This is pope towadros II, patrairch of the Coptic orthodox church in Egypt

Say something nice

Attached: quote-love-never-ends-or-fails-love-never-ends-everything-must-be-based-on-love-the-relation-pope-ta (850x400, 102K)

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Lots of love to him and to you OP.
You may be a faggot, but you're MY faggot :)

Isn't he dead? We had a visit of patriarch of Alexandria like 2 days ago here in Poland, and it wasn't him

If there's a heaven, he'll go to it.

That was a different pope, that one You're talking about was "eastern" orthodox version of the Oriental orthodox church in egyot I think.

The guy in pic related is the patrairch of trying Coptic orthodox church which is Oriental orthodox.

God knows how many schismatics there are claiming that title. Maybe it was the OTHER orthodox church

That probably wasn't the Oriental orthodox church of the Coptic church. The Oriental orthodox Coptic church was established by Christ's apostles sint mark in 42 AD

oh okay that might be

and it is in almost communion with eastern orthodox church.

but not with catholic church

so keep your schizmatic crap in rome

First of all there's two orthodox churches native in egyot, the Greek Orthodox Church of Egypt and the orther one is the Coptic orthodox church, second the Roman Catholic church broke off from the orthodox church and continued to form it's own christology.

Parliament Funkadelic made some decent albums in the 1970's?

Based Native Egyptian. I stand behind all Egyptians in their struggle to throw out Arab colonizers and oppressors.

In nomine et Padre et Filii et Spiritus Sancti, go in peace and spread the word of the Lord. As a Catholic this man has my respect and I would gladly welcome him to my church rather than that nigger feet kissing traitor of a pope

Lol I'm not native Egyptian, I am converting to Coptic orthodoxy but I'm white

This love stuff doesn't seem to work out for Christians in Egypt, probably the single most unironically oppressed group on the planet. There isn't a day that goes by that a Copt isn't murdered by Muslims in Egypt. And no one gives a shit.

fucking kikes

Attached: (((tree))).jpg (380x478, 39K)

>And no one gives a shit.
you mean the jewish owned governments?

Eastern "Orthodoxy" Exposed: Their Heretical Doctrine Of God

Attached: 1535873879422.png (1288x1732, 656K)

Copts aren't Orthodox Christian, they are considered heretics by all Orthodox Christian churches. The gulf between Orthodoxy and Copts is much wider than the one between the former and Catholics.

> a magyar being wrong about something
imagine my shock

>This love stuff doesn't seem to work out for Christians in Egypt, probably the single most unironically oppressed group on the planet. There isn't a day that goes by that a Copt isn't murdered by Muslims in Egypt. And no one gives a shit.

because the MSM calls the Copts white so they don't care and the Nordicist spergs on the internet say they aren't white so they don't care what happens to them.

Fucking bullshit

Well, good for you, but I was obviously talking about the Coptic Pope. However, I hope you, too, stand against Arab Imperialism and Colonialism, and for the self-determination of people everywhere.

Unironically this. Should Islam triumph in Europe, Europeans will end up like the Copts.