Evening lads. Anyone know how to find Bill Shortens or Tanya Plibersek's itinerary each week? I feel like they need reminding that Bill Shorten literally had to pay a woman $500,000 to a woman in compensation for raping a woman in 1986.

>Opt Out of MHR

>Chinese Influence on our Major parties

>Scandals for Labor and the Unions

>I am not a member of the Chinese Communist Party: Hobart council candidate

>Female politicians should be free to act like men

>Spike in Australian suicides spikes outcry

> Australia's rising suicide rate sparks calls for national target to reduce deaths

>Australia's new immigration minister reveals visa priority

>Australia's property market faces 'longest downturn in decades', says UBS

> Political interference crisis hits Australia's national broadcaster

>Only a matter of time before the ABC's Justin Milne is given the sword this bloodied season

>Justin Milne vows to stay as ABC chairman amid calls to stand aside over Emma Alberici sacking report

Previous thread

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Other urls found in this thread:


This is your daily reminder that australia is and always will be a nanny state

nah mate he fingered me bum

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Reminder that if you're
>Into firearms, and into participating in local community aid
>Into hunting, or are looking to get into hunting
>Not keen on poaching or are law abiding in your hunting
>Need an outlet for furs, game prize, meat stacks, and time off
>In Victoria

Go get yourself some equipment, and find yourself a hunting ground for Sambar or Hog deer.
Sambar are overbreeding and are becoming pests, with an incapacity to be killed due to high regulations and low gun culture influence, and bureaucratic turmoil over culling as an answer.
Hog are usually quite rare, but there have been accounts of them popping up quite commonly as of late as well.

Do your part, and earn your prize.

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The ABC did nothing wrong,.

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Didn't he do a TV special where he painted a portrait of the Queen? Didn't he convince Buckingham Palace ot lend him the dress she wore for the sitting so he could finish the painting?
Ever wonder what he actually did with that dress?

Friendly reminder the current Labor party are literally communists due to the party split of 1955 saw the anti-communist portion of the ALP form the new ALP-AC.

dont we have a higher % of private prisons in comparison to the US?

>keep hearing about that strawberry shit
>literally no one anywhere has mentioned that it's mostly migrants who work in strawberry picking
Am I wrong about this? My sister worked picking fruits a few years ago and even then she said it was 60% Asian and 30% """Asian''"' working.
Or was it confirmed that the needles were only put in at the supermarket and not during picking?

I'm sorry but is that a gun I see in that Aussie's house?
Have you got a license to edit that in?

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Reminder the ABC thinks this mentally ill man is a woman.

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>Ever wonder what he actually did with that dress?
Finished the painting?

>tfw no raspy voice gf

daily reminder that id fuck that tranny

Remember that when the ABC promotes transgender issues this is really what they are advocating. This is the true horror of mental illness.

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>reporting something is promoting something

If you complain about trannies a lot, you want to fuck them

>richard wants a peoples bank
>paulie wants a peoples bank

greens & one nation alliance when

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Threadly reminder to get your firearms licence and to also join the friendly Jow Forumsangaroo discord full of Australian law abiding firearm owners CODE: wTvPTM

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Evening lads.. I want these to be available to licensed fire arm owners again. Who do I need to vote for?

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Boys there's a doco about that Daniel kid on the telly

Seeing a lot of consistent issues in aus/pol/ but haven't seen much to promote an interaction in all of them.

The OP does a great job to highlight temporary issues, occurrences, and events of interest. However, their long-term and trivial listings are limited to MHR and scandals, and asking more of them would be selfish, as well as inopportune.

I propose aus/pol/ compiles a 'Taskmaster' pastebin.
A collection of ongoing issues and their suitable methods of treatment. I believe that if Jow Forums in general could have made a change, and specific board threads such as /sg/ can make a change, aus/pol/ can make one too.

I've already got the pastebin up and am looking for suggestions.

