Why do non whites want to be white?

why do non whites want to be white?

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Who doesn't want to be white? Aside from brainwashed liberals, of course.

they can try but the odds are against them


Is mainly asians and niggers, i'm cool with being Mexica.


Because America is looking for a champion cut from the same cloth.

damn, she was not always this fake blonde.

She is an actual quadroon, nigger genes wrapped in a stolen package. You can see it in her face if you look, and you can see it in her nigger mom. Black people parade around a genetic experiment of gene theft and rape, amazing.

>You can see it in her face if you look

she always had an uncanny valley look to her, this skin whitening thing they use is pretty effective.

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Nigger nose never goes away

yeah, but she was always ugly

So it's just lip injections, castor oil on brows, and occasional foundation powder shit.

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Dios mio! La goblina do Brasil.

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Kek that honker is 100% bayou nigger nose genes coming out

If you fap to Elsa the FBI will knock on your door.

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I don't fap I cum in my wife but thank you Romania for the warning

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>I don't fap I cum in my wife
Want to know how we all know you're not actually married?

I'd bleach her

Why wouldn’t they? If it were possible for people to choose their race, this world would be 100% white

Because you tricked yourself into thinking you have clairvoyant powers

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wtf she’s part black? this a a day after I learn the bogandoff twins are as well, wtf man. Am I part black?

what a goddess. Who is she?

I don't. 95% of whites are retarded rednecks without culture. And you leech off the remaining 5%.


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She looks good in OPs pic. Would cum on glasses.

Good times... zzz

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A lot of Hispanics on tinder and such basically forge pictures where they look the whitest. It's pretty gross

>Brazilians are worse than leafs.

No one wants to be indio. Stop lying.

with that face and body I'll suck her dick


Indians are irrelevant culturally, if you didn’t speak Spanish you would have nothing going for you

It's a shame she got a nose job. Yes she's a disgusting porn whore but you shouldn't change who you are. Anyway, she can change herself to make herself look more white all she wants. She still fucks niggers on camera, so she'll never be accepted as white. She'll only be accepted for the gas chamber.

My black dad (got a white mum) has a nigger nose (I've never met him, lol, but I've seen pics of him online) but I didn't get that feature. Or lips. Or hair.

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>my black dad
>I've never met him

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Yes you did. It's proven that niggers can't recognize themselves in mirrors. Post nig face, if you're so bold as to lie to us.

is your mom irish?

Btw the avg Romanian girl right now is far more trashier than this. Zoomer or not it is over.

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>he avg Romanian girl right now is far more trashier than this


I'm with this guy. How is this possible?

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De unde ai mai scos si asta :D

>Go to Timisoara.
>Check out the club area of the campus that's a fiesta all around the year.
Bye fags.

Don't believe this dude. There are trashy girls in Romania, but an overwhelming majority of the women are much better than what you find in Western Europe and America. No hard feelings. That doesn't mean you can't find smart, clever, free-thinking women anywhere else. You will just find more in Eastern Europe.



I've been traveling between America and Europe for the past 20 years. I know what I'm talking about.

>3am in America
I believe you 100%

I go to very nice and sterile places like Sibiu and choose to see what I want to see. I have no clue what milk or rent cost like and what people do on their phones in Romania the most.


wh*Te propaganda. BLACK men are taking over the celebrity stage. BLACK men are cool and masculine, wh*Te bois are nerdy and pasty

Better to be wite den Wong.

Da face is bitchy af!

Civic nationalism is the future

Day of the Rope, nigger.....

Same here, user... God I hate Eastern Europe.

Futu-te în morții mătii acolo unde ești purdea muiangist de țigan în pula mea cu poveștile de larp de r/romania.
În Timișoara fetele de 14 au țâțe de 20 de ani, păr roz sau bleaumarine, înălțime de 172cm, toți mint că-s peste 18, fută pe malul lui Bega la ora 4 în dimineața plin de alcool sau mdma.
Vrei și la Cluj? Plin de homosexuali, poți să dai muie sau în cur sub 30 de minute.
Virgin habarnist borâit. Du-te și votează ce vrei că nu mai contează de loc ce legi avem.

Nah kid, it's cos you claimed to be both married, and having sex

I just think you're being a bit too hard on Romania, like everyone else. Once you live here in America, you will see what I am talking about. Grass is greener on the other side? There's a reason why I go back to Romania every summer. Adevarul e undeva la mijloc. Off to bed. Peace!

this desu

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Să te trezești cu cancer de la fastfood.

Basically anyone that isn't Mexican

I'd say that she has done too many BLACKED scenes to do that but Remy LaCroix spent nearly her entire career sucking nigger dick and even she somehow managed to start a normal-looking white family so who knows

Deci vrei sa zici ca situatia e la fel de grava?? Bine, poate ai dreptate.

Doamne ce urăsc Ardealul (timisoara inclus). Ardeleni au fost fututi asa de mult de unguri si nemti pe dea lungul istoriei incat in zilele de azi au devenit niste scarbe cu un complex de inferioritate cum nu am mai vazut in toata romania. Sunt asa de complexati ca nu au fost niciodată stăpân pe pământul lor incat azi se cred buricul pământului si simt nevoia sa spuna cum sunt mai buni decat ceilalti români. Isi bat joc de moldoveni si doamne fereste sa fi muntean ca daca mergi la Brasov o sa se uiata toti brașovenii urat pe tine daca afla. Ardeleni nu sunt altceva înafara de niste pustani prajiti care se cred mai buni decat toata lumea

Chiar asa?? Asa se duce toata tara de rapa.


Because Whites are superior.

Sunt muntean si ma duc in fiecare an la Brasov/Predeal. Nu mi-a zis nimeni nimic. Probabil esti tu complexat. Sau moldovean cu accent.

The kid's straight up going to go on a rampage when they get older, the moment she finds out what their mother has done. Likely through kids at school.

Nu ba prostule. Eu mă refer sa mergi acolo si sa locuiesti, nu sa "mergi la munte sa respir aer curat" ca turist. Eu m am nascut la bucuresti si m am mutat la Brasov la 10 ani. Am stat acolo 10 ani si lasa ma sa iti spun că si dupa tot timpul ala daca se afla ca sunt de la bucuresti eram inamicul mereu tuturor. Si predealul e in muntenia.

oh my god, the queen of blacked straight up has a negroid nose and dark complexion. I feel cheated. I wanted to jack off to real interracial sex.

>A lot of Hispanics on tinder and such basically forge pictures where they look the whitest. It's pretty gross
this. these cunts will use filters that make their skin look lighter, just like the one in op.

Hmmmm, okay

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Ehy does pol still get triggered at her for blacked ehen she isn't even white?

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I'm very glad I'm not white, personally. White people are dumb.

>Skin whitening