How the hell do I fight thought manipulation and mind control...

How the hell do I fight thought manipulation and mind control? Radio towers are everywhere and I like to use the internet

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sodium is a metal user, it acts like an antenna

never eat the salt

I'll add to this: never eat potassium. Bananas have a shit ton of radioactive potassium in them.

Avoid being a radioactive antenna by never eating sodium or potassium.

You just have to meme your truths louder than the fiction.

>stopped ingesting sodium and potassium
>died next time you broke a sweat
use your head anons

>not trying to kill conspiracy theorists

you're playing a hard game user.

>that's the joke.jpg.

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be friends with the white moth

be enemies with the tiny green mantis

this is the creature within you

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move out from America

Tinfoil hat

You have to actively think. And know what is trying to control you. To the majority of people they won't focus so expensive an item as forced mind control they just do subliminal shit. Basically think critically of everything you see

>Tinfoil hat
Beat me to it.

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this unit is your frens

it fights for (You)

Also, hang tin foil around your windows and also wear a tinfoil cup around your crotch. The radio waves will attempt to get to your brain through your gonads.

I actually got to talk to W6OBB on 80 meters just weeks before he died.


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Start ignoring your thoughts, then they can't do anything.

You never thought about anything that important anyways and you know it..

Also avoid oxygen, it binds into O2 in your cells and creates free radicals which causes aging and cell death, I’ve even heard of it causing cancer

Honestly keep the idea of yourself in mind

Boil yourself down to one word. Remember that word. That is you. Everything else is malleable.

Regular journeys to the mountains to trip is healthy as well.

Remain in Light eh

Thought manipulation and mind control don't happen through some hidden method. It happens overtly through media.

Consume consciously.


step 1: dont be a dumb fuck