Yeah....... It's Over

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Pretty much. I hope Brett is very angry at the lying women, and ready to start taking away their "rights"

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This dumb bitch just signed a sworn affidavit admitting to being an accessory to rape.

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>In approximately 1982

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>I declare, under penalty of perjury...
yeah, shes fucked.

>drinking excessively
fuck, there goes my SCOTUS chances

guys turn on twitter. it's backfiring A LOT

So she goes to parties where chicks are drugged and raped by gangs of guys, says nothing, AND CONTINUES TO ATTEND THE PARTIES UNTIL SHES RAPED. I mean, after seeing your second or third gang rape, you’d think she’d avoid those parties....maybe go to the movies, find new friends, get a fucking hobby??

So guys correct me if I'm wrong but, reading this she attended a party where shit was going down. Instead of wising up and not going to them she again attends and this time is the girl supposedly drugged and just so happens to specifically remember Kavanaugh among a group of so many all while sedated.

This just gets more crazier by the day.

>Yeah, so I was gangraped multiple times
>But this guy was there drinking ALCOHOL! He can't possibly become a SCOTUS judge!

She graduated in 1980......

Made-up bullshit. Reads like some rape fantasy fanfic.

if merely being in the vicinity of alleged degenerate activities is enough to fuck up someone's life than every person that ever went to college is disqualified from gainful employment

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interesting timing though huh?

I do hope this doesn't backfire and discredit any womans claims of assaults at politicly convenient moments

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Every retarded thing you did before you were 18 now counts against you

victim blaming much???

No, it isn't.
People are all for the accuser now.
Are you reading the tweets?

He stood in line waiting his turn like a cuck? He should have been the first guy raping her. I can no longer support his nomination.

I tried to avoid the 'punch' but ultimately I was train raped Choo Choo

Wahmen are strong and independent and can't be victims

She was hoping to get in on the action but she had already hit the wall and none of those virile underage boys wanted to rape her

Does declaring 'under penalty of perjury' actually bring perjury? I figured perjury only applies if it's applied on you, not if you go "I SWARE ON THE QUEEN MUM"

>Literally admits to fucking and drinking with minors at a party - a felony
>Yeah but you should of seen this kid! He WAS DRINKING AND BEING MEAN!!!!

Holy shit, I hope Avenatti suck-starts a gun. Imagine being this fucking dumb.


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You know who has submitted multiple sworn affadavits and are coming to testify under oath? Kavanaugh's accusers. You know who's hiding in a hotel room in Delaware refusing to testify under oath? Mark Judge.

It's over, Kavanaugh is finished.

What are you talking about you dumb nog he submitted a sworn statement already.

He doesn't want to testify because its 100% his loss and no gain. He has nothing to prove. Away with you, glowing nigger

Didn't they try to erase Alex Jones from the internet for posting made up shit like this as fact?

So if there were long lines of boys participating in this, why can she not name any of them other than Kavanaugh and Judge?

>victim of rape
>can’t remember the exact year it occurred in, let alone month or day