Fuck cuckistanty and switch over to islam where we cuck cucks like you

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>no dogs
>no music
>no beer
>no girls
No thanks

i detest your race

There is no god but Yahweh, revealed in Jesus Christ.

explain this

Attached: Islam=ReligionOfCucks.png (1324x648, 63K)

Muslims hate Jews and are the prime example of a Jew free society

Orthodoxy ftw. No reason why we can't be friends though.

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A lot of the sad incels would rather spend their lives posting anonymously on their taiwanese hugbox

There is no hope for these useless failures


shit picture, that's not an accurate example of the gear that either side would have used. especially that sword, they had much better swords than that(Chad)
get your history right

Mussos are reaching kike levels of shillery on this board

Jesus is objectively hard to fault no matter what era or excuse, which is quite amazing when even the more tame alternative religious heads believe in caste systems and the like.

>didn't hurt a single person in his entire wife
He fashioned a whip and fucked up some money changers with it.
Or did money changers not count as people?

>wanting to live in a sandnigger society
Jew free or not, I wouldn't want to live in it. Why is it that we have to choose between parasitic kikes and goatfucker pedophiles? White countries should have neither.

Actually, Jesus did hurt people in his life time, namely the filthy Jews who were desecrating his temple.
>pic related

Attached: jesuswhippingjews1.jpg (736x727, 81K)

filthy Jews are not humans tho


Oh wait, you're serious.

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Alright let me settle this once and for all, as a middle eastern christian.
> Christianity is the greater belief.
> Islam is the greater religion.
What I mean by this is that while Christianity is the true worship of God and establishes the greatest set of morality, virtue, and theology on earth, it fails to uphold its religious power. The great schism, the crusades, the protestant degeneration, and vague political christianity are all a mess. There is no true christian unity in modern times either, no brotherhood like the islamic ummah. Christians in Africa are abandoned by christians in europe and latin america. The crusades were a disaster that led to the ruin of Byzantium and the hatred of the arabs against both Europe and against their fellow arabs who happened to be christian.
Now, while I don't believe in the slightest that Islam is an accurate representation of God, Islam is a much more united and cohesive religion. The sunni-shia conflict of today pales in comparison to the orthodox-catholic-protestant bloodbaths of yesterday. Muslims in Egypt will always back up muslims in Asia, regardless of cultural differences. They also correctly weave theology, spirituality, and politicism into one cohesive movement, whereas Christianity is splintered and argumentative.
We need unity the way muslims have it, and we need to weave religion into politics the way they do as well. Now while I think the crusades were a disaster for the most part, the conquest by Cortez in central america and the massacre of the Aztecs was glorious.

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This is why people call you LARP pagan.
Poor sad embarrassing existence.

We're going to soak our ropes in pork juice before you hang. Your "religion" is an abomination, and has no place in a civilized society.

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Muslims are ruled by jews

Larp Christian

you mean you want to submit because you're afraid of a fight? pussy.

i bet 50 bucks it's a leaf behind this flag

>shitskins and semites
>horse archers

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Islam is literally being cucked by the alpha Chad(Muhammad) so hard you ritualistically suck his cock a fifteen centuries later. It's the cult of a warlord.

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Islam is a gay religion

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