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based and shroompilled

im kinda keen to compile all the info on the possible upcoming economic collapse. been meaning to do it anyway so i have a shit tonne of info to reference when boomers refuse to listen to what ive got to say

Sounds fantastic.
So far, for reference, I have:
1. Greens + Labor attempts at nationalization towards finances, energy and healthcare
2. ABC Interference and Bias (especially within services such as Q&A)
3. Sambar Deer infestation in Victoria (Jow Forumsangaroo discord: /wTvPTM)
4. The Upcoming Economic Collapse: A Compilation (Boomer Friendly Edition!)

What's this all about

LibDems are your best bet mate. Don’t like your chances of getting an SLR available; but appreciate the efforts.




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Good too see the freedom rifle (SLR) in that pic

>Bill Shorten literally had to pay a woman $500,000 [to a woman] in compensation for raping a woman in 1986

Wait, what? I'd say you're pulling my leg, but the media is so fucking corrupt these days, I wouldn't be surprised if they just didn't report it much. Surely this should be something everyone knows...

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nah he just sent his union mates around to threaten her

Cheers I'll sus them out. Yeah I mean you get the licence you should be able to get what you want. There where millions of military style semi autos brought into Australia before the bans. People didn't Hand them in ...there still out there and not causing any drama

psychotic concepts! Imagine going back to the kind of system that brought the boomers their prosperity! Unthinkable!

Liberal democrats and if ur in NorthQLD vote for the Kater party,SLR's for all law abiding patriots. And if voting doesn't work just do a bit of networking plenty of semi-auto rifles on the
black market after the 96 ban prices are abouts 5k-10k per rifle these days

>pls, I need more Internet friends, it's all I have
fuck off with the discord shilling, will never touch that shit. Looking forward to seeing you in triage when you accidentally blow your foot off like one of your retarded friends does once or twice a week.

The ABC is already totally politically infiltrated and far from independent, so why are they worrying about this guy? That's right, because he isn't a lefty.

There's heaps out there(semi-auto rifles)just find the people in the know. And defs vote liberal democrats, its the freedom party

>being this bitchy
>internet friends are a bad thing
>hurr people blow their foot off they don't know guns are bad

I am weeping for you and the gash you popped out of, for only a nigger could think like you so happily do. Screeching at a Discord link, pathetic.

If not that, you're a misinformed noguns who doesn't understand the crucial element of how fucked legislation is becoming in the works against civilian gun owners.

Cheers mate. Yeah they check %5 of shipping containers I mean the black market would be thriving with new kit. But I just want my freedom back

1% of the country's population is ~250,000 people. The last thread had 75 unique IPs which is about average. It's up to you to guess how many of those 75 are going to click on your convoluted pastebin, and then guess who's going to stay longer than 90 seconds. At a guess you will reach about 1% of 0.0003% of the population on a given week.

He tied me kangaroo down, sport.

the wailing cries of neolib boomers is my aphrodisiac

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Not all strawberries.
I'll ride with fruit.

LibDems or Shooters&Fishers.

In the meantime get a .303 or at least a .22

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>what is spreading the word
>what is credulous and succinct representation
>what is management of informational representation

Are you SALT? Socialist Alternative, that you?
The last thread had some guy pulling all the Lefty tricks in the book; obscurantism, personal attacks, reduction to absurdity, and now magic mathematics! How scary!

Australians are complemented for their networking abilities, by the way, and are quite likely to satiate a state of communal aid. You could stop being a coy little shit and just come out that you're demoralizing, or you could help someone in your life instead of being a defeatist.

Stop jumping at shadows you spastic. Next you'll be telling me critical thought, reality, facts and logic are Jewish tricks. I'm telling you that your target market is minuscule. Sorry to kill your self-importance buzz. I'll tell you what: You have my blessing. Go ahead and do it, have fun, you would've loved Geocities.

Yeah Im starting to like these lib dems...yeah that's actually how my addiction started... I've been collecting the old rifles for a wile now. I just picked up a pump action 45 Taurus it's a clone of the old colt lighting. Haha it goes good real slick

Why is it so hard to find a gf?


because they are all picky fucks. I have a mate who has a hard time keeping his relationship together. he has to work to pay the bills. his missus always complains he needs to spend more time with her. for fucks sake they have 2 kids. she doesn't work so what the fuck do you think he has to do. she should be fucking happy she found someone who gives enough of a fuck to stick around and support a family

Because your are here and not somewhere you can meet a girl.

