Brit/pol/ - Comfy Hours edition

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Other urls found in this thread:

tfw no comfy castles in australia

the sun makes you all thick. look at the natives and look at you after 200 years

also best castle in the world

prove me wro- oh no you literally cannot

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based Brit/pol/

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im giving no details but i plan to take my nearest castle when the zombie apocalypse hits

holy shit Americans think it is illegal to fly the English flag and that we get fined for it HAHAHAHAHAHAH

not Australian, only working here for a few years then back to Wales

Bamburgh? Went there over summer it was fantastic, Northumberland as a whole is amazing country.

americans think britain has more home invasions than them

3 a year throughout 2016
12,000 alone in California.

Threadly reminder

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>Northumberland as a whole is amazing country.
Agreed. I live on the outskirts of Newcastle and the next village over from me is technically Northumberland, so I just fucking say I am.

Close enough. Beautiful county.

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Chinese Castle

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does the afd even have supporters who are under the age of 25? Also Linke and the green party are larger than the afd,

combined I mean

OI! You mekkin' fun 'o me?!

Needs more diversity to be honest my lads

Netherland Castle

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That's a nice friendship windmill.

Oh Jeremy Corbin !

just the Jow Forums variation

a lot of it has to do with american posters being the majority combined with famous american ignorance

Went all over during summer, Holy Island at Lindisfarne and Vindolanda/Hadrian's Wall were my favourites. Lots of simple, traditional British life I loved it.

I'm from Lancashire, and while I live in the country myself, the nearest town is just full of pakis and its shit.

PM Gerard Batten

thanks, i'm going to jail now

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whoever this is has posted it to the wrong thread. This thread is the moon landing hoax, your looking for the thread where yanks discuss wether its illegal to fly the St Georges cross in the UK.

Why do americans literally think trump is the second coming of jesus?

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Every POTUS has fans like that though.

did you just see the parts of hadrians wall out in the country?

in a weird way, the most amazing parts (though certainly not aesthetic) are the parts with council estates and shite newcastle redbrick shitheaps built around them. Just looks like the ruin of an old wall, and not the famous hadrian's wall.

Whenever I've shown people not from Newcastle the ruins of hadrian's wall on the side of roads, they've been quite amazed where as it's taken for granted if you pass it every day.

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Well, we can argue over who's darkies are worse, that's fine wif me. I don't think I could hack it growing up in the UK, all my irl British friends have the darkest clouds hanging over their heads, as if every moment of their life has been nothing but the purest suffering. My one British friend makes triple my salary, has a big house, hot wife (never seen her, just guessing from his looks and money), house maids, the whole nine yards- miserable as all fuck.

>Brits having fun in a thread
>some butthurt little cunt upset that someone replied to a trip instead of him jumps in and ruins it

every time.

Never seen this flag before but I like it.

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Because he isn't openly trying to replace whites with mexicans/africans/whoever's-convenient.

Your darkies are worse. It's not even debatable. They're at the point where their crimes don't even make your regional news.

Anyone else watch this fellas videos?
Didn't realise how many shit tier coppers there are in the UK lads, it's depressing. What's even more depressing is the amount of braindead normies in the comments defending the police.

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should edit that to have a norf fc lad with a sausage roll in his gob

>we can argue over who's darkies are worse
i don't post on outer/pol/ any more especially to avoid this.

i hate going into a thread about living on mars and some cunt not liking my opinion on space travel so rotherham and british firearm laws must be mentioned.

fucking state of this thread

> I don't think I could hack it growing up in the UK
no me neither vice versa

there's an accepted level of violence in american society that many pro-gun activists believe NOT having firearms causes but they only exist in american society

the aforementioned home invasions (hot burglaries) for one. i mean nog gang culture was for many years, and still most prominently, an american thing.

I get being filmed might be annoying or insulting but the fact they'd even consider grabbing the person or their camera is ridiculous.

Kek look at this Amerimutt spergout:
>The UK is an embarrassment holy shit, glad your race will be outbred by jihadists soon enough.

From obvious bait post here

Just stopped by to say I fucking love you bongs stay cozy

i'm the one spamming racist white motherfucker

i dont know why you need to know this

but yes thats me


stop linking outer/pol/ trash in here

You cunts trying to tell me everything is hunky dory on your side of the pond?

