Why even fuck with planes

instead of faking plane impacts on 9/11, why not just concoct a story where terrorists planted bombs in the twin towers and brought them down? you'd accomplish the exact same shit as what happened on 9/11 (instilling hatred towards the middle east, rallying the country for a war on "terror") without all the excess scrutiny.

In short: checkmate, no planers

Attached: no plane.webm (712x480, 2.22M)

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The planes were real, the hijack and passengers were real, they indeed crashed into the Trade Center, not only the terrorist angle helped to get America fucking furious but it also helped to cover the planted explosive inside the building months in advance, this wasnt done in a week nono, they planted explosives for months as not to raise suspicion.

The real reason of why the illuminati did it is because in their rituals they need negative energy that way the demons/aliens that "help" them will be pleased.

911 was basically a sacrifice ritual on a massive scale.

This is not about politics or about money, they have all the money in the world, what they do not have is THE WORLD and thats what they want.

This is the truth and a lot of people know it, we are not all sheep as you may think.

This generation will destroy these parasites mark my words.

Long live humanity!

Truthers are the worst and beyond retarded

Because planting explosives for demolition is a long, and loud, process that you can't just do overnight. For that to happen you would need to cut into part of the steel and concrete and plant the explosives in key parts. This creates a large mess, a lot of noise, and requires trained people to do. Things that normal office workers would notice.






You're an idiot, Erick.

but the no-planers also typically believe that the towers were all but abandoned by the time of the attacks (see "vicsims") theory

I'm hoping that user who turned me on to the clueforums last night will show up again to explain some more shit, now that I've looked into what he was saying

Then you couldn't sell a shitload of bomb sniffing, rape scanning, x-ray equipment, or establish an entire new department and thousands of additional federal jobs. Then you couldn't make air travel like a fucking joke, worse than loading trains headed to Auschwitz.

TSA and real ID

Using a plane creates an excuse to have people randomly searched before traveling and habituates people to being searched without warrants.

Furthermore the plane is a location that the common people would find themselves in thus terrorism ceases to be a threat merely to the government, the elites and those employed by them and instead becomes a threat to everyone.

Attached: Subtember 11th.jpg (700x396, 79K)

>Travelling security intensifies 10x

Attached: D585C292-9BA1-45A8-86F8-BE6072D782D0.jpg (340x370, 43K)

the TSA angle is a strong argument I will admit. Still, it seems like a bit of a stretch to say they couldn't have just roped all that shit in with the new "homeland security" initiative

redpill me on real ID

Because that isn't nearly as flashy and has only a fraction of the shock value.
It's why well worded propaganda is more effective than a monotone voice stating facts.

Attached: 1505095609747.jpg (480x405, 40K)

Yo FEgits, does this look to you like cgi or actual drone footaaaje?

Attached: cgi or actual drone footage.png (1366x768, 1.71M)

Then you cant crack down on airline security. That was the whole point.

Attached: 1537943224183.jpg (282x314, 26K)

10000000000000000% CGI, so what's your point?

redpill me on the fake HANGZHOU footy

Certain people bet against United and American the day before and made tons of money

Because they needed an excuse to lock down the airports. Chemtrails started happening after 9/11.

Real ID = national identity cards masquerading as state ID cards, either your state puts national ID stuff in it or you need a passport to get on a plane

the faking planes is disinfo to make more competent truthers look retarded. Competent conspiracy differs only slightly from known facts. Competent 9/11 theory revolves around undeniable foreknowledge like the dancing Israelis.

(((airport security)))

They killed a LOT of birds with one stone that day.

