UK school riot
This is Fir Vale school in Sheffield today. Police with dogs had to go in and break it all up. Local speculation is that it's largely the Slovak community causing it.

Is this happening all over the UK and not being reported?

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To be fair... Sheffield.

Where are the white people?

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Hi Arashi.

>Slovak Community
They’re Gypsies, not Slovaks.

Not in that part of Sheffield. I live in a pretty mixed part. The white areas are incredibly expensive, places like Fir Vale are exclusively Slovak, Romanian, Asian and white trash.

Sheffield's my hometown before I became a colonial administrator.
Guess I didn't need to leave, enough nogs to corral back home

>Slovak community

slovaks are not brown, mohammed.

you mean black, or ghetto, or shithole?

That school has a large Roma Gypsy student body. Sheffield in general these days really.

good .. you filthy traitorous (((rats))) deserve everything happening and that will happen to you and your girls

at every opportunity you anglo fucks had, you slaughtered innocent whites

Every time I hear about a muslim grooming gang I say "do it again Muhammad"

Imagine my surprise

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So it is gypsies vs. Dune coones
Who cares let them kill each other and if some teachers become collateral damage, so be it

I am preparing weapons to sell both sides just as we speak

Ah yes, the tanned Slovaks with nappy hair and sloping brows strike again. Like clockwork.

>Fir Vale school
now that is what i call a no go zone

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Le 56% shit angel face

if you let enough nigs into your country you just turn into a nigger country

Rule, Britannia!
Britannia rules the waves...


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i forgot rotherham was next door

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is that a student or a parent?

bitch you bore me

Fir Vale is a shithole all round. Literal gang warfare erryday there.

Another school in Sheffield, Abbeydale Grange, had to close because it was such a shithole. Don't think this one has long left.

Ha! I remember that ape.

So, what was the "riot" about, or for? How did it start?

Myrtle Springs in Arbourthorne used to be quite rough too- a girl got her face slashed and another got her hair set on fire. It's improved since it became an academy but it's still not perfect.

Double double 7s. Weird.

that looks more like a bear than a dog


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>>Be me, 4yo boy in Newcastle
>>Go to primary school, immediately impressed by its toy collection. Mam drags me away and tells me I’m going to another school
>>Go to smaller catholic school
>>Multiples years later I research the school we visited
>>Mfw it’s 90% non white
>>Mfw it’s right in the middle of the ghetto
>>Mfw I didn’t even notice and I cried because I wanted to go to the school with the good toys
Dodged a bullet there lads, that catholic school had literally 2 non whites out of 210.

Based mom. Happy for you, user.

>Roma Gypsy
OP should have pointed that out desu, nothing Slovak about them.

Be british
>Get shot

Why do they look like shadows?

>be 4yo welshman
>Go to welsh speaking school
>Only non-white in entire school is in my class
>Bites other kids, can't learn welsh, has no friends
>Moves next year
>100% white primary school


I can’t tell what they are desu.

britain is a mutt country

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Good,the more gypsies the better at least they don't take shit from niggers and muslims.
Most of the Slovaks in UK are gypsies.


It's the undeniable effect of going too far left, PARTICULARLY when it comes to academia

Though it may be technically correct, they word it that way to not have to say muslim, or middle-eastern

Even the media that finally gets the pair to start reporting on it is cowardly enough to not call the demon by it's true name

They word it that way because Muslims aren’t a race (you don’t call the perpetrators of other crimes “Christian men,) they need something that denotes a physical description, and Pakistanis aren’t Middle Eastern. Asian is pretty much understood to mean South Asian.

What might help is if other Asian communities such as the Indians and Chinese were to complain that they were being wrongfully grouped together. Only non-whites can change the way race and religion are approached in this country nowadays

>average day in an american school
Get used to it.


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Sikh and Hindu groups have called out the media for it on multiple occasions.

it's just as Stanley Kubrick predicted in Clockwork Orange

>Arabic on the walls
lol k Europe

>(((slovak community)))

yikes. that looks like shit that happens at all black schools in the south. enjoy the multicult britniggers

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>Slovak community
Of course, it wouldn't be niggers or pakis.
It'd the fucking eastern europeans shitting up our country.

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Looks like we won WW2 after all.

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news companies pull this shit all the time in the name of diversity and tolerance

> Country full of hooligans and arabs

Jeez what a fucking surprise...

>Don't kiss a Tory
Why did he have to be a partisan cunt and ruin everything. What a twat.

this is what happens when male authority is removed. enjoy feminism.

Gypsies aren’t much better than nigs and pakis.

muslims aren't as accepting as humans, this should be obvious really

>Black people outside of London

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