YES, this is the absolute state of France in 2018.
Spread this video in a last desperate attempt to wake up native French people.
YES, this is the absolute state of France in 2018.
Spread this video in a last desperate attempt to wake up native French people.
>they went with songs to the battle, they were young
>straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow
>they were staunch to the end against odds uncounted
>they fell with their faces to the foe.
>they shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old
>age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn
>at the going down of the sun and in the morning
>we will remember them
Wow I’m so glad that the evil Nazis were defeated. Things are so much better now.
>aww white man
*turns former white colony into shithole*
>aww white man
*illegally enters France crossing 25 borders*
>aww white man
*uses hospital without paying*
>aww white man
*free House, free food*
>aww white man
*uses free public transport *
>aww white man
*spends day selling drugs*
>kill why pepo
It's already too late for France, mane.
When you are so racist that even the anti-white anti-racist organizations are forced to sue you to save face
And I care why? France is full of fags.
What in the fuck. Reminds me of that Black rapper in the U.S. who hung a White kid in his video.
>when you have the EU flag
You cucks are the root of the problem
Kill all niggers on sight.
It is a union! How can a union be weak? Drivel, nonsensical.
And quebecois.
A Fucking Leaf.
Pic related is the true Canada
This is my real flag...
But because I'm abroad I switch to the EU flag.
God i wish that were me...
Kek, thank God there's subtitles because half the time the nigger is incomprehensible.
But yeah France is the most cucked country by far. And there are no native to wake up, the few that remain are all brainwashed kike-worshipping cuck. That country died 250 years ago...
>kill all the only part of Canada that is nationalist and anti-immigrants
sounds like a true anglo cuck
Kill all niggers and anglos on sight
You baguettes lost, plus you funded the flq. We btfo'd that shit hard. True Canada is anglo Canada.
checks out
Who is the Jewish homo that agreed to be in this?
Plains of Abraham. You lost in under 10 mins, typical baguette.
Don‘t switch to memeflags. I filter them and Australians are among the best posters.
>btfo'd the FLQ hard
>literally every member of the FLQ is still alive and out of prison right now, having normal lives
>that anglo federal minister is dead forever though
Kinda looks like the FLQ won in the end.
Actually taking legal action. Not so bad after all
we're not getting the star trek ending. we are going full blade runner
Lies, thats a psyop done by the "nationalist" quebecois meanwhile somalis and niggers of all shades of nigger pour across Quebec's border.
That man is a hero, Pierre Trudeau was based.
>only win the anglo can come up with is from centuries ago
>meanwhile Canada is Quebec's bitch, sending us all the free money, having to legally speak french because we felt like it.
You guys are the weakest "winners" in history, you're getting cucked by Quebec every single day, we just threaten to separate and you open your buttcheeks.
It's kind of ridiculous in a sense, we should probably go easier on you, whole world is laughing at you guys.
wow this turned me on wtf? they are so naturally dominant and alpha
>Trudeau JR says all immigrants welcome
>based according to anglo standards
>90% of the people crossing in Quebec go to english Canada because they don't want to bother learning french
>Ontario is actually the one getting flooded
>everything went better than expected
No, Because you need it. Its for your very survival so much degeneracy in Quebec, and thats all it took to make Canada anglo. Total fags you are. Ps. America doesn't really like you, niether does France.
Flase we're shipping them to Saskatchewan and Manitoba.
Check your history regarding true Canada sir
We don't like the US, and France has a boner for us, they keep immigrating here by the thousands, because we're one of the last white people having a nationalist backbone, unlike you guys who love the diversity.
Don't mind about the money really, it's coming out of your pockets. You're literally paying to get cucked by us lol. Thanks for all the petrol, Alberta, we're really enjoying it.
Futile attempt, everyone will say its just art and move on to praying at the mosque.
He dindu....................... Nuffin
I will not, my loyalty lies with the Queen. Frenchmen don't understand such a concept.
The absolute state of (((white race)))
Ontario is the economic engine of Canada everything east of us needs huge amounts of welfare to stay afloat. Its other way around quebecois are leaving to go to burgerland.
>this one white faggot who agreed to be in this clip
I pray that some frog will butcher both him and the nigger
Fuck off frog boy. You faggots do nothing but lose. You love to talk through talk but you're always someone's bitch. That's all. Little dogs. And no, Quebec isnt Canada. Canada is Canada. Quebec is still part of Canada and that's the way it's going to stay. You want to take your anger out on something worthwhile? Go kill one of the sandniggers raping and killing your women. What's left of them...