Some people say they could have just slammed 2 jet liners into the towers and it would have been bad enough to go to war, why control demo them too?
To save money on deconstructing the asbestos ridden WTC. Would have cost 1 billion per building

Harder to make a believable fake narrative on how the bombs got in there. Yea we just let in 20 jihadists with tons of bomb material, let them wire it all up, and then did nothing until they detonated it. Easier to blame a plane. Irony is we did let them wire it with explosives, but see how believable that ended up being?

nah you're just straight up retarded if you think the planes were real at this point. And that goes double for the moon landing. I'm not even gonna dance around it anymore with you boomers. Everything you see on TV is a shoddily-made smokescreen and the glaring flaws are right there RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR EYES and you willfully ignore them because 1: you don't understand how powerful technology is and 2: you subconsciously worship TV

Attached: no planes 2.webm (712x480, 2.59M)


Why the fuck should this guy put cgi fooy in his gay ass vlog?

why do illusionists use distractions when performing tricks?

lol wut?

so that people could blame airplanes as well.

no like actually why?, I wanna know this guys, i wanna dig in his life

Trump is an illusion too



nah, they needed it larger than life so they can make a power move to further enslave and subjugate us in the form of patriot act and the tsa in continuing with the trend of chipping away at our personal liberty, year by year

>none of you guys understand the need for theatrics and showmanship

The idea is that you never forget that moment you witnessed and it sits inside of you and works towards its eventual goal.

Its the same as why school shootings are widely regarded as a bigger problem than serial killers in the shadows.

More people are estimated to die from serial killers, but school shootings take up weeks of airtime and coverage by media.


So they give the TSA an excuse to finger you every time you board an airplane.

Just call them JEWS!

Attached: Wabbit meets Moloch_edited-2.jpg (1400x983, 454K)

No stupid. If no planes them no TSA pat downs. No billions in dollars in scanner purchases

Eat a baby dick, kike.

The Freemasons, reptilian overlords, and Jews want world domination. Since 9/11, they've increased chemtrail poison in our skies, vaccinated autism into our babies, and fed us nothing but GMOs. It's so fucking obvious. WAKE UP ANONS!!!!!

Planes full of passengers dying and then buildings falling down ( for no good reason besides the bombs you mentioned ), is a double or triple whammy.
Planes get hijacked, and sometimes go down.
Sometimes at events or in buildings there's terrorists explosions.
This was all that.
And then building 7. Which fell down for no reason at all as it wasn't hit by anything.
You also need controlled demolition to take a building straight down on it's own footprint.
Especially large ones. Otherwise they'll fall sideways, or roll, or do any number of crazy things.
Which is why controlled demolition is a thing.

Attached: index.jpg (275x183, 9K)

>Earth is flat - Space is fake
>Moon landing was faked
>9/11 was fake, planes were CGI
>9/11 was blown up with nuclear bombs
>9/11 was blown up with energy rays
>A missile hit the pentagon

>2 planes
>3 buildings

the visual of planes flying into buildings was engrained into America's consciousness

I've never given disinfo artists the time of day. You sell certainty of an event with the most absurd explanation. The public won't believe you and all that you do is make it easier for (((them))) to lie to us.

So they can push the police state and have an excuse to add security in airports. Get people used to waiting in lines to be searched and scanned. Now almost 20 years later people don't think twice about it and are wanting body scanners in more areas. We will be like Britain before we know it.

It's the Jew World Order, baby!

Everybody flies. So you more effectively create terror in the general populace when you include the planes. Without the planes the average Joe just says to himself, "Huh. That sucks. Good thing I hardly ever go to any major cities or go to high profile skyscrapers."

this thread is 99 percent full of disinfo artists who agree with me then retard

imagine being this salty

Muh consensus.

this. physics are an irrelevant afterthought when you can just follow the paper trail right to the the perpetrators.


what was the point of WTC 7 falling down? Why would they blow up the tower and expose themselves. was another plane meant to hit the tower? Ive had this idea for a while that the plane that went down in PA was meant for wtc 7.

This, a nose cone doesnt go through an entire building and come out perfectly on the other side.

psychological impact. that's why 2 planes.
the 2nd one was broadcasted live around the world