>muh meritocratic immigration
>muh high iq society
Fuck you
Kinda true, having a subhuman untermensch class is what actually allows for a successful modern civilization. It's literally why agricultural societies were able to beat out hunter gathers and pastoral nomads. A lot of dumb people at the bottom. They need to be stupid enough that they do not question things and accept their place, but smart enough to not be complete animals.
Trying to have a high IQ large scale society would fuck everyone up, would only work in tribes
>we need more cab drivers
said no one ever
I don't see how that has anything to do with earning your place in a country. That's not what people mean by "meritocratic immigration".
>we need more cab drivers >said no one ever
said no one ever
>soon cars will drive themselves.
>no longer a need for cab drivers.
>150 million brown parasites roaming the street without jobs and gibs.
Brilliant, leftists. Brilliant.
If we follow the logic to its conclusion, it sounds like a good argument for not letting in anyone at all.
IQ is at least 80% genetics, and the best predictor for social success.
And no we do not need more cab drivers. And if we need more doctors they can get a 5 year work permit and fuck off back home again.
100% agree with this. Children on immigrants should not automatically be citizens and should have to apply anew.
I agree. No matter how skilled they are , THEY HAVE TO GO BACK
>IQ is at least 80% genetics
No evidence of this.
>muh unwarranted conclusions from twin studies
You first Ahmad.
Immigrants are more British than you.
How about racial immigration, friend? In order to preserve the beautiful diversity that the world already has, we can have different enclaves that based on the right of freedom of association, certain racial groups can have their majority.
We can have also other enclaves that are completely free for all races to roam. You see? Everyone's happy! Yay!
But first, wee need to establish these enclaves before letting anyone in. That will diminish racial tensions because the more conservative citizens will have their race secure. Not only whites but also blacks, asians or indians.
That way we can implement both Free Trade Globalism without the bullshit minority tax benefits and allow Nationalism to be celebrated by the individuals who like it.
Now that's what I call a peaceful and inclusive solution. Cheers!
Still doesn't mean we need immigrants to fill those roles. Soon enough we'll have machines doing most menial tasks, thanks to our brilliant western science.
>dad's a doctor
>rich af
>I don't need to work
>drive cab, rape drunk white women
Yup, meritocratic immigration is shit as well. I don't want Achmed the Engineer or Jamal the Genius to come here and compete for my job. And I certainly don't want Ching Chong and Ding Dong to come rule over me with their superhuman intelligence. Meritocratic immigration is probably an even worse thing than normal immigration.
>all immigrants raise their kids to be doctors
u realize all heritability is determined using siblings and familial relations right? and nobody disputes the conclusions?
the problem isn't that immigrants come to our land, the problem isn't even WHICH immigrants come to our land, the problem is that once they get here they're allowed to act however they want because punishing them for acting how they naturally would is racist and they're given full welfare support (which is double what they earned working hard in their home country) so they lose all work ethic.
If immigrants had to come here and got held to the same standard as whites, there would be almost no problems.
>nobody disputes the conclusions
Not true.
You actually have twin studies where one of the twins is an engineer and the other is a fucked up drug addict who dropped out of highschool.
Only in muh average does it look like genetics matter. But if they did, you wouldn't have cases like that.
environment > genetics
Humans are 99.9999% the same
None of this matters because the socialist state will keep everyone down. Mass immigration just makes everything worse but in reality the system itself is shit.
u can be a drug addict with the same IQ as your engineer twin u fucking retard
Plato has the solution for this, give the best individuals in society the most resources, and the worst the least. If their children manage to raise their circumstances through hard work and intelligence, you grant them the increased resources that such a position entails. Though we all know that in such a system, immigrants would rarely move from a bronze to gold star rank even given many generations.
>rich kids are less motivated than poor kids
If this moron is a doctor you need to run far and run fast. Like 33% of doctors have at least one parent that is a doctor so... he's also objectively wrong.
>Immigration is done for the children
When the veil drops.
Stop reddit-ing comments. It's only mildly clever at best.
In my opinion a personality and identity are highly dependent on external feedback. You may have the potential to be a great person, but if getting shit on is all you ever know (because you're surrounded by assholes all your life), it can fuck you up for good.
>No evidence of this.
I like the implication that we don't have to import negros for our low pay sector
The numbers in your article go anywhere from 20% genetic to 80% genetic, the research in that field is clearly trash
Would you rather have a serious surgery done by a black male or a hispanic woman?