Kek that nigger died a while ago.
think this nigger is trying to play the whole black oppression angle in reverse (talking about gene inferiority and letting white people kill each other with guns the blacks provide them).
In the end this nigger just wants controversy so he gets his name out there and cry MUH ARTSY INTEPRETATION and SEE THIS IS WHAT WHITE PEOPLE ACTUALLY DID TO US, HOW DO YOU FEEL NOW WHITEY? when media starts criziting these niggers
what are some of the comments saying underneath the video?
Look a this fucking shill
Just when a thread able to actually lead to something appears this fucking pice of shit tries to DC it already.
You will hang alongside the nigger leaf.
Haha look at this Pepsi. Still salty about losing 2 referendums, Jean Guy? :)
Maybe next time. Maybe not. Maybe that ethnic vote is too much for you to handle after all? First Levesque, then Parizeau. Who will be your next loser?
Suck it up, faggot patate. You're Canadian. Keep paying that income tax.
Stfu Poland this is not your place to shitpost.
Surely this should be taken down by jewtoob under its policy of hate speech and racism?
Don't worry Fritz, it will soon be your turn
I mean, it will be me IRL when we reach France cuck levels
Based and redpilled
Didn't Poland shill for the jews? Yes, I think they did.
>implying you can be racist towards whites in today's cultural climate
If you're on kikebook or twatter, share the vid with your normie friends and ask them what they think of it. You'll learn a lot about them in 5 minutes.
Yeah we're Canadians, don't mind, we get all the Equalization lol. And forced bilingualism on the federal services. Quebec only has one official language: French. We don't have to speak english legally while providing governmental services.... but you do! hahaha
We'll just stay here, leeching, fucking with you, it's a good position. God bless this federation.
Nobody cares about a random niggers music video there are thousands of them
Stop fucking arguing or go start your own thread you two.
this video must be taken down, it's racist as fuck against whites and jewtoob will be seen as massive hypocrites if they don't delete it
Sadly I know a lot more about my friends political persuasions and cuckness than I wanted to which why I've ditched fb
Nobody cares whites need to be exterminated.
your salt is real
Kill wypipo on sight
They said it in the song, orchestrated. Lots of money when white people are dead. Its always about money.
It is racist to us user, But not to them. So it will remain like an engineer from Nigeria. it will remain.
I bet he is a (((Frenchman)))
He is right you know? Ever since you showed your "strength" in the Vietnam war and then Suez dispute you have done nothing but be a bitch.
Stay strong frog bros.
Comments are disabled for this video.
Okay, ill read it. But if it attempts to strip me of my identity so help Queen Elizabeth.
No it has to stay up
Nobody flag the video. Don't let it get taken down. Mirror it, share it. Everyone needs to see this.
>y-you're salty ha ha
I thought that was in the talmud?
Reported the video for rakism :o remoib remob remob
they weren't last night so obviously they were all negative
Did they kidnap the white guy, who the fuck is this?
This. Mirror it on all platforms. Make a video without disabled comments
Remind me of this for some reasons
there is no such old polish proverb, it's a meme of chavs
this nignog should come to Russia or Poland
Doesn't really matter if it's Polish or not, the proverb makes sense.
Already deleted.
It should not be taken down. Your Pavlovian 1984 reflexes are getting the better of you m8.
It ought to remain there for all to see
This he needs to pozz a couple of hundredth women like the others nogs have.
Damn I missed it. What was it?
ALL niggers and kikes will be anhilated.
Also that fucking video, implying a nigger could hit a. running target dead center from that distance with a revolver.
It's down for me, reup it.
Same, it’s down for me
Can someone reupload this video?
requesting mirror
OP link is kill
This shit made me angry. Brb gonna beat the first gyppo I meet in the street to calm down
Do me a favor and return behind the Iron Curtain, thanks
not available anymore, nobody saved it?
Calm down before they will rape you, we both know romanian "men" are betas.
Shit man, I knew about the fuckery with the separation vote but this...
Working link:
I know your right, but normies should see this, more importantly we may want to consider not reporting and just downvoting so we can gaslight Jewtube for this.
My recommendation - spread it to American blacks on twitter, collate their responses, and present it to normies
>this video is unavailable
Shoah'd qwick