I'm a gril.
I can be your gf...

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>Stop jumping at shadows you spastic...
Personal attack

>Next time you'll be telling me critical thought, reality, facts and logic are Jewish tricks
I'll let you figure out which one this is :^)

>I'm telling you that your target market is miniscule
I didn't think creating a document containing the listed pattern concerns of a politically active grouping was going to be the entire demographic. I worry that I had to explain this to you.

>You have my blessing
Oh so mighty, hoity-toity piece of shit typical Lefty attitude. Treating people like children when you're flexing.

Look, calm down, and at least tell me what you're doing to better your community and then relieve yourself.

Are you a qt aryan virgin?

>per 100,000
>2,400 per 100,000

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>he falls back on the fallacy sticky like it means literally anything.
Read your other post and grasp the irony/your hypocrisy. Then read Don Quixote. Or at least the wikipedia entry on tilting at windmills. You thinking you're being treated like a child is pure projection, I'm treating you like an idiot. As for me, trying to better society? I'll continue to being an ED nurse in a capital city public hospital, as I have for the past 5 years. Currently working on my masters as a mature age student. You probably think this is virtue signally even though you asked for the info.

hmmm .303 is good for deer.
wheres my cleaning kit.

Nah, just kidding mate, I'm actually a bloke. Haha, I tricked you good!

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Surprised you didn't even try to drag out the charade for longer.

i know what u mean its one thing to acquire weapons by any means necessary, its another thing too feel the freedom of acquiring legally as a law abiding patriot. I personally have never bought semi-autos just met people that have. The only thing the anti-gunners did was drive the market underground, thus creating an uncontrolled unregulated market for weapons. If you want real freedom buy a lathe grow some veges and raise some live stock. Create your own feed build your own weapons, cease being a slave.


I've already read Don Quixote, because I collected and distributed free literature to my local high school given its' sorry state. I'm also keeping it on archive PDF for future purposes, with the thousands of other free things I've been generously given, by community projects in small 'target markets' like these.

I read my original post. I asked a question, then identified a pattern of posting that occurred in the last thread, and then aligned it with your mathematical poise over something completely arbitrary, because it was an unreasonable assertion.
I'm just being cocky, and yeah, I'll admit that was unreasonable.
What other reason would you have to be as insulting as you were to the Discord poster, and me, if not to be demoralizing? Are insults not demoralizing? Are the proposals not defeatist attitudes in similarity?

Treating someone like an idiot deems them at a lower level of intelligence, so it's comparable to treating them "like a child". Not going through your funhouse to elaborate on that.

You go do your nursing job then.
>You probably think this is virtue signalling even though you asked for the info
Well being an ED nurse wouldn't be necessarily benefiting society if it didn't have value, but I don't know about the field population nor the specifics of a mature-age student's involvement, but now I finally have an answer, thank you.

It is a slow thread and I have a low time preference.

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gonna need pics to prove your a guy now

>dick or gtfo

for people who can into maths, it's quite shocking.

hey, that's where I live

tell your sister she's fat

Just a bunch of Aussies with guns who shitpost and talk guns. We do meetups where possible, I promise we're not ASIO.
Righto dickhead.
SFFP and Liberal Democrats are the only ones who will stand up for shooters rights in Australia.

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>being shocked that 2.4% of abos are incarcerated
come now newfriend, get a grip

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Guys red pill me on the Port Arthur massacre. Was it a Jew plot by the same faggot who started mass immigration to take our guns in preparation for a future police state?

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okay but before I do, does jet fuel melt steel beams?

I'sss got ss'thrissty ssss'seconds inthu ss'that visss'deo

>Guys red pill me on the Port Arthur massacre. Was it a Jew plot
it was a tragedy preventable by commonsense gun regulation.

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is Embalmer related to Obama???? HOW DEEP DOES IT GO!!!!

