Tippity top kek

In this chapter of Avenatti Chronicles

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He is the next Eichenwald

i assumed it was a larp but now I'm leaning towards it being true.

You fags know what to do.

>Its afraid
>the post


Should I start sending him pineapples in the mail?

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I want this guy to get kidnapped by the cartel

Because you're a Democrat shill and he makes you look bad.

I feel like "How Jow Forums Actually Works" should be required reading for any even semi-serious politician at this point.

I don't think this guy can top tentacle porn and getting raped while having a seizure

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You would think a lawyer would be smart enough to not take the bait

did he post this before he made his account private?

so edgy. what are you 14?

lmao retard alert

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I'm not buying this prank story yet, but that wasn't very convincing. I bet the woman he is talking to never comes forward.

>link to tweet faggot

Only on Tinder

You can't be serious.

Hi michael


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That is my preferred pronoun

no you fucking faggot.

yes you fucking faggot.

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poor guido all of his spaghet is spilling

Going to be really funny when notMoot gets given the choice between killing Jow Forums or being extradited.

Bahahahahahah he's already fucked for taking Israeli money. Jow Forums will survive. GookMoot won't

Remember kids, only shills are concerned about him being tied to Jow Forums. This is a JAP website. Shills don't understand that. THANKS HIROSHIMOOT!!!

libturd owned epic style XD

I read that a Russian company was interested in buying Jow Forums. Did that turn out to be false?



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Now if the user that did it wasnt a total retard they might have recorded the conversations so they could be published but I suppose thats too much to hope for

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Hola miguel

HOLY SHIT. This Tweet makes me want to dance a jig on his face.

What a tard.

Creepy Porn lawyer took the bait and now he looks even more retarded than he already looked.

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>the right must be very worried
>they should be

my sides

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>Jow Forums
>the right
Pick one and only one

The plot thicken

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Not worried. Just lmfao at a pump & dump lawyer

I am sitting here wondering....What if the PoTUS did this one, and blamed it on us as retribution for us creating the pissgate shit about him?

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>produce the accuser
>have her testify under oath
If only there was a way for Avenatti to prove he is right.

You're retarded.


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Yeah that is fake. He didn't use basta, link or it is fake shill.

This image is retarded. Schrodingers experiment wasn't about opposites.

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Suddenly having evidence matters.

>we dew not forgib we dew not 4get

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why is he acting like a Poe's law caricature of a leftist? is he being paid by Trump to make leftists look more deranged or what

You are all in very big trouble he will be bringing a defamation lawsuit vs the entire website and all its users now in fantasy avenatti world

For everyone wondering, yes this tweet is real. I've been following him on twitter for a while, so even when he protects the tweets, I can still see them.
This whole thing is such a shit show. I thought it couldn't get any better than Amnesty International tweeting that Kavanaugh had committed a human rights violation.

Fake, his account is still locked

>brainlets tying Schrödinger's cat to anything but quantum mechanics

Read any good books lately?

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Right now it's both true and untrue. Schrödinger's troll.

Inability to effectively manage your operations or people. Explain to me how any American military man can stand for knowing that these fucks in Hollywood turned my message about an innocent fun game like D&D into a BDSM rape club? Our military is not real men in my opinion. Not anymore. They are just cowardly little bitches who refuse to protect the people they were supposed to defend. They are dogshit and hypocrits whining at every step on a quest to clean this mess up. Because they took so fucking long women are still being BRUTALLY RAPED AS WE FUCKING SPEAK! If you do not go over there to put them down like dogs, then it will be time for me to start going bezos and erdoghan ON YOUR GODDAMN ASSHOLES!

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You are a moron... imagine the precedent that woulsd set for anyone to then go after twitter, etc.

my body is ready

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So when's Mike supposed to have the next Kavanaugh victim? Within 36 hours? He best hurry. Dr. Ford is not gonna show with an outside litigator. lmao, Grassley just ignores the #bastanigger's demands anyway.

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please fuck off back to plebbit

Fuck off we dindu nuffin Jow Forums is a board of peace


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That's one sick motherfucker

>Barron not a 7'2" man

Flood his acct w/stormy daniels porn

Winning, this is why I love this place