reason why liberal countries are much more technologically advanced. Those in power (ie majority or people of authority) dont constrict the inntellectual elite with their religious attachment to their identity.

We're talking about nationalism. Who cares about the spelling, pronunciation, part of speech, or definition of an unrelated word? Fucking retarded NPC bot.

India is the furthest extent of the legitimate sphere of Hwan influence.
Don't make this go Hyperwar II

Norwegians are pretty nationalistic, albeit in a liberal and peacefull manner. Way more so than many conservative countries, as they tend to be extremely machiavellian in even petty manners, de la japan and russia

Nationalism and authoritarianism correlates, especially when it comes to a higher level

There is literally nothing wrong with genociding non-whites who refuse to leave

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he is a nafri subhuman and is mad about nationalism. He made other posts like that, pay him no mind

Korean nationalism is inherently retarded because they have the biggest inferiority complex in Asia and were modernized by a Japan and saved by Westerners twice in a row.

Hating people of the same race as you because your think your country and nationality is so fucking great. This is why Americans are retarded.


We wuz Koweean. Indo-Euros BTFO
Uralic-Altaic stronk!

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You talk exactly the same way, word choice and everything, to someone running a similar d/c behind a jap flag I talked to months ago.
Now to destroy your pilpul again.
How can you say Norway has liberal nationalism when you earlier made the claim that nationalism and authoritarianism correlate closely enough to conflate the two?
Note to everyone here: this is what shills act like.

t. lemming.

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No, they're two completely distinct concepts.

>albeit in a liberal and peacefull manner
>many conservative countries
>extremely machiavellian in even petty manners
Things that aren't nationalism are bad, therefore nationalism is bad. Are you even aware how ridiculous this is?

when it denies reality

The probability of you talking to the same person months ago is infinetly small

t. subhuman IQ

This is how the world works you moron. Stop being a naive fool and observe cultures around you. Its fucking ironic how collectivist nations preach nationalism, but never practice it. Meanwhile liberal nations rarely preach, but usually practice.

Post Your IQ.


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No one cares about your word salad. The only observation that matter is that you, personally, are too stupid to isolate and discuss one concept without the extraneous sewage of other shit concepts you've seen bleeding into your brain.

Are you literally too stupid to see the connections? Everything is connected, nothing exists in a isolated form

Are you literally too stupid to read the OP?

Nationalism is our duty. Socialism fucks up everything, including nationalism.

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Yes there is, deporting them would be just fine if we even got to that point, but it would still be tyrannical of our government to have the power to kick out citizens, and to determine who's white enough to stay.

No one asked you to dox yourself retard

Wrong, nationalism and socialism are not Icompatable

>the enforcement or advocacy of strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom.

>Advocacy of political independence for a particular country.

Authoritarianism doesn't step on any "personal freedom" because going wherever the fuck you want with no repercussion, isn't a personal freedom. Going to a better country because you're too lazy to fix your own isn't "your right" and it doesn't make you hard working because you'd rather slave away in a rich country than fix the complex political hellhole you created out of your own.

Hitlerism post-1939

What part of Hitlerism post-1939, that you don't like, are you conflating with "nationalism"?