I am seeing more and more white Chadlites dating white women with half black kids

These young white athletic chadlites dont even have any kids of their own yet they have LTR with a white woman who has 2-3 half black kids. The black father is not in the picture and has left long ago. I mean i have seen several examples of this even in the last month where i am.

The Chadlites take Tyrone's kids to the park, to school, they buy them christmas and birthday gifts etc

These guys have been dating these women for like 2 years and they seem happy and the relationship seems solid. The woman calls him and her mixed kids her "whole world" on Facebook

The mudsharks are average or below average too and out of shape they aren't even hot like the one in the pic

Can't chadlites get better options these days than an out of shape mudshark with 2-3 kids? What's the deal?

Attached: fnfnfnf.jpg (320x322, 27K)

No self-respecting white man with options is settling for white women in 2018.

Attached: 1524944600549.jpg (720x720, 93K)

Some of them could be his.

Attached: Telegony.jpg (1960x1288, 1.16M)

Any woman with kids who is single is trash, any man who dates (other than pump and dump) these women is trash; neither deserve sympathy. /thread Also you must be a poorfag or a yankee or some shit, because where I live this is rare as fuck and everybody publicly derudes and mocks these retarded fucks

Attached: d5.jpg (520x381, 26K)


where do you live ? all i see is asian women walking around with white men when i'm in the city

Disgusting cucks

Actually it's quite the opposite. Beta whites who can't get white women go after asians as white men tend to be more attractive on average than asian males.
And obviously very few asian girls look like k-pop stars.

Attached: Gooks.webm (720x720, 2.69M)

Reminder that (((they))) admitted to making racemixing threads

Attached: memeflag jew slips up (((we))) keep making racemixing threads.png (455x122, 5K)

>he actually thinks anyone has trouble getting white women in the year 2018 AD