What needs to be done to fight the obesity epidemic, Jow Forums?
I love how fat fucking lards always want praise for losing weight. You are becoming a regular human being you fucking fatass, your "sacrifice" isn't a sacrifice, because thats what regular non fat people eat every day. If anything you deserve apathy for anything doing with losing weight.
round them up and gas them....
...we are talking about jews right
do you drink alcohol?
Why not make the SJWs look bad using him and begin claiming he is fit shaming and fat shaming because he can't come to terms with himself and his natural body type. "he is just feeding the abusive stereotype that heavier people can't control themselves instead of the truth which is that you can be healthy at any size."
Run fatty
Problem solved
Have you seen America's obesity rates?
I know Portugal is very poor so you probably don't see fat people very often, but people who want to improve their lives should be praised for doing so.
if you wanna praise them, why not do so after they finish dieting? Boogie seems to talk about it all the fucking time consider the times his videos and Twitter posts are posted here. its been what 2 years since he started dieting? I dunno if you noticed, but he is still fat. It seems like a child who constantly wants praise for doing what is normal.
eat less
exercise more
problem solved
agreed on encouraging people trying to better themselves but isn't obesity especially a problem for poor amerimutts?
>mfw her fat suit is average these days in the Current Year + 3
how does he "deserve" things if his own actions are the reason he is missing those things.
I saw a photo of this guy and he'd lost a shit ton of weight but was still hyper obese. I don't know how people let themselves get that bad.
>be boogie
>lose weight
>youtube money dries up
>kills himself
>be boogie
>dont lose weight
hes fucked either way.
When boys are circumcised they're given a teething ring dipped in sugar water to help ease the pain. Literally one of the first lessons we teach boys here in America is "feel pain? reach for something sugary to soothe it". The sugar lobby is without doubt one of the biggest contributors to all forms of modern public health crisis.
>What needs to be done to fight the obesity epidemic, Jow Forums?
Man, it kind of hurts knowing the nephew that I love is going to get fat. All he does is play Fortnite and that's all.
I blame a life of comfort. His dad and I grew up when video games were a luxury and we played outside with friends a lot more. My nephew's parents barely let him out of the house and he just sits there.
He's just 11 and STARTING to get fat. I live in another province so I can take him to the gym with me, but it's sad watching him and knowing by the time he's 15, he's gonna be fat and miserable. He was such a cute baby.
No you fucking fatshaming bigot, now it's the time to be the best him he can be
Obesity is a sign of wealth and status. Look around the world. There are no fat people in poor countries because they have very little food, and have to walk 10 miles to get a bite. Meanwhile, we just have to drive 5 minutes to an Outback Steakhouse and people will bring you a giant clump of fried onions and a porterhouse steak.
So if you’re obese and want to lose weight, that’s your choice. However don’t be ashamed of the few extra pounds. Take them as a sign of the wealth of your nation.
> not having fat reserves for when society collapses
> t. disgusting europoor fatlet
The fuck, this can't be true
Why did you become such faggots? I thought everyone was expected to play at least till Junior B in hockey.
>To further reduce stress and discomfort, the nurse may give your baby a "sucrose pacifier" (a pacifier dipped in sugar water), which has been shown to reduce newborn distress.
Sugar acts on the same dopamine addiction pathways as any other narcotic, it absolutely is an addictive drug.
Bump because the health of your nation's people is absolutely an important political topic.
The worst part is they expect praise for intending on losing weight. If that approval doesn’t come they have something else to blame it on
>fat shaming
Your kid is a fat faggot
Yep. That’s how good capitalism is. There is an obesity epidemic in the poor. They’re not starving to death, their eating themselves to death
>1. Remove vegetable oil from the food supply
Can't be stressed enough, PUFA metabolic byproducts are hugely implicated in metabolic syndrome, I have no clue how much we could do by eliminating this factor alone and going back to lard/tallow/etc for all current uses of vegetable oils. The harm vegetable oils cause is at every level of analysis (subcellular, cellular, tissue, organ, organism), fuck it makes me so angry just thinking about it and how it's barely on anyone's radar, they're still arguing about sugar this or plant-based that. If we can get excess omega-6 out of the food supply we'd see radical changes in under a year's time, I guarantee it. Cells would heal, tissues would normalize, organ function would be restored, people would be healthier even before they started losing weight, which they would because increasing MUFA and SFA intake helps signal satiety better. Harder to overeat if you feel full sooner.
Anyway, that's my blogpost, ty for reading. Stop eating anything with vegetable oil in it.
widespread obesity is just one of the many consequences of our individualistic materialistic consumerist society built around instant gratification