>Averages only matter when variance is small
Averages also matter when your sample size is massive
>shit meme image using personal experience as an argument against statistics and research that to this day have not been refuted
You need to do better than that, faggot shill
>Humans are 99.9999% the same
Chimpanzees share 99% dna with humans
Freaking cats share 90% dna with humans
What you can conclude is that marginal differences in genetics has a major fucking impact. You cannot conclude "hurr durr me not Chimpanzee, me share 99% genes, therefore environmental difference."
Also a high IQ guy can still be a fucking mess.
I am not against statistics. I am saying that even if the averages are different, it's meaningless because the variance is too high.
>fuck laws and boarders and shit because this welfare recipient might maybe possibly have a kid that could be a doctor one day
The guy is a doctor because his dad while unskilled worked hard enough to come to America and then forced his kid to study to be a doctor.
You are right, OP. We should not be having ANY immigration at all!
You claimed that there wasn't any evidence, user.
Researchers definitively agree that your genetic code plays an important part in your potential intelligence.
The variance is not actually very high at all. It's a bit above 100 for sub-Saharan Africans, with mean of about ~80, where the mean for whites is 100.
The cab driver position goes to OUR average Joe because its his inheritance. His people built the country.
That's the way it used to work anyway. Let's get that back. Work against globalism wherever you can. #Resist
What about life is supposed to be fair? People are different, they group themselves accordingly. These groups then struggle against each other for power and resources, ultimately imposing their will on the minority. Thats evolution, that is progress. This isn't a bad thing, the denial of the existence of human nature is far worse.
Ok. Now lets look at the people who don't go on to be doctors. Oh, would you look at that, turns out it's an extreme rarity that you're using to push your views.
If your research says that it's somewhere between 20% and 80%, your research is trash and it might as well be 0%
Your shitty meme image says the correlation between IQ and skin color hasn't been proven yet, which is false. It has. Just because we choose to ignore research and statistics about IQ because of faggots like you who think we're all equal and these studies are "racist" doesn't mean that nobody has proven this correlation to be a fact.
nice pilpul kike
well its obvious you dont even know the definition of heritability as it relates to genetics
The problem with "meritocratic" immigration is you end up with a subversive group of high IQ foreigners like the Jews. Who quite clearly display zero loyalty to the countries the inhabit.
I'm so sick of this "merit" based immigration bullshit. I hear that shit and I think sell out.
It hasn't been proven genetically that melanin increases intelligence, that's what I meant. All the evidence comes from psychological research.
Correct, but we have already have unemployed people here who could be cab drivers. We actually need more doctors.
>what is margin of error
Also way to move the fucking goalposts, Einstein.
this is it really. you guys hate on subhumans but they would be the best slaves. for example niggers are the one race that doesnt fight slavery they yearn for it because if you set them free look at what they do, chaos.
the only race that is truly problematic is the arab one. that race should be exterminated.
Also, the 20 to 80 number is about variance in the heritability of IQ, the average is estimated between 57% and 86%.
>muh meritocratic immigration
Fucking retard, are you Swedish?
There are statistics and there are anecdotes.
If you base your politics on the latter you are as dumb as a Somali.
If you have any immigration at all, then it should be meritocratic.
Best case scenario is that you make enough babies and export intelligent people of good moral character that other nations want to take in, instead of not making any babies and importing retards.
Just from a structural perspective, why should the wealth of your nation be dependent on taking in competence from foreign nations?
Any ancap worth his salt would argue that self reliance is the best, or rather the only, way.
But in the off chance you need to take someone into your house, it should be someone that contributes and not a fucking leech.
Averages are meaningless if the variance is so high. If it's biologically predetermined (hardwired), it shouldn't vary so much.
You have to marvel at the almost total destruction of white identity by the Jewish Money Masters. A white person can lose their job, social scene and freedom just for trying to create a living space for white people. Want to see a liberal get nervous? Tell them that white people should stop race mixing and form white communities.
Meritocratic immigration is a way to strike a balance between multiple sets of conflicting values.
Some people hate niggers, and only want whites.
Some people hate whites and only want niggers.
But, everybody agrees that it's better to bring rich, smart people instead of poor, stupid people.
nothing is absolutely biologically predetermined u retarded mongoloid why do you think they do heritability studies at all?
>Averages are meaningless if the variance is so high
That's not true, and the variance isn't that high in adults; the 20 to 80 variance accounts for difference in age.
In adults, you just have the 53% to 86%.
That's an incredibly substantial amount.