Yours just showed up, give 'em time to be socially engineered into thinking everything wrong in their life can be attributed to the nearest wy-pee-po.

R8 my breakfast

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>You cunts trying to tell me everything is hunky dory on your side of the pond?
dead country i think is the consensus of brit/pol/

just sharing memories of times, mainly yanks, Jow Forums was wrong

so always

> "You cunts trying to tell me everything is hunky dory on your side of the pond?"
No. Is your reading comprehension that lacking?

Hoegaarden is pisswater, what the fuck are you doing

You cheeky scamp.

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good choice

on a lot of drugs

how are they still buying it

It's weird how most people think you need their permission to film them in a public space or filming a building while in public is "harassment" to the people inside the building
The comments in this old bastards videos are hilarious, they're blatantly all butthurt coppers.

Wheat beer is not for everyone.

>dead country
Damn. Think you'll ever move away?

No, I just wanted to hear something hopeful-sounding.

Admittedly I don't know the exact limits of the law regarding that but the idea the police of all people get the most agitated when being filmed is laudable. I think a grey area is certainly if you were filming someone's kids in public without their guardian's permission.

They were out of franziskaner

What does the law say on filming police and any idea where? I know the "I'M A FREE CITIZEN" American tier vids that blew up in around 2014 but what about this country? Still definitely allowed to record?

>Damn. Think you'll ever move away?

Most countries in the west are temporarily dead including yours.


Fair enough. Also there's nothing wrong with being hopeful in the current scenario. If things collapse and the UK truly is dead, I'm interested to see what comes after and whether it'll be better.

It's perfectly lawful to film the police yes

>Think you'll ever move away?
Nah, not if my current mindset stays remotely the same. I think Britain's future is grim but it's still one of the better places to be born on the planet.

There's economic opportunities, food, water, shelter... no reason to move really.

Any Pot Noodle connoisseurs in here

This. Despite the *absolute state* Western countries are in, we still live in unprecedented luxury.

>I think Britain's future is grim but it's still one of the better places to be born on the planet

Agree, but even Peter Hitchens even admitted that eventually things will get better.

No way.

Couldn't happen here.
Im drinking an Erdinger Dunkel, then a glass of wine and then a Märzen.

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Beware it's a master brew video

I refuse to watch the cuck's filth.

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>Peter Hitchens even admitted that eventually things will get better.
Must've had a bit too much wine one mad evening of responding to twitter posts, the mad bastard.

Because they're brainwashed. Nothing else to add.

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American Castle

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Anyone have any of those screenshots of people winding up UK police on their online report system?

there was an american in here who called the police to wind them up

it would've been funny had it not been for the fact he called the city of london police not realising the city of london isnt really the city of london

Sounds pretty bavarian?!

i didnt win tonight lads.
probably for the best, id end up getting assassinated for the things id do with that money

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is there a 4chanX option not to give you (You)'s if you're OP

this desktop notification is very annoying

c-c-c-combo breaker




well that's annoying isn't it

Cud've bought Ngubu wiv dat monee

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Found the link:

cheers mate i'll bookmark that

very relevant when sober. can't remember why i wanted it atm.

Communists make the best war songs. Also Britain did jack shit in WW2, the Soviets won it for us and we repaid them with hatred and selfishness.

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reveal flag you german poof

>Officers have the power to stop and search a person who they reasonably suspect to be a terrorist. The purpose of the stop and search is to discover whether that person has in their possession anything which may constitute evidence that they are a terrorist.

>reasonably suspect

>the Soviets won it for us
true though

the ussr and u.s. won world war 2. britain simply survived world war 2.

We should have listened to Patton.

...were the winners of WW2 rather.

We lost ww2

They tend to pull the terrorist act bullshit when they have no real grounds of arrest, it's pretty fucked up.

Why do some German beers have those wierd caps? Can't you finish them in one go or something?

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i think that's being a bit unfair to poor old germany

occupied by two invading forces, physically and metaphorically raped with a russian cock, terms given to them worse than the WW1 terms that contributed to them going to war...

we did not win by any capacity. but we passed. just.

but what if you still can, user?
what if you still can?

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