The most efficient way to kill yourself outside of the US is to stick a pole in your mouth and wedge it into your dash then drive as fast as possible into an oncoming truck or brick wall
Why do they withhold guns from citizens? Just to make them suffer each day? I would go as far to say it's inhumane to deny people the right to a gun.
Jews want to keep you alive to keep paying taxes and funding their wars.
Brayden Taylor
Furthermore; i'd say it's quite clear, in fact, that the founding fathers of the US, intended that, anyone could use their firearm to self inflict suicide upon oneself making the process involve as few as possible.
>Why do they withhold guns from citizens? Consolidated, raw, unrestrained power and control. >I would go as far to say it's inhumane to deny people the right to a gun. This is accurate, by denying them access to a gun you're inviting nigs to nog them
Ian Smith
Now that's a shitpost lol
Michael Reed
What happened to girl? Sad
James James
Just buy a long rope or chain, tie one end around a fence or pole, get in your car tie the other end around your throat then hit the gas.
Jason Wood
She looks like she is so lonely she would date me
John Davis
My gramps knew someone who did that with a slow as fuck tractor. They truly were the greatest generation.