Getting Kinda a Creepy Police State vibe from Canada These days

It's also sort of a Kafkaesque lynchian feeling.

I keep hearing them testfloat the 'martial law' meme. apparently food prices are skyrocketing and they are cracking down hard on food smugglers of all things.

Here's a video about them chasing down the guy who makes the food price threads or something. It's possibly the creepiest thing ive ever seen and appears to have originated from the Hillary Victory timeline.

it's like what East germany would be making if they were still around

compare the vid from to this Training film produced in 1984 by the East German Ministry for State Security (Ministerium für Staatssicherheit, MfS, commonly known as the Stasi). Very similiar:

Attached: GKeAQ-W_.jpg (512x512, 114K)

Other urls found in this thread:

canadians are gangstalking pollacks because they cant handle the bantz about food prices.

Is that Gabe Newell

Canada is one place I will NEVER go ever in my life. All the Canadians I have met have been sneaky, using things like tantrums and lawsuits to get their way, lying about people to build up hate in the community.

Thomas Wictor is based tho

Dude your autism is off the charts. Just let them boil over. Eveyone hates cuckistan.

>Here's a video about them chasing down the guy who makes the food price threads
How would they track you down? You live in Poland. Stop with these faggoty threads.
What is the reason for you posting these every fucking day? You had three yesterday. WHY?

stop posting the same damn thread word for word, you aren't fooling anyone.

Haha ok chang. You just dont want canadian Chinese to out do your austrailian Chinese in the coal sectors.

Get fucked over the barbie.
They will always be 1st to your last place.

Attached: 1537601309115.jpg (556x561, 51K)

here's one about them chasing the lady who makes trudeau memes she's from abroad and is bringing the memes in on a drive

Attached: sip.jpg (470x470, 51K)