Read the article, for christ's sake.
Wow what a great argument for kicking out the unproductive children of migrants!
Then what the fuck does it matter if it's not biologically predetermined?
>this N=2 study debunks meritocracy!
wtf? I HATE meritocratic immigration now!
I already told you the variance is not that high. Besides, with Gaussian it doesn't really matter. Even with infinite variance, half of the population would be below the mean.
You should. I don't see why you'd want foreign supermen to come rule here over us. I certainly wouldn't want to be slave-caste in my own country, not matter how superior the immigrants are.
society doesnt need cab drivers. the majority aren't seen as the dead weight they are because they're livestock that can be commodified to create meaningless value to enrich the jew who controls the media and education and corrupts you with individualism. the time to cull is now.
Meritocratic immigration is just a way of saying less immigration. 'Merit' is just a barrier to entry.
Rhetorically, saying the truth that we must value our tribe above outsiders is harder to defend.
It gets called racist, to stoke white guilt and fear at not being able to defend common sense in-group preference, and to stoke subversive racial loyalty in minorities to use as a wedge to open the borders entirely.
Any place with open borders is destined to soon become the worst place in the world as people will vote with their feet until it is no better than other options.
Of course with merit based entry, outsiders get to steal the best opportunities from the best of your children, since the incentives to train from within are removed. Also you are saddled with a new foreign born elite occupying the best positions in society.
If anyone and everyone can come to the US, then the US belongs to no one, and you might as well cheat, steal, lie, and get yours while the getting is good, because it doesn't matter anyway. Why leave a good country for Somalians and Mexicans to inherit?
>The variance is too high
It's not, you're just retarded
The variance in families is high, the variance in races is enormous.
Unironically, it would be more useful to check the average of a surname, and admit people based on their surname, than it would to do race-based immigration.
>the variance in races is enormous.
But I already told you it's not... You just repeating it does not make it so.
The only high IQ "meritocratic immigration" available come from white countries due to regression to the mean.
It also comes with accepting the premise of the argument of going for high IQ which means accepting Jews and bugmen Asians, and fuck that noise. High IQ plus that intangible quality of high trust is lost to diversity.
So US BLACK (dumb as a brick according to Jow Forums) are equally smart to ISRAEL (dominates the world according to Jow Forums). Your own image debunks you.
you are objectively wrong. an user just said that. are you literally a braindead npc?
>Variance goes up with sample size.
Variance goes DOWN with larger sample sizes, retard
What the fuck does this stupid anecdote prove again? The point of meritocratic immigration is to keep sub-human scum from flooding our country and breeding like cockroaches while feeding off the plethora of free gibs. So what if you met one cab driver who had a doctor as a father, you'd have to prove that intelligent people only have unintelligent offspring and vice versa. Which is the dumbest leftist logic I've ever heard.
go rape your sister again kike
That says Israel Adjacent
Meaning mudslime-countries
so the people who are here already don't have stupid kids that can become cabbies or laborers?
Destroy auto-cars. If not only preserve them for women.
What exactly tells you his son won't be a cab driver?
This turned out well, but god knows it can get ugly.
For starters, the idea about "Meritocratic" immigration is, you don't have to pay for the fucker's education before he pays taxes, so that's a net win.
>race is about skin color
muh one example beats statistics and science
a hur a hur ahur
snek nigger lover is back everyone
Why would we want smart and ethnically nepotistic peoples in the US? The Chinese will subvert it for mother China, and the Jews already subvert for mother Israel. It's a recipe for disaster. No one cares to work towards the greater good of the US because there are so many different groups raping it that it makes you a cuck. That's why everyone is out to get theirs and doesn't care about the collective fate of the country.
How about no immigration
this guy might be on to something
Are you implying cabbies are not a required skill? Esp if you consider the controller, owner of the business, accountancy etc. etc.
Meritocracy considers the job and the skill pool not "muh sobs muh gibs".
If anything its the reason the taxi driver took you to work and not to the organ harvest alley.
Ey rabbi your doin' a bad job behind that meme flahg.
No it doesn't. The uncertainty goes down. You might be thinking of the central limit theorem, which states that the variance of means goes down.
>much anecdote about rich people being dumb and spoiled
nice class warfare there schlomo
It's not even about that.
There are rules.
Nobody enforces them.
To the despair of legal immigrants, to be honest.
Oops, my bad. Adjusted, not adjacent.
Avg iq in Israel is 95 by the way
We live in a society
You know what society doesn't need?