The most efficient way to kill yourself outside of the US is to stick a pole in your mouth and wedge it into your dash...

The most efficient way to kill yourself outside of the US is to stick a pole in your mouth and wedge it into your dash then drive as fast as possible into an oncoming truck or brick wall

Why do they withhold guns from citizens? Just to make them suffer each day? I would go as far to say it's inhumane to deny people the right to a gun.

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Jews want to keep you alive to keep paying taxes and funding their wars.

Furthermore; i'd say it's quite clear, in fact, that the founding fathers of the US, intended that, anyone could use their firearm to self inflict suicide upon oneself making the process involve as few as possible.

because for reasons

Attached: GUNS-AND-CRIME-PREVENTION-Injury-Rates-by-Self-Protection-Method.png (1277x907, 66K)

>Why do they withhold guns from citizens?
Consolidated, raw, unrestrained power and control.
>I would go as far to say it's inhumane to deny people the right to a gun.
This is accurate, by denying them access to a gun you're inviting nigs to nog them

Now that's a shitpost lol

What happened to girl? Sad

Just buy a long rope or chain, tie one end around a fence or pole, get in your car tie the other end around your throat then hit the gas.

She looks like she is so lonely she would date me

My gramps knew someone who did that with a slow as fuck tractor. They truly were the greatest generation.

Image search suggest "jpg" and shows 20 hits of the same image all to Jow Forums threads

The government wants to treat you as property. Your existence fills their wallets for them sitting around and blowing through your money. The "firearms lead to higher suicide rates" argument is a facade for what's really going on.

Why the government needs to babysit everything you do is for this reason. They want a stranglehold on your jobs, businesses, and life.

I do not advocate for suicide (in most cases), but the government has no reason to step in. They don't give a shit about you or your livelihood, just that you are around longer to pay your taxes.

you sound like you really want to kill yourself, OP

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Bang and nitrous oxide over your head with a tube, you will pass out first.

the best way is with gas that does not react with your lungs yozu fucking retard

and an abo nigger talking about guns is really funny since you banned them and in germany we have 30 guns for 100 people...

That’s my plan after my parents die, tbqh

Attached: 97128CCB-9AFF-4AAE-8CEC-89921E1210C4.jpg (1486x1304, 1008K)

That's the girl from THE video isn't it?

Holy shit.

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the more of us there are, the worse it is for us, and the better it is for them

that's just a fact