It's not an organised plot, its just political oportunism like every other fluke victory Howard ever had.
Random retard goes nuts.
Howard was already paranoid about real men having guns might fuck him over one day.
The minute the post-shooting panic starts pulls out the gun laws written years before waiting for the moment.
>shortcunt couldnt organise a secret conspiracy if he tried.
All the tinfoil bullshit is just Tasmanian cops being useless - turning up late, needing to fly VicPol SOG in to handle the seige, letting journos into MBs house that totally fucked any evidence, so with no real case all they could do was push him into a confession and bury the files.

Try this one:

He was having coffee when the first person got shot, he pleaded not guilty then 6 months later his defence attorney convinced him to plead guilty. He was a literal retard with an IQ of 60, the mind of an 8yr old child, sometimes he couldn't open doors he was so dumb but somehow carried out this major massacre.

No way this is real, John Howard is a Jew puppet to Frank Lowy.

And Frank Lowy took out insurance on the World Trade Center mall 50 days before 9/11!!! Frank Lowy is an NWO TURBO JEW.

Do only retards believe the Port Arthur Massacre wasn't just a plot to take our guns?

I'm not so much worried about the gun stuff. I just don't like the fact I cant beat the shit or even kill some cunt who breaks into my house

we're having one of the worst economic crashes in australia's history next year, thanks to policies John Howard implemented. You'll want your guns if they declare a police state.

genuinely love all conspiracy theory stuff, jusht wisshpt the guy bought a pop pssflter
just make sure if you've got a baseball bat, also have a mitt nearby

I think you know what I'm going to say

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we already live in a police state you fucking gronk
I have a cricket bat so i'll keep my pads next to my bed to and tell them I just have cricket practice before bed

so lemme break it down

ABC is here looking for gun owners, crazy ones even! They're going to bundle it with the last thread and invent some threat that will require intervention from the AFP and possibly even identification

>He was a literal retard with an IQ of 60, the mind of an 8yr old child, sometimes he couldn't open doors he was so dumb but somehow carried out this major massacre.
this isn't uncommon. firearms are extremely retard friendly.

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OOh yes join our gun discord! no ones ever been doxxed from discord!

amirite fellow nazis?

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The (((conspiracy))) isn't the shooters, it's Pharma selling SSRIs to millions knowing that a percentage of them are going to go Columbine and not giving a shit.
The random shootings and the guncontrol kneejerks are just secondary symptoms.

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I just used a plastic funnel to pour about 2 dozen bull ants into my speedos. These are the special speedos. The punishment speedos. They're matted with piss, shit, blood and especially semen. And tonight gentlemen, we've gone and added ants to the mix.

This is absolutely WILD guys good thing I've been smoking ice all afternoon these ants are both angry and hungry. My speedos are ground zero for cock biting ants guys.

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discord is for faggots. use IRC with a bounce and encryption

apparently Indian men used a similar method to increase their size, with wasps instead of ants

>carry hammer andd receipt in bunnings bag
>>tell pigs it’s broken and I am returning it

Yes will catch on

>didn't arrive until 4:30pm
because the police intercepted Bryant at Seascape before they got to Port Arthur

>colt was a registered police rifle
it was normal at the time to sell old equipment to the public

>1hr away having coffee
that's only true if by "having coffee" you mean "stabbing David Martin to death" then i guess i can let this one slide

>the australian constitution means anything at all
aside from the "right" to cross state lines what is that rag worth?

howard was a scumfuck oppurtunist who exploited a genuine tragedy to further his political career; there is no /x/-tier conspiracy in port arthur

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Start here.
When even the first responder on the scene, and a former cop both say shit doesn't add up, you know there is something iffy going on.
Also the morgue bus, the recordings from Seascape Cottage siege, and so many other pieces of evidence point to it being a false flag.

only way to stop a depressed autistic zoomer with a gun is a repressed sadistic boomer with a gun.

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I'm with you for a part of it, no way Howard wanted people with high powered firearms around, especially when Pauline was having her first ascension to popularity (all gun owners). And when he had his grand plans of fucking the workers until his glands were showing through the abdomen with his Workchoices shit.

Also not watching some 50 minutes of epilepsy educing production though. And certainly don't want to give gun nuts their weapons back because they're pissed and we'll have a meth inspired Rambo situation every week.